Starting your day off on the right foot is essential to optimal health and performance. One key factor many of us have overlooked is what we have for breakfast. As many of you who visit my site frequently and have read my books know, I am an enthusiastic proponent of the health and beauty benefits of a daily Glowing Green Smoothie.
Why? Because although most people have the great intention of eating foods that promote health and vitality, too often they end up feeling bogged down by the pressures of working out, counting calories and making time for everything else in their lives. When we feel overwhelmed, we are not only less productive, but way less likely to make the healthiest food choices possible.
I have created The Glowing Green Smoothie and my 30 Day Meal Plan to support you always, but especially when you feel there are never enough hours in the day! A great way to get a jump on your beauty and health regimen is planning ahead.
Try doing your food prep ahead of time and then loosely plan out your meals and exercise. For example, I devote my early morning to my self yoga practice as I find the morning to be the most relaxing and uninterrupted time of the day. I also love opening up my body in the morning, which helps open up my mind and makes me feel more creative throughout the whole day. I love it. I then always fuel myself with my Glowing Green Smoothie. Of course, I encourage you to look at your schedule and lifestyle and see what works best for you. Maybe you prefer a post-work or mid-day practice or workout. See what vibes best for you!
I have some great news to help you balance your daily routine!
The great news is that getting the proper nutrients without making any dramatic changes in your lifestyle couldn’t be easier – and the benefits are practically instant. With one single green smooth each day, you will begin to notice positive changes taking place almost immediately.
Increased Energy and Improved Mental Focus
Green smoothies will provide your body with essential nutrients as well as the necessary hydration to help make you look and feel better than you have in years! How’s that for great news?
Because most green smoothies are made with large amounts of green leafy vegetables, which provide a bounty of trace minerals, you will feel a noticeable boost to your energy level almost right away. And this is a true increase in energy, not a short-term spike followed by an exhausting crash like you might experience from a sugary soda or “energy drink.”
Clearer, Glowing Skin
Because of the naturally high level of antioxidants contained your green smoothie, your skin will really thank you by taking on a vibrant, healthy, completely natural glow. As an added bonus, your immune system will kick into overdrive, helping you resist many of those pesky contagious bugs flying around and even helping to prevent really nasty things like cancer and Alzheimer’s!
(Here’s my beautiful client Reese Witherspoon drinking a signature Glowing Green Smoothie™ from Glow Bio, my organic cleanse, smoothie and juice company :) ).
Waste Not, Want Not
Your body will thank you as well by happily shedding all of the old toxins and waste materials that have been building up in your organs. Because you are making a smoothie, and not juicing your ingredients, you will retain all of that valuable fiber which is such an essential part of healthy digestion, rather than throwing it all down the drain. Your body will become more efficient at shedding all that waste, reducing gas buildup and getting rid of that yucky bloated feeling that comes along with it.
Smoothies are whole foods, rather than juices, which are not. Juices have benefits for sure, but why fiber is so cleansing, beautifying, keeps us full without adding any calories…why remove it?? I’ve found that adding in the increased fiber in the Glowing Green Smoothie will continue to make an awesome, huge difference for your energy, health and beauty for the long-term.
Stronger Bones and Teeth
Did you know that diets high in processed sugars and red meats tend to be more acidic, leaching calcium needed to keep your bones and teeth strong? The addition of leafy green vegetables provides the necessary alkalinity to neutralize that excess acid, and the valuable minerals in your smoothie will be used by your body to create a healthier and stronger you!
A Slimmer, Sexier You
Your green smoothie will fill you up and stay with you, so you are not plagued by random food cravings, or worse, find yourself starving between meals. This helps you resist the urge to snack or binge out on unhealthy foods – often resulting in the added bonus of unexpected weight loss! High in nutrients and filling fiber but low in actual calories (not that there is ever a need to ever count/obsess when you eat whole, nutrient-dense foods), green smoothies are definitely your best weight loss friend.
Take Me Along
Instead of setting aside an hour or two to prepare a fully balanced meal, you can prepare your delicious green smoothie in about 5 minutes, and take it to go! You can also stop by Glow Bio if you live in the Los Angeles area to pick up my signature Glowing Green Smoothie™ or order one of my cleanses right to your home!
Gear your morning for success by taking a few moments for yourself…
Making sure you make time for yourself everyday is extremely important to your overall health an wellness. One way to ensure you are taking care of yourself is to make time to make my Glowing Green Smoothie!
I can assure you that the number one most important contributor to your physical health and appearance is what you put into your body. I have spent years researching and testing different recipes to create one for you that combines powerful rejuvenating nutrients with a flavor profile that will stand the palate test.
So, after a little fine tuning, I created The Glowing Green Smoothie, a versatile recipe that can be changed up a bit to accommodate the taste buds while still providing the maximum benefit of eating fresh vegetables and fruits packed with vitamins, nutrients, and antioxidants.
Do something amazing for yourself and try one today!
Hello,Kim!I like it!:-)
Hi Kim,
I have been doing the GGS for one a year now and love it. My question: what are the chances of Vitamin A “overdose” when I am eating so many greens?!
Hello Kimberly,
Thank you for the post! I started drinking the GGS for about 2 weeks now and I noticed that I have not been able to use the bathroom in the serious way which is why i started the green juice regimen. Is this normal?
Hi Kim,
I am from the Philipines and we dont grow apples here… I would like to know what can be a substitute to apples for the Glowing Green recipe..
Thank you..
All your posts are gold..
Hi Maureen and thank you so much for following my posts. It’s too bad you don’t have but you will see gain benefits with all the other items in the GGS, plus, you can use pineapple or mango. Sending lots of love! ;)