As we all know, the holidays are a rough time for eating well, with more potential for weight gain than at any other time of the year.
That’s why today’s post is going to be all about how to accelerate fat burning and the concept of “thermogenesis” — something I cover extensively in the free 24/7 Fat Loss Course we’re giving away along with pre-orders of The Beauty Detox Power.
This information will get you started on reducing the hidden factors that could be leading to weight gain, as well as helping supercharge your metabolism and fat burning.
What Is Thermogenesis?
Simply put, thermogenesis is the process by which your body produces heat. It’s of special importance to the weight loss conversation because your rate of thermogenesis affects your ability to burn calories and fat.
There are several types of thermogenesis [1]:
- Exercise associated thermogenesis (EAT) — which is the heat production that occurs as a result of exercise
- Non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT) — which can be influenced by many factors, even how much you use your brain throughout the day!
- Diet-induced thermogenesis (DIT) — this is the rate of calories burned and heat produced as a result of what you eat
As you’ll see in a moment, each of these factors can be improved through the adoption of some simple lifestyle tips that I cover here and in our 24/7 Fat Loss Course.
Secret #1: Understand The Stress Connection
One of the main causes of weight gain is stress. In the hectic world we live in, stress is running rampant. It sounds so simple, yet getting people to relax seems to be a challenge of enormous proportions. And the problem with being in a stressed out, “fight or flight” state all the time is that it triggers a hormone called cortisol, which can directly add fat to your waistline.
In fact, one study found that the sense of “uncontrollable stress” and the cortisol this feeling triggered added fat directly to the midsection of the individuals studied. Just 60 minutes of daily stress (which is scary, because many of us get much more!), actually produced a negative change in the waist-to-hip ratio of the subjects. [2]
I go into much greater depth on the effect of our stress, anxiety and our thoughts influence on our weight inside The Beauty Detox Power, and I cover some very powerful stress relievers in the book as well as the 24/7 Fat Loss Course. But one tip you can take away from this article now is that, especially if you’re a “type A” personality, you need to shift your thinking around relaxation. Don’t see it as wasting time or something you can’t afford to prioritize — instead, think of it as “passive fat burning.” Because that’s exactly what it is!
Here are some practical ways to reduce stress each day:
- Do yoga — just 10-15 minutes makes a difference!
- Meditate — as little as 3 minutes has an impact; inside 24/7 Fat Loss we cover an even shorter technique that is very powerful!
- Take a deep breath — in the middle of the day, just stop, and breathe. It’s amazing what the difference three slow deep breaths can make in your energy level and ability to concentrate.
- Read a book — this can be so soothing, it’s surprising how many of us no longer feel we “have time” for this! I recommend unplugging from electronics and reading a real, physical book you actual hold in your hands.
- Get a massage — whether you can go to a therapist, or you need to ask your hubby or take turns with a friend, don’t be shy about this one!
Bottom line: Whatever relaxing means to you, do it. Any way you reduce your stress will optimize your hormones and improve your body’s ability to burn fat for energy, i.e. your non-exercise activity thermogenesis, which is in effect all day long.
Secret #2: How to Flush the Fat Away
We all know how important water is, yet most do not realize the incredible role it plays in fat burning and metabolism! It may sound too simple to be true, but some of that sluggish metabolism could be really influenced by. Water flushes toxins and is vital to get nutrients to all the cells of your body. This in turn affects everything, including your thermogenesis and body fat composition!
A recent study out of the University of Connecticut found as little as 1.5% loss in the body’s normal water volume is enough to spark the downhill slide – and you don’t have to have just sweat for an hour on the treadmill to get dehydrated. Another study found that slight decreases in your hydration levels had a direct, negative effect on hormones, metabolism and muscle-building ability. [3]
Keep in mind, thirst most likely won’t be the first sign you’re in need of a little H2O, fatigue and loss of concentration will be. So, fight this simple source of sleepiness and drink your water. The Institute of Medicine says that’s at least 13 8-oz. glasses a day for men and nine for women.
Also, if you’re interested in super-charging your hydration and ability to burn fat around the clock, pay special attention to the first tip (and scientific explanation) I provide in 24/7 Fat Loss, which again, is FREE when you pre-order The Beauty Detox Power. Because it will give you a whole new perspective on how you start your day, and how you hydrate throughout!
Not sure if you’re a victim of dehydration? Do the urine check. It should be very pale yellow. If it’s any darker, that’s a sign it’s time to hit the water cooler. And if you simply can’t remember to drink up, there are plenty of apps now that will remind you!
Secret #3: Thermogenic Exercise
I used to run like crazy in my attempt to lose weight, and I still remember the frustrated feeling of pounding the pavement each day — only to see zero change in my body fat or on the scale.
It turns out, cardio isn’t the best form of exercise for weight loss and boosting thermogenesis. What you really want to do is either higher intensity work for shorter bursts of time — or perform exercises that build strength. I tend to do the latter, focusing on yoga poses and postures that strengthen my entire body in unison, and I almost never do cardio (except for some hikes when I’m in LA, which I really enjoy).
High intensity is fine, just be sure you don’t stress your joints. Swimming is an excellent choice, if you have access to a pool. Also, hiking — where you alternate walking fast and slow — can be an excellent way to achieve this. One study at a prestigious University in Canada found that subjects burned more calories from fat in 4 minutes of high-intensity training than they did in 45 minutes of traditional cardio! [4]
These types of exercise also increase your energy, which can promote greater long-term fat burning as well. Research has shown that simple, low-intensity exercise such as walking or an easy level of aerobic activity is enough for people to detect a noticeable difference in their level of fatigue. While scientists say they’re not exactly sure why the beneficial relationship exists, they believe it has to do with the impact of exercise on the central nervous system.
That means just getting out for a walk at lunchtime or walking around the office could be what you need for a little boost during the day. For specifics about how to make walking even more effective for shedding weight, especially after meals, be sure you submit your receipt for The Beauty Detox Power and immediately download your 24/7 Fat Loss Course. This is one of my favorite tips, because it’s so easy and produces such powerful results.
Secret #4: Supercharge Your Sleep
It seems so obvious. Of course if you’re tired, sleep. But there’s a difference between collapsing into bed then tossing and turning all night and getting deeply restful sleep.
First, know that it’s important to make quality sleep a priority. When you do, you’ll get a better idea of how much sleep your individual body really needs. Improving your sleep each night starts with a consistent sleep/wake schedule and allowing yourself to relax (there’s that word again) one hour before going to bed.
Here are a few other ways to make sure you’re getting beneficial shut-eye:
- Use your bed for sleeping and only sleeping – not for watching television, working on the computer or using your phone
- If you choose to read, which can be excellent, use a physical book (as you see me in the pic above!) and not a tablet or phone — the bright lights can be disruptive
- Make sure your mattress is right for you, and not too hard — many people, especially those with natural beds, actually get their mattresses too firm and this can lead to excessive tossing and turning
- If you use any caffeine or other stimulants during the day, which I don’t recommend, at least avoid them after lunch time. Studies show caffeine consumed later in the day has a direct, negative impact on sleep quality. [5]
This is only the beginning. Two of the best (and weirdly effective!) tips I’ve ever discovered about the relationship between sleep and weight loss are inside the 24/7 Fat Loss Course, and I highly encourage you to try them out. Already, we’ve gotten incredible feedback on that information and I’m sure it will make a tremendous impact on your fat burning and weight as well.
There’s So Much More to Share!
I’ve provided you with some great info in this post: first, about what thermogenesis is and the role it plays in your body. And then, going into four powerful secrets (along with accompanying tips) that you can use to better maximize your body’s thermogenic capacity.
If you like what you’ve read, then I’m confident you’ll LOVE the free 24/7 Fat Loss Course, which goes even deeper and provides 10 powerful secrets that you can use from morning until night — to ensure that your body is ALWAY burning fat as effectively as possible.
There is no cost, it comes complimentary with your pre-order of The Beauty Detox Power and is available for download immediately.
Combined with what we learned today and everything you’ll get inside that course, I’m confident you’ll be well on your way to actually leaning up during this holiday season — not gaining, like so many others do.
Best wishes to you, your family and have an amazing Thanksgiving tomorrow!
I took used to struggle with weight and obsessing over exercise and calories to try to get it under control…but the Beauty Detox lifestyle changed everything for me. I sincerely wish the same for you. Your energy is so precious, you can take all that worrying about food and how your body looks and apply it to other things in life, including your spiritual, professional and personal goals!
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
Hi Kimberly,
Love the frequency of your posts :) I just wanted to ask you: I preordered the Beauty Detox Power and had no email with instructions for the bonus material. I uploaded a photo of my receipt but haven’t heard anything back. Can you help me?
Curious about the reason you don’t do cardio. I can’t go a day without it! Also can you leave more detailed references? Thanks
I have been utilizing the 24/7 fat burning tips, eating BIG salads for lunch and drinking the ggs daily for about four weeks. I have lost just over 3 1/2″ around my abdomen! No significant weight loss, which confirms how influential improved digestion and the 24/7 fat loss tips are! Thank you Kimberly.