Click above to watch my VLOG – How You Can Honor Earth Day, or feel free to read the transcript below instead!
Note: The following is the output of transcribing from an audio recording. Although the transcription is largely accurate, in some cases it is incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or transcription errors. It is posted as an aid, but should not be treated as an authoritative record.
Hi Beauties,
Today I want to talk about ways that we can really honor Earth Day. It is this April 22nd. And did you know that we celebrate Earth Day in 193 countries around the world? Really it is like Earth’s birthday!
This is a time where, as a collective, we can put energy in respecting and honoring Mother Nature. We can give gratitude to Mother Earth. She provides for us and is a home for all of us.
What’s pretty crazy to learn about is that prior to 1970 there were no environmentally protective mechanisms put into place. A company could go and dump a bunch of toxic chemicals in the nearby creek and there wasn’t really laws to protect the earth.
A Bit of Earth Day History
It was in 1970, that senator, Gaylord Nelson, created Earth Day as a way to focus energy around this issue. 20 million people were protesting in cities all around the country and it was just a wonderful way to give birth to this movement.
This is so important for all of us to pay attention to. We need to really honor and respect Mother Nature. We all should be doing our part by making good choices. Our everyday decisions and lifestyle should be to protect her and respect her as much as possible.
The first thing we can do to honor Earth Day is how we eat. How we eat every day three times a day has a profound impact on the planet. Our food supply and the way food is grown is a big part of this. The way what we’re choosing how we eat really impacts the environment.
How to Protect the Planet
Eat Plant-based
I feel that the number one thing that we can do to protect the environment is to eat plant-based. At least we can try to mostly eat plant-based for those of you out there that aren’t ready to maybe completely be plant-based. It’s out there. You can google it. You could research it. You can watch the amazing documentary Cowspiracy.
Paul Hawken, who’s a very respected environmentalist who speaks all around the world, has all these books out now, talking about environmental solutions.
People come to me all the time. They’re like, “Oh, I eat meat but it’s free-range and it’s organic.” And I think, “Wow, but with free-range they actually need that land for the cattle to graze and eat outside. To make more land, because of the growing population and growing portion sizes of meat. Unfortunately, they have to destroy more and more forest and rainforest for that land.
There is a lot of information available about deforestation, and the destruction of the rain forest. About 90% of the destruction of the rainforest comes from cattle raising.
We know that there’s overfishing of the ocean. The big trolling fishing nets kill a lot of dolphins. Just the methane gases that let off from factory farms. I mean, it just goes on and on and on. It’s way too much for us get into here.
Again, I recommend watching Cowspiracy on Netflix if you’re interested in this topic. But we can just know that the more plant-based we eat the less of a detrimental impact it has on the earth. The lighter that we tread.
Unplugging our Electronics
One other thing that we can do here is to unplug our electronics. And we can be mindful of how many we have in our house. EMF pollution is a very real thing. It disconnects us from the earth, from natural living. It affects all the cells in our body. So the more time we can spend outside and be less electronic, as much as possible the better. It’s a really wonderful way to tune back into nature.
Going Shoe-free
A fun way to tune into nature is to be shoe-free. Bubby naturally kicks off his shoes any time we’re in the park or we’re in the yard. I think the more children connect with the earth, and all of us connect with the earth, the more that we love the earth. The more we care. And we feel that healing vibration and it’s really, really wonderful.
Use all Parts of our Food
We can also use all parts of our food, including vegetables. I take the scraps. I make my own stock or I just include stems. I eat the broccoli stems. You can also create simple composting. Just make it part of your garden. Simply trying creates this consciousness as well of really living in a lighter way.
Using Friendly Products
Try to use earth-friendly products. This is super important because we vote with how we buy. When we use earth-friendly products we are voting for less chemicals in our home space.
Eventually these chemicals can seep into the soil. They go in the environment and have a very detrimental effect, of course, on the biology of our planet. It also means we pollute our bodies less. We all have to inhale the cleaning products.
Using Non-toxic Skincare Products
Also, we want to use non-toxic skincare products. This is really important as well as not having as many chemicals around. And then also really fostering more natural, beautiful ingredients, botanical-based.
If you’re looking for some natural skincare, we have our amazing Feel Good Solluna Skincare line, which you can check out as well.
In Closing
Again, great ways to honor the Earth, is to get out of electronic mode. Maybe instead of watching an extra YouTube show or whatever, going outside, having a picnic, spending time breathing, kicking off your shoes, earthing.
Definitely eating more plant-based as much as possible. Using more natural products and shopping at the farmer’s market. Just really supporting local farmers that are really in tune with the local land are some wonderful ways to support the Earth.
I wish you the most amazing Earth Day. I hope that you get outside. I hope that your spring is going amazing so far. Sending you lots of love and I’ll see you back here soon.
Happy Earth Day, Kimberly!🌎💞 Thank you for the reminder that all of our baby steps add up to giant steps together.🥰 We can all do our part to help protect Mother Earth!🫶
Thank you Aimee and sending you so much love and continued support! Xo