As you probably know, I’ve been traveling a lot lately, working primarily in London with clients on film sets, and then jetting off to other countries on weekends whenever possible.
It’s been amazing, but I feel like there are even more exciting things happening in our community right now — and so I wanted to use this post to do a quick community news update. (And also to ask for a favor!)
First, the News:
The Beauty Detox Network is going strong! Each week, we’ve been publishing weekly assignments and the girls have been doing AMAZING jobs with them!
Look at the posts from each week:
- New Recipe: Turlu Turlu Turkish Vegetable Casserole
- New Recipe: Cucumber Salad with an Asian Twist
- New Recipe: Cauliflower & Mint Quinoa Salad
I’ve been blown away by the creativity within the community, it’s so inspiring to see.
And that’s exactly the point: we created this blogging program to help empower our community to be able to create beautiful content, share and inspire others. When people see you making positive life changes and preparing beautiful food, they can’t help but take notice!
That’s so powerful, and I encourage you to join us. The steps are lined out here.
We also have our first meet up coming to New York! You can get the info here. Of course, I know so many in our community are not based in New York, but we plan to start meet ups in other cities as well. If you’re interested in helping leading one in your city later this year, I encourage you to contact Katelyn via email at beautydetoxgirl (@) gmail and we can get the process started.
New website coming soon! We’ve been working hard on a beautiful new site with many new features, and I’m very excited about it. I think it’s going to make the blogs and other content even more enjoyable to read or watch each week.
Now, for the Favor:
Speaking of content, we’re going to be recording new podcasts and YouTube videos soon. And we’d LOVE to hear ideas about topics you’d love to see covered. Do you want to know more about cleansing, specific foods and recipes, travel, spiritual/meditation, yoga, fitness or anything else that you have questions about? Please tell us in the comments below.
In addition to podcasts, please let us know the topics that you’d like to see us write about in our articles. Any topic is fair game! So think about health questions or trending topics that you’d love to see us address, and then post in the comments section below.
We only have a few days left until our sale for cleanses at Glow Bio ends. If you’d like to kick off your summer looking and feeling your best, this is a great option. We ship nationally.
That’s pretty much all the news I have.
Yet, despite all this, the impact you can have on your life and everyone who reads your blog can be tremendous!
Thanks for being such an amazing part of this community — you are in my mind and heart always as I travel and share everything.
I’d love more yoga/meditation type content!
Thanks Jill, we’ll do that. You are adorable!
-How to deal with emotional eating, comfort food and stress. When stressed I never crave a healthy snack like the ones proposed in the BD-books (like celery stalks and veggies with a non-fatty dip). I crave all BUT those snacks, in fact :). I feel like there is no comfort food in the first stage and I’m afraid to go there. I have such an emotional dependence on food and I would really like to get rid of that. How can I do that? I want food to look forward to at every meal that doesn’t leave me feeling yukkie after I had it. I’m the kinda girl that eats all the biscuits in the box in one go. I don’t want to be that girl!
Is there a ‘how to get back on track, how to recover from food ‘addictions’, how to detach form comfort food’ plan? That would be awesome!
-How to prepare your food beforehand, so when there’s a weak moment, you see your fridge with som many very easy and ready made options, you don’t even dare to eat anything else. (How can you keep precut veggies and so on).
– I’ve been browsing the blogs for that list if things in beauty products that should be avoided (I’ve once read it here)and can’t find it anywhere. Will the new website allow easier searching?
– I think things like natural birth control, women stuff like menstruation and so on are important topics as well.
– Please, please, please, make international shipping possible :)!
Thanks for reading!
Okay, we hear you on the international shipping. These are all awesome suggestions. Thank you!
That is such a beautiful picture of you, Kimberly! Your travels are very inspiring and I have enjoyed many of your trips!
I know I am going to sound like a broken record, but the one big hurdle for me in making a total commitment to the Beauty Detox program is the seeming lack of calories in all of the foods and meal plans.
I REALLY need this covered, because on the one hand, I want to be as slender and energetic as you are, but on the other hand, I am not yet convinced that this will work for everyone without a long-term metabolism crash.
I would rather assume that I am missing something and there really are more daily calories in your program than it seems, but since the majority of the calories come from veggies, with just a tiny bit of carbs. thrown in for good measure, I’m not sure.
Is it because the small amount of calories are so nutrient dense that it doesn’t matter as much? This issue is a bit personal to me because I know someone who is reaping bad repercussions from a low-calorie lifestyle.
I have been going back and forth on this issue for the last two months with no real clarity. Since a big part of me wants to jump on the bandwagon with you, I would greatly appreciate you covering this!
Thanks Kimberly. Hope to hear from you this time!
Okay, we can cover this. Between fruit, root vegetables, whole grains and a bit more avocado, it IS possible to get enough calories. But we can explain this more in a post, thank you.
Thank you so much, Kimberly! I look forward to reading!
Oops. I wasn’t finished. Although I know that it is possible to get enough calories eating a vegan diet, I am specifically referring to the beauty detox diet book, and also how you appear to eat.
Those were the two main issues,and I think it is important to reiterate them if for no other reason, to save you some writing time!
Thanks so much again for all you do!
How/what to eat when pregnant. Is drinking lemon water ok? How about GGS? Kimchi?
Yes, lemon water is fine when pregnant, just pay extra special attention to your body’s signals when pregnant. In general, GGS and kimchi are fine too, but it really depends on what you’re body is telling you. Only you know what your body needs and how it responds to foods.
would love more tips for healthy eating/lifestyle tips aimed at mothers with young children! How to fit it all in time wise etc.. also would love more yoga videos. thanks:)
Okay, two great topics — thank you!
Would love to hear more about weight loss and more specifically, how clients with various health challenges have used this approach to lose weight and gain health. I.e. how should people with different common health issues (candida, adrenal fatigue or hormonal issues, etc) approach your work differently?
What are your best day-to-day lunches and dinners (GGS has breakfast covered..), now and as you transitioned?
Will sweet potatoes prevent weight loss?
**How about clients you have that are already in pretty good health and shape, but want to really take it to that next level to lose weight and look svelte before a film, what’s the best way to eat cleanly before a big project? (Not sure that doing a cleanse is the best because that may cause acne or various cleansing reactions..)
Are there any good self-experiments or tests you can recommend for people to learn how to fine-tune this lifestyle eating program? I’ve heard that certain people handle proteins, fats or carbs better than others..
Thank you! I look forward to your new content! Much appreciated!
This is helpful. We don’t generally recommend tests but I think we can cover weight loss in more depth — though I will say that when you follow the plan it’s pretty hard to NOT lose weight, though everybody’s rate differs.
Other than probiotics can you talk about brands of supplements for vit d and b12 you recommend. I seem to break out into acne if I take some d3 supplements. So any comments about selecting vit supplements.
Yes, we’ll talk more about supplements soon.
Hi Kim, I want let you know that you have help me a lot. One topic I want you to talk about is how to properly eat a vegan diet while pregnant. I am planning to get pregnant and I will love to learn more about this topic. Gracias!
Okay, that’s a really big one — give us some time but we’ll definitely work on that.
Esther I’m in the same boat and I would love to know more about this as well! Great idea!
Hello Kimberly! I have been a long-time follower and advocate of the Beauty Detox and you! There are a few topics I would love if you could cover more in-depth about. In no particular order, they are:
1) Application of Beauty Detox principles for athletes. Especially on the subject of amino acids/protein. You have mentioned that hemp protein is good post workout, but sports science claims that fat post workout slows down the absorption of protein, which the body immediately needs to replenish, especially after strength training.
2) Candida. Although you have written an article on this, I would love it if you spoke more about the subject.
3) Healing the gut/overall digestive tract (relates to Candida as well).
4) Fitness! What are your thoughts, and maybe more on how you look so toned and amazing!
5) Colonics/how to prepare, more on cleansing.
That’s about it! Looking forward to more podcasts and information! Take care!
– Samantha
Wow, you gave some great ones Samantha. Thank you, points taken :)
I would be interested in a discussion of the supplements available in the market and how to choose them espcially for B12 and D
Excellent idea, thank you!
Kim,your photos are very beautiful.
Hi Kimberly & Tony, I really enjoy your podcasts, very inspiring & motivating. Subjects for podcasts that I would love to hear are on 1. Simple ideas for Edible organic gardens, 2. Baking substitute for baking, ideas & techniques for making gluten, diary, egg free baking. Plus sugar substitutes, 3. How to answer people who question how do you get nutrition out of a vegan diet e.g. Calcium, B12, Protein, Omega 3 (and what foods are fortified in these nutrition’s & how to combine foods to get the best out of these nutrition’s, 4. Time Management, goal setting & how to stay motivated and also would love to hear more about London life! Hope these ideas are of help. Thank you for the time you put into this blog and the information shared :)
Sharlene this is amazing feedback, so helpful!!!
I would love to hear more about yoga and fitness in the podcasts as well as seeing yoga sequences on youtube. Also would love to hear more about cleansing on the podcast and maybe even about how to create a home/space that is calming/peaceful, authentic, that energy can flow through.Another thing im intetested in is your daily skin care routine and how that changes through the summer and winter.
Thanks Brie, appreciate the feedback!
I’d love to know more about proper food pairing since I’m still in the process of starting my blog and trying new recipes but sometimes I’m not sure enough if I’m doing good combinations. Another topic would be what and how long to soak grains, nuts etc. I’m also interested in Detoxing, because I want my Family to live healthier but for them it’s not as easy because they don’t really know how to start the process of detox without restricting too much.
Okay, we’ll do more on food combining and beauty food pairing. Thank you!
Hi Kimberly
I love your YouTube videos and podcasts – very inspiring and motivational.
I would love to get into yoga but am a beginner so some basic poses and meditation techniques would be really helpful.
Thank you
I’d love to hear/read a blog post on psoriasis. I know that acne has been touched on and dry skin but I think there are a number of us out there with this condition and it would be so helpful. Even could roll it into immune system issues as well. I’ve been eliminating ALL gluten and dairy (with exception of cow) for nearly 2 months and have seen great improvement but would love some other tips.
Love what you do and enjoy the podcasts :)!
Okay, that’s a great idea as well.
Haha, meant eliminated all dairy with exception of goat cheese. Yes, please cover this topic!! :)
Okay, thanks! And good job on reducing the dairy, it makes a big difference!! :)
Hi! Can you do more yoga videos? I love doing my practice with you, but there are just few sequences… And can you keep them a little bit longer because 10 min is not enough, it would be wonderful if you make a 30 or 40 min of full practise! Thank you :)
Yes, Renata — lots more coming on this front! Stay tuned :)
dear kimberly,
thanks for asking :)
i’d like to suggest the issue GMO food which i think is really important for all of us. (GMO means genetically modified organisms.)
i recently saw the award winning documentary “genetic roulette – the gamble of our lives” and i’m convinced we should all know the risks that come with gmo food – through the backdoor. the community certainly knows that organic food is best to buy, but i think once one knows only a few of the nasty details about GMO, there is no way back anymore. moreover, some might also find the missing puzzle piece in search of explanations why they (or the ones they love, particularly kids!) have allergies, food intolerances or other (colon) problems.
but learning about GMO has also had a comfortable side-effect for me: it radically and suddenly just stopped certain cravings for “regular” products and brands i used to buy before i read your book (e.g. chocolates, ice creams), because i just really don’t want to poison myself with gmo food anymore, so many products just went from yummie to yuckie – which also helps following the beaty detox program… ;-)
as many people don’t know the facts and the risks – gmo food can have really dangerous effects – PLEASE lets make it an issue in the community. :-)
one more thing: dear kimberly, thank you so much for the great, inspiring work you’re doing! :-)
love, isabella
Yes, GMO is a GREAT topic! Will do :)
I would love to see easy meals/recipes for college students and those that are super busy.
What filter do you use to purify your water?
How to handle detox symptoms (headaches, weakness, etc.)?
Beauty products you like (shampoos and conditioners, nail polish, make up,)?
I would also love more fitness topics. Workouts and how to eat when very active.
Thank you, these are excellent topics!
PLEASE tell more about colonics! I have tried to learn more but I can’t get clear answers. How often? Is it really needed? Shouldn’t our bodies clean out naturally or is it needed because we face so many extra toxins than our bodies are meant to have to deal with? What to expect? What happens inside when you get a colonic? As much info as possible please I want to learn before I decide to try it.
Okay, we can definitely do a post about cleansing — thank you! :)
Would like some recipes and food recommendations for a backpacking trip.
Thank you, that’s great feedback!
hey Kimberly! i am fairly new to this lifestyle, and I am already noticing huge positive changes! i would love to know what some of your advice is for newbies or something you wish someone had told you or some of the common mistakes that people make when they’re embarking on this journey, thank you so much!
peace and love
Of course, Ashley! We can do a newbie podcast or article soon. Thanks for the idea.
Would love to learn more about travel, spiritual/meditation, yoga.
Thanks Roselie, will do!
Hi Kimberly and Toni,
Topics I would like to learn more about:
Beauty Detox and pregnancy
Beauty Detox and raising children
Feng Shui
Aromatherapy and natural perfumes
Your podcasts are great!!
Thanks, Lijdia
You’re welcome Lijdia! Thank YOU for the kind words and excellent ideas.
Hi Kimberly!
I really enjoyed your last post about eating for fitness and nutrition. I’d like more detailed information about being an active beauty. Like, what would a typical day of meals and supplements look like from our hot water with lemon to the morning workout to the last meal? Also, I’d like some tips on eating beauty detox style while road-tripping. Hopefully, I’m not the only one who could appreciate that last point :)
Yes, this is a topic we definitely plan on covering more soon. Stay tuned!
One last thing… I shared this in our FB community and I’ve heard some varying advice about how soon you should have your recovery protein drink after you workout. I start the day with hot water with lemon, intense 30-45 minute workout, then have a protein drink and then my ggs later. I was wondering if it’s too heavy on my system to have protein that early. So, to clarify my other comment, I’m interested in general, how working out effects the “lightest to heaviest” concept. And, I know that it’s easy to think we need more protein than we actually do, but how does working out regularly effect our protein needs while on BDS? Thank you.
Thanks Kathryn, yes we’ll discuss more in-depth on a podcast soon. Thank you!
Hi Kimberly – My wife and I love your blog! We finally made it over to the juice bar this weekend while visiting LA, it was awesome. Anyways, for content, maybe a post about blood tests and making sure we have all of our vitamins covered through food and any supplements we should be taking (multivitamin, probiotic, etc). Always been curious if I get enough Vitamin B-12 or Vitamin D through our diet, so finally going to be getting some blood tests done. Also, maybe a post about eating Organic + Local vs organic – we notice a lot of organic produce comes from Mexico/Peru/etc. and would love to know your thoughts on that. We try to buy as local as possible, but when some things are out of season, we tend to buy them Organic but sourced from a different country.
Love your travel suggestions too – we actually will be in London, Paris, Berlin, and Amsterdam in the next two weeks. Do you have a list of recommended places to go/eat in all the cities you have been to? Maybe quick highlights of best food spots/sightseeing spots that are plant/eco friendly would be amazing. Thanks!
– Mohit & Shephali
These are great topics Mohit! And so glad you stopped by Glow Bio — hope you loved it :) Yes, we’ll be discussing travel and related topics much more, thank you.
Hi! I love your site and all your recipes! I have always loved eating healthy whole foods but recently decided to eliminate dairy and meat. I get nervous when going over friend’s houses because they always order pizza and I feel weird rejecting it. I end up having some and feeling regretful later. Of course it doesn’t help that dessert (cookies, etc.) is given afterward! I would love to hear advice about what to do in a situation like this! Thank you!!
Hi Sophia, we cover this in some podcasts, but I understand it’s rough. There are a couple things I would recommend: 1) Realize that while it’s easy to tell yourself that you’re doing it to make others feel comfortable or for the fun of the group, in reality it’s about you learning to do what’s best for you and trust others will respect that. Be aware of your feelings and center yourself, the strength will come! 2) I would recommend bringing over a couple of healthy dishes (enough for everyone) with the spirit of sharing. Then, you’ll have food and are including everyone in your healthy choices.
Would like to see more content update to the glowing lean system..I actually do not see much difference between that and what is posted on your youtube and blogs.
Please do share more knowledge on Asian foods..konyaku, natto, etc. What is the difference between all the soy sauce alternatives..wheat free tamari, coconut aminos, Braggs.
I love using yogurt (plain Fage 0% is my choice)..I primarily mix it into my smoothie or use it as a replacement for mayo or heavy cream. Whats the proper food combining method if we do not want to eliminate yogurt completely. Thanks!
Thanks Ashley, some good ideas there. Ideal combining in a green smoothie with yogurt would be to omit the fruit, and perhaps use Stevia to sweeten as the fruit and yogurt won’t digest well together due to different digestive speeds.
Hi kimberly can you talk about melasma ? His their a way to cure or control this problem ? Hydroquinone, vitamine C, retinol or a natural way ?
The Essentials to keep a clear and healthy skin at any age. So many brands and information that we can find from doctors, beauty expert, pharmacy, cosmetics, etc.
Thank you very much !
Could you do some articles on Oral Health ? How to care for our Gums and Teeth as well as holistic dental practices.
Great idea Marlon, we’ll add that to the list. Thanks.
Dear Kimberly & Tony,
firstly i would like to thank you both for your positive podcasts. I find them to be uplifting, insightful & thought provoking. My mum, sister & i love to listen to them & we love our GGS. Its nice to know their are like minded individuals wanting to make healthier choices & thru doing so being more mindful to the impact on our an. imals/enviroment.
I would love to hear podcasts on such topics as…
How stress/burnout effects our bodies & immune system on a cellular level. And what we can do to bring our bodies back into balance.
How to work thru injuries & still exercise. And what alternatives (exercises/relaxing techniques) are their to yoga/meditation if they don’t fit into your personal belief system.
How to go about publishing your idea’s into a book.
What are the health dangers with chemical dyes used in our clothing. How does this impact on our health? And what fashion labels are cruelty free, vegan, organic & fairtrade.
Positive affirmations/self talk to feed your mind & body. How can you change old neurological pathways.
Womens health. How to take care of ourselves & our families. Any natural grooming tips & taking care of ourselves in/out.
How to lessen our impact on enviroment.
Thank you for your time in reading what i had to say.
I hope you have a lovely week. Kind regards, Jojo.
There’s been quite a few blog posts lately on prebiotics. What is the difference between prebiotics and probiotics and how essential is it to take both?
Sure, we can cover this — the main difference is probiotics are actually friendly bacteria that you consume. Which then grow and repopulate inside your digestive tract. Prebiotics are not bacteria at all, but rather, healthy forms of sugar that act as food for friendly bacteria. Prebiotics help the probiotics inside your body grow better/faster.
Hi Kimberly,
I hope it’s not too late to comment. I’d love you to do a segment on sugar cravings. I eat beauty detox and really struggle mid afternoon. I guess it doesn’t help that I work in San Fran at a tech company where there is free food everywhere and they bring out fresh baked cookies at 2pm. I’m in a holistic nutrition certification program and they are teaching us that vegans often have sugar cravings b/c of the minimal protein we consume. I’ve added hemp, chai AND flax seeds to my GGS and make it w a base of fresh almond milk that I prepare each morning. For lunch I eat a salad and soup or vegan protein, dinner is similar. I’m really struggling w/ the sugar though; things vegan cookies, gourmet vegan and GF cupcakes, dark chocolate, etc). I don’t crave anything else and over the course of the last few years have given up caffeine, alcohol and fish easy breezy, but I continue to struggle with sugar. Can you please address this in a future segment, on both the physical level and psychological/ emotional level? Was battling this craving part of your journey?
Many thanks. You are a true inspiration.
Lemon Juice 101
Would love to see a blog post about lemon juice.
What are Meyers lemons?
There are large lemons and small lemons – Beauty Detox advice is to squeeze the juice of 1/2 lemon into hot water each morning. For a frame of reference, please share the equivalent in TBSP for how much lemon juice is best for this morning drink? And amounts for additional sipping throughout the day?
How fresh should our lemon juice be – can we squeeze ahead for a few days?
Is it a good idea to also ingest the lemon pulp?
Is organic bottled lemon juice an option?
Can you recommend a lemon juicer (presumably electric) that works well, with easy cleanup, for those with arthritis in their hands?
Thanks so much for your consideration.
Hi all,
New here. I look advance to contributing and wisdom more about this community.
I am loosing my hair and would love to gather more with regard to it.