I am so excited because it’s time for this week’s Q&A segment on “Beauty Inside Out” with Kimberly Snyder. This week, I answer four trending questions from the Beauty Detox Community.
This week’s most popular question was: “I have developed candida in my gut. Can you recommend a smoothie recipe that is gut friendly for those of us who are trying to get rid of candida?”
Have you been asking yourself this very same question? If you want to know the answer to this question and 3 more sent in by Beauties just like you, listen now to find out!
Remember you can submit your questions at www.mysolluna.com/askkimberly
[Questions Answered]
Samantha – Milwaukee, WI
After reading your books I have really noticed how bloated I get after eating fruit. What are some causes of bloating?
Paula - Jacksonville OREGON
Hi Kimberly! I’m currently re-reading the Beauty Detox series to get ready for Radical Beauty which releases next week ❤ and noticed in BDS in the blossoming beauty phase MEAL PLAN section there is no GGS at all listed? Am I supposed to refrain from the GGS during this phase entirely? I’ve been doing a GGS daily since your last challenge back in May and was hoping to keep the habit but just do the low sugar recipe…Thanks for your expertise!
Natali – Athens, Greece
I am working out a lot, mostly strength training and right after an intense workout I drink a power protein smoothie (made according your recipes.) About an hour later I am still feeling hungry, so I have my post workout meal. Is one hour enough to digest the protein smoothie and have a meal or should I really wait 3-4 hours to have a full meal, which might contain starch or protein?
Theresa - Austin, TX
I am excited for the opportunity to “speak” to you. I have developed candida in my gut. Can you recommend a smoothie recipe that is gut friendly for those of us who are trying to get rid of candida? Thank you!
Inspirational Thought Of The Week
Inhale the present, exhale the past.
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Want to know what to expect from other episodes of the podcast, when you listen to “Beauty Inside out with Kimberly Snyder”? I talk about my knowledge, philosophies and personal experiences on a variety of topics, including on health, beauty, nutrition, yoga, spirituality and fitness. Lively discussions and interviews are infused with helpful tips and takeaways. From interviews with today’s top health, wellness and spirituality pioneers, authors, Ayurvedic and Western doctors, artists and entrepreneurs to yoginis, spiritualists, and world-class vegan athletes, Beauty Inside Out is as informative as it is inspirational. My passion is to educate, inspire and empower YOU to become your most beautiful self from the inside out.
Listeners really respect the views of other listeners, so your response helps people find good material they are interested in! If you enjoyed the podcast, please tell your friends and give us a rating or review. Many thanks in advance.
- 10 Tips to Blast Away the Bloat
- 5 Foods to Help You Burn Belly Fat
- 5 Easy Ways to Transition Your Diet
- Hitting Detox Walls and Overcoming Them
- Are You Eating Right But Not Feeling Full? READ THIS!
- Candida Glowing Green Smoothie
- Probiotics
- The Beauty Detox Power
Other Podcasts you may enjoy!:
- Interview With The World Renowned Deepak Chopra & Why Your Gut Has a Huge Impact on Your Everyday Energy! [BIO Podcast: Ep.13]
- Interview with Fully Raw Kristina And How To Find The Perfect Cleanse [BIO Podcast: Ep 21]
- Women’s Health and Fertility with Bridget Danner & Mindful Eating Lessons [BIO Podcast: Ep 41]
- Insider Beauty Tips with Dita Von Teese & Sneaky Sources Of Toxicity! [BIO Podcast: Ep 33]
Happy listening!
With love and gratitude,
Lil Bub and I send our love and greetings! ;)