This video features one of the most adorable little boys in the whole world – Cedric! – and the smoothie recipe that was inspired by him and my trip to Africa. You’ll also see some great footage from Gardens for Health International, an amazing non-profit that we love and support. Enjoy!
I love that you did this. It’s the simplest things like this that CAN CHANGE the world. Education and advocacy. I bet it taste so good. Yay Cedrick !!!!! Good food yeilds a good world.
I am so lost now after finding out about your books, teachings, & way of living. I sincerely appreciate all that you have given us as ‘readers,’ trust me I’m a HUGE fan of yours & look up to you more than I can say I do with anybody else.. but speaking in my experience only, (& i’m going to get really honest) I feel compelled to be EXACTLY like you because you seem to have it all together, ALL the time, you seem to be an amazing person that appears to be calm, passionate, intelligent, you seem great at yoga, very limber & strong, you carry yourself well, you seem happy, you seem well off financially, you seem respected, & you are drop dead gorgeous, with beautiful skin, long thick healthy looking hair, I could go on, your like exactly what I’ve ALWAYS wanted to be-even before I found out about your books & I didn’t know who you were. I always wanted to be the picture of health, with a great grasp on natural living & healthy – organic – plant based/vegan diets, balance in my life along with success, nothing like fame but just be respected. BUT I feel as if when I look at you I can’t hold a candle to you. &like i never will be able too because your already so far ahead. (NOT in a Caddy/mean girl way-where i feel like you shouldn’t be all of those things, I mean more in a way where I can become alot more like you) i feel REALLY bad about myself to the point to where I cry. I feel like I worship you & your education, like your my muse, or “guru” in a sense, like every word you say is right & whatever you say & do I should do it too, because you are perfect..EVEN if I don’t agree with what you say or necessarily want to do or eat what you say I feel compelled to because like I said, I feel like you are pretty perfect. Its awful, I know you say you went through what us readers go through with detox, temptation, (like in your books podcast) but it hardly shows. Ive seen your before picture & no disrespect but it doesn’t seem like a drastic change, you looked beautiful, with long hair, & seemed happy before. You lived in Austraila, & traveled & modeled! That sounds great in comparison to some other peoples ‘before stories.’ How come you dont share with your readers how long it took you, was it 2-3 years/ 12 years?? …to get to where you are with your diet, skin/hair, yoga & your booming career. Did you go vegetarian first, and then chucked dairy? How many years did it take for these changes. & when were you a raw foodist? You’ve stated before you We’re all raw for years but never said how long & when, I know you said you didnt like it…but what did you eat then& what happened, why didnt you like it? I feel like even if I followed your plan-im STILL behind, like im “keeping up with the joneses”. Im not saying lifes a competition but its a battle with in myself & I keep running into it. Im the type of person that rushes things, & stresses out, & always trys to be perfect but im Always the TOTAL opposite. Im so insecure Kimberly & Im a little pre-occupied with your personal story because I feel like I need to know how long it took before you transitioned into what you are now because then maybe I wont feel so bad. (Talk about Misery loves Company, right) But. Im only 21, almost 22, ive been vegan for almost 2 year(1st year I ate alot of meat-which I know isnt vegan, but I wasnt sure “how” to eat vegan, so I used meat/dairy as backup when I didnt eat enough) I dont know how old you are, but im assuming you’re older than me, are you 28/38/40? Why is it a secret, Please dont be offending by me asking I would NEVER want to offend you, Im just so confused, I assumed you want your age to remain a secret because your jobs about beauty& people think age & beauty go hand in hand… & does your husband eat perfect to? Does he do yoga, & travel with you, do you guys fight over food & the “right” way to eat because my fiance eats gluten, meat, dairy & doesn’t exercise etc. It kills me. I just feel like you have it all, your living my dream life & career, & i guess i am a little envious, but I dont despise you, I admire you SO much. Im just dealing with my own demons, but I dont know I just probably am a little obsessed over your lifestyle & past, with how long it took you to morph into being beautiful & SO smart, because I only see the ‘good’ stuff in your life, like the yoga pictures but i didnt see all the hard work it took to get where you are now, I just see pictures of the celebrity parties, movie set blogs, day time tv stuff, you know-the glamour, I dont see the fights with your husband, when you get annoyed, scared or sad. Honestly I feel silly thinking you never have negative stuff to deal with, or assuming you’re never NOT happy or uncomfortable in different dinning situations, or life situations, but thats how I feel because thats all I have seem from interviews, to YouTube videos, to blog post to your podcast & interviews/books. Everything in your life seems sparkly, oragnic, calm, (I know its not easy, im just speaking from what I see) but thats just how I feel. Last year when I found your book and read it (Beauty detox Sol.) You & other vegan authors inspired me to become a nutritionists/dietician. ..but I didnt want to learn the lies they teach in public colleges about how meat & dairys good etc. Plus I figured noone would take me seriously like they do you in hollywood. But all that didn’t matter because once I saw that you were so big with the media, stars, readers at home. I felt like, ‘why bother’ Kim Snyders like super women so nobody would care about me because you got to this profession first & blew everyone else out of the water. Like you even have charity stuff in Africa. So i felt like, Nothing i ever did would be as good. Plus I wouldn’t know where to get an education that you have in my state, at a public college, other than reading naturopathic, yoga, & vegan books. I think I read you went to Georgetown University or something similar to that name, but where at, & what did you study & for how long? How do i learn everything you learned, AND it be credible for a career? Do you remember all the facts by heart when you go on tv & talk to clients& do interviews? How does someone like me become successful like you? How do you balance it all? I read a comment that you wrote to a reader saying: “everyone cant eat perfect like Beauty Detox Sol. & only a small few people can,” & you said you were one of the few. Do you really consider the way you eat as “perfect” & you feel that you dont ever mess up..even when you eat gluten to be flexible? Do you feel like you’re really close to a perfect person, are you happy with yourself, do you have doubts fears, are you ever unsure of yourself?? Do you look at other people & feel like they have it all together? I think i can eat like you most-all the time, but my confidence is holding me back because i dont want to start at the blossoming beauty stage i want to dive into the last stage & be like you, because I have no patience(i dont think im as ‘in tune’ with my body as you are, but I know that much). You just seem so cool & I hope you dont think im ‘hating’ on you, its actually the exact opposite, OH & please dont think im creepy, im just trying to find my own way. I have a habit of trying to be like other people when I admire them/look up to them & want to be like them but I want instant results but I guess im just lost, &I cant seem to find my way out of this little depression I struggle with. I probably am very acidic inside, & I just need to eat like the first stage for a month, & follow your tips right? I just feel like a failure already before, during & after I start because I want to be perfect like you. I truly do feel like you’re perfect, I know that’s nonsense because noones perfect & im sure I sound childish & if so I apologize, but if there was a word before perfect I think you would be it. Im sorry if this post makes you an
gry, annoyed, creeped out, or think that Im being rude. I mean everything from the bottom of my heart. I just am a little jealous I guess. In not a doom&gloom type of person, im generally very positive & happy, but this particular subject(wanting to be like you& always aspiring for perfection..& going overboard & being stressed) does really affect my confidence & sense of self worth & what i have to offer people /the world. You are so inspiring and as always, please never stop doing what you do despite my experience, ive learned a lot because of you & always pass your name along to others because if there was more cautious/self aware holistic-vegan, people on earth like you than the world would be a better place.
To Stephanie:
You’re perfect in gos
dang that chick that posted up top is insane. kimberly isnt the reason for your low self worth. it is your thoughts. you are a direct by- product of your thoughts
To Stephanie:
You’re perfect in God’s eyes. He is ALL you need. He will give you the strength to accomplish everything in your life. You don’t need to feel like you need to be like Kimberly Snyder or anybody else but only your beautiful self. Kimberly Snyder is a great role model, but remember that Our Lord is the greatest role model! God Bless You Forever and Always. Read Proverbs 3:5-6 every time you need to lift your spirit.