I recently took time to answer some popular questions from readers. Check them out in the video below:
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I recently took time to answer some popular questions from readers. Check them out in the video below:
When will your probiotics be available in Canada?
Keep up the great work!
Great video content and I love the Q and A style! I also wash veggies whole. It also helps speed up the process before juicing!
Hi Kim,
If I buy sprouted or germinated brown rice or quinoa, do I still need to soak it? Is one more beneficial?
Kim! You are my biggest inspiration; I have been following you for almost two years and I admire your passion and knowledge! Im 21 and after spening the year living and working in europe I am ready to study! I am looking into studying nutritional medicine and dietetics? Im just wanting to know if you could recommend anything? What did you study? Thank you for time much appreciated! :)
Hello Kimberly,
I would like to know if it is ok to add fruit to your salads or should the fruit be eaten separately?
Hello Kimberly,
I’m so glad I started following you on ig you an inspiring girl. I’m a mommy of three kiddos and after havin my kids I just seemed to just cooked home cooked meals all the time I love cooking I’m blessed to be a housewife but in 2010 my husband had got a bad ear infection went the doctor and found out that he had high blood pressure, cholesterol and then later gout from a break out from his foot,O my wow my poor hubby….Then I got high blood pressure a year ago but it was low pressure. I actually stop taking the medication I didnt like taken it because I I felt like it was gonna mess up my insides, my husband wants stop too.. We seriously need HELP! We both really want to start eating clean But How do we start? what is the first step? And also start showing our kids too..Thank you Kim
Hi Cynthia,
Have you joined the Facebook Group for Beauty Detox Foods? I’m one of the admins on the site and we have over 16,000 people in the group. It is a wonderful asset and everyone is very friendly and helpful in getting started with the Beauty Detox lifestyle. Kim isn’t always available for specific questions but most of the ladies on the site including myself have great advice for recipes, what to do/what not to do, brands to buy etc. If you don’t want to join that is totally fine, to answer your question the first thing to focus on is increasing the amounts of fruits, veggies and leafy greens in your diet (every meal!), and eliminating dairy from your diet. Just those two things alone work wonders!
Hi Kimberly, How frequently do you do/get colonics done? Is the frequency the same for how frequent you do water based enemas versus getting gravity centered colonics? For example, since the gravity centered colonics provide more of a deeper clean, I’m wondering is it better to have more time in between when you get them done?
Hi Kimberly! My question is about digestive enzymes. Would organic fruit/but bars be considered cooked food? You say in your book that enzymes should be taken every time we eat cooked food. I’m wondering if fruit and nut bars or fruit and seeds bars are considered the same thing? I am airing on the side to take them with fruit, nut & seed bars, but wanted to check. Thanks!
Well, technically the fruit and nut bars you find in stores are roasted and not raw, and also were not activated (making them hard to digest) and normally have added sugars in them. So yes I would say to take digestive enzymes with it. But, if you are making “homemade lara bars” or something similar with raw (and soaked) chopped nuts and dried fruits then you would not need to. I personally take digestive enzymes with all my meals that aren’t just fruits or veggies
I am wondering what is the best vitamix to purchase.
I want to buy one that I can make all of my shakes, blend nuts, make soups. Help with food prep.
I want to make sure I buy the correct one if I’m going to be investing in a vitamix.
Thanks so much
Is it necessary to use supplements like the probiotics, digestive enzymes etc..? Can I still cleanse properly just with the foods without using any supplement whatsoever?
Of course, Jessica! The vast majority of your results will come from what you eat and your state of mind, so don’t feel bad if the supplements are not for you.
I live all the way up in Minnesota. I’m sure you know we have some harsh winters up here. I generally consume mostly fruits and vegetables in my diet. I know dark leafy greens are important and even though I do eat meat, it’s usually grass fed and ate sparingly. My concern for this winter is as much as I want to follow the beauty detox lifestyle, I get sick easier when I eat mostly vegetables in the fall and winter. And because not a lot grows here year round, it can be hard to find fresh produce during the winter season. I’m wondering if you have any suggestions for those who reside in locations with long, bitter cold winters!