Be sure to tune in to learn how you can empower your body through menopause and other hormonal shifts! Dr. Taz, who is a board-certified Integrative Medicine physician shares how to embrace the different phases of hormonal shifts, the 5 major phases of…
Music and Sound Healing: Why Frequency is so Important to help Balance Mind-Body Health [Episode #824]
When it comes to music and sound healing, why is frequency so Important in helping balance your mind-body health? When I say health, I mean on a physical level, emotional level, mental level, and spiritual level because everything is…
How Transparent Communication can Heal Trauma with Thomas Hübl [Episode #823]
What is transparent communication and how can it heal trauma? Listen in as Thomas Thomas Hübl shares his thoughts on interdependence and trauma, ancestral healing despite different beliefs, how to break…
How to Transform Your Life with Proven Long-Term Weight Loss and Maintenance Made Easy [Episode #822]
How can you transform your life with proven long-term weight loss and also maintain easily? I know firsthand how much energy, time, and attention it can take to be worried about your weight, to be constantly dabbling in…
Dan Buettner and The Blue Zones: Lessons from the World’s Healthiest People [Episode #821]
Dan Buettner and The Blue Zones is back to share lessons from the world’s healthiest people. Dan shares how to manage the bridge between your current diet into a sustainable diet, real foods that taste good in less than…
How to Heal Your Lungs and Gut From Vaping
Former smokers can attest that nothing is as hard as quitting smoking. Nowadays, the harmful effects of smoking are well-known, but almost 12 in every 100 American adults still smoke and about 1 in 20 vape. All together, approximately 5.5 million people between the...
What Are Living Foods? A Guide to Nutrient Dense Eating for Better Health [Episode #820]
What are living foods? Here’s your guide to nutrient dense eating for better health! I’ve been on quite a journey, which has resulted in us really building out these Four Cornerstones that we talk about…
Marriage in Modern Times with Hubby Jon Bier [Episode #819]
What does marriage look like in modern times? I am so excited to have my very own hubby, John Bier, back on the show today where we talk about the benefits of the institution of marriage. And of course this is from…
How to Stay Motivated and Consistent During Your Meditation Practice [Episode #818]
How can you stay motivated and consistent during your meditation practice? Many of us are interested in meditation and the benefits, including, to feel more peace, more groundedness, more clarity, more energy in…
How to Best Prepare Yourself for Fall [Episode #817]
How can you best prepare yourself for Fall? The purpose of today’s podcast is really to help support you in what can feel like a bit of a jarring transition from the summer lifestyle, which is more relaxed and…