Happy, Happy New Year!
May this year be one of your best years yet, where you open your heart even more, ground more deeply into your true self and needs, and out of that increasingly authentic space achieve your goals and dreams that fuel your heart fire.
New Year’s always feels like this incredible juncture of the year filled with the ripeness of unlimited possibilities. Though the reality is that there are such possibilities at any point of the year that we can seize, it is a potent time right now to ride with the collective consciousness and be clear on your focus for the year ahead.
But what are your resolutions/intentions/goals, anyways?
New Year’s resolutions often seem to be about creating a “new” outer shell of our self. Losing weight is a primary one for many. While there is of course nothing wrong with that per se, it’s also a great idea to reflect on how you can be more authentic to yourself.
What does that mean, to be more authentic to yourself? Spend some time journaling, going for a walk alone in silence, or just sit with the question. What do you need this year, truly? Is it more rejuvenation time, cutting out excessive activity, trying a new form of movement (yoga, hiking- well these are my faves anyway!), taking more time to cook or read…
I think it’s easy to create a lot of “surface” goals. But by listening to yourself FIRST and nourishing yourself, all your other goals will seem to come in a more fluid and easeful way.
That’s why I write out my goals for the year in categories: spiritual, personal and professional, in that order.
I feel that by fueling my spirituality, and my authentic personal needs, then my outward, professional goals in the world flourish much more naturally.
This year for me is about balance. I know that I need to create the space to keep meditating and keeping my spiritual practice, as I open into holding the sacred space of becoming a mother, and balancing my creative ventures and relationship with my partner and all others.
I know that if I don’t feed myself on a soul level and with the needs I have- alone time, chill time, meditation time, romantic time, then nothing else seems to work in the right way. There is more struggle.
So I encourage you to write by hand your goals in categories. They can be measurable as much as possible.. It’s easier to stay on a long-term path if you can measure small and bigger successes. Saying “I want to be healthier” is infinitely more vague than “I will drink the Glowing Green Smoothie at least 3 times a week.” With measurable goals, you can continue to build and progress.
- Spiritually: This can mean anything for you that feeds your spirit. These can be measurable too- how many times a week you want to commit to meditation, reading some spiritual books like Autobiography of a Yogi, etc.
- Personal: This can mingle with spiritual, anything to feed your heart fire, how your allot your time, creating more space to be creative, fueling your energy etc. Examples of measurable progress can be: committing to half an hour before bed every night to unwind with a book or a shower, or cooking at least 3 meals a week for yourself, making the Glowing Green Smoothie 5 times a week as it makes you feel more energized.
- Professional/Outward Goals: How do your goals measure outwardly? Notice we start from the inside to the out. Outer goals can be creative projects you want to create, such as a new project at work, a new app, starting a new mom’s group, whatever it is.
And as far as health goals, I would put in #2 how you want to feel energetically, and here after focusing on that you can add if you want to lose a specific amount of weight or whatever. But those that don’t focus on the inner energies, how they want to feel, are those that are susceptible to the end goal result at any cost- such as be resorting to fad diets that don’t really nourish your body long-term, for instance.
These are my thoughts I’m sending directly to you from the jungle in Costa Rica. I’m writing as I look out over palms and lush vegetation, Howler monkeys and a long beach…so these raw thoughts are coming right from my immersion in nature. Being in nature regularly is an essential part of my life, and when my baby is born I will take my child into nature as well, right from the beginning to also foster that love and deep connection we all have with the earth. :)
We are all part of this beautiful Beauty Detox community and are here to love and support one another on our individual journeys!
I personally feel so blessed and grateful we are together in our Beauty Detox community. I feel like my heart is bursting open, more than ever, with inspiration to offer so much more to you, which I am committed to doing in this New Year of 2016!
Thank you, thank you for being you. And remember that there is no one else quite like you. May your true light shine even brighter this year as you tune into and embrace it!
With great love… Happy New Year’s!