In today’s VLOG, I wanted to share with you how to Save Time Cooking This Summer.
Click to watch the VLOG above or feel free to read the transcript below instead!
Note: The following is the output of transcribing from an audio recording. Although the transcription is largely accurate, in some cases it is incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or transcription errors. It is posted as an aid, but should not be treated as an authoritative record.
Hi Beautiful One,
I am excited to talk to you about 4 easy tips to on how to still eat really healthy while you save time cooking this summer.
Summer is here and we don’t want to spend all our time slaving away in the kitchen. I know this very well. Right now I am continually running around after Lil Bub. I am constantly playing with him and I too don’t have time to cook elaborate meals all the time.
Here are 4 healthy cooking summer time-saving tips to help you stay on track, to feel amazing in your body and to give you more time.
4 Tips to Save Time Cooking This Summer
#1. Stock Your Fridge With Organic Tempeh
Non-GMO organic tempeh is easily digestible compared to other forms of soy. It is hearty, full of protein, and full of minerals. Unless you have a soy allergy, I do feel like tempeh can be worked into modern diets.
Since tempeh is already cooked, you can make simple meals with it in a matter of minutes. One way I like to use tempeh is to make a tempeh-based stir fry. I use varying veggies depending on the season. You can find more of my favorite tempeh recipes here.
#2. Have Smoothies for Late Night Dinners
We are in the period right now where there is so much external fire from the sun and the heat. In this summer season and this time of year, smoothies can work well as a late night dinner. Eating heavy foods late at night can be difficult on our digestions. So I always suggest, if you get home kind of late and you don’t want to feel so heavy when you go to bed, you can always try making a smoothie for dinner.
Since you likely had your GGS for breakfast, bulking up your smoothie for dinner is a great idea. Try adding in cacao, chia seeds, spirulina, or a plant-based protein powder to really satisfy yourself in the evening.
#3. Turn Your Freezer Into Your Life Raft
I’ve talked about this on some of my other podcasts of the things I like to keep in my freezer. Whether it’s Lil Bub’s sweet potato and quinoa burgers, or the alkaline grain veggie burger from the Beauty Detox Solution, I like to make these in bigger batches. So I suggest trying to make large batches when you do have time to cook and store the extra in a BPA free container.
Things like patties, soups or stews, hold up really well in the freezer. By keeping these on hand you won’t have to rely on store-bought premade foods, made with unnecessary oils and salts.
#4. Buy Items in Bulk
I like to buy larger quantities of staple items so I don’t run out from week to week. Whether it’s lentils, quinoa, rice, or nuts, I always like to keep these on hand. When you have your staples, you can always toss a simple recipe together.
So I suggest you try to buy large amounts of your favorite staples in bulk and feel comfortable simplifying your meals on those busy nights. Having your favorite staples on hand will always allow you to at least have the ability to make a quick simple meal whenever in need.
And that wraps up my 4 tips of ways you can eat healthily and save time cooking this summer.
I hope you are having a wonderful summer Beauties. You can always see what I am up to by following me on Instagram or Facebook.
I am sending you so much love!
Kimberly, you are doing so well in your value content, I really appreciate all your teachings and dedication to good health and sharing.
Thank you so much Jerry! And I so appreciate you!
I was recently told that I should refrain from all “oils” in cooking. I know you mentioned coconut oil that you use when doing a stir fry. What are your thoughts about this Kimberly? Look forward to your feedback on this.