Kim and Tony talk about other ways to detox your life, outside of food and diet. They discuss how friendships, relationships, thoughts, beliefs, and more are all interconnected and have an influence on your health and beauty. Being self-aware and making subtle, authentic shifts can help you realize yourself and your inner power.
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Here are the show notes for this podcast:
How Detoxing Your Diet Can Lead to Detoxifying Other Areas of Your Life
Old emotions can get stirred up with detoxifying dietary changes and take some people by surprise. Be aware of the emotions, observe them without judgment, and then let them go as part of your healing process. Once you’re feeling less weighed down, you may also feel the urge to clean other areas of your life–your closet, your relationships, your thoughts, and more, so the outside environment reflects your internal one.
Detoxing Your Thoughts
As we cleanse, we tend to tune in and become more aware of what we’re thinking. You’ll realize you’re more than just your thoughts, but your thoughts can influence how you feel. When you’re cleansing, negative thoughts start to stand out more and feel incompatible with your new state of mind. When you change your thoughts, you change your life.
Changing or Letting Go of Friendships and Relationships
Sometimes as you detox and change your thoughts, you’ll realize that these relationships need to be changed or let go of in order for you to continue vibrating at a higher level. This is completely healthy and not selfish at all. You’ll want to be around people who inspire and energize you. In turn, your vibration will grow higher and you’ll become a source of inspiration for others (maybe even those old friends).
Some relationships won’t need to end completely, but you will have to learn to be fearless in standing up for what you want. Pay attention to your heart, listen, and make these decisions from an authentic place. Bad emotions like frustration and anger have negative effects on your heath just like bad food.
Be Conscious of Your Daily Habits and What You Expose Yourself To
You can pick up more toxicity in your life via the media. The movies you watch, ads, magazines, websites, phone apps, drama-filled television shows, etc, expose your mind to negativity as if you’re living it. Be conscious of where you put your attention.
Inspect Your Beliefs
What you believe could be holding you back in realizing yourself and your infinite potential. These beliefs may not necessarily be true or serving you, but it’s scary to let them go. Ask yourself why you do the things you do or why you don’t do the things you really want to do. Why are you so attached to certain ideas or behaviors? Make small shifts that will allow you to unravel these beliefs (like focusing on health instead of a number on the scale or calories in vs. calories burned).
First of all, I love your podcasts. They are amazing, Ive listened to all of them more than once. Love putting them on when Im going for a walk or doing the cleaning! :) Its funny how I just started focusing on my night routine, so thank you for a spot on podcast !
heart warrior from Norway
Dear Kimberly, I loved the podcast that was attached (which was about sleep), but think that this was accidentally swapped with the number 8 podcast about detoxifying your entire life. The topic above sounds great, and I’m really looking forward to hearing it! :) Thanks so much for sharing.
This podcast was about sleep. Good, but I’d also like to hear the one called “Detox Beyond Food” that this post is about!