We all need a little extra comfort at times, especially in the blustery winter!
Sound familiar? I know it does for me! I’ve had quite a few dinners out at some of my fav LA spots (Plant Food and Wine and Sage to name a few) lately, and I’ve been having dessert almost every day (coconut cream pie and so on!). It’s not about guilt, it’s about giving ourselves treats sometimes that are higher upgrades to the usual, old choices that were full of dairy or gluten or whatever.
I don’t feel guilty when I have dessert or a treat I like (nachos are another recent order) because I treat it as special and savor every bite. You shouldn’t feel guilty either!
This week I have prepared a special post which puts some of my favorite indulgent recipes all in one place. Let’s not forget, they are not only easy to make and delicious, but are good for you too!
Check out 7 Guilt-Free Indulgent Recipes below and be sure to share which one is your favorite!
#1 Hot Chocolate Protein Smoothie Booster
Check out my brand new Hot Chocolate Protein Smoothie Booster Recipe. I added some black pepper to this recipe- which has traditionally been added into hot cacao preparations for centuries, as I learned on a local trip to Nicaragua. It makes for a super interesting, pepper flavor combo!
#2 Dark Chocolate Cheesecake (Raw Vegan)
Doesn’t this look just heavenly?! ???? And guess what? It is!! My Dark Chocolate Cheesecake (Raw Vegan) Recipe is free of any dairy or refined sugars.
Rather, you will be adding in some healthy fats from the nuts, not to mention the blissful dark chocolate! You will be completely satisfied and amazed at how simple this recipe is to make and how indulgent it is to eat!
#3 Matcha Chocolate Fudge
Fudge has one of the best textures in the world! It is soft and chewy and happy. Who doesn’t want some fudge in their life? The key is finding better options that have the best possible ingredients, digest well (ie no dairy!) and keep that creamy deliciousness. Don’t worry Beauty, it IS possible! My Matcha Chocolate Fudge Recipe is just perfect for all of these reasons.
#4 Dehydrated Green Apple Chips
There are so many easy but processed snack foods that can leave us feeling heavy and simply gross. And when we feel heavy and gross our overall energy suffers- not to mention our interactions with the world! So it’s a great idea to make some great snack foods in batches when you get a chance, to keep you eating whole food-based, simple yet delicious snacks. You deserve the best food!!!
I’m happy to introduce you to my Dehydrated Green Apple Chips Recipe, which is a great energizing snack made of TWO- you heard me- two ingredients only (okay three if you count the coconut oil to grease the pan!)! It will support your energy, vitality and beauty.
#5 Crispy Rosemary Turnip Fries
Fries were one of my favorite go-to treats. I even had a rating system for all my favorite fries from all the different restaurants we went to. I was literally obsessed. These days I rarely eat deep fried foods, but I do like to find versions that emulate my old fav fries. Plus, a great ketchup alternative!!
My Crispy Rosemary Turnip Fries Recipe is flavorful, and a great comfort food, without the deep frying.
#6 Gingerbread Banana Nicecream
If you’re anything like me, you crave ice cream any time of the year (even when the temperatures drop low)! But don’t worry. I’m not falling off track here!????
Instead, I’m choosing my Gingerbread Banana Nicecream Recipe that will supply us with vital nutrients and make the digestive process infinitely better than ordinary ice cream!!
#7 3-Ingredient Chocolate Mousse
This recipe is an adaptation from the classic recipe from The Beauty Detox Solution. The original one contained avocado as its fat source (which all mousse’s and fudges need a good dosage of!), while in this variation the fat source is coconut milk.
Your body will feel happier, healthier, lighter, and best of all, satisfied when we give it happy beauty foods! My 3-Ingredient Chocolate Mousse Recipe is just the thing to help you avoid those over-processed, sugary, and pasteurized dairy desserts that are all around.
There you have it Beauties- some of my mouth-watering go-to’s when I feel the desperate need! Have fun deciding which to make, go with what calls to you! And don’t forget to take your digestive enzymes first, which helps you break down the foods and digest them more easily, and can prevent bloating and buildup.
Progress not perfection!
In love and health,
I love you!! Glad we are in the community together! xo
Hi Kimberly,
I would like to know if you have fiber rich smoothie recipes.
Hi Brian and thanks for your great question…one of my favorite fiber-filled smoothies is my Glowing Green Smoothie. Here’s the link: https://bit.ly/2IP4QvL You can also check out my website under the Smoothie section and find a huge selection of smoothies that are packed with leafy greens and fruits that are filled with fiber as well. Here’s is the link to all of my smoothie recipes: https://bit.ly/2pGNIzm Have fun and sending you lots of love! ;)
Hi! Was on instagram and Kimberly had an almond flour and date crust with cocoa powder maple syrup coconut oil in blender etc Where can u find this recipe. Would love to make it! Thanks!
Hi Sandy – Not sure if this is the recipe you were looking for: Dark Chocolate Cheesecake (Raw Vegan) Recipe: https://bit.ly/2NUxxZS. Give it a try and let us know what you think. Lots of love! ;)