If you like learning how to make amazingly delicious, beautifying recipes—you’re going to love this! Because I’m giving you a video demo of yet another recipe from Beauty Detox Foods.
It’s my Sweet Potato Pie—which is one of my clients Channing’s favorite recipes and something that’s soooooooo good, especially in the colder months. Gives you that warm, filling sensation in your tummy without being heavy at all- while packed with beauty- building nutrients.
I hope you enjoy it! It’s just one of the 87 recipes that you’ll find inside the colorful pages of Beauty Detox Foods! And just a reminder—I’m so excited to say that the book arrives just 3 days from now
In love and health,
Hi, sorry to be picky…but the pie is called a Shepherds pie…..the spelling is important..because the guy that looked after the sheep…was a sheep herder….thus Shep-herd….not Sheppard…which is a surname but nothing to do with the pie….!
Hi There, just wondering why you don’t use actual free range egg whites? I didn’t think these would harm the body and not be considered a beauty food in small portions?
Hi Kimberly! I just ate this shepard’s pie for dinner tonight. So awesome. I feel so blessed that I have discovered the beauty detox recipies. I am praying your message of health and nutrition will continue to spread and change lives. I tell as many people as I can about your books and website. I share what I have learned from you to my dental patients too :+) ….. as I have a captive audience for an hour at a time! Systemic health ties right in to oral health. It is so important. God Bless you Kimberly. Thanks for all of your hard work!
I would use Chia seeds as an egg replacer – 1tblsp of chia seeds and 2 tblsp water leave for a couple of minutes and it will gel up and becomes an excellent egg replacer
Hey Kimberly!
I’m diving into green smoothies full go as of today and came across your home base here. Now this sweet potato shepherds pie looks absolutely amazing!! So it seems I found the first gem of many I’m sure on your site.
Looking forward to checking in here and snagging up some of your recipes. I’ll keep you posted! :)
What do u use for thickening?
I just want to say that I love you´re recepies and you´re videos. You are a true inspiration! Thank you for charing! And also can I by you´re book from Sweden?
Have a lovely weekend!
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