This week’s topic: Jewish Mysticism Teachings on Abundance with Cathy Heller
Hi everyone and welcome back to our Monday interview show. I am so excited for my very special guest here with me today. Her name is Kathy Heller and she is a transformational coach, spiritual guide, a meditation teacher. She has a new book out called Abundant Ever After. If you’re watching us on YouTube, you can see this beautiful cover and Kathy’s work encompasses meditation, which we love so much here in the community, as well as Jewish mysticism and business strategies. Kathy has three daughters. So she also comes to us as being a member of the mama community. Kathy, thank you so much for being here with us today and congratulations on your new book.
About Cathy Heller
Cathy Heller is a dynamic transformational coach, spiritual guide, meditation teacher, and inspirational speaker dedicated to helping individuals find ease, joy, and fulfillment in their lives. As the host of the Abundant Ever After podcast and author of the empowering book Don’t Keep Your Day Job: How to Turn Your Passion into Your Career, Cathy inspires her audience to pursue their dreams and live authentically. Cathy has transformed the lives of hundreds of thousands through her teachings. On her podcast, she has engaged in enlightening conversations with a diverse range of creative entrepreneurs, renowned blogger Seth Godin, actor Matthew McConaughey, spiritual teacher Deepak Chopra, author Marianne Williamson, and psychologist Dr. Edith Eger, among others.
Cathy’s passion lies in helping people find joy and meaning beyond material wealth, and she has transformed the lives of hundreds of thousands through her teachings. Her work encompasses meditation, Jewish mysticism, and career strategies, empowering individuals to expand their potential and make a positive impact on the world. Proud mother to three daughters and four Persian cats, Cathy embodies a beautiful balance of creativity, family, and purpose.
Guest Resources
ABUNDANT EVER AFTER: Tools for Creating a Life of Prosperity and Ease
Episode Chapters
00:00 Introduction and Personal Connections
03:03 Exploring Grief and Heart Connections
05:46 Kabbalah and Spiritual Insights
08:59 The Law of Reception vs. Law of Attraction
12:01 The Journey of Self-Discovery and Oneness
14:37 The Role of Meditation and Heart Coherence
17:48 Cultural Perspectives on Spirituality
20:49 The Intersection of Wisdom Traditions
23:45 Conclusion and Future Conversations
24:21 Exploring Mysticism Across Cultures
27:38 The Power of Light in Darkness
29:19 Witnessing the Mind: A New Perspective on Meditation
32:30 Synchronicity and Connection in Life
36:32 Embracing Strength and Wholeness
39:19 The Power of Love and Heart Coherence
41:14 Manifesting Abundance Through Connection
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Kimberly Snyder (00:00.88)
Hi everyone and welcome back to our Monday interview show. I am so excited for my very special guest here with me today. Her name is Kathy Heller and she is a transformational coach, spiritual guide, a meditation teacher. She has a new book out called Abundant Ever After. If you’re watching us on YouTube, you can see this beautiful cover and Kathy.
has her work encompasses meditation, which we love so much here in the community, as well as Jewish mysticism and business strategies. Kathy is also the daughter, she has three daughters. So she also comes to us as being a member of the mama community. Kathy, thank you so much for being here with us today and congratulations on your new book.
Cathy (00:51.49)
Thank you, that’s so kind. You already, without knowing, first of all, that was so beautiful, but it made me cry for a second in such a beautiful way because you said the daughter of, and my dad passed away in July, and we included a piece of his writing that I only found during hospice. I found it in his office, and it’s at the back of the book. And so it’s interesting that that felt like it wasn’t a, that was all meant to be. It was just interesting.
Kimberly Snyder (01:17.094)
I get goosebumps as well. The grief process is so interesting, Kathy. A few years ago, I lost my mom. And I was actually doing a podcast with my dear friend, the writer Gary Jansen, and he just lost his mom. And he was bringing it up. And sometimes I can talk about it and not break down, but I did break down and cry. you know, just with the parents, we come in and there’s this such a deep connection.
Cathy (01:46.606)
my God. That room in hospice was the most heart opening, unbelievably beautiful gift. When everything is stripped away, it’s so exquisite. It’s just, I really didn’t want that time period to end.
Kimberly Snyder (01:54.694)
Kimberly Snyder (02:11.886)
You know, Kathy, I’ll share my mom had cancer. So at the end she couldn’t speak. But the last thing she said to me, because there was a period where we could, I said, squeeze my hand if you can hear me. And I had the grace of having two hours to share everything I wanted to say. And I held her as she passed. But the last thing she said to me was, you picked me, remember? Because, you know, I had always shared this very
Cathy (02:38.267)
my god.
Kimberly Snyder (02:41.83)
which felt so real to me, this yogic, Vedic belief that we choose our parents, you know, the soul chooses, we choose what we need to grow. That was the last thing she said and it was so beautiful. it brings in this, you know, like one of the things we talk about, I talk about in my book, you talk about it as well as this present.
Cathy (02:53.07)
It’s amazing.
Cathy (03:03.564)
I’m only doing this by the way because I love crying but when I have sunblock on and I cry it starts burning my eyes which is you know what it’s also a good experience because it makes you feel so alive but I’m like damn it if I cry then I have to like literally take the sunblock out of my eyes. I’m gonna do that right now. Hang on.
Kimberly Snyder (03:17.894)
Kimberly Snyder (03:22.936)
Yeah, go ahead. Take care. definitely don’t want stinging eyes.
Cathy (03:27.278)
That is so beautiful.
Kimberly Snyder (03:31.014)
So there’s this universality of experience. And you and I were chatting a little bit about my recent book about the heart. I’ll share while you’re settling in. The Vedic text, Swami Sri Yukteswar, shares how this experience to the heart is shared universally. And when I started reading your book, I really loved where you start talking about Kabbalah.
unless I’m saying things and as people pronounce it differently and Jewish mysticism. Because when I was I was writing about the book and there was all these Lev translates to heart and across all world religions, but just how the heart was mentioned in Kabbalah, it was mentioned in the Torah and the tabernacle. And I’d love to go into that a little bit. My husband is actually Jewish and we took an amazing trip to some of the holy sites that were really
Cathy (04:04.77)
You said it right.
Kimberly Snyder (04:30.864)
found for me. know, we say, you know, regardless of where we sit on the political spectrum, there are places in the world that are so charged with energy. And just this incredible. Anyways, before we go further down, I love these stories that you’re sharing about Kabbalah. Can you go into that a little bit? Talk about receiving because some of us aren’t really familiar with this deep wisdom.
Cathy (04:54.83)
Cathy (05:00.084)
Yeah, so after college, I went to Jerusalem. I was supposed to be there for three weeks, and I stayed there for three years. And I would have stayed in Israel, because it’s the most amazing place. It’s like walking in love. It’s just the most incredible. I’ve never seen love like that in my life.
Kimberly Snyder (05:07.888)
Cathy (05:21.166)
But I felt called to teach it. And so I had never been to LA before, but my teacher, my rabbi, Rabbi Aaron, I lived with him in the old city of Jerusalem for three years with him and his wife and his seven children. And then I said, I just feel called to go to Los Angeles. And he’s like, go. So I grew up in South Florida.
Kimberly Snyder (05:35.238)
Kimberly Snyder (05:40.696)
Where did you grow up?
so you went from Florida to Jerusalem to LA. Wow.
Cathy (05:46.958)
to Israel, LA, yeah. you know, growing up, I didn’t know anything about Judaism other than my grandparents had been through horrible persecution. And then I knew Mel Brooks and Lachs and Bagels, but we don’t recognize that in the 6 million Jews that were killed in the Holocaust and the 3 million Jews that were killed in the pogroms in Russia, we lost 99 % of our Kabbalists.
Kimberly Snyder (06:16.742)
Cathy (06:19.758)
we lost so much of the greatest, because we were almost completely decimated. So then my generation didn’t really know much about it, and people wanted to assimilate so that they wouldn’t be killed, right? Because that was happening in every country all over the world since the diaspora from Judea thousands of years ago. you really think about…
You realize why we didn’t know it growing up. But when I lived in Israel, I learned deeply. And the first thing that I learned, which is what made me want to keep extending my trip, was that the word Shabbat, which is the word for the Sabbath, the first time that word is used in the Torah,
the teacher said, does anyone know what the word means? And I’m like, no, I knew nothing, right? And he said, the first time the word is used is when Abraham is meditating. And so that means that the word Shabbat is a meditation. So the practice of the Sabbath is to have a 24 hour meditation. And I thought that was magnificent. And then he said,
The next thing in the Torah it says, Abraham sat and meditated and God appeared. And he said, and when you sit in that still quiet place, it’s instant that God will appear to you. And that’s the point of meditation. And I was like, my gosh, I’m extending my trip. Then I met Rabbi Aaron very quickly after that. And we were talking, first of all, we were at a Shabbat dinner, we were all lighting candles and
Kimberly Snyder (07:33.925)
Cathy (07:49.184)
I had never seen something so beautiful in my life. And he said, look at all these lights, these little lights, and how we all feel the oneness when all the lights are lit together. He said, when he was a kid and he would go to a concert, his favorite moment was when people would put up their lighters and you went from feeling like you were 17,000 people in a stadium to one heart.
Kimberly Snyder (07:58.797)
Kimberly Snyder (08:07.301)
Cathy (08:14.038)
and the most incredible feeling that we’re all always seeking is the feeling of oneness. And what’s so powerful about Abraham is that, you know, he’s given the credit as the person who had the most radical idea, which was called monotheism, that there was one God. And people would say that if they were on Jeopardy, like, what is Abraham known for? But they actually misquote what that means. The central prayer in Judaism is Shema Yisrael, God is one, okay? So what does that mean?
Kimberly Snyder (08:19.492)
Cathy (08:43.962)
that there’s one God over there in charge of everything, it means that everything is God. God is one. There is no where God isn’t because God is infinite. God is everything. And so that…
is the answer to the portal to the whole universe. So the idea of being in heart coherence, the idea of deeply understanding the wisdom of this universe, Judaism was not created to be a religion. It was a consciousness that’s available for all of us. And the reason we know that is because in Judaism, we do not convert people to be Jewish because you are already connected to God. There’s nowhere else you need to be but you, which is why there’s only 15 million Jews in the world.
very different radical approach to life because yeah.
Kimberly Snyder (09:32.026)
Well, Kathy, what about when people have to convert if they want to, you know, some people it’s important, like our friend’s wife is converting. He said it’s really important to the grandmother. She’s Christian. She’s converting for their, so she can be a Jewish mother.
Cathy (09:44.974)
So that sounds like in their personal choices.
Kimberly Snyder (09:49.656)
Yeah, it can be formal or informal is what you’re saying.
Cathy (09:53.824)
No, no, no. What I’m saying is if you ask a Jewish rabbi, which is the only kind of rabbi you could find, but if you ask a rabbi that you want to convert, they’re going to tell you three times not to do it. They’re going to convince you, please don’t do this. You don’t need to do this. And then you have to really want it. And if you come a fourth time and say, no, just feel like I need to, they’re like, great. So go and check because that is literally Jewish law. They would have to turn you away three times. Yeah.
Kimberly Snyder (10:03.75)
Kimberly Snyder (10:17.711)
Right. Isn’t that amazing? And you know, even hearing about where I study a lot, which is the Vedas and ancient texts, based in Hinduism, also known as the Santana Dharma, the eternal religion, there’s, course, it’s based on oneness. It’s monotheistic as well. A lot of people don’t. They see all these different deities, but it goes back to Brahma. But also these, the row of lights known as Diwali, where Rama came out of the forest and they lit thousands of lights.
like you were talking about to symbolize the light that cannot be extinguished. Even though we feel separation, we can feel confusion, the light in the collective, the oneness and also the light, the guide inside of us. Even when we feel dark or lost or in lack, we can come back to this, the truth, the embodied abundance, which you talk about a lot as well, this wholeness, which we try to fill so much and women and people we feel we want to be more fit or we want to have more things.
Cathy (11:06.872)
So beautiful.
Cathy (11:15.276)
Right? Right.
Kimberly Snyder (11:20.676)
and it doesn’t fill that feeling.
Cathy (11:22.13)
No, you’re right. Yeah, when I was in college, I was a world religion major, and I wrote my senior paper on the comparison between the Buddha, Siddhartha, and Moses. And it was fascinating because they both grew up in a palace, they both were as a prince, and then they both became people that wandered in the wilderness, and they both led people to this sort of middle path. it was…
Kimberly Snyder (11:37.571)
Kimberly Snyder (11:45.114)
And same with Prince Rama from Hinduism.
Cathy (11:49.184)
It’s amazing the truth in the river, right? Yeah, it’s amazing. Yeah, and these are real people. So it’s amazing that like,
Kimberly Snyder (11:54.926)
Yeah, isn’t that amazing? These great ones.
Cathy (12:01.364)
this history plays itself out with those who are truth seekers, and they wind up on the same river, and because there is only one truth. So in a way, it’s so obvious that it wouldn’t be amazing, it’d be so right on. But it isn’t all the same. Some people definitely don’t think of it this way. So we don’t all see it this way. In fact, this is why people sometimes feel very, very sad, because they do see God as being outside of themselves.
Kimberly Snyder (12:27.141)
Cathy (12:27.924)
completely and totally. And they don’t they don’t feel this. And this really feels like such a relief and such a joy. So what Rabbi Aaron shared with me, which was just mesmerizing was that
in the early 2000s, people were talking about the law of attraction. It just became like this huge thing, right? And he said to me, have you been hearing people talk about the law of attraction? And I said, yeah. He said, so in Judaism, we would say it’s the law of reception, okay? So most people don’t know a lot about Judaism or Hinduism or Buddhism for any of these things. People usually know very little.
Kimberly Snyder (12:45.85)
Cathy (13:05.208)
Kabbalah is like a piece of the fabric of Judaism, right? And the Torah is extremely mystical. And so is Kabbalistic understanding, like, this is sort of the meat and potatoes of it. So it’s not separate from that. And the word Kabbalah literally means to receive, which is why it’s so important to understand how central
that is to the Torah, because the whole point of being a human being is to have radical reception and to be in receptive mode. And what does that mean? And Abraham Hicks talks about this, whether she knows it or not, that’s very, very kabbalistic to talk about receptive mode. But she talks about the law of attraction, but the law of reception is even more immediate than the law of attraction, because the law of reception means it’s literally right in front of you, you just have to receive it.
it literally is already here. And so his amazing metaphor, which I put in the book, is that if you had a radio and you turn the radio on, another word for radio is a receiver. But if you turned on the radio, you might hear music, most likely. And he asked me the question, which is, where was the music before you turned on the radio? And the answer is that the music was hidden in plain sight, but you couldn’t perceive it because you didn’t.
you didn’t have the frequency turned on yet to receive it. Once you turn on that frequency, you can receive it, but it goes even deeper than that. Because if God is infinite, which God is, and there is a multiverse because God is infinite, which means it’s beyond the beyond, it’s completely and totally infinite, the Torah calls it the ain’t so, which is the endless light.
The Torah sort of talks about what happened in the world, which then science caught up with and said there was a big bang, which is exactly what the Torah says. There was this light shattered into an infinite amount of pieces. And in God’s infinite grace and wisdom, God made people to put those shards of light back together because that’s such a fulfilling experience. Our most favorite thing as a human being is to create, to turn a thought into a thing, to have a desire, to see contrast and turn that into something else. And so we partner with God
Cathy (15:16.282)
that way, we are vehicles for God’s light, we are a connection, an extension of God, Rabbi Aaron would say, if God was the sun, we’d be a ray of that light, right? And, and our soul is, is, is, is the divine, right? It’s like we are literally like, our body is the light bulb, our soul is the light, and the light is coming from the ultimate source of light. And we’re all connected in this infinite field through this infinite ane-sof, this endless light.
Kimberly Snyder (15:30.458)
Cathy (15:40.536)
But what’s amazing about the radio metaphor is that if all possibilities exist, which they do, the radio station that you’re hearing in your life, so to speak, you’re selecting it.
based on your frequency. So you can move a radio dial and hear salsa music, hip hop music, you can listen to AM radio, but you’re controlling the music. People go through their life and they just think it’s happening to them, but they don’t realize that whatever they’re tuned to is what will come back and what will be the broadcast. if a person is in overflow, know, if a person is like heart open, so in love with the feeling of life force moving through them, noticing the
Kimberly Snyder (16:11.461)
Cathy (16:21.904)
19 colors of the green and the trees, knowing that they’re always at the right place at the right time because they’ve been assigned to talk to the person at the bus stop and they’re learning from them and exchanging with them. If they’re in that kind of open-hearted, grateful existence and abundance of heart, the whole world becomes abundance. If they’re in lack, right, if you’re tuned in, then honestly you’re not tuned into your heart, you’re tuned into your mind, right? And the mind is always in lack.
Kimberly Snyder (16:47.278)
Cathy (16:48.354)
The mind is always in lack and the scarcity and the heart is always in overflow. So our job is to tune the receiver to what is the most open-hearted, soul-centered.
view of reality and to feel the feelings that come in when we drop into that which we’re seeking all the time, which is the feeling of being connected to God, right? That’s all we’re really seeking that that feeling of letting go of our somebody suit and moving into the nobody suit because we’re not a body, we’re a soul. And as Rabbi Aaron says, we’re not, we’re not a body, we’re nobody, but we are someone because we’re some of the one. We’re a masterpiece, a piece of the master.
Kimberly Snyder (17:29.338)
Beautiful. And in the Vedas, that feeling of nobody means, and when you could sort of collapse, and it’s very Taoist as well, right, then you can be the allness. Like Yogananda says, the drop in the ocean is the essence of the whole ocean. You can’t take the wave out of the ocean. The ocean is part of the wave. So for me, Cathy is someone who has very my head, lots of perfectionism, anxiety, insomnia.
When I first started backpacking and I went to India for some months and it was just sort of really blown me away. I grew up Catholic. So it was always this sort of like one perspective, but Yogananda was my pathway. And because he put on the altar Christ and Krishna and said, hey, there’s this oneness. So for me all this time it’s been coming into the heart.
Cathy (18:16.408)
We’re really speaking the exact same language, isn’t it fascinating?
Kimberly Snyder (18:19.888)
It’s fascinating, truth is truth. Many pass up the mountain. Like you said, not everybody sees it that way when we get caught up in the head, but underneath, underneath is this energetic portal. And I can say for me, Cathy, this journey down and the tools I do for heart coherence have broken that pattern. So I think for anyone listening, say, well, know, this sounds great, but I’m in my head. I can’t stop the thoughts. I do feel like when I talk to people and you start to really talk to them, it’s amazing.
how much people don’t even realize this channel, as you say, tuned into, well, you know, I guess I’m not smart enough or this person has this or I should have more of this or whatever it is. It’s just, it’s this, for me, it’s this embodied shift that happens when I’m in my heart and I breathe in and you the tools and you can’t think your way there.
Cathy (19:06.67)
It’s instant, right?
No, no, it’s what’s so awesome. I love life and how special it is and how it just gets to be get better even like just when you think it’s as good as can be. So I came from Israel, moved to Los Angeles on a just a whim, knew nobody. And I wound up being invited to this silent meditation retreat. So I’m like, my gosh, so up my alley, let’s go do that. So I’m like, what’s a week being silent? I’ve got this.
Kimberly Snyder (19:19.918)
Less or fullness?
Kimberly Snyder (19:39.223)
Vibhasana, did you do a list? Okay.
Cathy (19:40.854)
Yeah, yeah. And I’m like, this is gonna, I’m gonna nail this, you know? So like I put on my cute little workout gear, whatever. Sleigh girl, you got this. I get there and I’m dying. I’m like, wait a minute, what is happening? Right? I cannot sit still. That was the next big gift. So this was 2007. And my teacher looks at me out of the corner of her eye.
Kimberly Snyder (19:59.856)
Cathy (20:03.566)
And by the way, Jewish, Buddhist, and by the way, fascinating to me how many of the Buddhist leaders in America are Jews, like Ram Dass and Jon Kabat-Zinn. I mean, it’s just so fascinating. I think that’s partly because they haven’t studied Judaism, and so they don’t know that all of that actually exists in there, but I find it fascinating.
Kimberly Snyder (20:22.662)
Yeah, but Ram Jha Sanyoga comes from more of the Hinduism. Right, no, but I’m saying it wasn’t Buddhist. It was from this, you know, Kurali Baba, Hanuman devotees. Easter, yes.
Cathy (20:29.036)
I know, but he’s a Jewish man who became Ramel.
I’m so sorry. 100%. What I mean is Eastern tradition, which is so delicious and delightful. like, I would have loved to have Ram Dass for Shabbat dinner and been like, my gosh, everything is in your own DNA, like in your tradition, but we’re not always shown it right inside of our own path.
Kimberly Snyder (20:52.492)
No, it’s true. Krishna Das was born Jewish. He’s one of the biggest Kirtan singers.
Cathy (20:58.72)
I’m saying there’s something about what was lost along the way where we then look outside of that path when it’s like, you know, if you would have been hanging out with Moses and Abraham and Jesus even who was a rabbi, you’d been like, this is why these people are so talked about because they were so tapped into the portal, right? But anyway, I just think it’s so fascinating, like I’ll talk to people like this and they’ll be like, I didn’t know the first thing about that. I’m like, well, we’re all here to teach each other all of these things.
Kimberly Snyder (21:28.26)
Yes, and there are different, you big difference. There’s one huge difference between Buddhism and Hinduism, which is that, you know, that Buddhists don’t believe in the Atman, the soul. They believe like it’s all this transitory, the samskaras kind of carry through. But then some interpretations will say, Buddha was really talking about the ego self versus the true self, which can continue. So anyways, there’s all these, you know, we can get caught up in some of
Cathy (21:52.566)
I know, I by the way love that you just said that because that’s very different for me, right? Because I think of every soul as an individual imprint of God and how needed. Right.
Kimberly Snyder (22:03.108)
That would be more of the Hindu believes in that unique true self, which does carry through and keeps reincarnating until it does just merge in the oneness. We are here to growing. So the reincarnation bit is, we’ve got more to grow. There’s lifetime.
Cathy (22:16.237)
By the way.
Cathy (22:21.774)
I’m glad you’re saying these things out loud, because I know a little bit of these things, because I have studied that, and I befriended Deepak Chopra, and each one of these things is, but we should be doing an entire, wouldn’t it be fun to do something where we can put these voices on a panel, and we can all be kind of like sharing the deep mystical wisdoms of each of these paths? I think that would be really cool.
Kimberly Snyder (22:44.782)
Yes. Deepak is born in India and so comes from that Vedic Hindu tradition, but also narrated the whole, know, chrono, this huge text on Buddha. But there are differences. I actually co-authored a book with Deepak, I don’t know if you know this, a few years ago called Radical Beauty. I’m writing about AI right now.
Cathy (22:50.476)
Cathy (23:05.538)
He’s so prolific, like I feel like every minute I turn, like have you written one, I think he’s written a hundred, like I can’t wait to read it.
Kimberly Snyder (23:16.986)
You know, it’s interesting. I mean, we could go on, you know, just the journey of how we express. For me, it’s like, I just wrote this eighth book and now I’m really feeling this shift in my, you know, my teaching and my sharing coming back into saloon, coming back into these courses, which I’m really excited about. Or as Deepak’s Dharma has really been the written word and he does some speaking. But anyways, you know, going back to
Cathy (23:42.302)
Cathy (23:46.336)
first of all, it’s all just I’m so in I’m so deeply in this like I could sit and talk to you out of everyone I’ve talked to in the last month on my book tour. It’s like, I’m just gonna pull up a cup of tea because these are the things that light me up like, forget like buying a Range Rover. I’m like, tell me the wisdom that has been collected from across the earth.
Kimberly Snyder (23:46.8)
because imagine that the yoga and all that does come from tourism.
Kimberly Snyder (23:54.726)
Cathy (24:10.284)
that leads us to opening up to a more expanded view of this universe and God as we know it. It’s like to me, that is all I am after. And so I cannot wait to take walks with you and have you on my show and continue to open up this conversation. And this is what I’ve been studying and curious about since I’m 18. So.
Kimberly Snyder (24:29.318)
I’m goosebumps. Well, Cathy, I love this piece because we just did a, I had a conversation around some of the Catholic saints. And then I talk a lot about Eastern philosophy, but there has been this missing, the Jewish mysticism. And, I definitely want to have, you know, a Muslim scholar on as well, because in the Quran, the word kalb,
Cathy (24:45.28)
Are we about to write a book together? Like, what’s happening?
Kimberly Snyder (24:57.018)
I think I’m pronouncing it right is mentioned 132 times, which translates to heart. If you get that down to the heart, down to the heart, literally.
Cathy (25:03.432)
There’s definitely, mean, mean, Rumi for gosh sakes, like, you know, and there’s, think, you know, we people don’t know enough about Islam and Sufi, the Sufi culture and, you know, and there’s, you know, there’s, there’s plenty of aspects to it. And there’s definitely what to be.
Kimberly Snyder (25:07.01)
Kimberly Snyder (25:11.746)
Cathy (25:22.158)
I think we can all see the shadow sides of things, but we can also then know that there must be and is something so powerful inside of the, in the light of something, right? And so, keep going down into the lotus of it all, you know?
Kimberly Snyder (25:35.94)
Right, so we keep going down to, you know, we’re talking about the Lotus, the wholeness, and that doesn’t need to, you know, we can divide it up and say, well, this belief system or this belief system. But if you go underneath, if you go underneath all the, you know, the rules, there’s this expansion in the sacred heart of Jesus Christ, right? In this oneness, this wholeness we’re talking about in Shabbat, in Judaism, this stillness.
in the heart, out of the thinking mind. And so it comes through all these incredible teachers and cultures.
Cathy (26:10.316)
You know, one of the things that Rabbi Aaron says that he’s just repeating in the Torah says it, like oneness.
Kimberly Snyder (26:17.732)
Yes. No!
Cathy (26:17.966)
does not mean sameness, right? That’s why there’s so much diversity in the ecosystem, right? And that’s why it’s so beautiful because it’s only through contrast that we can expand more. And so when you look at an orchestra, you need to have a cello, you have wood instruments, brass instruments, you have all these different instruments and together, that’s where harmony is created. It’s in the contrast of the notes that sound so beautiful. And so we get to live that out.
Kimberly Snyder (26:23.311)
Cathy (26:47.96)
right, by understanding that again, everything is as it is intended in divine order and we get to continue to expand, to learn from and to perceive it all. In fact, even this month, this month is Kislev on the lunar calendar, which is the Hebrew calendar this month of December. The reason why this is the month of Hanukkah and this is also the month which became Christmas and many other festivals is because even though these are the darkest days of the year, they’re the shortest days,
We see this month as the month of miracle. Why? Because darkness, contrast is an invitation to reveal light. So if you light a tiny candle in a pitch black room, it is stunning in its power. If you lit a candle on a Tuesday afternoon in June in the middle of the noonday sun, you cannot see it. So.
Kimberly Snyder (27:21.08)
Kimberly Snyder (27:28.55)
Cathy (27:47.444)
It is in these moments that we are being assigned and called forth, we’re being invited to reveal the incredible light. And so it’s all an invitation all the time. All there is is the invitation all the time. So long story short, getting back to this moment at this retreat, I’m like, I’m going to go meditate.
Kimberly Snyder (28:03.107)
Kimberly Snyder (28:09.286)
Cathy (28:10.354)
And this woman looks at me who’s teaching the, well, she’s leading the silent retreat. And she looks at me at one point and she breaks the silence and she’s, well, she’s leading it. And she said, just so you know, if you’re new, your mind is not meant to stop swirling, because minds don’t stop swirling. And all of sudden I could like breathe. I was like, wait a minute. I thought I’m doing this wrong. My mind is loud.
Kimberly Snyder (28:34.49)
and acceptance.
Cathy (28:36.31)
And she said, the point of meditation is not for you to stop your mind, but for you to witness your mind. And I just burst into tears. I was 2007 and I was like, my goodness, you just saved my life basically. And she said, so now I want you to find the part of you that is the witness to this mind and ask yourself, I wonder what my next thought will be. And notice that you are the essence of what’s perceiving that mind. And she said, imagine if instead of being in a blizzard
Kimberly Snyder (28:42.032)
Cathy (29:06.314)
on a snowy day, you were looking out at a snowstorm through a beautiful window in the living room, it would be beautiful. And so just have this awe and wonder and curiosity rather than being caught in the snow. And from that moment on, I learned that who I was was the thing that was witnessing it. And when I met Deepak, the first thing he did, he’s like, sit down.
Say out loud, I am Kathy Heller. I’m like, okay, this is awkward and weird. He’s like, say it three times. Like, okay, let’s just let this guy go through his little exercise. He’s like, great. Now say I am Kathy. Say that three times. I’m like, okay, I’m gonna go through this thing. He goes, did that feel different? I’m like, Kathy Heller versus Kathy. Actually, yeah. He’s like, how does it feel different? I’m like, I don’t know. It feels a little lighter. He goes, now just say three times, I am.
And so again, I start crying and then he says to me in Hebrew, cause he’s very well read and tapped in, says, the I am as you know, is the Ayn Sof and you are that endless light. So Kathy is the avatar and your greatest joy is setting her down and giving your soul just the alignment it needs to know its wholeness, right?
Kimberly Snyder (30:25.956)
Cathy (30:27.222)
And so it’s in the mind that because the mind doesn’t understand, it’s like a branch of a tree not knowing it’s part of the tree. So the mind is constantly thinking it needs something outside of itself to make it whole, to prove its worthiness, to achieve. And the soul is this little, little like aspect of God that it goes through the world completely always connected to God as a vehicle.
Kimberly Snyder (30:35.664)
Kimberly Snyder (30:55.546)
not knowing itself for many.
Cathy (30:57.078)
Yeah, for many. So, you know, when I’m teaching meditation, I’m teaching Jewish wisdom, and I kind of put those things together, people just feel such relief, right? It’s like, I knew something didn’t feel like that can’t be right. And, you know, in Judaism, we say that pain is inevitable, it’s actually beautiful. And suffering is optional. Right? and so it’s like,
Kimberly Snyder (31:21.548)
Yes. Yes.
Cathy (31:25.856)
we get to receive so much more. You know, when my dad died,
After we went through hospice and then the funeral and then we sit Shiva for a week, which is such a gorgeous tradition of just letting yourself have a week to be with it and not have to go do anything other than sit there, right? Shiva means to sit and you’re sitting in that beautiful, breaking, open of your heart. And then that’s seven days and then you go out. So two weeks after that, I’m like ready to go help my kids, be a mom, go back in the world. We go to dinner, we’re sitting next to this couple and
Kimberly Snyder (31:42.203)
Cathy (32:04.136)
I hear them and I’m like, I think they’re on a first date and I say to them, are you on a first date? And the woman’s like, yeah. I’m like, can I buy you dessert? And I start feeling better because I’m giving away love for no reason, right? I’m not in my divine assignment. I feel back in the flow of the river. But long story short, I only share this because it’s so much synchronicity that’s available all the time wherever we are all the time.
Kimberly Snyder (32:11.59)
Kimberly Snyder (32:15.674)
Cathy (32:26.818)
I buy them dessert, I leave. She’s like, let me follow you on Instagram. I want to say thank you. I’m like, great. So we connect with each other. Two hours later, she texts me. She’s like, thank you so much for the dessert. I’m like, you’re so welcome. And she says, she says, you won’t believe this, but she said, I’m a widow.
This was my first date in five years. And when you bought me that dessert, I felt that the universe was telling me that it’s time that I can open my heart again. And I said, well, my dad died July 3rd, and this is the first night of my like re-entry into the world. And she said, well, my husband died five years ago on July 3rd. She was sitting five inches away from me at the sushi place. And what I am saying is you are always in the right place at the right time.
Kimberly Snyder (32:42.414)
Kimberly Snyder (32:57.668)
Cathy (33:09.43)
And when you remember that you’re already whole and you have this power, which is to love another person into life at all times, people think like, I’m so far behind because I meant to change the whole world and I’m failing. It’s like your assignments to change the world for one person every day.
Kimberly Snyder (33:26.726)
Mmm, so beautiful.
Cathy (33:28.184)
Person you’re meant to change the world for is the one who’s been assigned to you at the bus stop When you’re taking your daughter to school who you’re talking to on the podcast like your entire world is the world you’re inhabiting all day and when we each Take stock of that patch of earth that we’ve been given on our daily assignment. We do change the whole world
Kimberly Snyder (33:50.426)
Well, and it goes back, I love this, Kathy, it goes back to the receiving principle, which isn’t pushy and forceful, but in this awe. I’ve shared this story with our community before. I’ll share it with you quickly is with Deepak. I’ve written my third book. I sent it to him after many follow-ups through his team, got through, he gave me great endorsement. It was my first crossover from physical wellness to spirituality, right? It’s called the Beauty Detox Power. It this alignment of your mind, body, soul.
Anyways, I felt this feeling like I’m meant to do something more with this person, but I didn’t push it. I wasn’t emailing every day. I just knew it. was so grateful to have received this endorsement. And I remember, in my language, in Nevada, as we talk about this clear heart, where you’re more transparent, you’re not up in your head, you’re just letting the flow of the divine, these synchronicities happen. This is the place of miracles. And I remember stepping out of my apartment, I lived in New York at the time, feeling the sunshine.
walking up to Union Square, not really thinking, just kind of being in awe of life. And instead of cutting across the park towards the East Village, which is where my meeting was, I went to the West, something inside where we’re quiet in this flow. could hear, like you said, just say something to this woman, buy her a dessert, not thinking. And so I walked West and anyway, long story short, I ran into Deepak on the street and I was in this moment of embodiment.
Cathy (35:11.946)
As one does, always, standard.
Kimberly Snyder (35:14.47)
Not thinking like, am I to go up to him? Even how many people go up to Deepak? But I just said, hey, Deepak, you just reviewed my book. Like so clear, like thank you. I said, Kimberly. And he gave me his cell phone. And then a few weeks later, we met at a coffee shop, know, rode out on a napkin in two hours, decided to write a book together, which went on to become a New York Times bestseller, Radical Beauty. So anyways, these moments come and I tell this story, I love the story you shared, because we all are capable of.
Cathy (35:39.278)
So beautiful. I just wanna, can I put my confetti hearts up on this? So beautiful. Thank you for even sharing it. I love even getting to hear it.
Kimberly Snyder (35:51.578)
The thing, Cathy, that kept coming up for me when you were speaking as well about and sharing these stories about getting through the loss of a parent or these incredible miracles, there’s one theme that has been really coming up for me in the last few weeks, and it’s strength. Because sometimes I feel like when we give into the mind’s ideas that we’re weak, we’re not good enough,
There’s there’s a little, literally a weakening effect that comes in. It weakens our vitality. We tell ourselves small thoughts, I think with this or this. When we feel this abundance and this wholeness, there’s a strength that comes in. We have more strength in our thoughts. We show up in this, you know, it doesn’t have to be pushy and overly masculine, right? We can be in this divine feminine. There’s a chapter in your book, talk about women. Yeah.
Cathy (36:29.091)
my god.
Cathy (36:33.614)
Cathy (36:37.867)
It’s great. It’s just totally in flow. It’s humility. It’s not pussy.
Kimberly Snyder (36:41.702)
There can be a softness, a gentleness, a compassion, but there is a strength that is so confident, it’s irrefutable, and it’s so recognizable when someone doesn’t have to compare. A lot of people are like, how do I get past judging and comparing? I feel so bad when I’m on social media. But the strength comes from inside.
Cathy (36:50.19)
Cathy (37:00.174)
You know, it’s like the reason why everyone is obsessed with Wicked, show, the movie and the show, because Elphaba realizes that there is no Wizard of Oz and at some point she realizes she is the mystic. And each one of us is the mystic. It’s the same like Doris-
Kimberly Snyder (37:18.49)
Hmm. I haven’t seen it, but I’ve heard some buzz out there about it. Yeah, are probably really into it.
Cathy (37:27.66)
Yeah, they’re so into it. But this idea that you can co-sign and really get behind your fullness. And when you do that, it actually is a gift to everyone else. When somebody is fully in their wholeness, right? Not from a place of ego, but from a place of their heart.
The most impressive thing is a person being in their wholeness. If you go on a date with a guy and you want to be liked, that’s not the best setup for the date. But like if you’re like…
Kimberly Snyder (38:02.054)
The grasping energy, like, like me, like me.
Cathy (38:03.616)
If you’re like, so we dish now and you’re like, so into your own little universe, and you’re having your own party, you’ve RSVP to your own party, that wholeness is what everybody wants to be around, right? And so the most impressive person in the room, it’s not where they went to college, it’s not what car they drive. It’s like, are you in integrity? Right? It’s hilarious. It’s like the most impressive thing is love. And when you don’t need other people to validate you, because you’ve already fully validated that you are an
Kimberly Snyder (38:19.194)
Cathy (38:33.54)
aspect of something that’s powering the whole universe and you get to be a vehicle for this thing called
kindness and compassion and love and creativity when when someone goes into flow state The left hemisphere that amygdala really closes down and people will say something bigger than me came through Einstein said the brain is not really helpful other than being an antenna for a wisdom greater than itself that comes through they just did these fMRIs on monks at Columbia University and they saw there was very little brain activity and and yet they have tremendous wisdom because the wisdom comes in the heart so when you fully get that
Kimberly Snyder (39:01.435)
Cathy (39:07.348)
you’re whole, right? You’re good. You’ve got what you need. Then you’re not looking for other people to fill you up, but rather you’re you’re then a signal. You’re a wifi signal that other people tap into and then they find the power in themselves, which is the oneness that you share. So you become a walking possibility for other people to stand in the mystic that they are and to understand.
Cathy (40:19.562)
And DNA is a great metaphor for this. talk about it in the book because DNA, we’ve all heard of it. We know it’s real. It’s not woo. It’s straight up science. Well, DNA is a coil. It’s a code. It’s a software code wrapped around itself and it’s energy. And that energy creates you and me. And we are the 3D printing of that energetic code. That’s exactly how we create and manifest the three dimensional reality.
Kimberly Snyder (40:32.87)
Cathy (40:47.478)
your health, your bank account, the relationships, the experiences you have, your house, all that three dimensional stuff is created by the energetic vibrational coding that you are doing all day long by putting your imprint into the quantum playground, which is made of vibration. It’s a vibrational world.
Kimberly Snyder (40:59.747)
Cathy (41:05.024)
So we bend, my three daughters love to play with slime and kinetic sand, right? Anything that makes my house messy, they’re like, that’s it, mom, that’s what I want. We are bending the molecules with our energetic heart coherence. So when you know the oneness of reality, you understand the quantum leap, you know your soul’s beyond time. You know you’re coming from a place in that highest dimension.
Cathy (42:16.066)
and oneness, your energetic imprint literally starts to bend all of these molecules into the most radiant, of course. And by the way, we talked about the differences in different traditions. In Judaism, one thing I love about it is that we are not meant to hold ourselves apart from anything because the physical dimension also holds.
the energetic of God because God is infinite. So the word Jacob is the same word for heal, ekhev, which is the bottom of your foot. Why? Because Jacob saw the ladder, okay, and all those angels were going up and down. And why is it that Jacob’s name is the same word for heal? It’s not like a big compliment to call someone a heal.
But there’s a reason, because Jacob and his infinite connection to the universe could take the highest things and bring them to the lowest places and to take the most material things and to elevate them and draw out of the most material places the highest aspects because they’re all everywhere all the time. And so the reason I talk about prosperity and ease is because we are meant to receive fully.
for the whole collective. A redwood tree is meant to be as tall as possible on behalf of the entire forest. A dolphin is meant to thrive. So we are not meant to hold ourself apart and say, I’m not supposed to have that. You become a channel for what you have. Abundance creates abundance. You are a lightning rod for what comes through you. It’s not that you hold it, that you bring it into the collective because the collective
Kimberly Snyder (43:50.043)
Cathy (43:54.014)
is one and there is no separation. So if you’re not separate, why would you want to thrive less if you are connected to the whole ocean? Every rising wave is impacting and imbuing the collective to thrive and to have an overflow.
Kimberly Snyder (44:10.95)
And keeping it, you know, around, it sounds big and it sounds beautiful. And sometimes people get a little bit lost in the mysticism because it’s like, well, how could this be? And that’s where I think the science can be really, really powerful. Dr. Joe and the work that I, in the research study we did with heart math, it really, heart math scientists and Dr. Roland McCready were so amazing in really measuring this field around us.
Cathy (44:25.292)
It is. I agree with you.
Kimberly Snyder (44:39.246)
on this field as we become more harmonious within ourselves, it really is magnetic and it is attractive. So there is science, different people are using it. And it’s based again in the heart, not based in the head. And it’s something that we can all tap into. One of the beautiful things about this work, cross traditions and everyone is that, Yogananda says all hearts are equal. It’s just that as we awaken the heart, we become more transparent to that light and to that energy.
So Cathy, thank you so much. You and I could just go on and on, but I want to bring it back to this. There’s lots of incredible stories. Again, I love the Jewish mysticism in your book. It really stood out to me. There’s journaling prompts. The book again is called Abundant Ever After, Tools for Creating a Life of Prosperity and Ease. I love ease.
Cathy (45:09.67)
my God, I cannot wait to have you on my show. What a tease.
Kimberly Snyder (45:35.598)
I love also that you talk about in the book, your definition of success is inner peace, which is such a piece. I definitely, definitely resonate with that definition of success. So tell us, Kathy, where can we get your book? It’s, I always say this, it’s everywhere books are sold.
Cathy (45:54.648)
You get anywhere but if you go to we have obviously made you bonuses if you go to Kathy Hauer dot com slash book you can go grab a class that I give for free on.
meditation and manifesting made easy, which I think you’ll really like. yeah, it’s the most controversial thing I ever tell people is that life is not meant to be hard. It’s meant to come through ease and synchronicity. And abundance really is not a pile of things. It really is about what is at your fingertips all day long, which is the feeling of being connected to the oneness of all. And you don’t have to wait for something to happen to feel that. You can feel it any second you choose. Thank you for the word.
Kimberly Snyder (46:06.982)
Kimberly Snyder (46:15.237)
Love it.
Kimberly Snyder (46:32.976)
Cathy (46:33.21)
you’re doing for having me on. cannot wait to have you on my show.
Kimberly Snyder (46:37.19)
Thank you so much, Cathy. And I just appreciate your big heart and this really authentic intention of really wanting to share. And thank you for sharing so vulnerably about your father and these stories. So thank you everyone so much for tuning in. We will link directly to Cathy’s new book and her work on our show notes, which are at
Cathy (46:50.306)
It wasn’t for the sunblock, we could have just sat and cried forever.
Kimberly Snyder (47:04.612)
I’ll be back here Thursday as always for our next Q &A show. Remember on the website, you can also submit questions for the show. You can also sign up for our new two-day Heart Retreat at home, which we’ll be hosting in January. So sending you so much love. Look forward to connecting with you all more. Till then, again, lots of love, blessings, and gratitude, and see you back here soon.