I am thrilled to finally share with you that Lil Bub is finally here!!!
My son’s official name is Emerson Bruce. The name Emerson came to me in a dream about a week before his birth, which means “brave and powerful”, and Bruce is my father’s name.
He is actually not so “Lil”…measuring in at a hefty 8 pounds, 11 ounces at birth, so nearly 9 pounds! He was 21 inches long- so he was also a pretty long little dude. :)
He is unbelievably healthy, and came into the world crying and very much alive and letting his debut into the world be known. A crying, lucid baby at birth is what every mom wants to hear! He got a 9/10 Apgar score, which is a test that measures baby’s health (we know he deserved a perfect 10, but they told me they never, ever give perfect 10’s :)).
Here’s my little angel boy!
The labor time was very long but the birth worked out amazingly and beautifully well, and Bub was placed right on my chest. He started latching and nursing with my colostrum (which comes before breast milk) within moments. Wow, what a feeling to meet Lil Bub after carrying him and feeling him kick and move around inside me all these months!!! I was already in love, but then an even deeper level of love set in immediately for this beautiful angel.
He and I have been natural champs at breastfeeding, I do have to say! Bub is feeding on demand, around 10-12 times in 24 hours. Sometimes it’s more, because he often falls asleep on my boob. He just wants to be near Mama and he has been a natural extension of my body and on me skin to skin all day long (he only wears a diaper and is wrapped in blankies and swaddles right now), except for when we swaddle him and put him in the co-sleeper attached to the side of our bed (for safety) for periods at night in between feeds.
Lil Bub is skin to skin with me pretty much 24/7 except for swaddled in a co-sleeper between the night feedings. :)
He is growing very healthily (from his large start!), and his digestion and sleep are amazing. My breast milk is flowing so much that it even drips out in-between feedings! He has 7-8 dirty poopy diapers a day and has above average weight gain, which are signs of fantastic breast milk production and newborn health. :)
Best of all?! He has NO colic! And very little gas. My post-partum doula that is helping me cook, clean, run errands, food shop and watch the baby while I shower, says she has never seen such a well-tempered, non-gassy and happy baby!! I attribute it to our superior Beauty Detox diet, for sure! He isn’t getting any difficult- to-digest dairy through my breast milk, just organic plant-based goodness loaded with vitamins, minerals, protein and good fats.
My pediatrician, Dr Jay Gordon, who was familiar with my books and our program when I first met him, commented that there is a different quality to my breast milk, or any mom that is drinking Glowing Green Smoothie every day and filling up on fantastic plant foods such as the whole range of veggies, along with some nuts/seeds, lentils, quinoa, brown rice, coconut oil, fresh fruit, etc.
So in this inexplicably wonderful new phase of life I am also overjoyed to report that Beauty Detox DOES produce incredibly healthy babies and breast-feeding results! It’s not the minutiae of worrying about one food or another building or reducing milk supply, but what I have emphasized all along, that what counts is your diet and lifestyle as a whole.
I feel like the birth was not only the birth of Lil Bub, but also my rebirth. I’m still in the first rebuilding stages, taking it all in and meditating while Bub sleeps on me, but I know my heart has been ripped wide open, much more open than ever. I feel more creative, raw, in touch and authentic. I know I will be able to serve you and the Beauty Detox tribe/community with even more depth, and I look forward to sharing more that comes from this growth.
Celebrating Bub’s One Week Birthday! 7 candles for 7 days of life.
Thank you for being present in the beautiful Beauty Detox community and for your well wishes!
Sending lots and lots of love to you,
Kimberly (and Lil Bub) :)
I am so happy for you and your beautiful, perfect baby boy!! He is so lucky to have you and your husband as parents.
Thank you so much Marge…we are very excited and happy to be able to share our story with you and the community. Sending lots of love! :)
It is true… i followed beauty detox principle on my second pregnancy and delivered healthy baby girl in feb this year. My milk has been generous that i had to do tandem nursing (nurse while pumping milk). I remember you mentioned that you are writing a special book on pregnancy and beyond, cant wait to read about it.
I think its fate that i discovered your blog 3 years ago. I followed your journey from just a blogger to having first book published and now… you are a creator of beauty detox community, owns glow bio and you still keep it humble by sharing your experiences. Your action speaks louder than words. When i first read the beauty detox i was skeptical so i did two weeks challenge following the beauty detox princples and weekly meal plan. I immediately lost inches. My weight was the same but my body was more toned. Since then i never look back. Thank you for sharing this wonderful journey of yours. Congratulations on your new bundle of joy! Looking forward to more beauty detox knowledge/experiences. Cheers!
Hi Hazz…I am so thankful for Beauties like you, who share their stories with me and the community. We need the same encouragement and seeing someone change their lifestyle for the better is always a beautiful experience to watch. Sending lots of love! ;)
Congratulations on Baby Emerson! The most healthiest baby on Earth :) Very happy for you guys. God Bless him.
Thank you Claudia…we are thrilled to share this journey with all of you Beauties! ;)
What a beautiful baby. And Kimberly is glowing more than ever.
Thank you Jennifer…Sending lots of love back! ;)
So very Happy for You & Your Family Kim! Emerson is absolutely Beautiful, a sweet reflection of Love & Strength. God Bless You???
Hi Tanesha….thank you so much for your kind words of encouragement. ;) Sending lots of love!
Congrats. Nice to have the famous Jay Gordon as your doctor.
Where is the father in all this? Just asking.
Hi Kimberly! I am so excited to hear more about your birth story. Did you have a natural birth? I hope you will share more when you are ready :) thank you for always passing along your knowledge. I have 3 months until D-Day and will be sure to load up on GGS! :)
Hi Cameron and thanks for your support. I will definitely be posting more in the near future. Congratulations and drink up…Sending lots of love! ;)