This week’s topic is: Resetting for New Year’s in Accordance with Your Values Across the Four Cornerstones
I’m so excited for a year of renewal and rebirth for all of us and to support you with your goals, intentions, dreams, and what you want to create in the New Year. It feels like a very potent time to reflect and to get clear. And today I really was inspired to create this solocast for you around resetting for New Year’s in accordance with your values and our Four Cornerstones of True Beauty.
Unfortunately, there’s not always this expanded positivity around New Year’s, even though it starts with a bang and there’s the best of intentions. I’ve seen a lot of pressure and struggle, and feeling like you’ve messed up when resolutions don’t stick. I really do believe it’s about putting more energy into how you shift your day-to-day lives to be in accordance with your values.
And today, I’ll be talking about this from a Four Cornerstone perspective, and the ways to incorporate these throughout your life so that they stick and keep you moving forward. Where you can keep evolving towards higher levels of wellness, self-realization, happiness, joy, and peace.
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Want to know what to expect from other episodes of the “Feel Good Podcast with Kimberly Snyder”? My passion is to inspire and empower you to be your most authentic and beautiful self. We offer interviews with top experts, my personal philosophies and experiences, as well as answers to community-based questions around topics such as health, beauty, nutrition, yoga, spirituality and personal growth.
The intention of the Feel Good Podcast is to well…help you really Feel Good in your body, mind and spirit! Feeling Good means feeling peaceful, energized, whole, uniquely beautiful, confident and joyful, right in the midst of your perfectly imperfect life. This podcast is as informative and full of practical tips and take-aways as it is inspirational. I am here to support you in being your very best! I have so much love and gratitude for you. Thank you for tuning in and being part of the community :).
- SBO Probiotics
- Detoxy
- Digestive Enzymes
- Feel Good Starter Kit
- FREE Gift: 7-Day Meditation Series (DIGITAL COURSE)
- Beauty Detox Solutions
- Beauty Detox Foods
- Beauty Detox Power
- Radical Beauty
- Recipes For Your Perfectly Imperfect Life
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- Four Cornerstone FREE PDF: Text GUIDE to +1 (855) 741-0602
- Additional resources in transcript
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Kimberly: 00:00 Namaste, loves and happy New Year. I am so excited about this new year ahead. I’m excited for a year of renewal, rebirth for all of us. I’m so excited to support you with your goals, your intentions, your dreams, what you want to create in the new year. It feels like a very potent time to reflect and to get clear. And today on our show, I really was inspired to create this solo cast for you around resetting for New Year’s in accordance with your values across the four cornerstones. We’ll get into it in just a moment, but the premise of this show is that I’ve seen a lot of pressure and struggle and feeling like we’ve messed up around New Year’s when resolutions don’t stick, which is statistically the reality for I think 97% of New Year’s resolutions. So there’s not always this expanded positivity around New Year’s, unfortunately, even though it starts with a bang and there’s parties and there’s fireworks, literally and figuratively, and there’s the best intentions.
01:15 And so I really felt into how can we make New Year’s a real shift for us and our health and our energy and our wellness across our lives. And I really do believe it’s putting more energy into how do we shift our day-to-Day lives, to be in accordance with our values. We’ll talk about this from a four cornerstone perspective, but whether our values are in living in alignment with nature, feeling more energetic, living in a more holistic way, there are ways to incorporate that in simple ways throughout our lives. And then that will stick and that will keep us moving forward. Those are the shifts that we can make that feel really good, that feel really impactful, and that will keep us moving into this new rebirth of the New Year’s, beyond the first two weeks or three weeks, but to keep evolving towards higher levels of wellness and self-realization and happiness and joy and peace.
02:19 So I’m really excited to dig in to dive right in, starting with our food Cornerstone before we do, little reminder to check out our website, my, where I’ll be posting the show notes for today. We’ve got hundreds of other podcasts I think you would enjoy amazing recipes that are simple and delicious properly. Food combined are amazing, digestive focused supplements, meditations, articles, and more. Everything lives on the website, my SO So please check it out for lots more support for you.
Solocast: Resetting for New Year’s in Accordance with Your Values Across the Four Cornerstones
Okay, that being said, let’s dive into our show today about living in accordance with our values. So when it comes down to what does it mean to feel good, right? Let’s break it down there for a moment. The name of our show. For me, feeling good means we’re living in an authentic way. It means that we’re living in a way that feels aligned to our truth, to the true self, to who we are.
03:22 If we value health and energy, for instance, but we find ourselves getting in a rutt or feeling stressed out, trying to self-soothe, and we’re constantly eating bagged food, packaged food, we’re not really living in alignment with our values or if we value love and joy and peace, but we’re not creating space or tools to support our emotional wellbeing. So we find ourselves often getting snippy or feeling down or feeling imbalanced. We’re not living in accordance with our values. And so as we look ahead to 20 24, 1 of the ways in which we can reframe this New Year’s experience is not just quantitative, not just linear, not let me hit this milestone in my trackable wearable device or let me lose once again as a goal, 10 pounds. These aren’t really connected to the deeper why are we doing these things? And when we connect to a deeper place, things really shift.
#1. Food Cornerstone – Resetting for New Year’s in Accordance with Your Values
04:26 Awarenesses come, new patterns come. So one of the deepest places we can go is to think about our values. What is it that we value? What is it that we want to feel? So let’s start from a food standpoint. What is it that we value about food? And if you’re in our community, which you are because you’re listening to this show, because some of our values, and of course this is individual, and I encourage you to spend time introspecting and thinking about this feeling this intuitively in your heart is around valuing whole based natural eating and dietary habits. We aren’t a community based on fed diets or really strict quantitative linear analysis. There’s nothing wrong with that, but it’s not what we tend to do here in our sauna based community. So what we value is eating in a way that is around naturalness, what’s in season, not tampering with the foods too much, respecting, valuing, honoring nature. And so one of the ways we do that is the way that we cook simple and making sure that our fridges are stocked. So to live in accordance with our value means we need to take time to go to the grocery store once or twice a week, and we need to carve out that time in our schedules. Or if you’re like me and there is
Kimberly: 05:56 Convenience available, I get Instacart twice a week and that’s a home delivery service where someone else is picking out my groceries, and sometimes I’m in contact with them over texting. There’s replacements. I’ll remind them I want my bananas really ripe or whatever it is. But that’s the reality of what it takes for me to live that value. Otherwise, I’m too busy with the kids, I’m too busy with work. I don’t get there, and then it falls apart. So we need to sit back and say, I value fresh food. I value being able to cook simple meals for myself. I value that food is a really important part of my energy. I need to honor it. So our dinners have gotten really simple. Last night I chopped up baby Bella mushrooms, took about 30 seconds and maybe 40 or a minute, I threw them in a pan with coconut oil.
06:49 I threw in some spinach. I pre-cooked quinoa rice. And so I threw that into the pan, and then I mix and match. I threw in some salt, some oregano, boom, oops, there goes my essential oil right next to me. And then I added lemon and some tahini at the end, which the kids love because it makes it taste creamy. So simple, right? So fresh, everything had been delivered from the market that day. And that feels really good for me. I don’t value, I’m not a foodie in the way that my values around food are really complex. Seven course meals with small bites. I know I’m very clear about fresh, great ingredients, organic and simple and easy to cook and simple for me and the family to eat. And so I would encourage you to think about what, again, for you personally, I don’t want to put this on you, but if it is also simple, fresh, whole food based, how do we make that happen?
07:54 And naturally when we set ourselves up for that, the happy offshoots is that we have healthier meals, we are healthier, we are able to maintain our weight on an easier basis. We don’t have to struggle with cheat days and guilt and am I really imbalanced here and back and forth? We’re living most of the time with our values and there’s times we’re going to eat out. There’s times there’s going to be parties or events, especially now it’s still a time of celebration, I think, for the next while. But we can for 80% of the time strive to be in accordance. And another value that you may share with me is valuing the nature and honoring the earth. So how we source foods, buying from smaller farmers, supporting local, supporting organic, not supporting pesticides and heavy uses of fungicides being sprayed into the earth and damaging the environment and the water systems and the ecosystem.
09:02 So the way that we source our food, eating a largely or all plant-based diet, depending on your value system. For me, one of my values with food is about the spiritual element. And the yogis have always taught to eat a vegetarian diet. And this helps with our meditations. This helps us to feel more light in our bodies and not so dense. So for me, part of my values around food are also spiritual values. So there’s the intersection of some of our cornerstones. So when we look at this expanded way, instead of saying, Hey, my New Year’s resolution is to never eat more than 1600 calories a day, or I’m going to eat this amount of protein and this amount of carbs, it’s very surface, it’s very linear. It’s very easy to get knocked off that when it’s not based in depth, when it’s not connected to our truth, to our hearts.
09:57 So think about your food values. I encourage you to journal about this. You can write it down, what do I value? I value fresh. I want to feel fresh. I want to feel alive. 2024, I want to feel my full vitality. Well, if that’s what we value, then we lay out the details, the shopping, having a few easy stir fry, one pot recipes, a couple sauces, a couple salad dressings at our fingertips so we can execute and live in accordance with our values. And again, please check out the website. We’re always putting up new recipes. I shared last week a gluten-free vegan Christmas version of our Christmas cookies. Treats can be very much included, and of course, entrees, soups, all of it. So if you’re looking for that tangible support, you don’t have to troll the internet every day to look for recipes. You may just want to save, tag a few, print out a few, whatever it is, and then let that be a refresh.
#2. Body Cornerstone – Resetting for New Year’s in Accordance with Your Values
11:03 Breathe new life into your inspiration in your cooking in the new year. So the next cornerstone is body. And we want to think about what values do we have around our body real life, not just theoretical and the happy things that we hear about sometimes on social media like honor your bodily temple. Do we really believe that? How do we live that? So for me, I do value honoring the bodily temple. So a big part of that for me is valuing rest and restoration because we all live in such busy lives and it’s easy to push the body beyond its natural limits. It’s easy to use stimulants to keep going, more caffeine,
Kimberly: 11:53 And then it’s easy to try to conk out whenever we want after watching lots of shows and to take melatonin based products in the evening. But is that really honoring? Where’s the value there? So for me, especially over the last few years, I’ve seen wow my, I’ve overextended my body, I’ve pushed my body. There’s been a level of forcing. There’s been a level of wanting to be a supermom and always being there for my kids and always getting all my work done. And there’s been great challenges that I’ve experienced. I’ve noticed fatigue. I’ve noticed hair thinning. I’ve noticed having to have more caffeine than I ever had in the past. So I’ve made a really conscious shift in these weeks leading up to New Year’s. I really felt into this around winter solstice this year, which was particularly impactful for me. That time of the year, a lot of realizations came and I realized that I need to nurture my body more.
12:55 And sometimes because I’m so busy with my kids, I don’t always eat regularly and I don’t always nurture myself to the level that I need to. So starting to take more time to make sure I’m eating enough, I’m eating regularly, I’m getting all my smoothies in for me this time of year. The power protein smoothie is really important. I feel like I need more density. I need more fat, I need more protein. And so again, there’s this cross natural crossover between the cornerstones here we’re talking about food again, but for me, honoring rest, for me, going to bed earlier for me not feeling guilty, lying around in my bed and cuddling and reading books and shutting down more, especially this time of year, it feels really good. There’s times to be out more and there’s times to be restorative and to cozy up. And what a wonderful time of year in the winter months for those of us in the northern hemisphere to take advantage of that.
13:53 I think we also want to see, one of the values I have is living an anti-inflammatory lifestyle. That means I don’t over push my body and exercise. It means sometimes I skip the last part of my walk, which is this big hill. And some days I just feel like, okay, there’s days where it’s like, okay, mentally you don’t want to do this, but it’s a good thing for you to do to push a little bit more physically. But there’s some days where I say I’m worn down, and the benefits of doing this do not outweigh the depleted.
14:30 So I think about my anti-inflammatory lifestyle. What products am I using in my household? And I’ve been talking about this a lot lately. If you read our January newsletter, it’s another featured product this month is air filters because I don’t want inflammation to come in through air toxicity. So we’ve invested in air filters in 2023 and going into this year, they’re in almost every room. We sleep with them next to the bed. We have them in the kitchen, we have them in the living spaces. That’s become a really important, it’s become important value for me is valuing the environment that we’re in. What environment are we putting our body in? So that goes everything from the sheets that we use to the air quality to again, the products that we’re using, the practices, the rituals, the self-care. What are we slathering in our bodies when our skin is dry?
15:28 Are we using the finest body oils? Are we doing ab Bianca, the oils then get rinsed off so they don’t clog the body exorbitantly for using lotions. Do they have phthalates? Do they have parabens? Do they have artificial fragrances? So we want to see if our values are natural and really honoring the body’s natural health. How are we bathing the body both from an environmental standpoint and literally in our products? Also, I think it’s important to see how do we value the ways in which our attitude towards our bodies, is it in alignment? Do we have really negative self-talk around our bodies? Do we beat up our bodies mentally every time we look in the mirror? This is something that I used to do. I used to make snarky comments to myself around the size of my thighs or my flabby arms or just any patchy skin. Anything that I could find to pick on around myself, I would.
16:38 And it really doesn’t feel good. And the body registers that the body takes that in. Our bodies are powerful. Our bodies are intelligent. Everything affects everything else. And the ways in which we treat the body, it will respond better the more love and self-care we give to the body. So I encourage you just with food to spend some time thinking about into 2024, what are my values around my body? How do I want my body to feel? How do I want to treat my body? How do I want my body to yes look, but on a deeper level, how can we establish more self-connection to this incredible temple that’s taking us through life? This container through which we walk through, which we extend our arms out to hug loved ones that is digesting our food, that is metabolizing for us, that is rebuilding and rejuvenating.
17:40 Every day there’s this cellular rejuvenation that’s happening. And so how can I value this? How can I support this instead of tearing ourselves down, instead of self-sabotage, how can we best care and nourish our amazing bodies? And part of that is, again, if we want our values, our bodies to work its best, making sure we’re taking our SBO probiotics regularly, not getting off track with the practices that really matter. For me, 2023, I had some real discussions with my dentist. I wasn’t flossing and to be frank regularly, and now I floss every night. I want to take care of my teeth. I want to take care of these parts of my body that work so hard for me. Every day that I have taken for granted in the past, one of my practices is to oil and massage my feet every night. I honor that my feet are walking with me and taking me through life.
18:46 And these gratitude and appreciation practices for the body go a long way. They connect us to this physical temple. We’re having an embodied experience and our bodies are like it or not. Part of that. And I think the more that we honor the body, the better we’re going to feel in our body in 2024. It’s not going to be this source of strife. The body is not the way I want it to look, or I don’t have enough energy coming from this real place of lack. And then that lack gets reinforced in our relationships and in our work. And so it just is pervasive energy that holds us back across our lives, and none of us want that.
#3. Emotional Wellbeing Cornerstone – Resetting for New Year’s in Accordance with Your Values
So this segues into emotional wellbeing. And what do we value in this cornerstone? For me, I’ll share with you personally. I value building my energy reserves, feeling calm, feeling equanimity, feeling harmony.
19:46 I don’t want to let depleted emotions rule my life. I value peace. I value really finding a through line to connection and not going down old patterns of drama or letting things fester or linger. There was a situation recently around a family event which started to feel stressful. There was some confusion around details, and it was almost like telephone tag or telephone, that game where it went from I was talking to someone and a text chain didn’t go so well. And then that person reached out to another person in the family, reached out to my husband, came back to us. It was like, whoa, this is stressful. And this is how family drama usually goes. And I don’t want this in my life. So it was a simple phone call, me and my husband calling this relative
Kimberly: 20:47 And diffusing it. Hey, we’ve played a role in this communication. I’m really sorry. This is actually what we want. This is what we want to create with you. We want it to feel great. We want this event to go really great. We want to support it was diffused in 10 minute conversation because that’s a value I have is I don’t want to deplete energy in drama. I don’t want big emotions to fester. That’s a relationship example in myself, watching myself, seeing where the past joins me, seeing where, oh, this was a past pain or wound or time where I didn’t feel good, or a time when I didn’t feel seen or a time where I didn’t feel worthy of being considered. And it’s coming up now. And so my value to myself is to bring myself back to center. And so that means calling on my tools, many of the tools I share with you, some of the tools that I share in my last book, you are more than you think you are.
21:48 Tools that I will share in my upcoming book, which is really about that centeredness and creating that incredible vitality and joy that’s really possible for us. When we don’t deplete energy and we go into our hearts and we start to live our truth, we start to really turn on this incredible power of the true self day in and day out. There’s energy leaks. We need to plug them. We need to see this 2024. So the value here could be, I value energy, I value equanimity, I value calm, and I’m not going to give my power away anymore. And so then stepping back, introspection is a really powerful part of this. What are my patterns? Where do I still get caught up? Where do I deplete myself? Where do I let myself get walked over in a certain relationship? Or where do I still get really angry and instead of soothing myself, breathing, taking a step back, calming myself before I follow this familiar pattern?
22:54 So there’s a lot here. I think that, again, this segues into meditation. I think the way in which we start the day, if we can start the day from a place of more calmness and breathing and calming ourselves before we go into any sort of charged situation, we have more energy reserves, we’re better able to handle ourselves. So the ways in which, again, daily practice is how do we start the day making sure we get up early enough to at least set that intention to get really connected to ourselves? Breathe down into the lower belly, put your hands on your heart. Try one of our practical enlightenment meditations. Soon we’ll be uploading our heart aligned meditations, which is a new meditation practice that is part of the next book. It is something that we ran a study on in LA
Kimberly: 23:45 And there was incredible 29% increase in coherence, which means our thoughts become aligned with our hearts, our deepest selves. We start to go into each day with more emotional intelligence, which means our nervous system doesn’t get jacked up. We don’t go into the sympathetic overdrive, which means increased blood pressure, faster heart rate. It tends to mean more reactive thoughts and getting into a mess that we then have to clean up. We have to apologize, we have to make those phone calls. We have to have those difficult conversations. We waste a lot of energy. So get clear with your values for this year. I value peace, I value connection. I value more ease in my conversations with others, whether this be work colleagues or personal relationships where everything that we talk about just feels a lot more easeful and energy regenerative, however you want to think of it.
#4. Spiritual Cornerstone – Resetting for New Year’s in Accordance with Your Values
24:46 This segues of course into our spiritual cornerstone. This is foundational here. What do we value? So this can feel a little bit because it’s not physical. How do we pin that down for me spiritually, the highest values for me are love, peace, and joy. And so if we bring those values in, we choose the loving kind thing to do versus digging in and wanting to be right. We value kindness. We value seeing how we can connect and alleviate someone’s suffering, how we can help someone in a situation simple. Hold the door open, give one a smile, someone a smile that looks like they’re having a hard day. Give a little word of encouragement. Ask the cashier how their day is going, right? It starts from connecting to what energy can I bring into every situation of my day? Spirituality to me is very practical. It’s not just the times we go to temple or synagogue or the mosque or church, but day-to-day living.
25:53 What am I bringing to this particular situation? What am I bringing to this tiniest of interaction with the bank teller, with the parent that we cross as we’re bundling up our little children and leaving school, what is the energy that I am contributing? And so we can contemplate on that. We can turn this value into empowerment 2024. How can I bring more good into the world? How can I be of service? And sometimes we think it has to be these grandiose acts. I have to set up a foundation or volunteer at the soup kitchen or dedicate a percentage of my hours to volunteering. Those can be part of it. Volunteering is great, but in a broader sense, I really believe that it’s the day to day where
Kimberly: 26:42 We can all impact hugely. These moments we can all serve everyday life. What am I bringing to this party? What am I bringing to this dinner? What am I bringing to this tiny little text conversation with my friends or whatever it is? We honor that we bring that love in, we bring that intention in. This is where meditation starts to permeate our lives and stillness or whatever we value, right? For me, my meditations are way to touch that energy of bliss and feelings of oneness. And then the work begins. Then it’s saying, how do we live this as a living practice? This isn’t just theoretical. This isn’t just the times I’m on the mat meditating or the times I’m on my meditation cushion, but how do I live this and breathe this into my life? LED 20, 24 be a year where we start to live more of our values.
27:42 What is in our heart? What do we want to bring? What is our contribution to the world? And so this cornerstone is a very powerful anchor for the other ones. And now let’s just wrap up by looking at how they’re interconnected. The ways in which we eat gives us that mental clarity and that mindset and the energy, the vitality to feel really good and to feel motivated to continue to live our values. And when we take care of our bodies and when we sleep well and when we feel rested, we have more energy to be kind, and we have more energy to stay calm emotionally. And when we are living our values emotionally, taking a step before responding, before reacting, we respond more calmly, keeping ourselves more emotionally intelligent and in equilibrium. It’s easier to live our values spiritually of love and peace. It’s easier to be more calm to the body.
28:45 We care for the bodies better. When we are emotionally stable. We are not going into fight or flight. We are not jacking up our cortisol. We are not aging ourselves prematurely. We’re not depleting our reserves. We are not fraying our DNA telomeres more than we need to from stress responses, right? Everything is this beautiful pulse of interconnected energy, which is why the cornerstones is such a perfect framework for you to look into your values. So I encourage you after this podcast, solocast, to take time in the next 48 hours to sit with yourself and to get out that beautiful journal of yours, maybe to meditate first and to sit and to think, what are my values around my body? What are my values around food?
Kimberly: 29:40 Kimberly listed some of hers, some of those I resonate with. Maybe some of mine are a bit different, and that’s cool. That’s okay as long as there’s clarity. And then how do I set that up? If I want my body to feel this level of health and circulation, I need to value putting time into working out three to five times a week, how do I carve that out and at the same time, rest, maybe I really do need to look at cutting back on my screen time or going out so much or whatever it is. Live the values. Don’t just create surface resolutions that aren’t connected to the deepest truth in you. You are so wise, there’s so much wisdom in you, there’s so much creative potential, there’s so much creative power. How do we harness it? How do we unleash it? It starts by really aligning to your values and then creating systems to enact to them each and every day.
30:43 So it’s not just a philosophical thing, but a living, breathing energy in your life. And you are going to benefit so much. I’m so excited for this year ahead. I’m so excited to support you every step of the way. You can write into the podcast, as I mentioned. I will receive your questions. We will connect on social media. Hopefully I’m at Kimberly Snyder. We will connect. We’re going to have some zooms. We’re going to have some community events this year. It’s going to be amazing. We have product launches. We have our greens powder coming up. We have an amazing water bottle for you. We have pregnancy courses, we have things coming, and it’s going to be amazing and I’d love to hear from you as well in our dynamic connection and relationship. So I send you so much love, so much light. I wish you the most beautiful of New Year’s ahead and especially as we begin this incredible journey together. So thank you as always for being in the community. I send you so much light, all my heart, so much love. Namaste.