So much research, pictures, notes, writing, and revisions went into this book!
This is a BIG week for me, you and everyone in our community!
Why? Because at long last, we’re beginning the pre-release process for the next Beauty Detox book — and we’ve got an incredible lineup of posts, contests, pages, recipes, stories, courses and more – all of which I know you’re going to love.
This is a book that is unlike anything you’ve ever read or experienced, filled with cutting-edge information and processes I’ve never revealed before, stunning photos and yes…lots of brand new recipes!
It is THE most visual of the Beauty Detox books and is the culmination of everything I’ve learned in my own journey, in addition to working with clients and readers around the world.
The first two Beauty Detox books. This next book will help you in totally new ways!
More About This Beauty Detox Book
I haven’t spoken publicly about this upcoming book for several reasons. First, it’s going to be so different, and so filled with new info, pictures, recipes and more — I really didn’t want to ruin the surprise!
But also, because it’s something that truly must be experienced. It’s the kind of thing that works on you while you’re reading it, with every turn of the page, giving you insights into your health journey and perhaps why you’ve struggled with weight or other issues in the past.
With that said, I can give you a few hints about it that will be helpful in crafting your contest entry (more about the contest in a moment):
- While the book is very much about food, and your relationship with food, it also takes you beyond food into other areas that could be affecting your weight and beauty just as much (or more)!
- Have you ever felt like you were eating perfectly, yet not getting the results you want? Or you keep hitting plateaus when you should be progressing? Or that weight loss hasn’t helped increase your happiness as much as you expected? The book covers all this extensively!
- Do you struggle with cravings? We all do! And cravings are a BIG part of this book. You’ll find that my perspective on cravings and how to deal with them is unlike anything you’ve ever experienced before.
- Would you like to feel a greater sense of ease in your life? Often, there’s so much tension around food, diet, exercise, weight and so on. And this tension creates stress and anxiety that can adversely affect your health and beauty. One of the things you’ll also learn is how to tap into new sources of power and energy that can bring greater ease and flow into your life.
There’s so much more I could say, but I’ll leave the rest for when we release the dedicated book page. My goal here is to give you more of a sense for how this next Beauty Detox book can help you — so that you can participate in this contest.
My view from where I wrote so much of this book. Very inspired time for me and I hope to inspire you every bit as much!
How to Enter Our Pre-Launch Contest, Starting Today!
Pre-orders won’t begin until later this week, but in the meantime we’ve got a very exciting contest for you that we’re announcing today. The three winners will get a bottle of Probiotics, Detoxy+ (along with free shipping), and our 30-Day Meal Plan which is a $100 value in total package.
Here’s how it works:
- Think about the most important way that this Beauty Detox book will help you or change your life. (I’ll give you some hints about what’s inside the book in just a moment!)
- In your own words, in the comments section below, tell me about the issue/challenge/goal you’re facing — plus how and why you hope or feel you’ll be helped by the book.
- Do your best to be concise, there are no extra points for length. Also, writing quality is not important, so don’t feel pressured in that regard. We just want to feel what you are experiencing and see that you’ve put some thought into how this book is going to help you.
- Post that you entered the contest on at least one social channel (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Pinterest), and link to this blog post. Also, tag me, at @_KimberlySnyder so that we can easily find your content!
That’s it! Do that, and you’ll be officially part of this contest. The three winners will be announced in the blog post where we release the book page, later this week.
Comment Below and You’ll Be Entered Into the Contest!
So now that you have a little more of a sense for what this next book is about and how it might help you, all you need to do is think about what you will get from this book, write how you feel it will help you (in the comments below) and post that you entered the contest on at least one major social channel.
I’m SO excited about what this book will do for you, and the opportunity you have to win the $100 prize package. Plus, I’m eager for you to see how you can get a free bonus course on weight loss — when we release the pre-order page later this week.
So get working on your contest entry, post it below and I’ll be in touch with you again very soon — and throughout this week!
I am really looking forward to the release of your new book. I have both 1 and 2 and they have helped me so much in my journey but lately I am really struggling with cravings – epecially as winter draws in so hopefully this will help me beat them.
Love all things Kimberly Snyder! Lost 10 lbs last year and have continued nearly daily GGS. It would be great to learn new things!
Hi Kimberly,
I am so excited to read your next book! The first two have been so inspirational and truly changed my life. My health and life have transformed in ways that I never imagined. I am able to live more than ever before. With that said, I am looking to take my health to the next level. I have felt for a long time that I suffer from Candida. While I have incorporated many of the Blossoming Beauty suggestions into my daily life, I am having a hard time fully committing. My cravings have my leaning toward fruits, honey, and sweeter foods. I am hoping that this next book helps guide me toward a healthier, Candida-free life!
Dear Kimberly,
The current problem(s) I have are finding what works best for me. In this modern era of instant accessibility, I am torn between different dogmas related to health, fitness, and nutrition. On one side, I am told to eat meat because ‘veganism’ is failing me, and cannot sustain my active lifestyle. On the other side, I have yogis/vegans telling me that I am living a harmful life by consuming animals (ie, breaking ahimsa, and also destroying my body). With exercise, I am told to pick up heavy weights and avoid cardio by one side, only to be told the opposite by another. Left and right, back and forth.
With your new book, I hope I can find a middle ground somewhere that will better enable me to think for myself. I love how simple and personable your books/blog are when it comes to delivering information as well as giving inspiration.
And with your book, I hope to use the information (and inspiration!) that is used to better serve others. I am training to become a yoga instructor, and have plans on becoming a health coach as well. I want to create a program and website that honors every aspect of our constitutions- Body, Mind, and Spirit. Without all three, I do not think we can be completely alive, nor can we thrive. We need a healthy body to physically carry us through life, a healthy mind to create change and perceive the world around us, and a healthy spirit to give us that unique quality that differentiates us from every single being on the planet.
I anticipate a wonderful journey once your book is published, and cannot wait to lay my eyes upon it. Best of luck to you and to all of the Beauty Detox Community!
I feel like I have an unhealthy relationship with my food and body and I suffer from a lot of self judgement. I eat extremely healthy, but then usually end up sabotaging myself from cravings and just plain over eating because I’m bored! I’m currently trying to change my frame of mind and be positive but I am so looking forward to this new book as a tool in my overall health, including my emotional health!
The biggest challenge I am facing has to do with my skin. I’ve been experiencing acne for so many years and the beauty detox is the only thing that has really helped. However when I get off track it really shows in my face which only adds to my stress! I am so excited for this new book to help me get back on track but also to help me manage the tension that exists with food planning and preparation while juggling very busy work/life/home schedule.
Hiya! My biggest issues are an auto-immune disease and acne at 30+. Though I am fully aware I need medical advice, which I do receive regurlarly, I also know doctors can’t do much for me (in 15 years or so, I would have seen some improvement). I now know I need a more global approach, which is spot-on with my philosophy and my view on life. It won’t solve my problems, not all of them, but at least my body and mind will be well taken care of. Ta
I can’t wait for the new book. I foresee a calming blue color cover this time around and some great new recipes and maybe emphasizing using more of the superfoods out there and different recipes for healthy smoothies! Would enjoy seeing you again at a book signing in Atlanta! : )
Hello beauty detox crew,
I have been following the beauty detox lifestyle for almost two years now and it has improved my energy and constipation significantly but now two years later, still struggling to master cravings, exercise routines and not get bored of eating the same things often, I need this book! The increased knowledge the book will give me, I know will motivate me once again to remember why I started this lifestyle. I believe mastering this way of life is challenging because you see results right away and then it slows down, and it doesn’t seem like it is going to speed back up and then you change a few things and BAM, the glow gets brighter, then again you’re at a low and have an acne break out and wonder what you did wrong and wonder if it’s always going to be like this. The detox process takes so long and we surely are not perfect beings. Transformation takes knowledge and motivation that is transcending! I know what Kimberly has written will get me out of this rut of running in place! I know my friends and family look at me like “I thought you said your acne would go away and that you’d feel amazing once you started eating this way?” And then you have to explain that detox is a process but still it creates pressure, when before, eating used to be freeing and full of abundance but it slowly turns into restriction and trying to perfect the diet for others and almost faking it. All my friends and family support me of course, but when you start to struggle, lets admit it, you know they start thinking and second guessing and then you start second guessing! Oh boy, what a process detox is but I am up for the challenge no doubt! Thats why I cannot wait for pre-sales to start so I can start again with refreshed motivation, new beauty, exercise and weight loss goals. I want to achieve optimal health, I want a consistent workout regimen and I want my skin to truly glow!
Very excited for your new book to come out, I believe that investing in your health is priceless as your body definitely re-compensates you for all that you do for it.
I am a big fan of the Beauty Detox philosophy and was doing so great following it until I had my baby last year. I even did great through my entire pregnancy and was so healthy and gave birth to the healthiest happiest little girl ever! Now though, I am struggling with how to find a good balance. Trying to work, be a mom and a wife and still following Beauty Detox, finding time for my yoga practice and other exercise…I thought it would be easy to fall back into it, but it really has been tough! I would love to learn more, be inspired again and find some inner peace and motivation to stick with principles I believe it, but adapted to my new day-to-day life.
Hi Kimberly,
I am so pleased to hear that your new book goes deeper beyond just food. I’ve been following your Beauty Detox program for about 1 year now, and I can truly say that it has changed the way I feel and look at food and life. However, I still often struggle with the emotional wellness accept of the program. I often have to remind myself to keep a positive outlook on life and try to find happiness and peace within me. I feel that I have fallen in the habit of looking towards other people for my happiness. But, I have slowly begun to realize that happiness is my choice and that no one can control it but me. I feel that this book will really help in my journey because any past posts you’ve written or discussed in your blog, Instagram, etc. about finding peace and happiness have really opened my eyes and have always helped me in that moment and time. To have an entire third Beauty Detox book dedicated to this subject makes me feel so relieved and overjoyed! You’re such an inspiration to me and I’m very hopeful that your new book will help me find that missing piece to my Beauty Detox puzzle.
Lots of Love,
Kim! I am so excited to preorder your new book! I tell everyone about you and can’t recommend your approach to beauty and health enough :)
I gave birth to a sweet baby girl almost 4 months ago. So, I’ve been working hard at eating enough nutrients and calories to properly breastfeed, yet lose these pesky last 10 or so pounds. I think your new book will be a big help to me by keeping me motivated, arming me with knowledge and most of all, I think what you’re hinting at is that, this book will also work on my mind/body connection… my relationship with my lifelong partner, my body. I know one problem I face is that I’m never small/thin/skinny enough. Looking back at my pictures from summer before last, in my bikini, I think, wow, I look awesome. But at the time, I didn’t think it was enough and constantly beat myself up to be better, to look better and more perfect. I hope to mend my relationship with my body through guidance in your new book and throw love at myself instead of intense criticism. A happy body is a healthy one. Thank you so much for sharing all of your knowledge with us :) I look forward to the new recipes!
This book will help me gain confidence and the motivation to live life with a more positive outlook. I sometimes deal with having a negative outlook and I think this new book will help a lot!
I am so excited for the next book to arrive! I have such high hopes for it as I began my journey to better health over 2.5 yrs ago by following Kimberlys Beauty Detox book guidelines. It enabled me to come such a very long way that I am so grateful for yet I know I have more potential that is yet untapped as I hit a plateau that I have been at for several months now and no matter what I do cant seem to break it and am at a loss as to why. I struggled with severe sugar and caffeine cravings and its still a work in progress today. I look forward to this book with every fibre of my being and hope for change that will enable me to reach the rest of my goals. Much love & appreciation- Laura S.
#BeautyDetoxPower @_KimberlySnyder
Oh my goodness can’t wait for this book. First all I just want to thank you for everything you’re doing. I have been trying to loose some weight and stay at my desire weight which is 125-130. I will loose the weight and gain it all back again. I bought your second book which has been a great help to me. Especially planning the weekly meals, my green smoothie and my budget. This book will help me to achieve my goals of having a beautiful skin ,to retain my desire weight and to keep me on track . Since someone very special to me recently passed away from colon cancer, I have been very careful of what I eat. And I know this book will guide me through out this journey I’m starting on.
The next Beauty Detox book will help me on my journey to a healthier body and mind! I know how life changing the first two books have been for me. I use them as a resource on a daily basis.
I have struggled with food cravings and difficulty losing weight since the birth of my son, three years ago. I gave birth to my second child, a sweet baby girl, just eight weeks ago! During my second pregnancy, a friend introduced me to the beauty detox books. It was the first nutrition book I’ve read that truly made sense to me. I incorporated the GGS into my day while I was pregnant. Since having my daughter, I have changed so many aspects of my diet, using the Beauty Detox books as my guide. I have made gradual changes, and I notice big changes in my energy level and improvements in my acne prone skin. I am 5’6″ and weighed 199lbs just prior to delivering my baby girl. Instead of obsessing over the numbers on the scale, like I have in the past, I am measuring my progress by how my clothes fit and how I feel. I am down three pants sizes and I feel so good! I am grateful for all the research and hard work that has been put into the Beauty Detox books. I am so excited to see what this book will do for my body, mind and spirit!
Thank you for the opportunity to win the $100 prize package! I would love a chance to see how your products can benefit my health.
Bridging the gap between mental and physical health will help me reach my total wellness goals. After years of struggle with anxiety, and binge eating, I am so excited to begin the new phase of my BDS journey. As with all aspects of reinventing my health, I know that Kimberly will provide me with all the (realistic) tools I need grounded in compassion, knowledge and love.
Beauty Detox has touched all areas of my life, physical and mental. It is very easy for me to follow this lifestyle (because i see and feels the effects and it works!), but it is not completely effortless. I still spend a lot of time thinking, planning and preparing. I mostly follow recipes and guidelines and am not totally confident in my creative kitchen abilities. Reading your post made me realize there is still an element of resistance there. I am hoping this new book helps me to take away so much of the thinking I currently do about food and helps me feel confident in living the Beauty Detox lifestyle without questions, like it is second nature. Thank you so much Kimberly and congrats on your new book baby! Cant wait!
After traveling the world for nearly two years I will be heading back to school this winter. I am a bit stressed about how my eating habits will be, as I want to have a consistent healthy diet. Since school will be stressful enough, I am looking forward to reading your new book as it focuses on bringing ease and flow into my life. With your detox plans from previous books and now your third, I want to implement them into my daily life as healthy food not only brings energy but brain power for studying!
#BeautyDetoxPower @_KimberlySnyder
Kimberly, I was inspired and enjoyed your first two books so much and also your podcasts that I came across after.. It sounds to me that your new book will tie in both nutrition/detox as per books and working on quality of life as per podcasts.
Looking forward to all of this in a book format; your genuine compassion and love of making the most of life and respect for the environment we live in emenates from you. Thanks from the West of Ireland :)
Some of my challenges include staying away from fast food, I feel so guilty after I have it, and at times it seems convenient. Also, food prep, my husband and I get home late and one takes over the kitchen while the other is with our toddler, most of the time and we typically end up making something that’s not rich in nutrients since we feel we’ve had a long hard day and “deserve” this type of food when in reality we’re doing the worst type of thing for ourselves. It seems that your new book will help guide us through the hustle and bustle of life and how to find a balance. I can’t wait to read it.
I am sooo looking forward to your new book, Kimberly! I have always enjoyed eating healthy, enjoying the flavor and energy of the foods featured in your books. I’ve always had the food portion of my life perfectly balanced. Where I consistently fail is my stress management. Many times, I feel so powerless when it comes to balancing the non-food part of my life. While I am always so excited to re-affirm and learn new things on the nutrition front, I am truly looking forward to the different balancing aspects you have included in your new book. I feel that you are always growing and developing in your search for balance, and I thank you for taking me along with you on that journey through your wonderful blogs and, yes, books!!!
The beauty detox has help me to see nutrition in a very beautiful dimension, I have learned to appreciate the food abundance that mother earth could offer us. Being a mother of two little ones I know they will have the opportunity of a life time because there being exposed and this is what they will know when they start making there own decisions. Beauty detox has made me feel Alive! ,radiant, powerful creative Happy! Very Happy! . Thank you Kimberly. Gracias
It sounds like the new book is going to be amazing! Love the broad approach you’re taking to go beyond just the food and recipes! I know my relationship with food can get pretty complex, so finding that ease that you talk about is a huge goal for me. Looking forward to the new book!
At 32′ y.o., 5’8, 311 lbs I have become my heaviest, unhealthy version of myself. I never thought this would be me. I wake up each day in pain…moving around like an 82 y.o….how can this be? How did I get here? When did I lose my zest for life? I haven’t really hung out with my friends and family in almost a year. I avoid pictures like the plague. I take sleep aides every night just to fall asleep. My idea of exercise is watching others do it on social media. I look in the mirror and recognize myself less and less everyday.
I entered the culinary world 5 years ago as a pastry chef. I have had the great pleasure of traveling the world working on a cruise ship. During this time I lost 70 lbs….in 2 years. Crazy!!! But as soon as I returned to land october 2012 everything changed. I settled in to the restaurant life: 15 hour days, late nights, winding down with alcohol, consuming fast food EVERYDAY (if I showed you my trash right now you wouldn’t believe all the empty containers). When u cook for a living sometimes the last thing u want to do is cook (especially if you are single). This lifestyle not only put back the 70 I lost but added 20-30 lbs to it.
I said all that to say that this is me: a morbidly obese pastry chef with high blood pressure, PCOS and pre-diabetes (if not already…dr. Appt in 2 weeks). In no better terms…I feel like crap. My hope with this book is that it will show me another way to live. That it will give me the tools I need to stop watching my life from the sidelines and actually get in the game. I don’t expect the book to be a miracle pill…not at all. But I’m ready to put in the work I need to change my own life and I believe this book can be my “play book” for life. I hope that the information provided will show me how to heal the diseases in my body that I have allowed to happen. I want this book to show me how to use food as medicine and not a cure for a bad day. and show me how I can start using food as a tool to live…not a reason for living. (Currently I’m always thinking about my next meal…even during the meal) Food has become my sole source of joy….I am ashamed to say. As a chef it’s a good thing…but as a human no so much….I recognize that.
Most importantly I want this book to teach me how, even as a professional chef, I can follow this lifestyle and still enjoy food while healing my body and getting the glow from the inside out (not beauty products). I want to be an example that it can be done….and I will prove it.
Sorry for the length….and thank you for taking to the time to come up with BD and sharing it with us.
Hi. I have tried to follow your advise and have read the first two books but I can’t loose weight. I do cheat a lot
Wow, I cannot begin to explain how the previous detox books have changed my life! I was starving all the time, living off of processed diet foods. I had a horrible body image and even though I was thin, was not happy at all. I could never grasp the right way to nourish my body and soul. I stumbled upon your book and alongside a whole foods cleanse, I found everything I was missing! Yoga helped me destress and I had so much energy from all of the whole foods and green smoothies I was eating! I am so excited for this new book because your third point about tension is so true. I often find myself during the day getting worked up about how many calories I will burn at my workout tonight and just need to get that out of my life! Fitness and health should be easy, fun and you should enjoy it! Not stress you out! I cannot wait to read this book! Thank you Kimberly for all you do and I am so excited for this!
I shared your announcement on my Facebook page! https://www.facebook.com/fitnfreelife
I’m really excited about your beauty detox book – especially as we enter into a new year!
When I read the first book three years ago I was workin in retail a few hours a week and had a lot of time to plan my meals. My boyfriend was also out of state so I went out less often and had amazing results. I am back in school now and working and it’s hard to make my own meals. I usually have the same things a few times a week since it’s convenient. Also with all the stress I have been struggling to eliminate sugar. With a busy schedule I have been driven away from the path of the diet. I can’t wait for the book to inspire me to get back on track!
I weigh 140 and my goal is to be 120 and have far less breakouts. My issue is my lack of willpower towards combating my cravings. I’ll be eating healthy for around two weeks and then a coworker will bring in a box of donuts to share. It’s like those donuts are sitting right in front of me with a BOLD red sign saying eat me. I give in and I feel defeated and my healthy eating for the day goes out the window. I feel this book will be the tool I need to say NO to my unhealthy cravings.
I am very excited about your new book. I’ve made lots of changes to my diet since reading your first book, and then the second. I have stopped eating dairy and meat and eliminated processed foods. I have huge organic salads all the time and I love them. And of course also my daily GGS. I feel so much cleaner! I love following you on social media and picking up tips and getting reinforcement from your philosophy. I am totally ready for “Kimberly 3.0” where it sounds like I will gain more insight on cravings and letting go of stress and how I can have a renewed energy.
Hi Kimberly,
I have 3 boys and a husband, work full time and am very overweight. I guess I have many issues that are literally weighing me down, sugar cravings, tired all the time, picky eaters and struggle with the time it takes to plan out easy meals that do not take a ton of time to do and something that I can make quickly that the 4 men in my life will eat along with me so I do not get so overwhelmed that I give in and make unhealthy choices to accommodate us all. In my heart I want to make these changes. I need a nudge! I can’t wait for your new book. I have learned so much valuable information I just need help implementing it all. Sincerely, frustrated mom!
Sometimes I have issues staying motivated and not giving into food cravings. As a college student, sometimes it can be overwhelming trying to stick to a nutrient dense, plant based diet when all of your friends are ordering late night pizza and eating junk food for every meal. Though I usually am able to stick it out and not indulge, sometimes I give in and eat poorly-combined or processed food that make me feel weighed down and sluggish. I think this book will help me understand why I’m experiencing my cravings and open my eyes up to new ways I can control them. With this book I plan to have an easier time staying on track with my beauty detox plan and cleansing by body to radiant health from the inside out.
My biggest issue is I keep plateauing. I’ve lost 20 pounds already but am struggling to lose 10 more pounds. I’m so excited for this book!
This book would definitely help me with cravings especially on weekends when I’m surrounded by not ideal food. It would also help me not to have the “all or nothing” attitude and how to get back on track when I fall off the wagon.
Congrats on the book. I have the original and its life changing! With the new book my goal is Trying to convert my mom to the foods
Slowly introducing her to the green smoothie lifestyle and knowing what foods are actually beneficial to our lives
#BeautyDetoxPower @_KimberlySnyder
This book would definitely help me with cravings especially on weekends when I’m surrounded by not ideal food. It would also help me not to have the “all or nothing” attitude and how to get back on track when I fall off the wagon. I’m posting I entered this contest on Facebook Blanca Contreras (Trinnaman)
I have battled with chronic acne most of my life. I have it on my face, back and chest. I was on antibiotics in my teenage years then transferred to the pill to mask the acne.
I have recently gone off of the pill and my acne has come back, I am 23 years of age, I shouldn’t still have acne! I do not want to try any of these medications anymore and have decided to find the root of the problem. This has lead me to seek out an Iridologist who indicated that my liver is a main cause for this problem, and has put my on a diet plan similar to the beauty detox.
I have the beauty detox solution and beauty detox foods ebook on my laptop and started studying them carefully. I am still in the process of clearing my acne but Kimberly’s books are giving me ongoing motivation to carry on, even when I feel it’s taking too long.
I can’t wait for Kimberly’s new book to be released as this is definitely what I need during this frustrating time!
Lots of love,
Very interested in seeing more changes in my health. Specially, clearer skin, decreased caffeine cravings, and increased energy. I loved your first two books, and am looking for new recipes as well.
Oh my.. this would be so perfect for me! I have the first 2 books and what I am struggling with now is my cravings and addiction that I have with wheat. My skin has been breaking out and I think that it has to do with the vegan junk foods that I have been eating. This book seems like the cure for all my current problems!
Hello Kimberly,
I am an inspiring holistic nutritionist. I am currently going to school at the Canadian school of natural nutrition. I am halfway done my certification. I have a few fears as to what will happen when I am done my certification. I fear that people won’t take me seriously, I fear as to what my next step will be, also I have some fear as to the way I look. I unfortunately have some acne scars on my face and although I am not over weight I do feel that to be a nutritionist you should look a certain way. I loved your first and second books and I can’t wait for your third. I feel as though I have hit a plateau and I’m hoping your third book will inspire, educate and nourish me.
Thank you for inspiring and giving people the courage to dream big!!
Hi Kimberly, I’ve been following you since I saw your segment on a talk show. My life and diet has changed since that day. I became a vegan for my health. I find my challenge in reaching optimum health is reminding myself why I should be eating health consciously. I’ll go for the vegan gluten free cookie but ignore they have sugar and are processed. I feel so close to be able to live and breathe the beauty detox solution but I continue to ignore some rules because I have already given up on so many foods. I hope this book can insert the idea that this is not just a diet but the real way we should all be eating. Thanks Kimberly and team!
So when I wake up in the morning, I have a flat stomach. But as the day progresses, regardless what I eat and drink, it becomes huge by nighttime. My kidneys, btw, are perfectly fine and so are my hormones. It must be the lightness of being that I need, which I can perhaps find in the pages of your book. Love and light!
Hi Kim,
Its great you leaped into the health and awareness sector. I first found out about you from my mother, who knows I juice and eat a 75/25 plant / animal diet.
I saw your pic on the book and was like wow, the first vegan who is sexy and beautiful. The more I learn about your path, the more I am interested in your companies.
I am interested in this movement, and would be willing to invest, help you on the east coast. Lets work together and build your brand.
cravings, willpower – ugh. I guess old habits die hard. I do good at home, don’t bring the bad stuff home. My problem is that I am an international flight attendant and being captive on an airplane for 10 hours (with the wrong sleep pattern) just kills it for me. I hate muffin top – yuk!!!
I feel this would really help me as Im interested in nutrition in regards to beauty I particularly deal with very dry hair and would like to learn more about how nutrition could help with this issue .Also I wish to learn more about food combining and portion size in particular in regards to energy in vs energy out and the perfect balance.I find the cleaner I eat the better I feel and immediately feel awful if I eat the tiniest piece of any rubbish food .
i am so excited for this new book! I just started the beauty detox this week so I am extremely new to everything. In the past I struggled with an eating disorder brought on by my extensive list of allergies and a low self esteem, and that disorder was combined with doing heavy workouts at least 2 hours a day. For the past year I have been trying to heal my body and take care of it, rather than just have it look nice on the outside. I have started drinking my ggs every day and focusing on the whole foods, plant based protocol laid out in Kimberley’s books. I believe that this next book will be another wonderful tool to help me on my journey, the transition from female body-building mindset of eating 140 grams of protein a day to being vegan is kind of terrifying and overwhelming. So when I start to get confused or nervous I just begin retreading the beauty detox books to remind me of the science behind the diet and why it will help me to heal from the years of damage I put my body through. Thanks so much for everything Kimberly you are an inspiration!
Hi Kimberly. I struggle with digestion sometimes. It’s up and down. I have perfected everything else. It’s just that, and my sweet tooth craving has not gone away at all. I have been dealing with this in the mean time by following the high carb low fat 801010 diet of lots of fresh fruit and dates. However, I am SO intrigued to see your take on cravings! Being a psychology student and very interested in nutrition, I have researched and read a lot on cravings, from Deepak Chopra to Doreen Virtue Ph.D. I am just not quite satisfied yet. Thank you for writing a third book. So excited!
Hi Kimberly!
I love you so much and I will be forever thankful for you for changing my view about nutrition and making me passionate about fruits, veggies and nature!
I can’t wait for the new book! I have really hard times with cravings as I am a huge sweet monster. That usually ruins up my progress and makes me very frustrated. Your previous books has helped me with many things so I can’t wait for what you have wrote about cravings in your new book! Especially looking forward to hear what’s your perspective!
Someday I hope I’ll be totally free of sugar and gluten and a happy vegan :) Just like you! Thank you for being my inspiration.
I linked this to my instagram https://instagram.com/pure_emilia :)
Hello Kim! I am beyong excited for the third book, and especially the info on cravings which is what i still struggle with, but do not ever give into food that is unhealthy for me. I got the beauty detox solution as a gift this january and ive lost 70 pounds and look and feel amazing. So of course i have the second book too. I went from eating dairy at every meal to being a vegan. I cannot thank you enough for what you have done for my life. I was on a path to self destruction…cheers.
Hi Kimberly! I truly love your lifestyle. I am in the process of discovering my own very lifestyle and diet and your tips are so helpful!
Sounds great!
This would help change my life because I have been struggling with bad skin since I was a teenager and I’ve tried every product out there and I have recently become aware of how eating clean and vegan can affect your skin and I would love more knowledge behind this. I want glowing and beautiful skin like yours!
I am submitting to your contest because I have both of your books and GLS . I have been doing ok, but have hit the wall. I have a goal of 66 more lbs to lose and after losing the first 22lbs I am at a standstill. One of the barriers is that once I get stagnate then the craving begin, and I want dairy, sweets and chips because I feel like nothing is working I give in for a couple day. Then it hits me I fell like crap and I remember why I follow you plan. I think that your new book will benefit me by giving me more knowledge about handling my cravings , how to continue to lose weight, and more information on meal planning and preparation and if I also get the meal plan It will defiantly help insure that I am without a doubt combining my foods correctly. I want to be healthier for my family I have a 11year old son and I want to be able to enjoy these years with him and know that he is enjoying them with me. One day I want to be an active grandmother to his children. I also have diabetes on both sides of my family and I don’t want to wait for it to happen to me I want to prevent it from happening to me.
hy im marzia an d i live in switzerland. here is my story a few years ago i had anorexia. i was very ill from the age of 13 until 16. all the time i struggel with eatina nd other problems. then i had the chance to get a heathy lifestyle i moved away from my parents and went to a place wehre most of the people were vegan.
from this moment i like to eat plant based food which is organic and feed my body with good nutrition. 6 months agoo i bought booth of your books because i want some inspiration and i love them very much. of course i have a very healthy lifestyle but sometimes i have also cravings like the other people and then i eat chocolate and all the unhealthy stuff ;-) i hope that i can kill this cravings with yout next book and i hope i can get a better realationship with the food i eat. thank you very much for your inspiration
can’t wait for your new book. I need more And more reciepies for all my Family to enjoy. I also need motivation And inspiration To continue my jurny into the health.
Hi Kimberly! I am so looking forward to your next book and the next step in this journey!!
One of my challenges is an everlasting search for some missing piece in life that leaves me feeling unfulfilled. From this my choices with food, work, love and life are misdirected and unfocused and end up becoming self destructive and more stressful, which of course goes full circle towards frustration and more unhealthy choices. I feel your new book will provide clarity how everything is connected and a perspective that is grounded in lifelong awareness for a whole healthy lifestyle rather than short-term superficial quick fixes. I feel so much hope and gratitude for you and whatever lessons you share with us!
I am SO excited about this new book for all the reasons you say it’s about!!!! I really want to learn about relationships with food as mine is unhealthy, I can’t wait to try new recipes as I get bored and it keeps me inspired and also I want to learn about results and not getting what I want out of it. Also I love reading new information it’s so educational and makes me more conscious. I’m very very excited and I CANNOT wait!!!!!
I recently change form a paleos diet to vegan lifestyle and all i can say is that is so much better i feel with a lot of energy and just everything feels better. But im having a hard time knowing what to eat or recepies. I believe that your book will put me on the right track.
Right now im facing an eating disorder, binge eating.i had this disorder since i was 14. I really had been through a lot trying to over come it. Now that i am a vegan its has calm down, but ia not gone … so i hope i can learn new recepies that can help me and how food affect ny body.
Hi Kim :-)
My name is Alex, I love your first two books and I am looking forward to the third especially since it’s leaning towards weight and inner well being which are things I’ve always had a hard time with. I grew up always being a little thicker than I feel like I should be especially for my height and once I quit sports it really started to show, so being as hard on myself as I am Ive put my life and dreams on hold for simply the fact Ive been struggling to find a way to get the weight off all while over thinking even option of food or meal plan (this than just leads to being stressed out and having to start over). I’d love to be chosen as a lucky winner but win or lose I can not wait for this book as your others have truly shown me a light to the madness that the world of food can be :)
Hi Kimberly,
Oh this contest would mean so much to me. I am currently studying the mind-body-food connection in my graduate studies, as inspired by you. I am currently suffering from adrenal fatigue due to chronic stress, so this book also would have personal benefits as well as for my academic/career goals.
Thank you Kimberly for writing this book! I hope that it will help me to breakthrough the last few obstacles with relation to body image, losing the last bit of weight, dealing with cravings and to finally clear my hormonal acne and repair my skin. Even just writing down these goals has helped to remind me of my mission, and has reinspired me to emerse myself completely in this lifestyle and to simply trust the process and know that the results will follow. Thank you so much Kimberly for inspiring me, and for all the improvements in my life to date using the knowledge that you have given me. You have forever changed my perspective on nutrition and my health, in a way that is so easy to understand and has truly withstood the passing of time. (Sorry this post is fairly long, but it comes from my heart and I didn’t want to stem that). Congrats on the book release and good luck everybody! Lots of love xoxo
Hi Kimberly!
I am beyond excited for the third Beauty Detox book! This book is coming out at such a great time for me! I have been reading your books, blog, drinking your cleanses and following the Beauty Detox principles and Glowing Lean System (I am a Chrysalis) since December 2013. At the time I was battling depression and reading your books have helped me not only change my diet, but I was able to get off all my medication, stop therapy, and live a happier, healthier life in general. My body feels amazing inside and out and I love how in tune I am with my body. Except during this time, I actually gained weight instead of lose it. What gives?? Don’t get me wrong, I still love my body but I’m really hoping to gain some knowledge and insight on why I gained weight and how I can shed those pounds safely. Fitting comfortably in my clothes is my ultimate goal! I’ve also posted the contest on my Instagram account! Thanks and much love!
It seems as though the Universe brings to me exactly what I need at exactly the right time! I’ve been on a quest for ‘the answer’ to maintaining a healthy weight for most of my adult years, and seriously making adjustments to my diet in the past three. Most recently my only success has come from taking prescription diet pills. At 46 years old now, and packing back on that 12 lbs. I lost on diet pills, I’m ready for a change. My husband just recently suggested (because it always sounds better when it’s his idea, lol), that we do a serious “lifestyle change”. I’ve been pondering how to go about this big change for us and our two boys (ages 12 & 10) in a way that we can all get on board and involved. I’m not sold on the idea that you must exercise until exhaustion and deprive ourselves of delicious food in order to be lean and healthy, I just need the info, guidance and tools to share with my guys. My husband and some friends are doing a weight loss challenge that ends on Dec. 22nd, they all bought in for $20 and whomever loses the most weight by the deadline wins the pot! This book looks to be the answer for all of us! Kimberly, your research and world travels have provided you so much insight in to nutrition and lifestyle! I would love to have the chance to share it with my family. I chose to start a family early (at 22), and have not had the opportunity to travel outside North America (yet!). I have two children on their own and two at home, what a gift it will be to provide this information to the two young ones at home and through osmosis to my other two! As for the love of my life, Charlie, he has a serious sugar addiction, candy bars and Dr. Pepper every day, and a family history riddled with heart disease. Unfortunately we lost his father to a heart attack in 2003 at the age of 51. Charlie has never so seriously expressed a desire for a lifestyle change as he did just a few days ago. I would LOVE to share with him that we are the winners of this contest…in love and light, Michelle.
I am still working on having a healthy mind/body connection, and trying to remain relapse-free from anorexia. Based on your expertise, I know that your Beauty Detox book will teach me to stay on the healthy, right path to overall well-being and nourishment.
I suffer from thyroid disorders and was recently diagnosed with insulin resistance (aka pre-diabetes). Conventional “wisdom” says my treatment is multiple prescriptions, no carbs (including fruit and complex carbs), and eating lots of animal protein. I’m searching for a healthy, natural, VEGAN solution to my health issues, and I believe the new book is the tool I need to save my life.
Hi Kim! Your new book sounds amazing!!! At mid-life it’s a huge struggle to maintain my lustrous locks and glowing skin. I know it’s all about good nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. I keep active and try to eat nourishing food, but something or somethings are definitely missing. I know that your information will give me the missing pieces, the boost that I’ve been longing for, and help me achieve amazing results!
I’m a single mom to two amazing little boys! I’ve been on this new self discovery journey. Doing my best to discover new things and life the most healthy life that I can so I can be the best role model that I can be for my children! Self love, self image and self worth is what it’s about and starting my new lifestyle!!!
Hello Kimberly,
I recently found out i have been living with a condition called ultra short segment Hirschsprung disease. It usually occurs with premature birth and i was born premature. it basically means my digestive system doesn’t work as normal. I am trying to figure it out with what i eat and it would be nice to get some help.
I lost 35lbs between March 2013 and December 2013 on weight watchers. In the next 11 months that followed (January 2014-present day/11-10-14) I have been up and down between 30-35 lbs gaining and losing no more than 2.8 in any given week. In April of 2014 I heard Steven Pasquale talking on the radio about working with Kimberly and eating light to heavy. I bought The Beauty Detox Solution immediately and loved it. I read thru quickly and I am now reading a second time more carefully. I gave up 99% of dairy and I eat animal protein only for dinner with the exception of eggs every once in a while for breakfast or lunch. Everything is better exct for the number on the scale. I eat very clean; feel so much better I feel lighter at almost every weekly weigh in and WW meeting but I’m up and down and haven’t lost more than 2.8 lbs in my given week and haven’t lost more than 2 weeks in a row in almost a year. This plateu type of non- progress is frustrating since I intend to los another 30 lbs. I am so looking forward to the third book. Thanks
My relationship with food has always been love-hate. I get excited about trying new foods and recipes, yet I have a long history of eating disorders, bad body image and treating food as punishment. As I continue on my journey of eating more and more healthy foods (to help crowd out the unhealthy foods), exercising to keep my body strong and yoga/meditation for a healthy and balanced mind, I have made major strides in viewing myself and the foods I eat from a place of love. I am now truly enjoying the foods I eat and I know how to listen to my body’s cues to supply it with exactly what it needs to be properly nourished and satisfied. The good things I have been doing have had a snowball effect, leading to more positive benefits than I ever dreamed of. I am always receiving compliments on my skin and my smile, but more importantly, I feel amazing on the inside! The Beauty Detox Solution has been instrumental in making this happen. As a fan of Kimberly’s books since the first one was released, I am so excited to see what I can learn about continuing to live this lifestyle in this new addition. I am looking forward to seeing what the new book helps me learn about myself, both in terms of my relationship with food as well as new ways to bring health and joy into my life and into the lives of the people around me.
Hi Kim,
I’m really looking forward to your third book and I honestly believe it will be a tool in getting back on track.
When I first discovered your books, I fell in love with your message! You provide facts, that make sense and you go into detail as to why. For me this was amazing. My diet was the extreme opposite of the beauty detox lifestyle! Full of processed crap… and I wondered why I had no energy (I know right??). so I started making changes! GGS (omg where have you been all my life!) probiotics and my thoughts towards veggies/salad went from “ugh gross” to “yesss! Give me that!”. Whith the changes I was feeling amazing more energy and just happyer in general. A couple of months later I was made redundant from my job, which sucked but I thought what a great opportunity to burry my head in your books and work on me. So I did! I got the basics right and was feeling super, for about 2 weeks… Then I started to feel horrible again! I was tired, I woke up feeling sick, couldn’t stomach my GGS or any salads!! :-/ I couldn’t understand it!! Three weeks later I took a pregnancy test, and it was positive!
During my pregnancy I fell off track and old habits were easy to fall back into. I was pretty un well for my entire pregnancy including gestational diabetes and blood pressure that sent me to hospital. But thankfully I had a beautiful healthy bubba boy who is now nearly 6 months and it’s time to get back on track and prep my body for bubba number 2! While at the same time teaching my son to have a heathy relationship with food.
Book number 3…. Come at me! I’m ready! :-) x
Hello all :) I’m very excited about this upcoming book ,and I want to share with you why!!
I’m a 27 year old esthetician born and raised in PUERTO RICO till I was 10. I moved to columbus Ohio and here I have remained, making back and forth trips between PR and OH.
My nutrition as a child was very different I rejoyed in coconut water, rice with many different beans, plantains, yuka, and anything that grew in our garden!. As you can imagine when I moved to the states my nutrition changed drastically and so did my health.my teenage years where full of indigestion horrible skin and depression, and it carried into my adult life, I kept going to doctors to help me with my belly issues and my skin never once thinking about my diet being an issue! Till I went to school to be an esthetician, I was introduced to the beauty detox by a class mate and OMG it made total sense! I knew it was a life changer when I started it on myself and I saw my energy and skin change so I decided to make this part of my esthetics ! I gift the books to my friends and skin clients.
I think this 3rd book will be great to add to this amazing collection I myself am constantly changing and evolving And I am constantly wanting to learn more !
Thank you Kimberly !!!
The Beauty Detox Solution was the first step in my journey to true health. Reading Kim’s books helped me understand that beauty and health go hand in hand, from there I was able to feel a difference, not just see it. The books ignited a new passion for learning and for exploring all of the information I could find. It gave me a foundation to build on, using the Beauty Detox Principles I was able to finally begin to understand my body and how to properly nourish it. I can’t say enough about the community I have become a part of thanks to Kim and her willingness to share all of this with the world. I am so grateful for the entire Beauty Detox ‘Collection’… I cannot wait for this next book!!!!
Love and Peace
Hi Kim. The food pairing knowledge in the Beauty Detox was life-transformative for me. Up until that point, I was constantly having stomach issues and by the end of the day it would like 5 months pregnant from bloating. I had tried every over-the-counter pill that never got to the root cause of the issue or helped me for long. Listening to well-meaning friends and family members made it even harder to figure out what was going on with all the conflicting information. Combine that with a search that went nowhere online, I had just about given up. But it was at the point where I’d be afraid to eat in the morning. When I read about food pairing and the digestive system, it was like a light bulb went off in my head. I immediately applied the principles and coupled with giving up gluten and regularly consuming the GGS and GGJ, it changed my life. I had already not been eating meat but it was the dairy that was pretty much ruining my digestion. The expensive organic yogurt I was having for breakfast every morning (which I was brought up to believe was so healthy) was actually starting the road block off every day! Since that time, I have seen huge transformations in my body and health. I have not once had the bloating. My biggest challenge though is what to do about cravings. I have these old memes in my subconscious where when I get stressed, I want to mow on starchy carbs like crackers, popcorn, chips etc but even worse is the chocolate. Not cacao but cookies, or candy bars, things like that. I’m hoping that the new book can help me let these behaviors go that no longer serve me. Every time I binge eat on things I know are not helping my body, it chips away at self-esteem and makes it harder to put it aside and start over. Thank you!
I am so excited about this next book. I have found that since starting the Beauty Detox lifestyle I find that I start to lose my way with the coming of winter, and I can’t seem to get back on track until springtime. During this time, I start to feel tired, no motivation to get out and exercise, I give in to my cravings, and of course put on weight. It is a bad cycle that I want to break. This book is coming out at the ideal time for me, and I hope it can help me deal with my cravings and to put me back on the right track to eating and living a more healthy lifestyle…in all seasons! I love how I look and feel during the spring and summer, and I hope that this book will give me the motivation I need to allow me to enjoy that feeling in the fall and winter too.
As I said in my post… I cannot wait for this new book in hopes that I may really understand me more. I want to be the best, healthiest mother That I can possibly be. Whenever I read your book I feel peace. Thank you
Ever since I’ve read your books, I am more conscious about my food intake and the way I eat my food. Since the beginning of this year, I changed my diet to become vegetarian and I feel better than ever. I never thought I would be able to cut out meat in my diet, but with your help and research, it was simple. There are so many alternatives to meat, I don’t crave it one bit; especially the fact that you can make meatless delicious and appetizing recipes. I’m hoping with the new book, I can explore more within healthy eating habits and continue living a more happy, healthy, energized life!
I struggle with cravings, stress, and poor eating habits. I can’t wait to dedicate myself to a bigger plan that speaks directly to my needs. I have been drinking the GGS 4 days a week for a couple weeks now, and I recommended it to a friend just today! Thank you for sharing your knowledge!
Hello Kimberly & Beauty Detox Team! I’m Brittany about 8 years ago I was going through a multitude of health issues. I was constantly sick to my stomach, bloated, cramps, major discomfort. Unintentionally throwing up my meals to the point where people thought I was bulimic. I was not trying to throw up, I just could not keep my meals down. I went to a local naturopath & thus my journey into healing through food began. Fast forward to about 1.5 years ago, a friend introduced me to The Beauty Detox Solution, hallelujah! Over the years I had done so much research via books and the internet, watched multiple YouTube videos and documentaries. I just resonated with your words and how you approached health. Reading your books gave me a fantastic resource to come back to and simplified the plethora of information I had already gone through. You got straight to the point. You brought to light food paring which took me to a whole new level. I just can’t sing your praises enough. When anyone asks me about health and nutrition I either buy them your book or direct them to you. I have seen amazing results in close friends & a peace inside of my own body through your teachings. I CANNOT wait for your next book. I trust you explicitly when it comes to nutrition, I feel your passion! I hope to further expand my knowledge & understanding with this third book as well as overcome my salt (aka chip) addiction. Many thanks again =)
The challenge and goal (interesting, the dichotomy) is to lose 120 pounds healthfully and in time to avoid disease and to become pregnant with my first child. I am 42 and have been unhealthy for virtually all my life, and overweight more often than not. The junk food and excess weight have robbed me – rather, I have, through poor lifestyle and food choices, robbed myself and those with whom I share my life from so many enriching and no doubt joyful experiences. I have been a couch potato, taking an armchair view of life. I had had enough this summer, when we set aside time and funds to walk through the Badlands. My husband had trimmed down and gotten healthy; he was rearing to go. I, however, carried 120 extra pounds and just couldn’t make it in the triple-digit heat. I’m ashamed to say that we drove through the Badlands… in silence. I thought it – and my inability to control my weight and my health – would ruin us and he would leave me. Instead, he is supportive and encouraging. Coming from four decades of bad habits and, frankly, ignorance about so many things (nutrition, emotional eating, cravings, willpower, and much more), I need more and I am very hopeful that your new book puts everything in perspective for me. I am confident that your holistic approach to the new book will help me better put into practice the information I have gleaned from your two previous books. I am optimistic and excited to read your new book. I have never been more ready for it – and motivated to work toward a healthier me!
I have been following you work since i started my own journey. You were part of my inspiration when I started my carrier in holistic nutritions, I have applied so many of your techniques and strategies with myself and with clients.
Today I am a health coach and a nutritionist and even dough you were not fiscally mentoring my, you spirit was there with me through your books
Thank you
I am exited that cravings are a big part of the book. I gave up candy when i started this lifestyle.HOWEVER, chocolate is really bad weakness but i do stay away due to dairy and the soy content. BUT, my worse craving is bleu cheese. If there a replacement for why i cant stay away from it i hope it is the book. Either way i am always happy to read your philosophy about health.
I discovered Kim about a year ago. I instantly became intrigued with her philosophy on diet and beauty. I suffer from digestive issues and Kim’s knowledge on nutrition came at the exact time I needed it to. I was feeling so confused on how and what to eat to help me from the inside out. There is so much junk out there it becomes difficult to distinguish what information actually does serve humanity. I struggle with cravings, emotional cravings big time. I also struggle with standing my ground, it’s like I bend over backwards if I’m eating out and food combos aren’t ideal. I eat it anyway then feel it later and get pissed at myself for being this way. For being weak and not asking for what I truly need. I pray this coming book will once in for all teach me and heal me of my emotional attachment to cravings I know are bad for me. To stand up for my nutrition regardless of the opinions of my loved ones. Kim, thank you for doing this contest and thank you for all the love and light you spread with just you being you.
My name is Taryn. I am a wife & stay-at-home mom. I spend the free moments I have reading various health books & blogs about clean living to keep my family as healthy as I can, but struggle with my own food- especially desserts. If I am being honest I always have but I have struggled even more since I lost my mom last year to cancer. We were extremely close & I can’t even begin to describe how extremely her absence is felt. She died when I was 5 months pregnant with my daughter. She won’t get to see her grand kids grow up but I am determined to see mine! Losing her opened my eyes to so many things & my goal each day is to be as healthy as I can be so that disease won’t take me from my family also. I will do great for a week or so, then binge. I find myself eating her favorite “treat” foods or just eating toxic sweets & telling myself I deserve it bc I’m sad… Then feeling horrible for doing that to myself & for putting my body in a lesser state & opening myself up to disease. I’ve always wanted glowing skin- have never had it. I know if I could just get myself on the right track mentally & physically I could maintain it. I just need help. I would love to win, especially for the probiotics! I know I need some major healing!
PS- my son & I LOVE the GGS! He is only 2 but he asks for his “foobie” (smoothie) on the daily! :)
Also, I know that if my body was clean my mind would be more clear.. I feel like that is what my next step has to be to enhance my spiritual health.
Bare with me… I grew up in a Ukrainian household – meat, dairy, and fats all worshipped, especially processed meat. At around 13 I decided to become a vegetarian. Nobody sparked the idea except for the intuition inside of me when I opened up that fridge to grab the daily helpings of processed meat (that I ate like candy) and made the choice to stop eating it. It lasted a week. Nevertheless, Freshman year of ’06 I made a pact with a girlfriend to go vegetarian. She didn’t quite make a day, but I stuck with it. I didn’t read anything, or see anything, or hear anything that told me to do this. I believe we are all interconnected with all creation, and my intuition, my heart, my spirit, breathed the well kept secret of a healthy lifestyle right into me. Yes, I became a vegetarian, stopped drinking milk and consuming refined sugars, but that didn’t mean I knew how to make up for what I wasn’t getting in my diet. One might say I ruined my metabolism, or digestive system entirely. In 2011 my boyfriend at the time promised to give up eating McDonalds if I started eating chicken… So, that’s what I did. My mother couldn’t convince me, my sisters couldn’t convince me, but for the sake of his health, I was willing to eat chicken and fish again, because they thought I was killing myself by “depriving” my body of it. Since then I have consumed Chicken and Fish in moderation, mostly fish… I later adopted Turkey into my life. I wasn’t the healthiest person, but I did advocate for a healthier lifestyle and believed I was making healthier choices. All the while I was being mildly ridiculed and chastised for my diet. I have had digestive, emotional, and overall health and wellness issues ever since I was a little girl running around barefoot outside (as we used to do before ipads and cellphones). I wasn’t well, not as well as I could be. Until, Thank God, the following year I found your book. It was the first real research, real material, that I got my hands on that would straighten the path for me about what it is I’ve known so long was right, and my body longed for at 13. You made me understand I wasn’t the only one, that my “crazy”, “radical”, “unconventional” ways weren’t for nothing. The Beauty Detox Solution made me find the family I belonged with, a family of supporters and contributors. I lost nearly 35 pounds, always having carried a little extra weight on me since infancy, I was told I was big-boned. I was told to look in the mirror because no man could love what I saw in there. I was 10 at that time. I’ve grown up with a major body-image issue, it’s a struggle, and I am harsh with myself about how I look. I’m slowly learning to love who I am, to love my body, and believe in myself, and the choices I’ve made for my life. I encourage this book to so many people that I know. My passion and calling is to holistically help others on their journey for optimal wellness, and live a healthier lifestyle one small step at a time, in mind, body and spirit. Kimberly Snyder helped confirm that for me. I’m still a student of life, on a journey of learning and altering the BDS diet and listening to my body about what it needs. To end I’m just going to say I was so ecstatic to hear that a third book is coming out!!! I am so over-joyed and can not wait to get my hands on it and share it with those I love. Thank you for all that you do, for taking the time to love on us who seek a better way, reminding us that we’re not alone. God bless.
I will be turning 65 in a couple of weeks. I am recommitting to taking super good care of myself as a forever birthday gift to me. I have one of your earlier beauty detox books, but I have gotten away from following it due to various life changes. Your newest book would give me the inspiration I need to get back on track.
I am 55 have 4 children .Have hypo thyroid after which loosing weight has become very difficult.Cant do much exercise due to lethargicness and internal weakness and joint pains specially legs. I also have Rosacia.My weight is 235lbs.Looking forward to the solution in the new book.
I am a 35 year old wife and mother of three young children with both side of the extended family in the same town. I hope to change all our lives through improved nutrition. We live in the Heartland where animal products are considered critical for adequate nutrition and as a result our family is plagued by obesity, diabetes, acne…the whole array of food related problems. I am putting so much heart energy into winning this package!! I deeply want copies of this book to share with my loved ones and to give me the courage to keep on the health path. I have 40 pounds to lose. We listen to the podcasts in the car and watch the u tube videos. My five year old wants to travel to California to meet Kimberly. Too cute. Thanks for all the wisdom and encouragement.
I’m finally a senior in college and as I’ve gotten closer to graduating, I’ve started to realize that your lifestyle is just as important as your achievements. I started to incorporate the beauty detox solution into my life about 2 months ago to start putting my health first. I already feel great! My skin is clearer than it has ever been and I feel like I have more energy to go out and accomplish the things I want to do with my life! I’m thrilled to realize that valuing my well-being could actually help me, not keep me from, success. But like any college student, I’m surrounded by the temptation of junk food, beer, you name it, and pretty much all of the time. Every once in a while I give in, and I feel sluggish and lethargic again. I can’t wait for the next book to help me kick these cravings for good!
I am a single mom with three beautiful girls, I have a busy life and find it hard to stay focused and motivated. I am looking forward to the new book. I have your other books and find them extremely motivational. I have never had a problem with my weight, but when I do not eat well and exercise I feel tired all the time and find it hard to be happy. My moods are like a roller coaster of emotions. Then I read your books again and get back on track with the beauty detox lifestyle and right away start to feel amazing, my energy gets better and my moods level out. I am looking for something to keep me motivated to consistently eat well and exercise. Thank you again,
Hi, I’m so looking forward to your new book. I have your 2 first books and love them. They have helped me realise food can be my friend and not my enemy. I’m 36, married this year and have 1 & 2 yr old girls. I suffered with anorexia and bulimia for half my life and recovered but still struggled with food but ate to stay alive, but since reading your books I now look forward to eating and putting all these nutrients in my body, making me enjoy eating finally. Your an inspiration and I thank you so so much for all you have done for me and others :-) xx
Hi Kim. I am a 27 year old woman who has been following you now for about 2 years. My husband and I have been trying to conceive for about a year and a half, going to endless dr. appointments, I am constantly getting blood tested, or having ultrasounds or injecting myself with hormones. Through all of this nothing seems to be working.
This is causing me to emotionally eat, and also stop me from doing my usual hour a day work outs which I love doing because I am scared of putting my body under any stress.
Your books and blogs have kept me inspired the whole time however when I get upset I go straight to the fridge and eat!! I just need to stop the emotional eating (which is easier said then done!). I need something to inspire me to keep me going through this journey because I am so close to giving up and am holding onto a very week string!
This book sounds like exactly what I need! The older I get and the more I learn about the world, the more I realize that it’s not just about food, not just about exercise, not just about vitamins, supplements, etc. You really have to get your mind in the right place for all of it to work. There is so much more involved in heath and happiness! I’m finally getting my life on track after years of health issues/infertility and a difficult (yet miraculous) pregnancy…sounds like this book is going to be a great tool for me!
Why do I want your new book? 1) I let my friend borrow my first book because I want to spread the word about you & the beauty detox lifestyle 2) my car was broken into & they stole my second book so now I’m book less. 3) I love books/recipes with pictures. I’m ready for a lifestyle change & feel all around healthy from the inside out. I love to cook real, simple foods & looking forward to reading about your new adventure.
Posted to my Instagram @dblicious
I don’t remember the exact HOW that I discovered Kimberly’s blog, but I DID. And that’s all that counts in this book! I purchased her first “Beauty Detox,” book and was very excited to learn there would be a SECOND. To describe how I feel about a THIRD… I’m enthralled. I’ve bought her books for various people in my life and they have thanked me for introducing them to the lifestyle.
I have been working on 15 years of binging issues, on and off. When I haven’t eaten enough, I eat it all. When I’ve been overwhelmed, I’ve turned to food. I’m a happy gym goer, active person who sees and knows the importance of self care, yet I have areas that need find tuning. The desire is there, the true heart to give myself all is need is there, but I falter in some areas and then it becomes a ripple effect for me.
I know what my body craves – fresh , nutrient dense food, but I have caved since moving back home from college. I feel that it is mind and body disconnect. I’ve been challenged finding a career path that will satisfy me in all ways and handling some issues that I’m looking to heal from. 100% I am the better ME when I’m taking care of myself – writing, being social, filled with greens, staying away from dairy, wheat…
Yet I don’t always do what works.
Age 21, I had my gallbladder removed. Afterwards, I was determined to learn WHY I had a diseased gallbladder and what to do to better my body. I still don’t have the exact WHY but it was 1-2 years after that I learned of Kimberly. So, that was enough reason for me.
Age 10, my body gave me my period. Since then, I have dealt with acne. It has been an expensive, frustrating process in ridding of it and maintaining healthy skin, but I’ve learned that eliminating dairy and taking probiotics has helped entirely! I believe firmly in both principles and try to educate others (not push!) about them.
Any time I mention Kimberly Snyder to a friend , coworker, boyfriend, I discuss how she LIVE how she preaches! She follows all she tells others. It’s the way it should be. . . And the way I want to live my life – With genuine intentions.
I’m exciting for book 3 to be available so I can learn deeper principles to better all aspects of my health. It’s a never ending journey I am happy to be on and wait with cheerful anticipation, while continuing to follow and fine tune the lifestyle I have now.
Congratulations Kimberly. Job Well Done.
I have had every form of relationship with food possible. I struggled with growing up in the Midwest without any education on healthy eating/living, eating processed foods and dairy galore. After studying abroad and starting to look at my body and overall health, I completely changed my eating habits. Unfortunately I only had generic fitness “experts” to follow so that meant calorie counting, packaged protein bars, etc. The weight came off but obviously only temporarily. This launched me into bouts of bulimia and the toughest emotional roller coaster I have ever been on. Being a professional and escaping to another floor of the office to relieve me of the stress of how many calories I consumed at lunch, only made me feel more embarased and guilty. No matter how much “better” I would get, I would still say I always had disordered eating patterns.
Since finding Kimberly’s books and philosophy, my life has turned upside down. I have fallen in love with the man of my dreams and he just asked me to marry him! I hope that this new book can help walk me through the journey of loving myself, preparing my body and mind, and understanding the deeper roots of my relationship with food. I am ready to connect to my inner being, my happiest soul, and my healthiest self!
I loved the first Beauty Detox Book and discovered it at a time in my life when I was getting over years of eating disorders and establishing a healthy relationship with food. After moving from Chicago last year down to the South, it was hard to keep up this diet at first and although I enjoyed trying different foods down here, I want to get back to feeling and looking amazing on a plant-power fueled diet! I am moving again, out West this time, and hope that this book will help ground me in my healthy lifestyle. Thank you so much for everything so far!
I have been on a journey for a very long time to become healthy and happy. In January I will 48 and I plan to be around for another 48 yrs. I believe your latest Beauty book could help me discover my true beauty inside and out. I have read many books and there are few that I can actually say that I get. Your Beauty Detox is one of them. I have been juicing consistently since January 2, 2014. I seem to be stuck. Need some assistance and guidance to move forward. I would truly be honored to be a part of your Beauties and prove to myself that I can do it all I need is a little help.
I want to find my best self again. While the first two Beauty Detox books, Glowing Lean System and podcasts have been immensely helpful, I’m hoping the next book will serve as additional inspiration for how to better manage and sustain all the key components in my well-being. Once I have reached my goals, I can serve as an inspiration and real example for everyone around me, especially my loved ones. I just need to get “there” and be consistent about it!
I am so looking forward to the release of your latest Beauty book. I would be so excited if I were chosen as one of the winners. I have been on a journey to find myself for a very long time. In January I will be 48 and I plan to be around for 48 more yrs. I would like to be around for my future grandchildren. I truly enjoy reading your Beauty Detox series as they are truly relatable and easy to follow. I am truly a fan. There are a thousand books on healthy eating and living but not all are relatable. Your books are truly easy to follow and interesting. I am excited for you and simply cannot wait.
Hi Kimberly, I’m looking forward to the new book because I currently use both Beauty Detox Books 1 & 2 regularly as a motivational tool to keep me going with my healthy eating regime. I’m excited about this new book being released. Warm Regards, SJ
P.S. I’m not on any form of social media, though I do share by means of the old fashion way “word of mouth” hopefully my entry will still be valid. Thank you :)
I’ve already read BDS and BDF few times for inspiration and reminder where am I going :) Thank you sooo much for them! When you started realising podcasts about whole package of life, not just right and wrong food,after that you were traveling and ended up eating for ex. white rice and other not so beautifying foods, I’ve understood that loving and grateful approach for everything life gives you is SO important! I can’t wait to read your new BD Book! I think that it would give wider insight into BD Lifestyle, will inspire me to carry on and share more and more, to be grateful and happy, to fight old habits more affectively, to explore some new depths for my taste cubs and so much more :)
It’s 5 am and I am awoke again for the past two weeks because of my sinus problems, I am trying to learn to eat better change my lifestyle.I believe your book will help me to get there.I want to have the right tools to get me there.My life has already begin to change in small ways by applying things I have already learned.I am fifty now and I want to see for myself can I really change my body my mind and just have a feeling of wellness.i want to do this but I confuse my self ,because I try to take in so much information from this source or that source I’m all over the place .I believe I can learn a lot from you .I have read one of your book , seen you on television and also i receives your E-mail. I also think it will help me to help my family especially my two granddaughters who are disable.So I want to challenge myself and see can you teach an older person a better way of life.
As a person Who’s experienced BDS , I can’t wait for my continuing journey w Beauty Detox 3. It really cured so much of my mental illness, and really brought me back to life. I’ve always felt like I was on a journey since my first digital copy on my iPhone ( someone bought me a tablet just because they saw me glued to BDS every morning reading it ). I’ve felt the results and I’ve made lots of mistakes, which is what life is all about. I feel Kim never looses her passion or enthusiasm for sharing her gift. I’m in love with the world and the fact that she travled Looking for awnsers is what drew me to this lifestyle . Her excitement is inspiring to me, and that same excitement has slowly trickled down over to family and friends. I bought 3 copies of the 2nd book to give away to friends and I will do the same if not more with the next book.
Hi Kimberly and Beauty Detox staff, my name is Julie and I want to thank you for the books, the blog, and the GLS. It’s like having friends with the same mindset, and that support is valuable.
I have embraced the Beauty Detox lifestyle! I do not struggle with weight or the discipline to follow healthy practices. I trust Kimberly’s information and research because she’s accurate, thorough, and uses good sources of science in addition to sharing personal experience she learned from cultures around the world. Where I do struggle is being consumed diet, and accepting my body flaws and all. I hope that Kim’s new book and blog posts will help me in these areas too.
Thanks again.
I remember when I first picked up Kimberly Snyder’s first book. I opened up to the first chapter and was instantly hooked. I not only bought the hard copy but I also bought the electronic copy so that I could easily refer to it when needed. Her first book changed my life around. I began eating and cooking healthier. This caused a domino effect because a few weeks later my family and friends began asking me what it was that I was doing. I shared the beauty detox do’s and don’ts and soon many of them were trying it out. One my friends was overweight and she wanted to detox but didn’t know how to purchase her food, cook her food or meal plan. I chose to help her. I cooked all her meals and offered her my support along the way. Two weeks later she was at the mall buying new jeans because her old ones fit her too loose. She and I were thrilled at her success. However, I am not perfect so I have deterred from her dietary guidelines along the way and have only met depression, anxiety and a lack of energy. Kimberly’s second book gave me the encouragement I needed to jump back on the beauty detox bandwagon and I hope that her third book will not only motivate me but help me stay on it for good.
Learning about Kimberly Snyder’s beauty detox led me down the path that I am at now. I am currently enrolled in my university’s dietetic program. My goal is to help people like my friend reach their best self by improving their nutrition. I agree with many of Kimberly Snyder’s beliefs and hold on to them as I learn more and more. I hope that I learn more about her beliefs on nutrition so that I can further help myself and those around me. I simply can’t wait to get her new book, devour it cover to cover and then stain it with foods each time I cook one of her recipes.
Sending peace and love as I sip on my GGS,
I discovered the Beauty Detox solution about two years ago and it changed my life. Not only do I eat healthier and incorporate healing exercise into my life like yoga, but it has inspired me to continually research about issues of health and nutrition and become more and more educated in these areas. Almost three months ago, I started getting bloated despite my healthy eating and exercising. At first I thought it was related to my menstrual cycle, but the bloating has consisted for almost three months now, and so far, my doctor has yet to figure out why. I am hoping that the new Beauty Detox book will help me figure out why this is happening. Right now, I feel like I am not getting the results I should be getting with the way I eat and exercise, but maybe I am and I just can’t tell? Regardless, I am positive that your new book will help me take another step in the right direction like the last two have! Looking forward to it!
I am beyond excited for this new book! The first two book have helps me tremendously and I love that book #3 will be discussing ways to release some tension surrounding food. I can get really hard on myself when I don’t eat and exercise “perfectly”. I know this is not healthy for my mind or body and I would love to be able to help the anxiety and negative thoughts around it. I had the opportunity to meet Kimberly Snyder in person recently and her whole aura was so positive and glowing, she is a huge inspiration. :)
I am a 51 year old mum of two teenage boys. I did a degree in Recreation Management and Biology and used to exercise at least four hours a day. After two difficult births and soon after the death of both my parents I became depressed and gained a LOT of weight. I found Kim’s first book (and the fantastic supportive facebook group) by chance and have been folllowing the BDS diet since July. I think the new book may help me to find an inner peace and strength that will allow me to continue on this journey to health and beauty with renewed vigour!!
I started on the BD lifestyle 1.5 years back to get rid of my acne. Apart from the acne I lost 20lbs which I never felt I needed to loose. I feel healthier than ever. I am able to excel at work due to new found confidence and my family says I look so much happier. Also my husband who was never on board with my lifestyle, is now battling some serious health issues over the last 3 months. He changed his diet and has lost 18 lbs and looks like he is getting better.
I do feel like I have hit a roadblock, I am acne free 95% of the times. But do get a minor breakout around that time of the month, like a couple of pimples. This is a huge improvement from when I saw a dermatologist last March and he wanted to get me on accutane. It has been a good gradual transition, but cant wait to not have to be worried about my acne at all..:). I hope the new book will help me attain this goal and motivate me to keep cooking healthy meals which I love..:) I have posted this on facebook
I was new to veganism when I stumbled on The Beauty Detox Solution book. It made my transition easier and healthy. It’s The China Study, The Complete’s Idiot’s Guide To Being Vegetarian and The Skinny Bitch book in one.
To date, I’ve purchased a total of more than 2 dozen copies of both The Beauty Detox Solution and The Beauty Detox Foods and shared it with my friends and family. My way of ‘sharing is caring’.
My biggest challenge lately was being diagnosed with Corn Allergy last September. I’m grateful for the books’ guidance to natural, whole food lifestyle. It greatly impacts my corn-free journey in a very positive way. I’m not wallowing in misery because I’m empowered with alternatives. There’s no cheating with this allergy.
Truly excited for Kim’s new book.
Hi! Two years ago I began a major weight loss journey. I had lost my brother suddenly to an unknown heart condition two years before and at 5’4″ had ballooned up to almost 200 pounds. I decided I needed to make a change and get healthy. I started eating better and exercising more and began to rapidly lose weight. I soon found Kimberly Snyder and realized even though I was eating healthier I could go even farther and started adding quite a few of Kim’s instructions into my life. I noticed results in my skin immediately. Since then I have kept about 40 pounds off. However, after moving back to my home town, and closer to my brother’s memory I have gotten off track. I know a lot of my issues are emotional and deeper than just the food I am eating. After reading this blog post and understanding more about what this book is about I really know it is just the thing to help me get back on track. Thank you Kimberly for all of your wise words. You have been an integral part of my journey in health and happiness!
I am a nutrition student who is in school now but my real interest lies in the holistic natural sides of nutrition and treating the body as a whole. I’m learning things in my program but they don’t touch on the holistic or functional side. I will have to do my own research. The beauty detox series has really opened my eyes and sparked even more of an interest in me and has gotten me even more excited. I’m so excited for this book! I am looking forward to learning new ways to unwind.. Being back in school is not easy due to my lifestyle change and adjusting to homework and studying again plus no free time.. and get in touch with myself, new ways on how to focus on the important things in life and getting rid of the toxic things. I still struggle with the acceptance of other people in my diet. People give me such a hard time and it can be exhausting and this book will be so great to remind me that I am doing the right thing for me. I am looking forward to learning more about foods I didn’t know about and their benefits. Sometimes I can be too hard my life with lifestyle so I’m looking forward to more information and learning to find a good balance and what works for me. I tend to be all or nothing. I’m so happy that I was introduced to this lifestyle. I have never felt so good, been so happy and even looked good. I don’t have to wear make up anymore because my skin is so healthy. I can’t wait for this book!! :)
When I read the first Beauty Detox book a few years ago, it changed my life forever. I felt better than I ever had, was leaner than I had been in a very long time and just generally felt great. However, over the last two years, a stressful divorce laden with restraining orders and lawyers has lead to several health problems that have been making me feel miserable. First my hypothyroidism began to flare up (my medication dosage has trippled in the last two years), my doctor began running tests on my cortisol levels and found that I was suffering from adrenal fatigue. I began taking many supplements and trying to rest and practice yoga. I even took a new job that is less stressful. When I still wasn’t feeling better, I started charting all my other symptoms: acne, anxiety attacks, weight gain of 5-10 pounds, irregular menstral cycle,spoke to my doctor and had my hormones tested. The results shocked me, at 35 years old, I was facing premature menopause. At the advice of doctors, I have tried a paleo diet, but did not find it to help or be something that was sustainable. I hope that in reading the new book I can help myself get back to feeling great, cut the sugar cravings, clear up my skin, and stop the paralyzing panic attacks. I want to feel like myself again, without taking tons of medication.
Hi Kimberly,
I am so ready for your next book. I just started changing my life to try and get my health back two months ago. I just received two of your books yesterday. I am sooooooooooooooooooo ready to not feel bad anymore. I have started to educate myself on how to be an active participant in my own life and health. I believe someday I will teach and write on the subject just like you do. That’s saying something for this 45 year old single mom who is only a high school graduate. You have brought me so much just by being a part of your Facebook The Beauty Detox Foods Page. Those women and men are amazing, knowledgeable people. They share all of their knowledge with a novice like me. I love that giving place they all come from. I believe your new book is a tool I need to attain my goal of getting my health back. I have been poor all my life. With regards to money anyway. I know believe through what you have started I have found my purpose in life. Like the late great Dr. Myles Monroe said, “The wealthiest places in the world are not gold mines, oil fields, diamond mines or banks. The wealthiest place is the cemetery. There lies companies that were never started, masterpieces that were never painted… In the cemetery there is buried the greatest treasure of untapped potential. There is a treasure within you that must come out. Don’t go to the grave with your treasure still within YOU.” I believe you have led me to a place where I can begin the journey of not going to the grave with my treasure still inside of me. Thanks Kimberly!!!
I am very excited to be able to add this third book to my collection. The other two books have helped me tremendously, but I still struggle with food cravings and fitting everything into my busy day. I feel like this book will help me to take the next step to live a healthier, balanced and more centered life. Thanks Kimberly for all that you do!
I’m a recent convert to BDP after seeing you Kimberley on Irish tv earlier this year. What made you stand out was your fantastic healthy skin, which just seemed to glow! As someone who has always struggled to get clear skin, I’ve been reading your posts to try to learn as much as possible on how to do this. As someone with a very stressful job, I can’t wait to see what suggestions you have on ways to reduce stress and improve overall health & fitness. I would love a copy of your new book to start this new chapter in my life & to spread the Beauty Detox philosophy in Ireland!!
Hello Kimberly. I am a 40 year old Hispanic woman with two children, a boy 21 and a girl 19 who has chronic Hypothyroidism. What an intro, lol. I had a complete hysterectomy 7 years ago. Since then my lifestyle changed completely. I am a vegetarian now and really have a huge interest in staying healthy for myself and my family. Helping my daughter deal with her disease along with mine has changed how we both eat and live. Finding you and your books has helped with my lifestyle change. I am also a Massage therapist and sharing you and your info to my clients and family has helped a lot men and women. You and your knowledge has rekindled a fire in me to finish school and continue my education in non medicinal practices. I am inspired by your honesty and caring personality and can only hope to be able to impact someones life as you have mine and my daughters. Thank you.
Health became something very important to me when I was in college, and I started eating a vegan, plant based diet a little over a year ago. Although I feel that I treat my body very well, I still struggle with a few health issues and skin problems. I would love to get more insight and thoughts from Kimberly, expending beyond just the food (although I love that side as well!). I also want to help my dad, who suffers from severe health issues and atopic dermatitis. I think the information provided in the next book will definitely be something I can help him incorporate into his life.
I am 21 and have been struggling for the past 4 years with various eating disorders. I have finally figured out how to start eating properly and am now going to school to become a Registered Dietitian. Although I am no longer suffering from anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa I still do have some disordered eating patterns and have a very negative relationship with food. I am vegetarian and eat relatively clean, and in controlled portions but cannot seem to achieve my desired muscle tone or lose bloating, which only frustrates me more and worsens my food anxiety. After reading the description of your latest book it looks like it will have the potential to help me build a better relationship with food, and hopefully make food the homeopathic medication that can get me off my anxiety medications and give me the self confidence I need to move forward on this career path. The body changes would be nice, but they are secondary to the mind changes I hope to receive from this book. Thank you so much for you contributions to the world of nutrition, you really do give me someone I can look up to (even though those are some big shoes to fill, so maybe I will try and fill the tiny skinny jeans instead).
Thank you,
Emily Jocham
Hello Emily, nice knowing you:) i’m also a 21 years old girl who has being struggling with ED for 8 years! Surprisingly similar I also plan to start a nutrition the following semester in the spring in merritt college! I have got very bad bloating ,Weight fluctuation to extremes and muscle wasting, which lead me to look for help. I Read about Kim and she is surprising! Hope get to know you and maybe we can progress together:D
I have struggled so long with eating that in the past few years it has felt like a chore or a burden. Not knowing how to nourish myself, make my body feel healthy and clean, or escape guilt has left me constantly feeling trapped. I know that with your first two beauty detox books, I have the tools to succeed, but I still struggle with insane cravings (especially during certain times of the month/when I’m feeling particularly emotional) and am battling binge eating disorder. I know that no one can make me stop bingeing or emotionally eating except for myself, but I would love to learn about the causes of these sort of problems and methods of coping and recovery- both physically and emotionally.
Hi Kimberly,
I am sooo excited to purchase your new book when it comes out!!! You have helped and inspired me to be a better me!!! My body can’t go a day without my green smoothies!
Life can be very challenging and I am always looking for new tips to help me stay motivated and keep me in balance. I have gotten a lot of useful information and support from the BDS and community and can’t wait to see what more is in store. Thanks for all you share.
I’m a picky eater and I love sweets. I used to survive on soda and candy bars. Now I have the GGS every morning and I can even survive without soda on a daily basis. I have a demanding job, and I’m always looking for simple things to make ahead and freeze. I want to continue to improve my health through what I eat.
I know I missed out on this opportunity, but I still wanted to share what I wrote.
Up until I purchased your first book, I had been on many various forms of hormonal “therapies” to include, as I mentioned previously, two rounds of 10 monthly injections of Lupron. I have to say that this drug very successfully treated my uncle’s prostate cancer on two occasions, however, it was anything but effective in treating my endometriosis and polycystic ovaries. The pseudo-menopause that it supposedly put me in was also quite the experience. After my first laparoscopy, and all of these different pills, rings, patches, injections, my second laparoscopy confirmed that I still had endometriosis, and that it was worse than when they first went in and diagnosed me. Modern Western medicine was failing me, and I was losing all hope and faith.
I’m somewhat of an “alternative” health book junkie, which helps to satisfy my incessant thirst for scientific knowledge that pertains to the human mind, body, soul, and spirit. Consequently, I try to purchase books that I find in the used book store so that I don’t have to declare bankruptcy to fulfill my addiction to reference books So, I can’t tell you how many times I walked past your book in a regular book store and talked myself out of buying it right then and there, and I would just tell myself that as soon as I could purchase a used copy, then I would finally break down and invest in yet another nutritionally oriented book. I kept my eyes peeled, and eventually it turned up in the ever changing used book collection at one of the local book stores where I would make my weekly ‘book run.’
I have struggled with various health conditions my entire life. Throughout my childhood, I was the child whose common cold would turn into bronchitis or pneumonia, and my allergies were relentless. My premature experience with puberty, at the age of 11, led me to become overly conscious of my image. I would obsess over dark hairs on my upper lip, which several classmates commented on, so my mom took me to weekly electrolysis appointments to try to remedy that. My PMS was so atrocious that I would have to routinely take sick days on a monthly basis because of the severity of my symptoms. Throughout my miserable high school experience, where I was an outcast for a majority of the time, I had experimented with every latest trending diet, took diet pills, laxatives, over exercised, etc. My eating tendencies were extremely disordered. My skin was fine until I agreed to have Lupron injections for the second time around in my 20s, and it was painful and disastrous for several years, cleared up a bit when I decided to stop taking all medications a few years ago, and then went crazy once more when I started to change my lifestyle and integrate your recommendations.
After a few months of strictly following your diet plans, hot yoga 5 days a week, weekly acupuncture and massages (I used to have a great network of holistic health oriented people who I could trade with before I got married and relocated a year ago and hit rock bottom financially,) my periods became regular and were in synch with the moon cycles, I no longer had any PMS symptoms, my skin normalized, and I loved my body for the first time since I can remember.
Kim…You had me upon the conclusion of your introduction in “The Beauty Detox Solution.” I wish that it had come to me sooner, because you were able to precisely illustrate and give words to a vision I had, but couldn’t specify, when I was pursuing my first B.S. degree in Nutrition and Food Science, and then my licenses in massage therapy and holistic aesthetics. If I had your focus, what you’ve written and what you’ve done with your life is what I would have done years ago. You debunked everything that I was taught but couldn’t fully resonate with in college, and you support my understanding and beliefs of nutrition, skincare, the environment, global health, and physical fitness. (I even loved your side note boxes and the format of your first book overall.) Ever since I finally committed purchasing your first book, I have been heavily promoting your message, all that you endorse, from products of your own to products that you recommend and use, and you are referenced on a daily basis in my household, or in conversation with friends, family, and acquaintances (Well Kim Snyder says? What would Kim Snyder say? ). Simply put, I am genuinely and incessantly inspired by you daily. I light up when my friends, family, or clients call, text, directly tell me that they just made one of your recipes and everyone loved it. I’ve given your books as gifts, recommended them and your blog to skincare clients, and I’ve always prepared one of your recipes for holiday’s or any gathering that involves food.
I encountered some troubled waters in February of this year, 2014. I’m currently financially dependent on multiple people, my marriage is a huge source of stress and anything but a conventional situation, and admittedly, even though I still preach Kim Snyder, I’ve fallen off my KS wagon. I don’t have the luxury of grocery shopping for myself at this time, and I don’t have the resources in general (including relationships and connections, not just monetarily) to maintain the lifestyle that fully supports me. I give in to the desire to emotionally eat, my skin and hair are terrible, and my immune system is the weakest it’s been in a while. All of the horrible symptoms of endometriosis and PCOS have returned, along with some new ones, and I’m scheduled for my third laparoscopy in December. I am still resisting medication, because following your methods has been the most successful treatment option I’ve ever entertained. I will dive in head first as soon as I get the chance again. I will forever be a fighter, I am still able to laugh in the face of fear, and I am always adjusting to my situation and taking the steps that I can at the time to keep swimming until I can feel my feet on the ground once more.
Call it pure luck, or fate, I was accepted into an accelerated nursing program in Boston, and will begin this journey in January of 2015. It’s too early to say exactly which directly I want to go in once I become a nurse, but my goal is to continue spreading your word and encouraging people to follow you, purchase your books, and invest in the products that you sell and recommend. In my opinion, if anyone wants to spend money on supplementary tools to complement their diet, meditation, and or yoga practice, or their healthy lifestyle in general, I consider your products, and the ones that you endorse that I’ve been able to afford, are the most valuable health promoting tools available at this moment in time.
The world needs more people like you, and I am grateful for all that you’ve accomplished and shared. I’m so excited for your third book, and still eagerly waiting for your yoga DVD .
For my entire life, I have struggled with my weight. I remember being five years old and having to go to the doctor weekly to have my blood taken because I had high blood pressure. I have had a lifetime of struggle with food. When I was 11 I stopped eating all together and in college sometimes food was the only thing I had to get me through the day. When I moved to England for a year, I was finally okay with my body. I could eat the foods I loved, but they didn’t rule my life. Unfortunately, due to visas, I had to come home leaving the life of my dreams, not to mention, the man of my dreams behind. I’ve been back for almost two years now, and it has been a roller coaster ride. I’ve dropped weight, gained weight and now I have hit a plateau. Your books have changed my outlook on food, but I am still struggling. I think there is something that I am missing. Your products and books are helping so many people out there, like me, who have fought a life-long battle with food. Getting copy of your new book and trying out your probiotics would truly be a blessing to my life. I need to end this struggle and begin a new chapter.
Looking forward to reading your new book!!!
I have a child with special needs. Ever since she was born I struggle with my sleep and my eating habits. I have not been able to loose all the weight I desire. I feel this book will help with plateaus, which I have experience recently. I also will benefit from keeping my cravings under control when my emotions get out of control.
I read somewhere that this world is structured in such a way that all is connected – as within so without,as above so below. By making my body clean I can clean my thoughts, my words, my actions and as a result help to make the world a much cleaner place than it was before I came here.
That’s why I am eager to read the new book ASAP! Previous books took me where I am now – and that was a journey! And now I am ready for the next step, and realise my self.
I am looking forward to the new book. Ive taken so many recipes and advice to heart from the first two books. I have instilled this to my daughter who is one year. Ive made all of her food since she was 5 months old. Giving her the healthiest and most nutritious food possible instead of jars that have been sitting on a shelf for months. I continue to cook all of her food, I will cook majority at once then freeze in small portions, plus chasing her around all day after a full time leaves me with no energy and no time for myself. So my food choices have been poor lately, I just grab whatever is easiest. I gained 38lbs when I was pregnant and lost 32 lbs. I cannot seem to loose to other 6 lbs to get to pre pregnancy weight. Although I would like to loose more than that. My goal is to loose 21 more lbs. Its hard because I have no energy and extra time for a workout everyday. Im looking for inspiration, motivation and awesome recipes to get to a lifestyle I once had the time for. I bend over backwards to ensure my daughter gets the healthiest, most nutritious food possible its time I start including myself in that as well. After all a parent needs to lead by example! Thank you
Hi Kimerly!
Thank you for all that you do! Your passion is inspiring and contagious and I feel blessed that I stumbled upon your book, The Beauty Detox Foods, about three years ago. I feel as if your book was thrown into my lap at the most perfect time. I was about 9 months postpartum with my first son, Liam. I was experiencing a wide range of neurological issues including, facial numbness, burning back sensations, vertigo and heart palpitations. After thorough testing I was diagnosed as “perfectly healthy.” At that point I knew I had to use food as my medicine and that is when I found your book. Within a couple of months of following your book I felt like “me” again! In July of 2013 I found out I was expecting again. Almost 7 months ago I gave birth to another beautiful, healthy boy, Lincoln. However, in the past month my symptoms are back regardless of my diet. I have dived deeper into yoga and am experimenting with meditation but don’t yet feel confident in what I am doing. I am not scared that my symptoms are back, I just believe that I am in a pivital point in my life and my body is telling me to find peace and balance. I need your book to help me do that! Ha! I do feel sort of lost right now. I am looking for something to help past the “blah” moment and I want your new book to be apart of my journey. I am now not just living for myself, but my boys. I want to move forward as a calm, collected and wise person. As well as well nourished
So I shared the contest link to my Facebook page and tried to tag @_kimberlysnyder, hope it worked!
The book seems great! It seems like the perfect thing for me to stop the junk food addiction! Thanks for sharing!
the book seems great! Thanks for sharing!