I wanted to talk about microwaved foods today. Those of you that follow me on Twitter might have seen my Tweet (I still can’t believe that this word is part of our daily vocabulary now!) about seeing packaged, organic spinach that was labeled “microwavable.” It was just the most ironic label and it horrified me so much that I felt compelled to write about it…
First off, what is interesting is that after over 20 years of research, the Russians banned microwave ovens back in 1976, making a strong argument for possible biological and environmental damage and against their safety.
I am really concerned that microwaves may destroy all the nutrition in our food. When I started getting into health years ago I threw out my microwave, and I personally haven’t used one once in literally years. There has been surprisingly little research on how microwaves affect organic molecules, or how the human body responds to consuming microwaved food. The few that there have been do suggest that microwaving food destroys nutritional value.
I’m not just talking about regular cooking through a stove or an oven, which yes, does destroys enzymes and can denature certain nutrients. Microwaves add another element, the “microwave” effect, which is different on a molecular level than regular cooking. How do microwaves work anyway? Microwaves are on the low end of the spectrum of electromagnetic radiation. Microwaves cause dielectric heating, which means they spin around very rapidly inside your oven in such an electric field at high frequencies, and the molecular friction eventually causes the water to turn to steam and that heats up the food. But this can also change the food’s chemical structure.
When we microwave foods, structures of the water molecules are ripped apart and deformed. When we use an oven to heat food, heat is transferred convectionally from the outside and moves inward. Microwave cooking begins within the molecules where water is present.
Studies and reports indicate that microwave ovens can cause carcinogenic toxins to leach out of your plastic and paper containers/covers, and into your food. The January/February 1990 issue of Nutrition Action Newsletter reported the leakage of numerous toxic chemicals from the packaging of common microwavable foods, including pizzas, chips and popcorn. Chemicals included polyethylene terpthalate (PET), benzene, toluene, and xylene. When we microwave fatty foods in plastic containers it can further release dioxins, which are known carcinogens, and other toxins into your food. This has resulted in warnings to new mothers about NOT using the microwave to heat up baby bottles (!!!). If you know of any mothers that microwave baby bottles, you should share this with them (!). I saw a first-time mother unknowingly microwave her baby’s bottle a little while ago at a friend’s house, and when I (very gently and non-judgmentally) told her about some of the risks, she was shocked and said she would not do it anymore.
But back to the food itself. There are some good studies to show the effect of microwaving on food, but I’ll mention just two of them: A study published in the November 2003 issue of The Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture found that broccoli “zapped” in the microwave with a little water lost up to 97 percent of its beneficial antioxidants. What a ripoff!! If that is the case, we might as well eat cardboard then waste our money on organic food that we won’t get nutrition from anyway!
Also, there was a study conducted by Swiss food scientists Hans Hertel and Dr. Bernard Blanc of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology and the University Institute for Biochemistry back in the 1990s. It revealed that microwaves changed the nutrients in food, and adversely affected the human body and blood, including the following ways: Increased cholesterol levels, increased numbers of leukocytes (white blood cells), which can suggest poisoning, decreased numbers of red blood cells.
Lastly, the FDA maintains that small amounts of radiation leakage through the viewing glass of microwave ovens are “insignificant” and “well below the level known to harm people.” Ha! They also say that about cell phones. Check out my blog on how to minimize radiation damage from cell phones HERE. However, according to Powerwatch, a non-profit independent organization with a central role in the microwave radiation debate (“Microwave oven and microwave cooking overview,” Powerwatch):
“Even when the microwave oven is working correctly, the microwave levels within the kitchen are likely to be significantly higher than those from any nearby cellular phone base-stations. Remember also that microwaves will travel through walls if the microwave oven is against an inside wall.”
Huh??? There is a chance that the microwave can produce levels of radiation in your kitchen higher than a CELL PHONE BASE STATION?? Have you run to throw out your microwave yet??
Don’t worry, you won’t miss it as much as you think. Plan ahead, and think of thawing frozen items out the night before of that morning for dinner. Use a toaster oven in place where you might heat things up. Sure it may take a little longer, but it is well worth it to avoid potential health risks to us and our loved ones!! Of course, it would be awesome if we all just ate more raw food in general- like huge salads- and avoided having to zap and heat things up all the time anyway!
For more info., and where some of this info came from and more reference studies, check out:
Take care and be well – bring some zen into your kitchen with my truffle recipe.
With Love, Kimberly
Ugh! Just ate lunch from the microwave! Officially in the trash now! On another note, I am a huge fan of your blog. It has helped me through my transition to becoming a vegan/raw food lover. I went through a tough month of my close friends and family fighting with me about my decision, and you blog continues to give me the inspiration to stick to my own lifestyle choices so thank you. I would like to try to make a large portion of my diet raw and was wondering if you could recommend any tips or literature to help me gain more knowledge..I was going to buy Dr. Jubbs’ book…but thought I would try with you first.
Much love and thanks,
Hi Jessie!
Great for you. Remember you don’t have to be all raw all the time- I am not. I like cooked food sometimes and in winter, and it balances me sometimes. So keep everything in balance. Vegan though- 100% all the time! Try to focus on lots of salads and smoothies. Don’t drown in the nuts and oils though like most raw food books recommend!
It’s hard to control portions when you think “this is natural and healthy”, but ultimately consume extra calories. Nuts + oils like coconut just taste so darn good!!! I still don’t even know what a portion of nuts/oils is for a day.
I still would rather have a little pudge from healthy fats + tasty foods than too many Doritos! :)
I use my microwave to heat my water (then add tea or lemon), is this ok? It’s such a time-saver and the tea kettle whistle isn’t ok as it might wake my sleeping kids!
Thanks for the info that microwaves destroy nutrients, makes me regret all the veggies that I warm up for my kids :(
Glad I’m learning something new though!
What about an electric tea kettle? I don’t know a lot about them, but I know that there are definitely ones that don’t whistle. :)
Hi Lyn!
Well when we know better we do better!
I would not recommend heating water in the microwave either. Some derangement could occur even with that…
I lift the top off my tea kettle so it doesn’t whistle, but I see the steam and I know it is ready. You are worth it for the extra time and any possible reduced risk. :)
I have to admit, I buy that spinach (I DONT MICROWAVE IT!!!!) For smoothies, since it is the only organic spinach my Whole Foods has. But I don’t own a microwave. When I moved into my house a year and a half ago the previous owners didn’t leave one and we didn’t want one (for all the reasons you listed here). On the shelf where a microwave would go I have my dehydrator! :) YAY!
Hi Love,
If you can get to the farmer’s market sometime the spinach is 2 bags for $3!!!!!!!!!! :)
This is terrifying! When I moved to a new apartment 2 years ago, it didn’t have a microwave. I kept meaning to buy one, because I used one all the time prior to that and I thought, how can I live? What will I eat? But somehow I never got around to buying one and slowly realized that I didn’t need to–it forced me to actually get in the kitchen and make things. It forced me to slow down and pay attention. I lost some weight and definately saved money. When I moved again last year I didn’t even think about getting one…Unlike you, I’m kind of smug about it, since everyone I work with says, “I can’t believe you live without a microwave! You mean you actually MAKE dinner?” Avoiding the health risks is really just a bonus.
Wow! That is wonderful!! How lucky your karma is that your prior apartment didn’t have one at all!!
I never thought about it that way! Oh, that makes me laugh–it was the biggest slum hell-hole you ever saw with a beast of a landlord–but from now on I’m going to only remember that my karma was lucky to let me live there and break my use of a microwave!
With your mind-set, Kimberly, you will never, ever grow old!
Hey Kim! :)
Ive been eating raw for 3 months now thanks to you! :) and i feel amazing!!! Mentally and phusically ive changed and for the better! I just really wanted to thank you. :)
best wishes kimberly!
Oh great Corinna! If you experience any detox symptoms slow up a bit. Keep in touch on how you do!
I know you’re not a fan of coffee- but I’d noticed that when coffee gets cold and I reheat it in the microwave it’s noticably a lot more bitter. I did some research on it and found that microwaves actually change the genetic make-up of the coffee and that’s why it doesn’t taste as good. I figured if it can change the composition of coffee, it could do the same to other food. I decided to stick to my stove whenever possible after that!
Oh wow! Thanks for sharing that. Ugh! It tastes more bitter in the microwave probably b/c it makes the coffee become more and more acid-forming in our bodies!
Off-the-topic question for you (but it’s on my mind because it’s finally starting to seem like spring/summer around here!). I know no melons with other stuff, but what about pineapple? I mean, pineapple in the green smoothie? I’m just craving really juicy warm weather fruit right now!
Off-the-topic question for you (but it’s on my mind because it’s finally starting to seem like spring/summer around here!). I know no melons with other stuff, but what about pineapple? I mean, pineapple in the green smoothie? I’m just craving really juicy warm weather fruit right now!
P.S. – Sorry, forgot to tell you great post!
Hi Morgan! I add pineapple to the smoothie for one of my clients and that is the only way she can drink it! You are right about the melon, but the pineapple should digest just fine.
Love, Kimberly
Thanks for the wonderful post, Kimberly! I haven’t used a microwave in 3 years, after reading a few articles about the dangers. When I mention it to people, they look at me like I have 2 heads. I re-heat everything in the toaster oven.
I’ve read studies about microwaved water, even after it was cooled, killed plants. I don’t even microwave water!
Thanks Kimberly!!
Hi Kristy! Good for you! Isn’t it crazy how people get conditioned and don’t question? Keep spreadin’ the word!
Love, Kimberly
Thanks for sharing this! I still use the microwave once in awhile, but have cut down a LOT over the past few months. I read about one person in the 90s that seemed to have been killed from receiving a transufusion that had been warmed up in the microwave and that did it for me! I just heat up leftovers on the stove, and when I make tea, I just heat the water in a little saucepot; it’s just as fast as the microwave!
Yes, don’t heat up tea water in the microwave! Maybe soon you will want to throw it away as you will not want it at all. :)
Hello Kim,
Amen to all of this. My energy levels practically shot through the roof when I stopped using microwaves after being educated about them a few years ago.
Keep up the great work!
Yay for you!! I hope more follow suit. :)
When I was about 8, my Dad threw out our microwave because he read how bad it is and since then I have never had one. People that come to my house wonder how we can live without a microwave and I wonder how they can they eat food from a microwave! It tastes really bad!
Isn’t it crazy? I read 90% of American households have a microwave! I will never allow one in my household.
Haven’t used or owned a microwave for 5 years after reading the studies from Russia. Scary! What is really sad is that I talked to a Marine the other night and the only thing they are allowed to have in their quarters is a microwave – no toaster oven, hotplate, or anything else. Pretty sad that the people defending our country are getting horrible food anyway, but they don’t even have the option to cook anything else unless it is in a microwave. :(
WHAT????? Horrific! The people in charge of that should read what the Russians researched!
Hi Kimberly and fellow blogees,
Could you give your opinion/knowledge about TCM tongue diagnosing. I have noticed that since going raw vegan for the past 4 months (I was strict vegetarian for 5.5 years) that I have developed a yellow coating on the back/middle of my tongue with swollen edges on the sides. I researched TCM diagnosing, but cant interpret the results. I have no medical issues and this is a new symptom for me. Could it be caused by too much of something in my diet, i.e. fats?
Thank you!
HI Dawn,
I am not a tongue reading expert. But if you just went raw that is a much higher vibration than just vegetarian, and that often elicits a cleansing response. Through osmosis, mucus, etc. can travel up the throat and onto the tongue as we cleanse. My tongue got pretty coated at one point, but now it has cleared out. If you are concerned see an expert though or your doctor!
Let me know how you do with that.
Lots of love, Kimberly
I once heard that my grandmother refused to use microwaves after she read about a study that found that plants could not survive on normal temperature water that had been microwaved at some point previous to watering. So I was already wary of microwaving food before your email, but your data simply blew me away! I can’t believe that the radiation goes outside the microwave itself! You’re right, my microwave does belong in the trash! As always, you are right on, Kimberly. Thanks for keeping us safe!
P.S. The FDA seems to be behind on many things…
HI Sarah, Wow about the grandmommy. She must be cool!
The FDA is behind on a LOT of things, to put it kindly.
I have to depend on microwave food. So I don’t have any idea about this topic.
Hi Katie,
Can you substitute some of the microwaved foods for avocados, bananas, and other peeled foods?
THANK YOU so much for this very useful information Kimberly!
I will pass on to to my friends and loved ones.
Great, spread it girl!! We all have to help each other. :)
Love, Kimberly
Hi Everyone and Kimberly!
I threw out my microwave and just bought a Excalibur dehydrator and am so excited! Any chance you can post a beginners cracker or crisp recipe?
Hey why don’t you make the Goji-Acai granola I posted??? It is SO yummy!!!
thanks to you for the information.
Hi Kimberly,
I also can’t believe that “microwave spinach” is sold!
I love using limes in recipes, but sometimes they can be difficult to get juice out of. I know that microwaving them for a few seconds makes the juice so much easier to get out, but since I don’t own a microwave (nor do I want to!), do you know of any other ways to make them easier to juice?
Hi Love,
Cut the lime in half then stick a fork in it. Use the fork for leverage to twist the lime and juice that sucker! :)
This is such a great resource that you are providing and you give it away for free. I love seeing websites that understand the value of providing a quality information. Thanks for sharing.
You put informative article and after reading i have decided not to warm my food in microwave.You have to do intensive effort as most of people in the world using microwave every day!!!
We were very happy to know the site.I want to thank you for this specific awesome read!! Certainly savoring every single part of it and i also bookmarked to follow fresh stuff you publish.
Great Carie!
I actually savored studying it. I need to find out much more about this matter. I’m appreciating time and energy you devoted your site, considering that it truly is good location just where I can discover lots of valuable articles.
thanks for the great article, I never used a microwave in my whole Life. since I came to the US I see Microwaves everywhere. What is so good about them? When I tell people not to us them and why they look at me and telling I am stupid.
Oh ,well everybody has to find out theirselves.
Cleaned my kitchen today and realised I have not used my microwave oven since I brought your book and started following your principles in January…so I got rid of it! I now have more bench space for chopping…YAY!
Love your book and site!
Hello there, I found your web site by way of Google even as looking for a related topic, your web site got here up, it appears good. I’ve bookmarked it in my google bookmarks.
I have never owned a microwave. Years ago when they first came out I was told that pregnant women should not go near them, nor anyone with a pacemaker. That was all I needed to hear. More recently people have told me that NOW they are safe, but the technology is the same. Young children also enjoy using it to make popcorn and heat snacks. They stand right on top of the microwave while it is zapping the food. Thanks for raising awareness about this household hazard
Great post! I stumbled on it as I was writing a post to encourage my readers to do the same–throw the microwave out! It is only good for disinfecting dishcloths, and I will not devote an appliance solely for that honorable task :P Thanks!