Today we officially welcome in 2015! This can be an exciting time of year for all of us, but it can also be overwhelming and frustrating. Many people give up on their New Year’s Resolutions within a few weeks of starting. One big reason this can happen is often we commit to change too much too soon. We all feel super motivated come January 1st, but unrealistic goals can stop almost anyone in their tracks!
Many of you may notice the TV, radio and internet are inundated right now with ads for fad diets, diet pills and other gimmicks to help you lose weight. These ads and products often promise results in unrealistic time frames and require restriction on food intake! Eating to fuel our bodies should be a joyous experience and not a constant burden that drains our Beauty Energy and makes us feel frustrated and confused!
I have been teaching for years in The Beauty Detox Solution, The Beauty Detox Foods and The Glowing Lean System – “Progress, Not Perfection”. My goal has been to map out a success plan with easy tools and steps that are feasible for you to follow so you can see long term and long lasting results!
Are you are feeling motivated with the New Year here? Now is the time to tap into that energy by setting up your ongoing foundation for cleansing and detoxifying! Make sure you read all the way to the end of today’s blog where I share a special announcement!
I have always emphasized in my Beauty Detox program that cleansing and detoxifying should be an ongoing endeavor. Every day bi-products of digestion and natural metabolic processes need to get cleared out of the body, as well as heavy metals pollution, etc. You wouldn’t just clean your house a few times a year, would you? Cleansing should be thought of as a verb, not just a noun.
Cleansing and detoxifying are ongoing processes. This is a timeless topic, I remember when I spoke to Rachel, a writer at Vogue, we discussed how unfortunate it is that many cleanses out there are approached synonymously as a crash diet, and people just do them as a quick way to lose weight. I do not believe in cleanses that are conducted in that way. This time of year people are especially vulnerable to these “crash diet” techniques since the holidays are wrapping up and everyone is looking to lose that extra holiday weight!
Remember that you have the power inside of you to change anything you want about yourself! The first step to success is believing in yourself and focusing on positive thoughts! It is one of your greatest tools in your toolbox! I am also here to help support you in reaching your goals with my books, blog, free meditations and online programs to help you kick start 2015 with a long-term goal: To get healthy and feel beautiful from the inside out!
Let’s talk a little more about a big theme that is pushed around the New Year’s: Detoxification
Detoxification is a natural process our body engages in, and it’s wonderful for us to support it and help our bodies be more efficient in detoxifying toxins. But the idea of detoxing is often misunderstood. And many companies and businesses try to capitalize and push just “detox” diets, and diet pills that are not beneficial to your body! Our bodies are amazing machines and we have to make sure they are working properly to see the best results. One true way we detox is through elimination. Yup I said it! Elimination! If you are not going to the bathroom regularly you are not able to detox toxins from your body properly! Just losing water weight for a few days is not the same as expelling more waste on a regular long-term basis, which is very important.
Many of us do not go to the bathroom enough due to our diets and lifestyles. If we are not eliminating properly those toxins and sludge are staying in our bodies and can contribute to premature aging, weight gain and bloating. In case you missed them or need a refresher, I highly recommend you check out two of our most popular blogs ever: What Your Poop and Pee Are Telling You About Your Body! & Introducing DETOXY+: Our Powerful Internal Cleanser!
I feel very strongly about cleansing properly (emphasis on the word “properly” and not a random mix or combination) and it has contributed to my passion to create Glow Bio, my organic smoothie and juice shop in LA. My schedule is booked with clients and projects to help support our community, and it isn’t possible for me to be a nutritionist to everyone personally. Fortunately Glow Bio is the next closest thing to having me at your nutritional service, since I created all the cleanses and recipes personally!
I realized that so many other companies were not offering balanced options for their customers. Some establishments may be organic and plant-based, but they aren’t unrefined because they use heavily refined products like agave.. And some places are organic, but practice poor food combining (ie mixing fresh fruit with nuts or protein powder, etc.) and don’t pre-hydrate or activate foods to specifically optimize digestion.
At GLOW BIO, our 100% organic cleanse programs include starting and ending each day with the fiber-filled Glowing Green Smoothie to push out the toxins from your system (the true definition of a cleanse), cold pressed juices infused with probiotics, and specific boosters, such as our Debloater, to help flush water weight out of your body, and our Supreme Soother, to help reduce inflammation and purify your blood.
Our 1, 3 and 5 day cleanses are designed to help you get back on track to your long-term lifestyle of ongoing cleansing, when you feel you need a kick in the butt or need to get through a rough patch where you fell off the wagon. Our cleanses are not intended to be a cure-all or a fad diet. They are designed as helpful tools to help you get back to the long-term progress and better eating habits that is necessary for long-term success. My Glowing Green Smoothie recipe is available to everyone and is a wonderful way to start to increase more plant-based nutrients and fiber into your diet as a way to incorporate ongoing cleansing into your life!
Our almond milk is made from soaked and sprouted almonds. And in all our Glow Bio products in general, we only use pure stevia and raw coconut nectar (a low fructose product) as sweeteners, and never use agave, which is an extremely high fructose product, which can lead to health issues, weight gain and accelerate advanced glycation end products (which may be a precursor to wrinkles), and is not a whole food found in nature. Instead, agave usually has to undergo extensive processing to arrive in a sweet liquid syrup form, which may involve many chemicals and/or heating processes.
We do not use processed soy products such as texturized vegetable protein, soy protein isolates or soy milk, nor highly refined dairy products such as whey protein, whey protein isolates or low-fat skim milk powders, which are commonly the base of many smoothies out there. We use minimal oils, as oils are also not naturally found in nature separate from a whole food form. Natural ingredients in their natural state are the foundational ingredients that make up our products.
The mantra upon which Glow Bio’s philosophy is founded is 3-fold: Ingest, Digest, Manifest: This is an excellent mantra to start your year out with as well! This mantra will help you stay focused on your health and beauty goals as it addresses three main beauty staples! Below I am going to break down and describe in further detail how you can use our philosophy and apply this mantra in your life!
I know everyone has heard the phrase “ You are what you eat!” What you put into your body becomes the fuel upon which all the cells in your body become formed. Build your body from the most superior products on earth: Glow Beauty Foods!
You may think to yourself…Why Organic? Your body deserves the best food you can give yourself. Organic ingredients are free of neurotoxic pesticides and are grown in better quality soil, to help product more mineral-rich, nutritious foods. The more naturally superior your foods are, the more naturally superior your health becomes. Read more in-depth information on organic foods here: This Will Make You Change Your Mind About Not Buying Organic Every Time.
Plants are abundant in the essential nutrients necessary for thriving health, including a wide spectrum of minerals, antioxidants, vitamins, amino acids to form proteins, enzymes, fiber and thousands of other phytonutrients. I understand that many on the Beauty Detox plan chooses to eat some meat, and are not vegan or vegetarian. That is okay, because it is not all or nothing. If you are still transitioning or an omnivore, try to increase your amount of plant based foods in 2015! Plant foods digest efficiently and quickly through your long and winding digestive tract, without leaving acidic toxins and wastes.
And remember folks- cold pressed does not ever automatically mean organic! A lot of cold pressed or juice or smoothies places don’t necessarily use organic. So be sure to always check, because why cleanse or pay money for something only to flood your body with a bunch of pesticides and toxins?? That really doesn’t make sense to me, and I’m sure it doesn’t make sense to you also!
One of the huge parts of our diet and key to success in weight loss is Digestion! As I have spoken about for many years and in my book The Beauty Detox Solution, We use so much Beauty Energy with improper digestion. That is why it is so important to eat Light to Heavy and practice proper Beauty Food Pairing as much as possible. Digestion is the critical middle step between the input and output of the body. How exhaustive the process of digestion is determines how fully (or not) whatever you ingest can be fully utilized by you body. Utilizing powerful digestive enhancers that work with body’s natural biochemistry, Glow products optimize digestion, ensuring that you obtain the maximum amount of nutrition while saving the maximum amount of energy from digestion.
In 2015 you can absolutely manifest the results you have been looking for! You do not have to subscribe to any limitations.
The results of regularly ingesting and efficiently digesting Beauty Foods are long-term health, increased energy and beauty. A healthy body has no obstructions to the expression of its own life force, which extends to healthy blood, joints, bones and all other tissues.
I talk a lot about Beauty Foods and how they define beauty not in a superficial way, but as external proof of abundant minerals and nutrients distributed throughout your cellular tissues, and visible through glowing skin, healthy hair and bright eyes. Vigor is also created in your body, which is defined as superb strength and energy, and being able to move and live in a powerful way.
Vibrant youthfulness is also obtained, which is independent of chronological age but rather decided on biological age, ie how youthful your internal organs can be maintained. You can create all these outward manifestations from strengthening your body’s balance from the inside out by adapting your body to the Beauty Detox Lifestyle and practicing ongoing cleansing and detoxification!
My Beauty Detox Program and Glow Bio were designed around these principles and I wanted to share how you can take hold of them and use them in your own life!
To celebrate the New Year Glow Bio is offering an amazing sale today until January 15! Enter Promo Code ‘RESOLUTION’ at checkout to save 5% on any cleanse + receive a FREE Immunity 5 Booster Pack (up to a $35 value)
Go to today!
Lastly, I would love for you to take a few minutes to journal after reading this post. This is an incredibly powerful practice, as I mentioned in my blog on 7 habits to help make you more efficient in reaching your goals.
This is a magical time. Take a pause to think of your success and growth in 2014, even with things that may have not seemed so positive at the time. Think about how you can increase the positives and what you want to shift or not put energy towards anymore. Pausing to reflect before creating goals and actions, and really figuring out what you really want, is essential to your success.
Take as little or as much time as you want and try to answer these 3 questions:
1. What do I feel successful in right now and how can I add to my current success?
2. What is the biggest thing I want to improve upon this year?
3. What do I struggle with in the past that I want to succeed in?
Take care and talk soon. Happy New Year! Cheers!!
Love and gratitude,
P.S. Stay tuned for an exciting announcement early next week where I will reveal information about my first Beauty Detox Day Retreat! Space is limited and tickets will go on sale next week! I can not wait to share more on this wonderful event that is designed to help support you and your goals for the New Year!
it is mentioned in the book, Beauty Detox, to use magnesium oxygen. Is this the same as Mag Oxide?
Thank you!
How do l use silicon for my hair and nails
Dear Kimberly,
I am writing to you out of frustration and an overwhelming feeling about what is and what isn’t working with my food consumption.
I am 48yrs old, however, rarely do people think I am older than mid 30’s. I have always considered myself “healthy,” although I was never conscious of what I ate. Consumed a lot of sugar, processed foods, and ate very few fruits and veggies. I started perimenopause at age 41, had twins at 42 and have been menopausal for 4yrs. Just recently was diagnosed with Hashimotos, am on thyroid meds, my adrenals were out of wack and am on progesterone and testosterone creams. Have also had anxiety for the past 4yrs (and I have never been a worrier), although it has gotten much better. Up until 3wks ago, I would only get 3-4hrs of sleep a night.
In my late 30’s I changed my diet so that I consumed less sugar and white flour. Ate more fruits and veggies, and was careful about processed foods. about 9mo ago I changed my diet again and started juicing, cut out meat and started using hemp as protein and eating more nuts, and whole grains(quinoa, brown rice, oatmeal) and just trying to eat plant based (I did purchase your book about 2yrs ago, but only focused on the GGS).
Just picked up your book today and started reading through it, and going to follow your advice this time and see if I notice changes. I have had bags under my eyes for the last 2yrs (and have tried so many different products, with no help), and my skin (especially arms,hands,legs) is just always dry. I realize you can not give me any medical advice, but would love to hear any advice that you could point me in the right direction. I think looking into the mirror and feeling like I look so old because of the under eye bags, has me so down.
Thank you so much for taking your time to read this.
Theresa Guyer
Theresa – Your off to a great start with the Beauty Detox Solution. It will guide you and put
you on the right path. Remember progress not perfection. Let me know how you
are doing on the program. xo
Too many good things to say! A New Years toast to you Kimberly for providing invaluable (and free!) knowledge to your readers!