To kick the book launch off TOMORROW(!) I’m doing quite a few radio interviews nationwide. Check out below for the complete list of times and stations. I hope you can tune in!
I will talk about how to eat healthy on a budget and what you should eat when craving anything.
Lots of love, Kimberly
Tuesday, March 29th, 2011
Bought the book this morning! Love it! Great job
Got your book in the mail today! Already started reading! and drinking a Glowing Green Smoothie as I type. Thank you!
Hi Kimberly! In honor of your book release today, I woke up with my usual hot lemon water followed by probiotic/Vit.D3 and huge glowing green smoothie. Inspirationally, I made your papaya/avocado salad (1st time my husband had it and LOVED it) and your acai goji granola (which is absolutely addictive and delicious – it is still in the dehydrator as of now). Can’t wait till your book arrives in the mail (ordered over a month ago) for more wonderful info. and recipes. I am so proud of you and excited for you too. On April 12th (it is my 41st birthday and 16th wedding anniversay) we are going to the JeJu Asian spa that you wrote about in one of your blogs – saying that it was wonderful and highly recommended. I am looking forward to getting into the saunas and other huts and maybe treat myself to a salt scrub or massage. Thanks for all your time, info. and love.
Hi Kimberly,
Thank you for the incredibly valuable information from your blog and The Beauty Detox Solution…it has greatly improved my life and I’ve been drinking green smoothies daily for about 9 months!
I have also read some information regarding eating certain foods and avoiding certain foods according to your blood type. I have made some changes and I have to admit that I feel much more energietic when I started reluctantly avoiding some of my favorite staples like avocados, coconuts and seeds (not recommended for B blood types). What do you think of the whole blood type based diet? I like the way my body feels but dislike some of the changes that I’ve made and to top it all off, I feel very limited because I don’t eat meat of any kind and rarely an animal product (encouraged for B’s).
Thank you greatly for your time!
HI Nicolette! I think the blood type diets may have some benefits for some- but in general we all have the same digestive systems and our organs and tissues operate pretty much the same way. If you look at those diets, they encourage improvements across the board- so no matter what type you are, you will surely see improvements, as you end up cutting out so much processed and “bad” stuff! I would try to make digestive improvements, like better food combining (not eating fruit for dessert), not having liquids with meals, etc. and building up your friendly flora (probiotics, etc.), having more greens by continuing your Glowing Green Smoothies, and see what that does for you! :)
xx Kimberly