Click to watch my VLOG, Eating for Your Chakras, or feel free to read the transcript below instead!
Note: The following is the output of transcribing from an audio recording. Although the transcription is largely accurate, in some cases it is incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or transcription errors. It is posted as an aid, but should not be treated as an authoritative record.
Hey Beauties,
In today’s VLOG we are going to talk about how you can eat for your chakras, which are different energy centers in your body. This is a subject I am very passionate about.
Eating for your chakras is something I explain in detail in my 3rd book. Beauty Detox Power. So if you would like more information about eating for your chakras, you can learn more there.
So basically, what you eat doesn’t affect only your physical body. It affects your emotions, your moods, your energies, all on very different levels.
We are very complex beings and once we accept and understand that, we can learn different tools on how to harness our energy in many different ways.
Chakras 101
So if you’ve never heard the term charkas, it comes from the east. We talk about it often in yoga and in Ayurveda. There are different energy systems that you may have heard of like acupuncture, the meridians, or chi.
All these systems move through the body. We have different levels of energy we hold throughout our entire body. And everything effects everything else.
In my journey, I held a lot of anxiety in my belly. I was bloated a lot, I held a lot of stress in my down there. Yes, I did many different protocols by changing my diet, removing dairy, and gluten.
I still had a lot of stress that I was holding onto on my gut. By meditating and letting go of stress, I am able to let go of that anxiety held, I was finally able to release.
Science has proven that there is this gut-brain connection. So we can see some validity of this paired with ancient research from Ayurveda and TCM as well.
We can think of our chakras as concentrated energy points between the physical body and consciousness. The more balanced we become, the more energy can flow freely through these points – your chakras.
Imagine your chakras are like the spinning motor in your blender. So if you are making a GGS in the Vitamix and it is weak. This means that you aren’t going to be able to break down the produce for your GGS.
If your blender is continually running on high, you are going to burn it out more quickly. In the same way as your impaired blender, any weak or burnt out energy in the body can lead to impaired organ function, accelerated aging, lowered immunity and more.
Eating for Your Chakras
First Chakra: ROOT = Muladhara
This chakra lays the foundation for all your energy systems. So if you feel really stressed and need to be more grounding, you want to eat more rooted vegetables and heavier nuts. This chakra governs safety & security as it relates to our most basic survival needs.
Its location is near the hip area, at the base of our spine. And it associates with the color red.
When trying to balance Muladhara try to eat to the following foods:
- root vegetables (sweet potatoes, beets, ginger, radishes)
- high protein foods (seeds, nuts, legumes)
- Red foods (red apples, cherries, strawberries, tomatoes)
Second Chakra: SACRAL = Svadhisthana
This chakra holds the energy of your creativity. It governs your feelings of self-worth, desire, sexuality, and sensuality.
Its location is below the navel, the lower abdomen and it associates with the color orange.
To balance Svadhisthana you can eat the following foods:
- Hydration is key to flush out waste and toxins in kidneys
- Juicy & tropical fruits (pineapples, papayas, pomelos, mangos)
- Orange foods (carrots, butternut squash, apricots, peaches)
Third Chakra: SOLAR PLEXUS = Manipura
This chakra holds the energy of confidence and inspiration to accomplish what you seek to do. This is our fire center. It works to establish the relationship between your sense of self and the material world.
Its location is near the gut or solar plexus and it associates with the color yellow.
If you are working to balance your Manipura, try to eat to the following foods:
- Foods with warming properties (ginger, cayenne, turmeric cinnamon)
- Fiber (fruits and vegetables and complex whole carbohydrates)
- Yellow foods (lemon, summer squash, grains, bananas)
Fourth Chakra: HEART = Anahata
This chakra holds the energy of unconditional and expansive love. It governs compassion and empathy.
Its location is around the physical heart and associates with the color green.
Foods you can eat to balance Anahata are:
- Leafy greens, broccoli, green beans, herbs, green apples
Fifth Chakra: THROAT = Vishuddha
This chakra governs self-expression, self-knowledge, and communication. It enables us to gain wisdom from our inner truth and experiences.
Its location is near the throat area and associated with the color blue.
Vishudda is balanced by eating the following foods:
- Combination of foods from the water and earth chakras (soups, stews, fruits with high water content)
- Sea vegetables (dulse, nori)
Sixth Chakra: THIRD EYE = Ajna
This chakra represents your inner vision. It governs our higher intuition, perception, insight, dreams, visualizations, focus.
Its location is behind the center of the forehead and associated with the color indigo.
Foods to eat to balance Ajna are:
- Avoid excessive caffeine and sugar
- Herbs and spices (ginger, turmeric, curry)
- Purple foods (grapes, cabbage, plugs, figs, black raisins)
Seventh Chakra: CROWN = Sahasrara
This chakra associated with feeling the unity between oneself, universal energy and a divine presence. It governs our all-encompassing energy.
Sahasrara’s location is the crown of the head and associated with the color violet.
To balance Sahasrara try eating the following foods:
- Avocados, kale, lemons, blueberries, cabbage
This is just a little peek into this world of chakras. Understanding how to eat for your chakras allows you to connect deeper to your wellness.
Remember that everything around us is energy. Whenever we put things in our body it is going to affect our energy in many different levels. That is what this is all about, really honoring and really tapping into the uniqueness that you are.
I will see you back here Beauty. Thank you so much!
I love you, see you soon,
This is so helpful, thank you!
Thank you Betsy! ;)
I love this Vlog! Connecting the woo w/food! Love it
So glad you love it, Beauty! Thanks for watching ;) xx