It’s Wednesday… and you know what that means… another exciting assignment for all you bloggers out there!
Now, let me also say that I hope you’re doing well on the “Beauty Detox Summer Salad” Challenge — and that this assignment will be very relevant to that.
And as we did three weeks ago, this week is going to be a “journaling” type of assignment where you write a little more and express yourself — rather than just focus on a recipe.
Because as I’ve said many times, your health isn’t JUST about food. Often, being healthy and realizing your full inner and outer beauty potential requires that you become self-aware, tune into what your body needs, and then make decisions that will move your body along that path.
Everything in your life is interconnected—all parts affect all the others. The way you take care of yourself, the foods you put in your body, your relationships (including the one with yourself) is all intertwined, so we discuss it all.
Before We Get Into the Assignment…
I still need to thank last week’s participants, including four very amazing who really poured their heart and soul into their picture posts and inspired us. I love photography, and I love seeing how you express yourself through it. (That may be why I love Instagram and Facebook so much!)
You all did such incredible jobs here, it was really hard to choose!
A. – Susan Karan
(Susan’s photos were uplifting and inspiring, I love how beautiful this pink flower is she got from a friend in her garden! )
B. – Susan Manning
(You may catch the travel bug checking out Susan’s photos from Prague, here’s a photo from a lovely walk in Dorset on a beautiful spring morning she posted! )
C. – Milee Rubio
(This blog post really excited me, it was such a positive mixture of travel, yoga and food. This was one of my favorites of Milee photographing her meal in Thailand! )
D. – Pamela Boccia
(A lovely family blog post, practicing the Beauty Detox lifestyle showing her family how to garden and enjoying time together in nature, love these family moments!)
As you can see from the beautiful pictures above, everyone did such a fantastic job. I’m so happy you all were are able to take the idea behind this assignment and then express yourself with such creative, inspiring pictures! Keep up the great work!
Now for this week’s assignment…
Pick One of the “Three Beauty Detox Principles” and Write About Your Experience
If you need a review of any of the three core principles of Beauty Detox dietary philsophy, you can get more information about them in my book, The Beauty Detox Foods. Those principles are:
- Eat More Vegetables, Less Animal Protein
- Drink a Glowing Green Smoothie Each Day
- Give Up Dairy
Here’s why I’ve chosen this assignment. Hint: I just used the magic word: choice!
In other words, we often find it easier to do things when someone tells us exactly what to do, but then struggle when we have to make our own choices and decisions. This is especially true with health and diet.
At the same time, radiant health, at the higher levels, require that you be able to tune into what your body needs (awareness), understand the kinds of experiences and challenges you face, and then make decisions appropriately. To have the health you deserve, you must be able to listen to yourself and then make the best choice for you, independently of what others think or say.
And that’s precisely what we are doing with this assignment. I’m giving you the choice to pick one of the three core principles/changes I suggest in The Beauty Detox Foods — whichever one is most relevant or pertinent to you, and to write about it.
This writing assignment is open in that you can write about your past experience with that principle — or about your desire to incorporate it into the future. For instance, we recently did a Glowing Green Smoothie Challenge that you could write about and even include pictures from as the basis of your post.
Or you could write about your current experience with the Summer Salad Challenge and how that relates to your experience of the first principle — Eat More Vegetables, Less Animal Protein.
The point is that you select the principle which has the most personal meaning for you, and then share and express your thoughts. This is about you tuning into your body, mind and heart… feeling what matters most to you at this time… and then making the right choice for you.
Now, the goal of this blogging assignment is just to simply write out your thoughts, feelings and perspective. It doesn’t have to be a long post – don’t feel intimidated. It’s more about the following:
1) Share your experience with the principle that you picked to write about. Was it easy for you to transition to following it? Did you have challenges, and if so, what were they? How did you feel? What benefits did you notice? Did you have to work out scheduling and practicalities with friends and family to make this work in your life?
2) Tell us about any insights or “aha” moments you may have had. Did you realize something new or powerful? Or anything else you’d like to share with everyone? It’s a great way to support one another. If you have questions you can post them here and we will do our best to give some feedback.
3) Feel free to cite any specific quotes or passages you like or found interesting. Just be sure to put it in quotes and ideally cite the exact page, so others can reference it if they want.
4) Use the hashtag #beautydetox on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram so that we can easily find you! And be sure to email Katelyn your post as always (beautydetoxgirl @ gmail dot com) — so she can review them with me.
Again, there is no length requirement (it can be super short or super long) and nobody will be critiquing your grammar or writing style. In fact, no one will be critiquing you at all! This is just pure self-expression about a topic that can have a very significant impact on your health.
We want to know more about your personal experience of one of these very important principles, what your initial thoughts were, how it may have affected the way you felt, and anything else you’d like to share. (Pictures are ALWAYS a welcome addition!)
I will be linking to some of our favorite posts next Wednesday, as I’ve been doing every week, and maybe you’ll be one of them! But please don’t feel any pressure or sense that there’s criteria we are looking for. We just want to hear from you!
Remember, it’s the expression of your personal experience that matters most.
I hope you’re excited as I am about this — and I look forward to checking out your posts over the next week!
Have a great day! I also hope you are participating in our 7-Day Summer Salad Challenge. (Which is just about having one plant-based salad, along with regular food, each day for 7 days.)
It’s not to late to join in–just jump right in! The details are HERE.
With love and gratitude,
PS: I am in New York this week and will be attending the meetup this coming Friday, August 22nd at 7 pm. Check out our FB and Instagram for more details, and if you are here, look forward to seeing you there!
Hi Kimberly
Thank you for featuring my blog but you got my name wrong – it’s Karen.
So sorry Karen! We will note that for the future, appreciate you mentioning that.
Thanks for all your great advise. I’ve been drinking a green smoothie every day for a year now and I feel amazing. Lost 13 lbs, have tons of energy and restarted my yoga practice! It all started when I seen your book at my library!
There’s no turning back for me.
I use your recipies and drink GGS daily along with probiotic salad daily.
No aches and pains .thank you.
Thank you for your amazing book and sharing your knowledge! You opened my eyes and now I feel amazing every day! Before I was also eating healthy (at least I thought so), but doing wrong food pairings and not eating light to heavy. Ever since I read your book, I start my day with a green smoothie and am vegan most of the time (except on the weekend when I eat fish or meat at dinner).
But I have one question and would really be happy if you could answer it. :)
Since I was not overweight and I was already avoiding refined produce, sugar and gluten for over a year, I didn’t start off with the Blossoming Beauty Phase, but went straight onto the next phase. Why? Mainly because I simply cannot imagine my diet without fruit. :)
So I was wondering if the Blossoming Beauty Phase is a must do for every person or did I take the right decision when I skipped right onto the second phase?
Also, is it ok to eat fruit only on an empty stomach, i.e. in the morning before I drink my green smoothie, or can I also eat it 3-4 hours after my lunch or green smoothie?
Thanks so much again for your amazing knowledge and for sharing it!
Yes! Finally someone writes about bodybuilding.