Today I want to talk to you about a very important topic that is related to your beauty and overall health…dehydration!
When we are dehydrated, our skin starts to look weathered (the opposite of glowing and fresh!), our organs have a harder time working efficiently, it’s harder to lose weight/maintain our ideal weight, our hair can become brittle and break, our energy lags and detoxification slows down. Ugh! The worst.
So yes, after that list I’m sure you feel motivated to never be dehydrated! And now in the heat of summer, it’s important to be extra cognizant of staying hydrated.
Obviously water is the first and obvious source of hydration, but there are lots of foods you can eat that will help keep you hydrated in the summer months as well.
Here’s a list of some of my faves to help get you started!
(1) Cucumbers
Like most fruits and vegetables, cucumbers are made up of mostly water. But they also has a lot of other nutrients that will hydrate and nourish the body. Cucumbers contain vitamin C. They’re also rich in caffeic acid, which helps soothe the skin. They are great to eat plan, or on top of salads. You can even add cucumber slices to your water for a refreshing summer drink!
Cucumbers really are a powerhouse of nutrition, so the more you can work them into your diet, the better. Because they are high in water, they can be a good snack as they will fill you up with fiber and water.
Cucumbers are a serious beauty food—high in all the B vitamins (except for B12), Vitamin C, Zinc, Iron, Folic Acid, Calcium, Magnesium and Potassium—giving you energy while helping to repair and smooth the collagen in your skin.
With multiple B vitamins and zero saturated fats/cholesterol, cucumbers are nourishing to our skin and hair, and again, very hydrating (from the inside out!).
(2) Coconut Water
For centuries, people in Southeast Asian and Pacific Island countries have been drinking the water from young coconuts for hydration. It’s one of the best ways to replace the water and electrolytes the body gives off in hot climates.
Coconut water contains vitamins, minerals and electrolytes that perfectly replenish the body after a long day in the sun. These days coconut water is easy to find. Most grocery and health food stores sell it bottled in the beverage section. Go for fresh not concentrated coconut water, like the Harmless Coconut Water brand.
(3) Watermelon
Watermelon is one of the most hydrating foods out there. It’s made up of mostly water, but it also has essential hydrating salts, calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium. It’s perfect for those hot summer days when you need to replenish your body.
Just remember, like all fruit, eat it on an empty stomach! Why you may ask? I cannot stress enough how important it is to eat fruit on an empty stomach. This is one of the biggest misconceptions I see.
Fruit is known to be rich in key vitamins and minerals, however most people don’t realize the importance of when we consume fruits. I urge everyone NOT to eat fruit after a solid meal because it will lead to a digestive disaster!
The reason is because fruit digests extremely quickly. So when you eat fruit after concentrated foods, it gets held up, you get bloated and the nutrients will aren’t be absorbed as efficiently. So remember, always eat your fruit, but eat them on an empty stomach!
(4) Glowing Green Smoothie
Many of you have tried my Glowing Green Smoothie®, because I write about it so much on this blog and in my books. But that’s because it has amazing health benefits, and its packed with many of the other items on this list.
It’s hydrating, and it’s absolutely packed with vitamins, minerals and fiber to keep your body refreshed and your skin glowing. I recommend drinking a GGS first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. That way the body can absorb all of the amazing benefits first thing!
(5) Red Bell Peppers
All bell peppers are hydrating sources of some of the best nutrients for the body. Recent studies have taken a close look at the presence of enzymes in bell peppers called cysteine S-conjugate beta-lyases and their role in a sulfur-containing metabolic pathway called the thiomethyl shunt (a mouthful to pronounce, I know!).
Basically, these enzymes and this pathway may be involved in some of the tremendous health benefits of bell peppers.
Bell peppers are also an excellent source of carotenoids, containing over 30 different members of the carotenoid nutrient family. One study took a close look at vitamin C, vitamin E, and six of these carotenoids, including: alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, lycopene, lutein, cryptoxanthin and zeaxanthin—in all commonly eaten foods and guess what?
They found that only two vegetables contained at least two-thirds of all the listed nutrients. You guessed it, bell pepper was one (the other was tomato).
(6) Pineapples
Pineapples are a delicious summer fruit. This fruit not only hydrates but is packed with bromelain. Bromelain helps promote optimal digestion, which you’ve heard me say a million times (but here’s one more!)…is key for truly supporting you in expressing your natural beauty [1].
Pineapple helps the body naturally detoxify itself. The bromelain enzyme it contains is believed to have anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce the onset of aging, pain and even disease
(7) Grapefruit
Grapefuit can be equal parts tart, tangy and underlying sweet! Made up of 91% water (just below watermelon), grapefruit is one of the most hydrating fruits in the world. Full of important electrolytes- grapefruits helps prevent dehydration.
Optimal hydrated is key for growing healthy, strong hair, maintaining supple skin, and a zillion other functions that keep us healthy.
Because grapefruit is full of high water and fiber, it helps promote healthy digestion and ongoing cleansing.
Click here if you’re interested in giving your digestion an extra boost of cleansing!
Only half of a grapefruit meets 64% of your vitamin C needs, 28% of vitamin A, 2% of calcium and 2% of magnesium. It also provides smaller amounts of vitamin E, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, folate, pantothenic acid, potassium, phosphorus, manganese, zinc and copper.
I hope you enjoyed this quick overview of how to easily add in foods to your diet that will keep you feeling hydrated so you can feel your best.
Whenever you are feeling sluggish or slow, that may be your body trying to show you that you need to balance your body and make sure you are getting proper plant-based nutrition!
Have a beautiful day, and see you back here soon.
Lots of love,
[1] BromelainHydrated and happy in the heat! Love, me and Bubs xo