I saw something in the news that caught my eye. It was a news report about how the United States dairy industry is in crisis, followed by a report on the dangers of disposable diapers, surprisingly. According to the Wall Street Journal (WSJ), American milk consumption has decreased significantly – almost 30 percent since 1975.
While I wouldn’t want to be gleeful about anybody personally suffering of course, I couldn’t help feeling, okay, well yes, gleeful, about this industry news.
I am not a fan of dairy and do not think anybody should consume it. I believe it leads to myriad health issues and supreme and unnecessary suffering for many, many people.
Dairy is not people food. Period. Too often the news is about big, Monsanto-esque corporations and/or its lobbyists winning out at the expense of the public’s health. But not so in this case my friends. This one is for the people!
Here are the various sides of this piece of news, as I see it:
The Good News
First, let’s talk about the good news! If Americans are consuming fewer dairy products, well, people are choosing to consume less dairy products. Yay! The decreased demand will cause the dairy industry to scale back production.
Why is this good news? There are so many health and environmental issues associated with dairy production and consumption. I feel that more and more, the tide is turning and more people (like you!) are spreading the info and the word is getting out that dairy is not health food.
Don’t just take my word for it…
“If you are willing to stop eating just one group of foods, you will experience the most profound improvement in your health and appearance by eliminating all dairy.” – John A. McDougall, MD
Now let’s examine the reason why dairy is a poor choice for your health and the environment.
1. Dairy products are extremely acidifying in the body.
While the dairy industry has advertised for years that milk makes bones stronger, the opposite happens when you consume a lot of dairy. In The China Study, T. Colin Campbell explains that when you consume milk, it creates a net metabolic acidity in the body.
In order to neutralize that acidity, your body draws salts such as calcium and phosphorus from your bones so it can return to its naturally alkaline state.
The result is weakened bones and teeth – just the opposite of what the dairy industry has been suggesting all these years. Countries in the world that consume very little dairy, like China, experience very little osteoporosis.
2. Milk is meant for baby cows – not baby humans.
In fact, human beings are the only species that insist on consuming milk after infancy. Unfortunately, the milk humans consume isn’t human milk. It’s cow’s milk. Cow’s milk contains two elements that make it very difficult for the human body to process, however.
The first, high levels of casein, is milk’s primary protein. Difficulty digesting protein can cause damage to the intestines and stomach, which can lead to autoimmune and malabsorption disorders and poor health.
The second part of cow’s milk is very difficult for humans to digest is lactose, which is the sugar in milk. Many people have a strong intolerance for lactose, which can cause digestive disorders and upset.
3. Milk may contain hormones, antibiotics, and chemicals
These cause endocrine disruption and have been associated with developing certain cancers. One of the most worrisome of these chemicals is recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH), a genetically engineered growth hormone used to increase milk production in cattle.
According to the Cancer Prevention Coalition, Canada and European countries have banned American milk because it contains this hormone, which has been linked to increased rates of cancer. Milk containing rGBH is not labeled in the United States.
Likewise, many farmers maintain dairy cattle in extremely crowded conditions, providing genetically modified feed.
To combat the disease associated with the crowded living conditions and feed that isn’t a natural part of a cow’s diets, farmers often put antibiotics in the feed. This winds up in the milk and contributes to antibiotic resistance and toxicity in the human body.
4. Dairy production is extremely toxic to the environment.
While some small organic farmers to tend to their cattle naturally, keeping them hormone free and pasture-fed, they are in the minority. Instead, dairy production has become industrialized. Industrialized dairy farming causes large-scale pollution due to animal waste, farm machinery, and fuel usage for shipping dairy products across the country. Additionally, the hormones, antibiotics, and other chemicals used in dairy production work their way into the soil and groundwater, eventually making their way into lakes and streams.
5. There are so many healthier alternatives to dairy available on the market today.
These alternatives include nut milks such as almond and coconut milk, as well as rice and hemp milk. If young coconuts are available near you, try my Coconut Green Smoothie recipe!
Soymilk is also widely purchased, but should be avoided. Most soy milk is genetically modified and negatively impacts the hormones in the human body.
If you do choose to drink alternatives to dairy, I recommend unsweetened almond or hazelnut milk. Learn how to make fresh almond milk at home!
The Bad News
Unfortunately, according to the WSJ article, the other reason dairy consumption is flagging is because people are turning to less healthy and non-environmentally-friendly alternatives to milk such as vitamin water and bottled water.
So it isn’t actually because everyone switched over to making their own almond milk. At least not yet! Let’s not give up on that one.
These aforementioned drinks are typically packaged in plastics and may contain a bevy of sugar or artificial sweeteners (sucralose, crystalline fructose and the like), which are not natural, beautifying ingredients.
Likewise, individual serving bottles litter landfills and utilize massive amounts of petroleum products in their production. A better alternative to individual servings of bottled drinks is to purchase a BPA-free reusable water bottle to keep you hydrated all day. Discover why drinking hot water is good for your health and beauty!
Beware the Marketing
In order to compete with the burgeoning beverage industry, the dairy industry is beginning to change how they package and market dairy products.
Nutrition labels use sneaky marketing terms like “real” to imply that almond and other dairy milk alternatives are “fake”, and repackaging milk products in a manner more attractive to today’s consumer, such as increasing the protein content and packaging it in individual sized containers as a fitness-type product.
Just because the milk industry is re-branding its product, however, doesn’t make it any healthier or better for the environment than it was before.
Instead of slapping the “real” sticker on dairy, they should slap a “never intended for human consumption” sticker on there.
Okay, my sticker is longer and may not be as “catchy”. But you get the point. Because of the detrimental health and environmental factors associated with milk production and consumption, I urge you to stop buying dairy products.
Seek out alternatives. They aren’t “fake”; they are very much real, plant-based, and far better for your body, skin and the environment.
Spread the word! Friends don’t let friends eat dairy.
Love your closing words “Friends don’t let friends eat dairy.”! I pretty much only have no dairy or goat cheese now and my DH is ever so gradually jumping on to BDS. He even picked out really healthy veggie burgers with amaranth and quinoa at the health food store. I can’t wait for your book to come out bc he still will not drink the GGS and wants to look at a book on smoothies. I’m trying to incorporate some ideas from just the ingredient list at Glo Bio and though they are deliscious he still wants to look at a book. Lol! Love your recent post on the carrot fries. I cant ‘wait to try them with a whole varierty of vegt.
Hope you a havehad a wonderful vacation.
Hi! Great article about dairy! BPA FREE BOTTLES are marked 5 in a triangular box under the plastic bottles. Is this a correct statement or. The bottle must say BPA FREE! Pls advise
Well written statement, Kim! I second all of what you’ve said. Have a wonderful and vibrant new year, girl!! :)
Thank you so much for posting this!!! My husband and I are vegan and are raising our 7 month old baby girl vegan as well. Do you have any suggestions as to what milk is best for an infant instead of cows milk? The doctor is already hinting to us that she should be on cow’s milk at 1 year and I just can’t bring myself to do that! Any advice would be much appreciated!
Thank you!
Hi Brooke,
You might want to try almond milk or coconut milk. It won’t have as much of the vitamins and minerals but is still a decent alternative.
You need to be cautious about the boxed milks too (almond, soy, coconut, rice, hemp, etc) because they almost all contain “carrageenan” and “vitamin A palimate” which are both questionable and their safety is debatable. Look both of these up and do your own research to determine if you feel they are safe to consume or not. The best alternative is homemade almond milk made with raw, organic almonds.
Great piece Kim! Thank you.
One reason you missed for giving up dairy is the cruelty these beautiful animals endure. PETA and Casey Affleck are raising awareness for the world’s hardest working farm animal – dairy cows.
Once they give birth their calves are taken away :( And they are kept permanently indoors, unable to express many of their natural behaviors. It’s just terrible. All for a product that we do not need to consume!
xx Nicole
This is an excellent point to address!!! Dairy is a cruel industry that feeds the veal market. When the calves are separated from their mothers (so they can produce milk) most are sold off as veal. The majority of people are uncomfortable eating a baby cow, but giving up dairy will significantly impact this horrendous industry and lessen the needless suffering of animals.
As someone who lives in an area of the US with a thriving dairy industry, I can tell you that I’ve never seen a dairy in my life where the cows were kept predominantly indoors. The dairies around me (which are large and numerous) keep their cows outdoors except during milking. If you think about it from an economic standpoint, which is more expensive: putting up a fence that 1,000 cows can fit inside, or putting up a building that 1,000 cows can fit inside? There is a lot of false information going around about agriculture, and while some questions and issues are certainly valid, I encourage people to do their own research instead of believing everything they hear from special interest groups.
Hi Kim,
Just a quick question for you. I am having a baby and I plan on breast feeding but after that what do you recommend for babies? I grew up drinking cows milk as a kid but I would prefer to not go that way with my child. I’m just not sure if almond milk is okay for kids on a daily basis? Thanks!
What about raw milk and dairy? From what I’ve read from those who follow Traditional Eating (as per the work of Weston A. Price), raw milk/dairy (from grass-fed cows or goats) is very good for you whereas pasteurized is not. It’s also one of the foods recommended in books that outline how to cure tooth decay and remineralize teeth. Can you point me to scientific studies proving that casein damages our stomach and intestines, as you noted in the post?
I am wondering the same thing. We buy raw milk from pastured Jersey cows and appreciate the research of the Weston Price foundation. Raw milk is COMPLETELY different from pasteurized milk. We lacto-ferment our veggies to increase probiotics and digestive enzymes. Curious about what Kimberly’s perspective is on this practice.
I converted to unprocessed natural milk two years ago and credit it with a transformation of my general health and body composition goals that previously I had not been able to achieve. Most would consider my diet extreme and unhealthy, (probalby 70 % of my calorie intake attributable to raw dairy,… about 3 gallons per week), yet my perspiration will test slighly alkaline rather than acidic and my bmi is better than ever since my earlly twenties! While I agree with Kimberly Snyder, in respect to processed dairy, I am a strong advocate of organic unprocessed dairy. It’s really unfortunate our government, under the influence of the America Dairy Industry,, sabotage the truth about the benefits and safety of raw dairy from grass fed/pastured cows
I sometimes wonder if people are consuming less milk but are eating more cheese. It seems like cheese is everywhere—-pizza, fast food burgers, burritos, tacos, etc…
Do also feel that homemade yogurt, using grassfed organic milk, and fermented for 24 hrs so that it is lactose free, is harmful as well? If casein is not a problem, this would be like raw milk except it would be hugely loaded with probiotics.
I am also wondering about grassfed organic real butter that would be loaded with vitamin K2.
Thanks for sharing. I would love it if you could provide some dairy alternatives for babies/children.
Agreed! It’s hard to find an easier way than whole, organic milk for my young kids to get enough fats and proteins, since we’re always on the go.
Hi Kimberly! Your book is wonderful and I loved it! As far as dairy goes I don’t consume much of it because I’m lactose intolerant. Moat of my dairy intake consisted of cheese and yogurt which i have started cutting out.I started out using soy milk only to find out that it was interacting w/the synthroid and I’m intolerant to it also. I have been drinking almond milk since and I can see the changes in my skin as soon as I stop drinking it. How much should I drink daily? Also i’d like to know what I can use to substitute soy containing products in some of your recipes like lithe probiotic and enzyme salad. Thank you!
Im huge on eating healthy & avoiding anything that isnt organic. i saw your comments on milk and i agree, ive had almond milk, but one thing im curious about, ive heard the ingredient “carrageenan” used in things like chocolate milk, almond milk, and many other good drinks that are non- dairy, is bad for you, ive heard it causes issues such as problem with bowels and even cancer, what is your opinion on this ingredient. thanks!
Carrageenan is made from Irish moss, a seaweed that I have worked a lot with in the past for food prep.
It is in a ton of products, including toothpaste, preserves, etc. It is also called agar. Research has
shown that in most people, it is harmless and causes no problems. Some may have a sensitivity to it,
which can create an immune response.
I have never had a problem with it but everyone’s body is different. Try eliminating it if you are
concerned and see if there is improvement.
I heard about carageenan from the OCA (organic consumers association). almond milk is really good and i have not had any adverse effect from it. thanks for the response….I love to do research & know about everything i ingest. most everything i learned about was from “the widely know institute the gerson therapy, for curing cancer, diabetes & other diseases, i had not known anyone who was as knowledable as they where until i came upon you in a health magazine. thanks again
Is it ok if I copy and paste this on to the Oh She Glows site where Angela Liddon talks about carrageenan? It’s a great site, but she doesn’t have the same clinical background that you do and so thought this would be helpful :)
Moderator: Please delete above. It’s in the wrong spot.
I’ve found that almond or coconut milks from the store often contain stabilizers and other ingredients that I’m not familiar with. Seems like these extra ingredients make the “milks” processed. Are there easy alternatives to making your own almond milk at home?
I’ve made my own hemp milk….I put hulled hemp seed in a blender with cold, filtered water and blend away! Not as “thick” as the store bought, but just as healthy.
Hi, I usually just soak almonds, or any other nuts or seed I feel like using (I love Brazil nuts) for 12 hrs in some water enough to cover them. Then I blend them with some water(to your taste really) and either some vanilla bean, dates and/or strawberries. HiS free that I love it into a milking bag and just squeeze the bag till there’ there’s only pulp the left in the bag and all of the ‘ milk’ Kiwis in the bowl! Very easy! I usually store mine for a week in the fridge!
This is how I make coconut milk at home:
• Buy a dry-coconut; its comes without its husk in a hard shell and contains water;
• Hold the coconut in your hand over the kitchen sink and crack it open around the middle using a hammer or the back of a meat cleaver; enjoy the coconut water;
• Crack the two halves into smaller pieces in your hand or use a cutting board;
• With a butter knife, carefully remove the coconut meat and cut into smaller pieces;
• Shred/grate the coconut meat in a processor or similar machine;
• Mix the shredded coconut in 3 cups warm water and stir; let sit for 15 minutes;
• Using a piece of muslin cloth, squeeze/wring the coconut mixture into a container;
• (You may find uses for the still nutritious coconut remains, e.g. as cereal spread;)
• Store the coconut milk in the fridge up to three days;
• You can adjust the coconut/water ratio to suit your need for thickness;
• You can buy more costly shredded coconut but sacrifice nutritional control;
• You may scrape off the brown coconut skin for a whiter milk but lose fibre.
Dear Kimberly,
Thank you so much for your post. Indeed, I am trying to stop dairy products, I love your posts.
Wishing you a very great and succesful New Year.
Love, Edith
Hi Kimberly,
Great stuff; love your blog. Just wondering if you think flax milk is a healthy alternative. I recently discovered Good Karma’s flax milk and use it in my berry smoothies. Its non GMO; no sugar; tastes great.
hi kim, thank you so much for your informed articles, they are always great to read and have helped me make small yet informed changes to my diet. although i started drinking your GGS for the past year, one thing i am starting to be more concerned about is the acid wear on my teeth. i have always had soft enamel – and although i am all for consuming more greens and fruits it has been difficult for me to completely give up hard cheeses and some dairies – as they have helped soothe my tooth and gum sensitivity. i do not know if that’s just something that has been ingrained in my head all of these years, but i would like to know what is needed to maintain a diet that aids in this sort of thing – i don’t want my teeth to fall out(!)… this may be too hefty a question, but i’ve been dying to ask you! thanks again and happy new year to you :-)
Love the diet and nutrition advice you have provided in your blog. I look forward to hear from you.
Stay beautiful and healthy always!!
Hi Kimberly,
Thanks for the helpful info. I’m willing to give up my 2% morning milk with cheerios and try almond milk, but do I have to give up cheese?(!) Your article discusses milk and dairy products but no specifics about cheeses and I’m hoping that there are some cheeses out there which I don’t have to give up (bree, gruyere, to name a few).
Thanks Kimberly,
The only thing I can not get understand is, why has almond cheese -and other cheese alternatives – casein as an ingredient. What`s the point to buy them instead of milk .I always found this very stupid.
Love the article.
What do you recommend for babies and toddlers after breastfeeding?
Hi Kimberly,
I enjoy greek yogurt with half a banana and my homemade granola as a snack or sometimes for breakfast…what do you eat to replace yogurt?
Love your information, thank you.
Thanks for the informative article. It’s a shame so many people believe that milk is a great source of calcium. I’ve known about the acidifying effects of dairy, and have told my friends about it. I am appalled that so many “doctors” still push milk on children…. not only a poor source of calcium, but it can also be an allergic agent! Love your blog, keep up the good work!
Hi Kimberly!
I dont know if you still check your twiiter/facebook but I just wanted to say thank you for inspiring me. I read your book and I’ve lost 66lbs! Youve changed my life! I sent a before and after pick to you on twitter. Thanks again, -Alexis
hey aloha Kimberley,what do you think about Carrageenan in al unsweetened, lowfat, nonfat sometimes evebn regular items. iI read its bad, bad for you. cancer causing, inflammation?
Thanks, Kimberly! Great reminders! I took our family off dairy a little over 18 months ago after reading your book and we have been SO much healthier ever since! My 2 year old has never had an ear infection and never needed an antibiotic and I truly attribute it to the lack of over production of mucus caused by eating dairy. It isn’t that my kids never get sick; it is just that they fight it off SO much faster than their friends and so much more easily. The change truly has seemed like a miracle. In response to some of the questions from people with kids: we use unsweetened almond milk and I make sure they have large daily helpings of the veggies that have high calcium content.
Hi Kimberly! I was just wondering a few things – I know you suggest now to cut back on fat (eg making thinner almond milk), so how much avocado would you recommend per day now? Also, I read an article about you recently that said you often have a power protein smoothie in the afternoon. What kind of raw protein do you use and do you have it pretty much every day? I usually consume a protein smoothie each afternoon with chia seeds, garden of life raw protein, banana & stevia. What quantities of chia seeds and protein powder do you recommend? Is it ok to have raw protein powder each day? I also keep eggs & chicken in my diet a few times a week in the evening.. Would it be best to avoid the raw protein powder on these days or does it not matter? I like to keep up with your changes, as your book has helped me in so many ways already!
Thank you xx
What about Raw Organic cow’s milk? Is it still acidifying to the body since it’s not pasteurized?? A lot of those rice/almond milk alternatives have high oleic oil that I believe are not good for you.
Hi Kimberly!
I just recently discovered your site yesterday, and have been fascinated by your posts. I also just purchased your book on Amazon and am excited to receive it tomorrow. I read this article and was curious what you thought of Non-Fat Greek Yogurt? It must have a good PR person as I have always heard great things. Also, what are your thoughts on cottage cheese? I appreciate your time and thank you for your helpful information! :)
Hi Kimberly!
Great post! I am going to be in LA later this month and I am VERY excited to try out glowbio!!
I was wondering what you thought about Daiya cheese. It is dairy, soy, gluten, casein, whey, rice, eggs, and nut free cheese.
Thanks for the informative post, Kimberly. If ,as you say , by way of the China Study, milk causes a reduction in calcium stores in the body and thereby causes osteoporosis, then why doesn’t the FDA prevent the milk industry from making the opposite claim? That kind of misinformation — better:: outright lie if your presentation is true — is a violation of food labeling laws. Is the China Study a peer-reviewed , double-blind study (other researchers have replicated the same results as Campbell) or is the China Study making the weaker claim that there is a correlation, as against a causal relationship, between milk consumption and the maladies you listed? Or is that study merely anecdotal? ( i eat a plant-based diet, and so I do not eat diary.; I just don’t have a taste for it.)
Hello Kimberly,
I am quite a fan of yours, i have been trying to cut on my meat consumption, most of the diary and i am a vivid fun of your GGS.
However, since i stated to adapt more to your recommended food style which is about since 3 years ago, i notice i get more regular flus and colds and they last significantly longer and are more severe. i sometimes have no choice but to go on antibiotics which i dislike big time.
So, i wonder whether cutting out those foods weakens your system in some way? I seem to be doing all the right things, eat better, dont consume junk food, take my probiotics, do yoga and so forth…
i dont know i sometimes think reverting back and reintroducing those foods back….
oh and yes and my last blood record indicates i got very low iron reserves.
i would greatly appreciate your response and listen to your view, however i realize your busy schedule.
Thank you in advance
After 8 months of unexplained case of terrible bodily rashes and severe acne, I decided to stop drinking green tea lattes at Starbucks that had nonfat milk in them. Now my acne has lessened and no more rashes!! Since I turned 37, my body now shows it can’t handle milk anymore. I still eat organic yogurt a couple times a week though.
Hi Kim, I’ve been a vegetarian all my life, I’m 31 now. I’ve read your book and implemented certain things like ggs and pe salad and open avo sandwiches and cutting out dairy. I make my own almond milk, yum. A couple of weeks ago I collapsed and have been unable to get out of bed. I am dizzy, nauseous, vomiting, extremely tired – all of which to my surprise are severe anemia symptoms. I’ve been anemic over the years and taken iron supplements often. I’ve experienced fatigue, but never such severe symptoms. My doc/naturopath has never seen such low iron stores and said I’m close to needing a blood transfusion. Even though I was recently on iron supps, my body is unable to absorb it, due to a severe lack of protein in my blood.. And a lack of other things, like essential fatty or amino acids, can’t remember which. He has recommended that I eat meat as an emergency diet.. It makes me sick to think to eat meat, ive never eaten it coz i was brought up veg and i love animals too much, but also being in bed and unable to walk or go to work is really bad. I have no idea what to do.
Have you tried add lots of broccoli (for iron) and avacado (for amino acids and omegas)?
Hey Jazz. I’m anemic as well. Taking slow release iron tablets (Slow Fe) has helped me to increase my iron levels. Blackstrap Unsulfered Molasses has been wonders too. However, vitamin C needs to be consumed along with it so the body can absorb the iron. I usually eat an orange/grapefruit or drink lemon water. Since the unsulfered molasses is a whole food, it makes it easier for the body to absorb. It also contains potassium and amino acids. I take two tablespoons in the morning and two tablespoons in the evening. I hope this helps.
Sorry meant to imply eat a small amount of protein. Orangutans eat insects and small reptiles along with a heavily plant/fruit based diet.
I just started reading your book last week and I love it! As far as eliminating dairy from my diet that is something that I think will be some what difficult for me only because I have always had at least one cup of milk daily. However, after reading your post I am interested in taking dairy out of my diet. My concern is that I am allergic to tree nuts and I was wondering what you would recommend drinking as my alternative.
Thank you,
Rice or oat milk are good options.
I too have just read the book and I cannot believe the changes in just three weeks. I experienced a random albeit SEVERE seafood allergy in November of last year and not only have I eliminated it from my diet, I have lost my taste entirely for animal products so I have been toying with raw. This book came along from my yoga instructor and it has put me where I need to be. I have not started the smoothies as I am three weeks into transitioning to food pairing, light to heavy eating, eliminating yukky dairy and increasing the alkalinity of my diet. These changes alone in THREE weeks have made an enormous impact. I immediately lost my craving for the afternoon coffee which is now a detox tea or hot water with lemon. I do have increased energy, no sweet cravings, no body odor, and my rosacea is under control without the twice daily antibiotic cream. I attribute the latter mostly to no dairy. I have discovered almond milk and yummy coconut milk yogurt and my mother is proud that I am eating beets again!!! It is amazing and I am not at the smoothie level yet as I am having so much fun with the pairings and eating new foods…. Thank you for this well researched approach to eating. I have several books in queue at the library by many of the authors that you footnote in your book.
Best of luck to you Kimberly and keep doing what you are blessedly doing. Namaste!
a footnote. My house even smells cleaner!!!!!!! SW
Curious about your perspective on raw dairy from pastured Jersey cows which is a completely different product from pasteurized Holstein milk. It’s like the difference between raw broccoli or microwaved. I’ve never seen any negative studies about raw milk.
Totally agree with you Joanna! If anything raw jersey milk from grass-fed cows is so healing and nutritious. I’m quite surprised that someone who likes India (cows and anything coming from a cow is considered sacred and has healing properties, ayurveda medicine preaches the benefits of milk) as much as Kimberly would not know the difference between conventional dairies and grass-fed milk products.
I applaud your comments Joanna, but I did not see any mention of raw dairy from pastured Jersey cows? I converted to unprocessed natural milk two years ago and credit it with a transformation of my general health and body composition goals that previously I had not been able to achieve. Most would consider my diet extreme and unhealthy, (probalby 70 % of my calorie intake attributable to raw dairy,… about 3 gallons per week), yet my perspiration will test slighly alkaline rather than acidic and my bmi is better than ever since my earlly twenties! While I agree with Kimberly Snyder, in respect to processed dairy, I am a strong advocate of organic unprocessed dairy. It’s really unfortunate our government, under the influence of the America Dairy Industry,, sabotage the truth about the benefits and safety of raw dairy from grass fed/pastured cows.
Synthetic hormones (rBGH and rBST
genetically-engineered cow growth hormones and IGF-1 (insulin growth Factor-1) is illegal to use in Europe (European Union) and other European Countries ,it is linked to Breast,Colon and Prostate Cancer.
so if I do use milk, for yogurt ,I buy myself, I organic.
There are so many other Banned Ingredients the US still uses legal,about Time this country changes its Food Production Laws .
Keep the good work up Kim and keep the Public informed
Am a huge fan of your book and am hoping to start the glowing lean system soon too!! My question is about carragean. I have twin 4 year old girls, one who LOVES milk and dairy products in every form. I have been off dairy for 20 years because of an allergy but am having a hard time getting my one daughter off of it. I started doing more almond milk and coconut yogurt which was a great replacement for dairy yogurt and ice cream, both girls love coconut products, but after finding out how bad carragean is for us I am now struggling with whether to stop the coconut/rice yogurts and go back to milk or continue with the coconut products.
The best way is to make our own milk using a Vitamix… so simple and so good!
This web site really has all the info I needed concerning this subject and didn?t know who to ask.
The tallest and arguably the healthiest people in the world are the Dutch. There diet is Inendated with dairy, you can catch people at pubs and walking down the street chugging pints of milk!!!! Although there is no study done between height and dairy, but I certainly do attribute my stature to milk and yes genetics!! My body is not intolerant to milk in fact it performs optimally with milk. I think negating dairy from your diet is good if you have intolerance much like 80% of the worlds population, but if your like me and its In your genes too drink milk then do so. Technically I think my ancestors have been drinking milk for hundreds of years, so my genes are more adapted to it. If you can now see my correlation between dairy,adaptation,and the Dutch being so tall I urge you too think twice about natures steroids MILK.
I started drinkIng more milk and dairy 3 years ago… Thought it was good for me! WRONG! … I added creamer to coffe … Had cheese on everything. Drank big glasses of milk morning and night… Result was bloated 24/7.. Constipation.. And onset adult asthma … I got super sick.. Sharp pain in my left side got worst.. And had to use inhalers 24/7 to breath.. And didn’t know why. Thinking milk is still good I kept on drinking it. By chance I tried almond milk… Wanted a higher plant protien nutritional snack… Started consuming peanut butter/ honey on rasin bread.. And washing it down with not milk but almond milk…. And holy crap! All my symptoms are gone almost instantly! I haven’t used any inhalers in months either . The major change I made in diet was no dairy! Almond milk does my body good! I will never in my life drink another glass of cows milk so help me god! And I’ll encourage my entire family to do the same. The almond milk I buy has was more nutritional value than cows milk… Plus it made me feel 1000 times better. I sufferd due to false advertising milk ads those SOBs should be held accountable for basically poisoning people.
In some countries, especially those with small numbers of animals being milked, as well as harvesting the milk from an animal, the dairy may also process the milk into butter, cheese and yogurt, for example. This is a traditional method of producing specialist milk products, especially in Europe.:*
I’m enjoying your books and LOVE the GGS – thank you. I’d like to give up dairy (don’t eat a lot right now) but I’m hoping to conceive in the next 12 months and want to be sure of my calcium intake. I’ve read that:
– leafy greens (kale, spinach etc) are rich in calcium but also have high levels of oxalate which may inhibit calcium absorption;
– unhulled sesame seeds are rich in calcium but the calcium in the hulls is largely calcium oxalate which may not be well absorbed;
– almonds and other nuts are rich in calcium but using them to get the recommended daily intake involves consuming a lot of calories;
– commercial almond milks have much lower levels of calcium than whole almonds (and often have sugars and vegetable oil added);
– unsulphered blackstrap molassas is a good source of calcium but also very sugary.
This is starting to do my head in! For now I’m having small amounts of goats milk/ cheese and contemplating making my own almond milk. I’d be very grateful to know whether you:
– have any views on the impact of oxalates; and
– rely on any specific food(s) to ensure your calcium intake is adequate.
Many thanks and lots of blessings.
Hello Kimberly
I’m enjoying your books and am a GGS convert – thank you. I find dairy scary and want to quit (don’t eat large amounts now) but I’m hoping to conceive in the next year and want to ensure my calcium intake is adequate. There’s a lot of conflicting info out there. I’ve read that:
– leafy greens (kale, spinach etc) are rich in calcium but also have high levels of oxalates which may inhibit calcium absorption;
– unhulled sesame seeds are rich in calcium, but the calcium in the hulls is mostly calcium oxalate so again there’s an issue with absorption;
– almonds and other nuts are rich in calcium but getting your recommended daily intake primarily from nuts involves consuming a lot of calories;
– commercial almond milks have significantly lower calcium levels than whole almonds (and often have sugars and vegetable oil added); and
– unsulphered blackstrap molasses is a good source of calcium but is also very sugary.
This is starting to do my head in! For now I’m having small amounts of goats milk/cheese and contemplating making my own almond milk. I’d be very grateful to know:
– your views on the impact of oxalates; and
– whether you rely on any specific food(s) to ensure an adequate calcium intake?
Many thanks and lots of blessings.
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Brilliant and precise breakdown of the good, the bad and the ugly.
Thank you so much Kimberly. Much appreciated ;-)
Thanks for reading, Elaine! Sending you lots of love. xx