Our Diet Has a Major Impact on How Toned our Body Looks—It is not just about working out!
I spent years lifting weights, running, and doing the elliptical machine at the gym to tone my body. Today I do none of those things- and I’m much more toned that I was back then. Okay, I’m not super duper toned like that popular trainer Jillian or Serena Williams- but I don’t want to be. Everyone has different goals, and I personally prefer to have longer, feminine tone and not be SO buff. I feel healthy and strong and I’m happy with where I’m at. If you do want to be super duper buff, then you’d probably want to keep lifting weights for sure. Yes I do practice a lot of yoga, which builds strength by holding your body weight up, but we must realize that our diet makes a HUGE difference. When I work with a client, I look at their overall diet, body, goals and individualize a diet for them. Many people eat foods they think are helping but are really not! But here are some general tips that have helped me personally and many of my clients, which I’m excited to share with you!
1. Ditch the soy milk immediately. Some girls I’ve met that practice Kundalini yoga have very soft, untoned bodies. I think it is largely because they are encouraged to eat a lot of soy milk and tofu, and it contributes to general flabbiness in the body. There is so much I could say about soy like soy milk estrogen, but I’ll stick to the topic. Soy is loaded with trypsin inhibitors that interfere with protein. Soy phytoestrogens disrupt thyroid function and mess with our metabolism. It is also a huge mucus-former. Lots of soy milk = softer and squishier upper arms, bellies and thighs. Yes that’s right- Soft and squishee!!!
Fermented soy products such as miso, natto, and tempeh are okay and don’t have these properties.
2. In a similar vein, stop eating soy protein powder and commercial protein bars like Luna, Cliff, Zone, etc. bars which contain soy protein isolates. This ingredient is highly refined, processed, and largely GMO. So it has all the negative qualities of #1, plus is highly allergenic and not easily digested (ie bloating). Still lots of people eat them after they work out. Sometimes I have the urge to (nicely!) rip a Zone bar out of someone’s hand when I see them eating it and put an avocado or an apple in there instead. :) (These are the strange food fantasies that cross my mind sometimes!!).
3. Take steps to reduce bloating and puffiness. Check out my blog Battle the Bloat for tips on how to do this.
4. Cut back on oil. This does not apply to those of you that are trying to gain weight- and I know there are quite a few of you that right to me on this! Even healthy olive oil and coconut oil should not be consumed indiscriminately like water. Oil is still a dense fat, and can leave a coating over the belly. You can still use it of course, but just be conscious of not over doing it. A very common issue I see with raw foodists that I work with that are not reaching their goals, is that they are using waaaaaaay too much oil!
5. Cranberry. Cranberry is a natural diuretic, and makes you pee a lot. ☺ Well in that pee is the flushing out of excess sodium that can puff us out so we don’t look toned anymore. If you went out for Chinese food or ate salty French fries (I’m not judging! I know they sneak in there sometimes ☺ ), it would be a good idea to mix some concentrated cranberry juice in water and drink that before you go got bed. If you can make it yourself so it is unpasteurized that would be even better- but that one might be a stretch for most people. You can get the concentrated kind from Trader Joe’s etc.
Okay hope these tips help. Let me know how your body has changed with eating- or not eating- certain foods!
Love to you, Kimberly
Oh no. I just ate a Luna Bar. And two more I bought I haven’t eaten yet!!
I’ll stop eating them so much. Ugh. (and thanks)
Lol I just had a cliff bar RIGHT before I read this blog. I’ve been eating them to keep weight ON :/ I keep loosing weight. Im already very petite. I really want to start working out again, but I’m afraid I will disappear! Kim, do you have any suggestions on things I should consume more of to keep me at a good weight while doing the BDS? I’m also on a tight budget so I’ve been having trouble keeping up with it :(
(that’s probably why I keep loosing weight)
Thank you,
I’m 4’10. I used to always be around 95lbs. When I had a physical last week, I weighed in at 89lbs with my shoes in and fully clothed. I’m really concerned.
quick question!
which milk is better, cow’s milk or soy milk?? those are usually two options i cafeterias, restaurants etc..
UGG! Neither!! I would avoid both. If you HAD to choose, like someone was pointing a gun to your head, I guess the soy is better than cow’s milk, which is horrendous, but I would use it very sparingly. xx Kimberly
Soymilk is bad?! This must be part of my soft belly issues. I drink soymilk for protein as I’m a vegetarian. I’ll have to stick more to other sources like nuts… any advice?
Hi Amelia, You don’t need to drink soymilk as a protein source. For milk, switch to almond milk. Drink a Green smoothie every day for plenty of amino acids that are usable and alkaline. Add hemp seeds to your salads, each sprouted and soaked nuts, a wide variety of vegetables. As long as you don’t eat junk food all day, you’ll get protein!
xx Kimberly
Thank you! Great tips to try. I assume the Green Smoothie recipe is here on your blog?
Yes! Check out My Glowing Green Smoothie recipe. :)
THANK YOU so much for addressing the soy myth!
Its very hard to get clients and especially fellow vegan yogis to STOP the SOY.
I’ve been vegetarian for 13 years now and am allergic to soy. People always freak out and think that I cant eat anything but luckily that allergy has really saved me from the pitfalls of this processed plant estrogen.
Because my job as a personal trainer is very active (Jillian M. actually works out at my gym..haha)- I’ll supplement sometimes with a vegan hemp protein powder smoothies with rice or almond milk. But for the most part grains and veggies do the trick.
Dude – I’m loving your blog! Thanks for all the inspiration.
That’s hilarious about Jillian. I only saw her in a TV commercial once. Where would that be- LA?
And I love hemp protein too!!
Come visit me again. xx Kimberly
Not LA.
Gym is in NYC. Chelsea / Flatiron District.
Just a few blocks from Dharma Mittra actually.
Email me if you ever want to check it out sometime.
We have lots of fun toys.
I will totally second Kimberly on the no dairy! Ever since I stopped drinking milk or eating cheese, I have felt soooo much better. I don’t get that afternoon fog I used to have, weight’s coming off, and I look so much better–not puffy and dull. Because I used to get so much dairy, I started adding extra lemon juice (freshly squeezed) every chance I get and I feel brand-new.
I also thought that I needed dairy as a quick, low-fat, non-meat source of protein, but I found out that was wrong, too. If you eat a lot of leafy greens (like in a green smoothie)and such, you still get plenty of those things. I’ve checked with various sources for nutritional data, and since upping the amount and variety of greens and cutting out dairy, I still get more than the RDA of both.
Thanks for the info, Kimberly!
HI Morgan!
I’m SO happy you are doing so well since our phone consultation. :) You sound like you are doing great.
Keep in touch!
xx Kimberly
Interesting post. I have read good and bad things for soy. I have heard that if it is processed is bad for you, but does that still go for steamed edamame and nama shoyu? I am very interested on the subject, I think you should do a post on eating soy, with scientific facts. Like, how the soy makes you soft and untoned.
Great post!
Well, first off you have to understand that there are different kinds of soy products. As I mentioned, the fermented varieties are okay b/c fermentation deactivates the trypsinogen blockers. You are mistaken to think it is all about whether it is “processed” or not. Cooking does NOT deactivate the trypsinogen blockers. Nama shoyu is made from fermented soy beans, unlike regular soy sauce. Since soy interferes with your thyroid and keeps your body from digesting proteins properly, then it is not helping our quest to be toned, is it?
My writing reflects information I have researched and personal experience. I do not load my blog with studies, because that is not the style of my blog. If you are interested in “scientific facts” or actual studies you could find them online. :)
Take care!
When I said “scientific” facts, I meant to explain how exactly soy acts on the body from consumption to digestion!
I just wanted to know: does it mean that I should avoid tofu also ? And is it unhealthy to eat cooked potatoes and cooked whole pasta (if yes, do you know the reason why?). Coz I’m kinda transitioning to a raw food diet, but I don’t intend to be 100% raw.
Thank you very much! It is just amazing to be able to have great and reliable informations about nutrition just by a click.
Natacha from Belgium.
Your picture is gorgeous. Nice and toned ;-)
The second I learned that soy was bloating, I kicked it to the curb, and never looked back. And yes, I have been feeling more toned since this change. I think my feeling more toned is due to a combination of factors, with the soy being an important one of those factors. Full disclosure: I still do enjoy tempeh sometimes, per your advice.
Getting dairy almost completely out of my diet has been HUGE. Kim, you really should do a blog on the connection between dairy and acne. My skin looks much better since ditching dairy. If I happen to have some, boy does it become apparent quickly. That in and of itself is a huge motivator to steer clear of dairy.
When I gave up dairy my skin cleared up as well. I’d taken every acne med possible from age 13 – 28 and nothing worked. Plus I wasn’t thrilled with taking so many meds. I did a test recently and had a little dairy and guess what, I broke out!
I’ve been instructed by my trained to get protein power. I’m allergic to dairy and I now know not to get soy. Would you recommend hemp or is there anyother type I should get?
W-O-W! I did not know that! Great post. To think, all this time, I couldn’t understand why this squish around my midsection wouldn’t go away after my 2nd child. This is after workouts galore. I began drinking soy after my 2nd child in much larger quantities than before. Now I understand why I can’t get my abs back! Thanks for the info!
You’re welcome! Switch to almond milk!
xx Kimberly
Hey Kimberly,
I’m interested about the link between dairy and acne. I’ve been battling acne around my chin for years, and the only thing that works for me is Proactiv (I know, bad), but I need my skin to be clear. I’m curious to see what happens to my skin if I cut dairy out. Can you write a blog about this link?
Thanks! Love your blog!
Hi Ladies- Nour, Katie, Bria!
yes I will blog soon about the acne/dairy connection. I did a while ago, but since I’ve been blogging for over a year some of my old posts are hard to find!
Thanks for the idea! xx Kimberly
Thank you Kim! :) I really love the way you write things in your blog; professionally and still the way everyone can understand!
Your post made me wonder if you should not eat that much oils is it still ok to eat lots of avocados and nuts and seeds which includes lots of good fats too?
I guess the fiber in it makes it a lot different, don’t you think?
I wiss you wonderful day! You are the real inspiration! :)
One more question for you Kim!
Why do you consider fish so harmful and unhealthy food?
We all know fish absorbs a lot of environmental chemicals but if we don’t consider that what is the health issue?
I also know cooking makes harm for all the proteins, fat and vitamins, but what if you eat raw fish like in sushi (just without rice) is fish still unhealty?
Some people which are in raw food diet still eat raw fish, eggs and even meat? What do you think about that?
Hope you have some time to answer! Thanks anyway! :)
Hi Kim! You didn’t asnwer this question so I thought I send it to you again! I know you might be busy, but if you’d just have time to answer this one.
One more question for you Kim!
Why do you consider fish so harmful and unhealthy food?
We all know fish absorbs a lot of environmental chemicals but if we don’t consider that what is the health issue?
I also know cooking makes harm for all the proteins, fat and vitamins, but what if you eat raw fish like in sushi (just without rice) is fish still unhealty?
Some people which are in raw food diet still eat raw fish, eggs and even meat? What do you think about that?
Hope you have some time to answer! Thanks anyway! :)
Hi Mya, Fish can definitely play a role in the diet for those that choose to eat animal products. It is clearly a better animal protein choice than red meat or pork. Still, it is not an alkaline choice, and leaves an acidic residue in the body- whether it is cooked or raw. (Raw fish does not have the corrupted amino acid issue, but has bacterial and other separate issues). The nutrients in fish can be found in abundance in plant food- and the plant food will digest much more cleanly and support our anti-aging and beauty goals.
xx Kimberly
Thanks alot for your answer!
Some scientists recommend fish instead of plant food sources because fish has EPA and DHA which vegetables don’t have. Humans, however, can obtain α-linolenic acid only through their diets, because the absence of the required 12- and 15-desaturase enzymes makes de novo synthesis from stearic acid impossible. Furthermore, conversion of dietary α-linolenic acid into EPA is limited. Because the efficacy of n−3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid (LC-PUFA) synthesis decreases down the cascade of α-linolenic acid conversion, DHA synthesis from α-linolenic acid is even more restricted than that of EPA. Some scientist say only 3-10 % conversion into EPA and 0,5-9 % into DHA.
What is your opinion about this issue? Do you think human can convert enough EPA and DHA from plant food without having fish in their diet? And how much ALA vegans should have in their daily diet?
Hi Mya- Avocados , nuts and seeds are completely different than oil, and different from what we are talking about here. Yes they have fat, but their properties and concentrations are different. I eat avocados every day!!
xx Kimberly
Hi Kimberly, what do you think of Vega products? I know they are soy free and I love their green smoothie mix packed with spirulina and other super foods. Do you recommend their products?
I’d love to know Kimberly’s opinion about Vega products too! I like the green vibrancy bar (raw) and the Whole Food Health Optimizer. I also drink the vega sport sometimes before working out. Looking forward to any insight on the quality of this product.
Being skinny is no fun at all. Many people who are skinny and want to build muscle actually feel just as uncomfortable as someone who is over weight and wants to lose it.
Another question! Is organic non-gmo cultured soy yogurt considered ferment? Please get back to me!The soy yogurt I get has these ingredients :soy 8%, water, Bifidus and Lactobacillus acidophilus.
Soy yogurt is not generally made from fermented soy beans- though the yogurt itself does have acidophilus. I would personally NOT eat soy yogurt.
love your blog! i am especially happy that you are posting more frequently!
i am living in Mysore, India studying yoga (i can hardly believe it myself) and it is all asewome except the food… i have had Gardia while i have been here and since i am staying till next April (!yay!) i need to sort something with food out. I love fruit but there isnt alot of variety and now i am totally scared of anything raw i can peel like spinach! and as for cooked Indian food i think there is good reason there are piles and fistula doctors clinics on every corner! did you notice that while you where travelling India? i dont think the white rice is cutting it on the fiber front.
Anyway sorry for the essay, any ideas on what i should/could be eating? for now i am sticking with fruit melons, bananas, pineapple and fresh coconuts!
Many thanks!
Wow, India is tough. When I was there I lost a lot of weight and ate a lot of oranges. :) There are tons of Westerners in Mysore, so I’m sure you can find some clean, good places to eat cooked food like daal and rice. You might want to stick to the peeled fruit for your raw food- unless you have access to a kitchen to wash and make your own vegetables with filtered water!! If you can have any chlorella tablets, etc. sent to you b/c you aren’t eating too much green produce, that might be a good idea!
xx Kimberly
I have notice that just going high raw so far has toned my body more than when I was a competitive swimmer in highschool. It is amazing how eating really does effect how you look. I’ll admit it, I would love to exercise more, but I am so tired from chasing my toddler all day and keeping the household up and running that I just don’t have a lot of extra energy or motivation for regular structured workouts, but since I have gone highraw, you would never know I don’t exercise ; )
That’s great! A wonderful effect of eating more raw! When your body has more space- ie cleared of acidic waste, the oxygen does reach your muscles better and we look more toned for sure. :)
Hi Kim again!
It just grossed my mind how interesting it would be if you’d write a post like “perfect day”. About perfect day I mean the perfect menu of the day which gives you all the nutrients you need for one day (including breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks). Of course the daily diet is personal but if you take exhample of yours which I believe is the perfect example for people.
It would also be nice that if the post could include the resipes too, so we all could try this perfect day and would know how much to eat all the ingredients.
Thanks! :)
Hi Mya- I will be addressing this issue in a post very soon- stay tuned!
Thank you so much Kimberly!
And sorry about my impatience! I’m just so hunger for all the information about healthy food! You and your blog have been the real inspiration to me to continue my trip to raw foodist! I’m 80 % raw now but would love to give up the rest of my cooked food (which includes also fish and eggs) if I would be totally sure I can get everything I need from vegan raw food. The sample of the perfect day would help me alot.
Thanks again!
Thank you Kim for you serious commitment to health! I really appreciate that you invite me to check your blog. Since then I had change a lot of my eating habits and I think I had improved my health. For almost 30 years I used to be very slim, maybe not very healthy but at that time I almost did not eat process food, except white bread….I know terrible but the bread in Mexico is bake everyday so at least was fresh. Then when I moved to EU I started gaining weight and I went from 110 to 150 lbs. In the last two years I was stuck at 125 and my frame does not look good with that weight and then you came across with all these tips and I am 118 lbs, very energetic and still learning a lot on food.
I still cooked food especially during the winter time, soups and sometimes curries. But some days I only eat raw. I start my day with my lemon tea and an hour later my lemonade and fruit the whole morning and then some salad. Then seeds and dry fruit, I love dates. Any way thank you! I am still working in my belly!!! One of my problems is bread. I eat at least 5 slices of ezequiel bread a week! I can’t help it and I cheat eating mexican food at least once a month…
Hi Claudia- Your morning routine sounds great! In the winter, easily digestible cooked foods like curries and soup are excellent. You don’t have to be 100% raw to get great results!
Yay about the weight loss by the way. :)
xx Kimberly
I also try to limit my soy intake, however I still use a little unsweetened organic Edensoy in my oatmeal (just organic soybeans and purified water). I was at Whole Foods looking at soy milk alternatives and most prepackaged milks have carrageenan, which I have heard can be harmful (according to Dr. Weil). I also noticed that the packaged almond milk had little protein and the vitamin content was poor (except for the fortified kind). I am also not too keen on seeing “natural flavors” in the ingredients.
Basically I am wondering should I invest time in making my own almond milk? Would this have more nutrients that the prepackaged variety? Or should I stick to the little bit of Edensoy I use each day?
By the way I love your blog!! I grew up learning ayurvedic techniques so its interesting to see you incorporate them!
I would take any form of almond milk a million times over Edensoy milk. :)
If you have time, yes absolutely make your own almond milk! Check out my recipe, “Megan’s Almond Milk.” (named after my friend Megan that requested the instructions. :)
since giving up dairy my skin looks SO much better. I sill sometimes get a hormonal spot on my chin, but its so different to when i had dairy. Also, i noticed dairy gives you foul breath and gas – all digestive related.
Kim, do you believe in Maca for regulating hormones? How long does it take? I’m not very keen on the taste but if it really does work then I’ll have it in a shot of water every day :)
Hi Elisa! There is a mixed opinion about Maca. You can try it and see if it works for you. Some experts really believe that it is beneficial and some believe it is unnecessary. You can mix it into your Green Smoothies.
When you try it, let me know what you think!
xx Kimberly
PS- Yes! Foul breath and all stench are related to the state of someone’s toxicity level
Ohh I saw the soymilk one and I literally face-palmed. No WONDER I’ve been getting kind of tubby in that area, because I drink so much soy milk and eat a LOT of tofu. I’m a vegan and I thought it was good.. guess not as great as I thought!
Anyway I really like your website!
Hi Kimberly…..can’t seem to access “battle the bloat”….is just won’t pull up….can you blog again please…thanks
Really?? Let me check…
Hey kimberly i just discovered your site while watching some clips on youtube about people who lost weight by master cleanse and the girl mentioned how she came across your amazing site while surfing the net and i must say bravo! Its great it will definately help me focus on my health and fitness!Thank you for doing this!
my body tends to bloat after i have had a herbal ice tea..should i be concerned or should i change it somehow?? i use rooibos tea and lemon for my ice tea x thanx kim
Hi Kim,
I love your book and have been incorporating different elements of the lifestyle weekly! I think my biggest achievement is that I no longer crave ice cream which I used to eat almost daily!
My only concern is that I work out six times a week. I love to run and be active. I even walk to work every day! Sometimes I feel hungry and a little weak. I’m not sure what a good way to supplement a diet for somebody is active. And when I am hungry after a run, this is when I usually lose willpower!
Any suggestions?
Hi Kim!
Thank you so much for the post! I love your book and followed the diet strictly for a few weeks. The IBS I had for 8 years is gone and I instantly lost six pounds! Now I’m at a plateau because my career is taking off and I’ve been spending a lot of time at the office (sitting). I work out before and after work (yoga, crossfit, trail hiking) but my problem is eating. I already get up at 5:30am to make my green goddess juice and sometimes I have enough time to prepare lunch and dinner to take with me (luckily I live on a farm with fresh veggies). But sometimes I just can’t. And when I’m stressed, the first thing I go for is a latte (I’ve been thinking about keeping a cooler of almond milk in my car to take to cafes who only have milk/soy). Do you have any tips on how to juggle an extra-busy career (and school when it starts back up in the fall)? I am so lucky to have my dream job but I would like to be fit too! Should I just focus on one thing at a time? Is there a detox-lite I can do until I can get back on track? What would you recommend?
Thank you! Love you!
I am wondering if larabars and kind bars would be ok? I take them when I know I will be out and won’t be able to have access to anything healthy, or gluten free. I would love to know if these bars are healthy for you.
Thank you.
Morning everyone. Kimberley and anyone else feel free to jump in. Im 53 looking to quit smoking and change to a vegan diet. Ive been gathering info and informing myself but im interested to learn what you guys would recommend for a detox drink for example, and nutrition to help my body recover. im considering a water only fast.
Thanks for your time.
I hope this is not to old a post to comment and ask a question. How much coconut oil do you recommend for someone on a high raw diet? I have a hard time feeling satiated and too many nuts are constipating and bothersome to my tummy. I have read that up to 6 TBS of coconut oil is recommended daily. What is your take on that? (As well as other oils).
What is your take on cacao?
Thanks soooo much.
I stumbled upon your site on accident researching face reading and organ health!
Hi, Kim!
I read your book during a cleanse 5 months ago and have been almost completely vegan since then. No dairy or meat other than fish every now and then. I started off feeling great, but am recently feeling awful. I’m bloated by the end of the day, and can barely move. Nothing in my diet has changed.I have a GGS every morning minus the fruit most mornings. I eat a LOT of raw fruits and veggies and have tried to go gluten-free. I’m trying not to doubt the diet, but am NOT feeling good.
What on earth could be the issue? My bowels have changed and I am so bloated and so tired in the afternoons. But, my diet hasn’t changed. So weird.
Last question, I am not gluten intolerant and I don’t have Celiac’s, is it still best to be gluten-free. I feel like if something has to give, it’s gluten.
Help, please?
Soy is not part of my diet and I just use coconut oil. I am pretty toned.