3 Key Ways to Create Great and Lasting Change in the New Year [Episode #955]
SoloCast Topic: Creating Lasting Change in the New Year Aloha and welcome back everyone to our Monday solo cast show. I am so excited that New Year's is just in a few hours essentially, in a few days. And I wanted to do this very special show with you today on three...
Building Personal Resilience: How to Lean on Yourself to get Through Anything [EPISODE #954]
https://open.spotify.com/episode/2OykEWHcy3HIkxvVBabpAd?si=332f4063b2354379 Topic: Hi everyone and welcome back to our Thursday Q &A show. I hope you're having a lovely week so far as we start to head into this new year...
Lessons from Saints and Angels on the Heart with Gary Jansen [Episode #953]
This week’s topic: Lessons from Saints and Angels on the Heart Hi everyone, welcome back to our Monday interview show. I am so excited to have our very special guest, Gary Jansen, back on the show again. I think Gary, you've been on two or three times previously....
Understanding Inflammation in the Body and Foods that Help Reduce it. [Episode #952]
Topic: Inflammation in the Body Hi everyone and welcome back to our Thursday Q &A show. I hope you're having a lovely week. We are right in this powerful period of holidays and right around this winter solstice energy. And it's such a powerful time to...
6 Essential Winter Solstice Practices to Support Rebirth and Renewal
SoloCast Topic: 6 Essential Winter Solstice Practices Hi everyone and welcome back to our Monday solo cast episode. We haven't been doing many solo cast lately, but I am very passionate about sharing today's particular topic, which is six key practices to do right...
How to Communicate More Clearly and Effectively in Relationships [Ep. #950]
Topic: How to Communicate More Clearly and Effectively in Relationships. Hi everyone and welcome back to our Thursday Q &A show. Our topic this week is how to communicate more clearly and effectively in relationships. This is such a huge part of wellness for all...
Understanding Addiction and how spirituality can play a vital role in recovery with Dr. Olivera Bogunovic [Ep. #949]
This week’s topic: Understanding Addiction and how spirituality can play a role in recovery. Hi everyone. Welcome back to our Monday interview show. I am very excited for our extra special guest today, Dr. Olivera Bogunovic. She was recently seen in the...
Vitamins and Nutrients for Vitality and Heart-Led Living [Episode #948]
Topic: Vitamins and Nutrients for Vitality and Heart-Led Living Hello everyone and welcome back to our Thursday Q &A show. Hope you're having a lovely week. Today we're gonna be talking about something very tangible and specifically vitamins and nutrients to...
A Guide to Using Questions to Create Intimacy and Deeper Relationships with Topaz Adizes [Episode 947]
This week’s topic: Create Intimacy and Deeper Relationships Hello, everyone. Welcome back to our Monday Interview Show. I am so excited for my very special guest here with me today, Topaz Adizis, who is a Emmy Award-winning writer, director, and experienced design...
Healing Shame to Expand into Fearless Self-Love [Episode 946]
Topic: Healing Shame Hi everyone and welcome back to our Thursday Q &A show. I hope you're having a wonderful week so far. And today we're gonna be talking about a topic that affects multiple cornerstones, especially our bodies and emotional wellbeing. And it has...