Summer solstice is a sacred time of year to mark rebirth and renewal and the perfect time to try this Summer Solstice Ritual. It marks the peak of the light, and symbolizes a time of new beginnings. We shift from an inward time of self-reflection, into a time of more outward action so that we can move forward in our goals and in our lives, with the natural shifts supporting us. Thus, summer solstice is a time of great transformation.
To move forward in a more clear, powerful energy, it is necessary to let go of the past. This is true physically, as our bodies hold a big key to our health and vitality. Old stagnant energy must be released in order to bring in more vitality. That is why we are doing a 7 day reset around summer solstice, which will involve some key morning steps that will help to create great change. You can find out more on the challenge here.
Spiritually and emotionally, there is also a powerful practice that I want to share with you that has made a big difference in my life. It’s called Vasana Daha Tantra, which is the practice of burning up negative experiences so that they don’t weigh you down as you move forward.
Here’s how to do the practice:
Around summer solstice, around June 21st, find a quiet place and a quiet moment. Get a piece of paper and write things down that still make you sad or feel hurt. They can include things that you did, that you learned lessons from and yet still feel regret. They can also include ways that you don’t feel you acted in your highest truth, or ways that you let life or opportunities slip away. Since it’s only you reading it, be sure to be honest and write vulnerably.
Now burn the piece paper in a fire safe container. It’s really important to respect the fire and be totally safe with this. It can be in a fireplace or a metal bucket inside of a fireplace, or somewhere that is completely safe and the fire will definitely be contained. As the paper burns, it is really important to watch the flame and the paper transition from paper to ash. As this process takes place, feel that the experience is losing its emotional charge. Sort of like a picture moving from full color to black and white. It doesn’t mean that you don’t remember the experience, but it means that the emotional charge that weighs you down in the moment doesn’t have to be there anymore. Feel- and know- that the past does not have to affect your life in the present. Know that you really can dissolve the past’s significance, and that it doesn’t have to mean so much now.
This practice helped me feel lighter. I wrote down times I felt badly I was impatient or said something out of alignment with my heart. I still learned lessons, but I started to feel relief, emotionally, by realizing I didn’t have to carry everything. This helped me progress spiritually to feeling more open and free, which is the truth of our nature. If you like this practice, like I do, you might burn the same experiences a few times to really let them go.
Then, holding a seedling, a baby plant, or a baby tree in your hands, bring it to your heart and focus on something you want to birth into the new season and into your life. Bless your intentions into that living plant. Then plant it into the earth, or into a pot on your kitchen counter or living room, or to a place where you will be able to see it often and watch it grow! Nourish it often with water, removing old leaves, and caring for it.
In your own life, listen to your own heart for inspired action steps and intuitive guidance to move into making your dream a reality! Be sure to create space for meditation and for your own intuition to speak to you, which will come from your heart. This is why the HeartAlign Meditation™ is so powerful- it has been proven to increase heart coherence, or heart-brain communication, so that we experience more harmony in our thoughts and in our bodies.