I’m going to share a few important updates today.
First, the Beauty Detox Blogging Program is going great! So many of you have gotten your blogs up and have begun participating in the assignments — and the work you’re doing is amazing!
The first recipe assignment, the Glowing Green Soup (GGSo) — led to some really beautiful creations and I’m so proud of everyone who participated and emailed Katelyn with their recipe post.
Some Fun Glowing Green Soup (GGSo) Examples
Here’s an example from Heather — her blog is Green Juice Now, Champagne Later.
Here’s a blog from Laurene — she’s at Vegan Animal Crackers.
And here’s one more from Wild Heart Vegan Girl!
The Turkish Turlu Turlu Recipe Was a Blast As Well!
This assignment is not due yet, so don’t worry! Some of them posts are still coming in, but I just wanted to show off some of what people are doing so far — as I’m really impressed with everyone’s effort and creativity!
Look at this lovely one from Jill — her blog is Home At Six:
Note: This assignment isn’t due until tomorrow (Wednesday, June 10th), so there’s still time to complete this one. I just wanted to give you a couple of examples for inspiration — and so that everyone can see the progress.
I really wish I could show off all the blogs in this post but there’s just so many great ones! We’re working on creating a central place for everyone to share their posts. This way, it’s easy for us to all see what everyone is doing and give each other encouragement and feedback.
But so far, I’m ecstatic with the progress you’ve all made and excited to do more. This week’s recipe assignment will be available tomorrow — so look out for it!
Interested in Joining the Movement — It’s Easy!
As you can see, so many individuals within the community have jumped in, gotten their blogs up, and are participating in the assignments — and they’re having so much fun in the process. They are real bloggers now, and they are sharing the transformative message of healthy eating!
Would you like to join us a member in this exciting new program and be part of a movement to help spread the Beauty Detox principles? Would you like to be supported and guided as you grow your blog and expand your impact on the world?
There is no cost to join — it’s 100% FREE — and you get some really great benefits:
- Access to exclusive live monthly webinars with me!
- Fun, in-person meet ups
- Exclusive contests
- Early bird access and unique discounts
- Sharing of your blog with the entire community
Here are the requirements:
- You have an active blog where you post weekly
- You participate in the weekly assignments
- Send your url to Katelyn once your assignment is done (she’s at beautydetoxgirl (@) gmail dot com)
- Be an active member of the Beauty Detox Facebook group
- Put the Beauty Detox seal of approval somewhere on your blog (we released our first badge already, and more will be coming soon!)
- Link back to us whenever you use or reference content of ours, including recipes. And add the hashtag #beautydetoxrecipe to post pics of recipe assignments on social media channels!
- Join our network email list for updates — which you register for the group list below!
Some Frequently Asked Questions:
What if I already have a blog — can I use that?
Yes, there is no rule that you have to start a brand new blog. It should just be a food/health-focused blog ideally so that the content remains consistent with the rest of the group. If you add the seal to the front page, we’ll know that you’re a member.
What if I don’t know how to blog?
That’s why we’ve linked to some really excellent free training that shows you how to use WordPress, set up your blog, and get started. Many have found it invaluable and I believe you will too. You don’t need any experience to be technical at all, just a willingness to learn.
Do I have to do every single recipe assignment?
Ideally, yes — we’ve love to see you participate in each assignment, as this will create a more dynamic experience for you and everyone. If you need to take a week off here or there, no big deal. But please strive to do the assignment each week, it’s a lot of fun and will help give you momentum, and get you into the rhythm of fostering your creativity and consciously preparing foods for yourself (and those around you), which is really living Beauty Detox- and supports your potential to live your best life!
When do the group calls and other benefits start?
Soon, we’re still working out the dates and logistics, but they’ll begin at some point this month. We want to make sure there’s enough members in and moving forward with the process so that the group calls/webinars with me are as constructive and supportive as possible. Thank you for being patient as we co-create this blogger community together!
Thank You For Being Part of This!
GGS-ing at Westminster :) . Let’s make the world more green and healthy together!
That’s all I have to share for today, I hope this update was helpful to you.
Tomorrow, we’re doing to be posting our new recipe — so if you haven’t completed the Turkish recipe assignment from last week, I encourage you to give it a go today and submit it by tomorrow.
I’m really thrilled and honored so many of you have immersed yourself in this process — it’s already so rewarding — and if you’re considering joining us, I hope you do that today and get started.
Thanks again and talk soon!
Hi Kimberly,
I hope you are enjoying the UK, it is so exciting to have you here! My turlu turlu is currently baking in the oven as I type and I can’t wait to share my blog post about it. And of course to eat it! I just wanted to say a quick thank you for giving me that push to finally set up the blog I’ve been thinking about for so long – I couldn’t have done it without you!
Take care,
Yay Liz! You are awesome, thank you so much.
Hey all! I have a beauty detox/cleanse question. I’m not sure if this is the forum for it but I thought I’d give it a shot. I just started the 5 day, level 2 cleanse from Glow Bio and I was wondering if I still take Kims probiotics or the digestive enzymes at all. Please share your thoughts! Thanks!
Hey Kimberly!!
This summer has been extremely busy for me and I have not been able to start the blog yet! Is it too late to start??
No, it’s definitely not too late! See our previous posts about getting started with the training and then start doing the assignments. We look forward to having you!
I was trying to access the training to start the blog, but it cannot be viewed. Is there still opportunity to join? If so, can the training link be accessed again. Thank you
Yes Mirna, go to http://www.foodblogger.org and sign up there.