On Friday, we published a very important announcement about our intention to create a community of Beauty Detox bloggers — so that we can support each other and grow together.
You can check it out that post right here.
So far, the response was amazing. Everyone is super excited! But since blogging is new for many, there were also some questions that I wanted to address here.

We are a community, not isolated individuals. I really want you to create a Beauty Detox blog so you too can SOAR. We can compare notes about different recipes, share our thoughts and questions together, and live our best lives. Join the Beauty Detox Revolution. It’s going to be a blast! :)
Q: Why the emphasis on blogging?
A: Because blogging is one of the simplest, yet most powerful forms of expression on the web. You can post pictures, recipes, share your thoughts and tell your story. Doing this not only is a creative outlet for you, it can also uplift and inspire others to eat well and change their lives. It’s a tool for making an amazing contribution to those you know, and the world at large.
Social media is powerful, but also often limited in length or format. But with blogging, there is no limit — if you want to post 20 pictures, or list out your recipe, or tell your complete Beauty Detox story — you can easily do that. Blogging brings so many other benefits, they are literally too numerous to list here.
What I also love about blogging is that it will help us — as a Beauty Detox community — come together and expand our movement in an organic, authentic way. We can be the change we want to see in the world, put it out there on our blogs, and help others every single day. That’s amazing!
Q: But Kimberly, your blog is so big with so much info. How could I ever do that?
A: Well first of all, you don’t have to feel like you have to ave a huge blog or post about in-depth health topics all the time. There are no rules. Also, remember that my blog has been built over a few years — it was not an overnight process.
Second, keep in mind that in the beginning I was in the same position you are in. I didn’t know how to blog, I was not technically minded at all, and wasn’t even sure what to write. But I somehow got my blog up and began simply putting my thoughts onto the site and it grew naturally.
Third, don’t worry about what me or others do, or how other blogs look. Think of this as a way for you to document your journey, foods, recipes, and your overall transformation — and then share all of that with others who will be inspired. As time goes by, you’ll learn more and your blog will become more beautiful and more rich and full of content. It will be awesome because it will be unique to ONLY you.
Plus, you’ll have two big advantages that I never had when I got started — you’ll have free training that makes it easy for you to learn the process and get started — and you’ll have us supporting you each week with ideas, thoughts and encouragement.
Q: I’m not technical at all, how could I possibly create and manage a blog/website?
A: It’s much easier than you think. If you follow the instructions, get your url, and set up your blog — which can be done in a day — from that point on posting is a breeze. Uploading pictures, writing out your posts or recipes becomes as easy as typing out an email. There is no need to have any knowledge of code, or technical web terms or any of that.
Just upload pics, write and publish. That’s it!
Live a fearless life. Starting now!
Q: Okay, maybe I could blog. But I have no idea what to say! What should I blog about?
That’s where we’re going to help you. We want to empower Beauty Detox bloggers to be able to share their stories, document their transformation, showcase inspiring pictures, create new recipes and so much more.
That’s why we’ll be with you each step of the way, helping you think of new blog posts and thoughts and information you can share. Each week, we’ll give you recipe ideas to blog about and create your own variations for (to pump up that creativity muscle!), give you thought for inspiration, and help keep you inspired.
You’ll also get access to our groups, free food blog training from our friends, our monthly calls, support from our community leader and much more.
Trust me, once you get going you’ll never wonder or worry about what to blog about — it will be a breeze.
Q: How long does it take to set up my blog?
A: The initial training takes about 1-2 hours, but setting up your blog is much faster. It can be done in as little as 30 minutes. You just buy your domain name, get your blog hosted and set up through WordPress, and then choose a theme. From that point, you’re ready to create your very first post.
Stoke your fire! Share and grow your passion for life! This blog has enriched my life so much, and is why I want us all to create and share in each others’ Beauty Detox blogs. Let’s do it together!
Q: How much time does blogging take each week?
A: It can be as little or as much as you want. There are no rules or pressure. We recommend doing at least one post per week, to create the habit and to encourage visitors to keep coming back to your blog consistently. To create one post per week, we’d estimate it would take you no more than 1-2 hours. If it’s all you post, I encourage you to make the Beauty Detox recipe remix version of the recipe we will start posting once each week- adding your own special tweaks. Not only will you share what you’ve personally made, but it will ensure you’re preparing more food for yourself and staying on the Beauty Detox path. :)
That’s a small sacrifice for something that can bring so much to your life, and the health and well being of others — including your family and friends. Besides, as you’ll discover, it’s actually FUN to upload your pictures, write out your thoughts and then share that post online and with people you may know on Facebook, and other social platforms.
Q: When should I start?
A: Now! The reason we really want you to start now is that each week we’ll posting thoughts, suggestions and tips for creating new posts on your blog — and if it’s set up — you’ll be able to follow along with us. Getting started now is the single best way to ensure you don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity to get your blog up and be supported throughout this process.
Just imagine, a month from now, you could have a beautiful Beauty Detox blog filled with your own pictures, recipes, thoughts, and experiences. Others will come to you to learn and for inspiration — and you’ll feel amazing that you’re helping others become healthier and happier.
Let me wrap up this post by letting you know how grateful and excited I am that you’re reading this now and are getting ready to set up your blog. I want you to be part of this amazing new movement we create — and you have my promise we’ll do everything we can to support you in this journey.
Be sure to read our last post thoroughly, and to take advantage of the training that our friends have put together at no cost — which will help you get your blog up quickly and easily.
Thanks again — and I can’t wait to share more with you this week!
In Love and Health,
So much love and gratitude to you and for you!!!
Hello Kimberly
What can help me for constipation?
I already have my own food blog. Can I use my existing blog to sign up?
Yes, of course! We should have made that more clear. Great to have you on board.
Hello! Is it possible to do it for another country? I’m from Spain living in Paris. Plus, I speak current English but I am not sure that well enough to write a blog in English…
Hi would we still own our own blog?