This week’s topic is: How To Align Your Career and Spiritual Practice
What we’re really talking about here is how to create a career, a job, your work in the world that feels deeply aligned to your values and to the messages that you want to put out into the world, how you want to contribute to the world.
The way we talk about spirituality in our community isn’t about a formal religion or anything of that nature. It’s really about connecting to the deepest essence inside of you, to your unique core, to your true self, to the light that is inside of you, and really living from that place. Work takes up an enormous part of our lives. For many of us, we spend more time with our work colleagues and on our work than with our friends and family members.
This topic is about feeling aligned in your life and aligned to such a powerful world. It feels really good when everything matches up and nothing feels like it’s contradicting itself. Versus, living a life where you may believe in different things and then you go to work, and you’re at odds with where you’re working and what you’re doing. Today, we’re going to talk about navigating through all of this, and how to live a truly fulfilled, meaningful, joyful, and happy life.
Have you been wondering about this very topic? If you want to know the answer to this question and 3 more sent in by Beauties just like you, listen now to find out!
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[Questions Answered]
Mary-Beth – Indiana
Hi Kimberly – I’d love to earn a livelihood as an energy worker but I feel like it’s a pipedream. Any tips on how to go started?
Bailey – Arizona
I keep having dreams about a spiritual calling and beginning to wonder if I should investigate this more. I’m in the health field, however, nothing related to spirituality. Do you think this is a sign?
Tess – Australia
Do I need a spiritually aligned career in order to live a highly spiritual, rewarding life?
Francesca – Colorado
How can I spiritually grow when I feel like my career isn’t supporting me in that way but I am unable to quit at this time due to finances and job market.
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The intention of the Feel Good Podcast is to well…help you really Feel Good in your body, mind and spirit! Feeling Good means feeling peaceful, energized, whole, uniquely beautiful, confident and joyful, right in the midst of your perfectly imperfect life. This podcast is as informative and full of practical tips and take-aways as it is inspirational. I am here to support you in being your very best! I have so much love and gratitude for you. Thank you for tuning in and being part of the community :).
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Your internal reality creates your external reality, not the other way around.
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Note: The following is the output of transcribing from an audio recording. Although the transcription is largely accurate, in some cases it is incomplete or inaccurate. This is due to inaudible passages or transcription errors. It is posted as an aid, but should not be treated as an authoritative record.
Kimberly: Hey Beauties and welcome back to our Thursday Q&A podcast, our community show where all of these amazing questions come right from you guys. And I love the show because I love to hear what you’re wondering about, what you’re thinking, how I can best support you. The topic today definitely resonates close to my heart. It is a big, big topic for all of us, which is How to Align Your Career and Spiritual Practice. What we’re really talking about here is how to create a career, a job, your work in the world that feels deeply aligned to your values and to the messages that you want to put out into the world, how you want to contribute to the world.
Kimberly: The way we talk about spirituality in our community isn’t about a formal religion or anything of that nature. It’s really about connecting to the deepest essence inside of you, to your unique core, to your true self, to the light that is inside of you, and really living from that place. We all know that our work takes up an enormous part of our lives. In fact, we spend more time with our work colleagues and on our work than, a lot of the times, with our friends and our family members. So this is a really big topic, and it’s the difference between feeling aligned in your life and all the energies in your life and everything feels again, aligned to such a powerful world. It feels really good where everything matches up and nothing feels like it’s contradicting itself versus living a life where you may believe in different things and then you go to work, and you’re at odds with where you’re working and what you’re doing. So we’re going to talk about navigating this, which is a big topic, and it really is a big piece of the puzzle, I believe, in living a truly fulfilled, meaningful, joyful, happy life.
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Kimberly: Before we get into it, I want to give a quick shout out to please leave us a review on iTunes, Spotify, wherever you listen to our podcast. It’s just a wonderful way to support the show, and we all know how important reviews are. So thank you so much from the bottom of my heart. While you’re over there, please be sure to subscribe to our show and that way, you don’t miss out on any of these community shows on Thursdays or our Monday interview podcasts or solocasts.
Question #1 around the topic of: How to Align Your Career and Spiritual Practice: Hi, Kimberly. I’d love to earn a livelihood as an energy worker, but I feel like it’s a pipe dream. Any tips on how to get started?
Kimberly: All right. Let’s get into our topic today: aligning your career and your spiritual practice. So the first question comes from Mary Beth who lives in Indiana and she writes, “Hi, Kimberly. I’d love to earn a livelihood as an energy worker, but I feel like it’s a pipe dream. Any tips on how to get started?” So I love this question, Mary Beth, and thank you so much for this question. Sending a big virtual hug out there to the Midwest. So the essence of this question, and you may be in the same position no matter what energy worker, or your own business, your own clothing brand, your own yoga studio, your own private chef business, whatever it is, you fill in the blank; you may be in a certain place and you’re looking to leap into another position. So what do you do? How do you get there? What are the tips to get started?
Kimberly: So for me, I’ll share a bit about how I made the transition. For me, I was backpacking around the world and I came back to the US, I came back to New York City, I’m from the East coast, and I had no money left. I really had to scramble a bit. So my first job, which did not last very long. I’ll be honest, it was about three and a half months. It was my first and only office job after I got back from my around the world trip. But I was staying at my parents’ house in Connecticut and I would commute into the city to interview. It was a job at a large beauty company and I was in a cubicle. Immediately, I realized that the ethics of the company and the whole structure, it really didn’t work for me. So pretty quickly, I was plotting and planning my escape. So I had to get there because I needed that income and I was able to get an apartment right after, a fully a rent controlled apartment, rent stabilized, and I got my feet wet and I was in the city.
Kimberly: Then I started to… I was dreaming of my plan on the road was to open a yoga studio. So I wanted to do that. I wanted to be a yoga teacher. I was also passionate about nutrition. So it was then that I started going back and learning about nutrition and started to understand who are my teachers? Where could I learn from? There were programs and institutions that I couldn’t yet afford, but I found a doctor in the East Village who also had a cafe and I volunteered my time. So I did an internship, and I did that on the weekends. I remember going there on Saturdays. So I was doing things on the side, but at the same time, I had to be practical. I had to pay my rent. I had to keep things going.
Kimberly: But in my free moments, I remember at lunchtime and when I would get home in the evenings, I would plan. I would write things down. It wasn’t like a business plan, but I would write my goals. I would think about steps and people that could help. I would research on the internet. I would read books. So I feel like you the gap between where we are and where we want to be isn’t so overwhelming as we think. What we want to do is we want to get really, really clear. So, in your case, Mary Beth, really clear about what an energy worker would be like. Where would you do your energy work? Would you do it in a place in your home? How would you decorate that space or create it? Would you rent an office? Would you go to people’s homes? What would your logo be like? And what would your website be like? So you can start to find real clarity.
Kimberly: With that clarity comes a lot of excitement about the prospect. So that becomes an energetic frequency that helps. I’m not a believer in the law of attraction that’s just like, “I put this out there and I don’t do any work. It’s just going to drop in my lap,” but I do believe in matching frequencies. I do believe everything is energy. This has been well proven by quantum physics. So I do believe in the idea of getting excited about something and feeling that that could be your reality, and that starts to fuel you and it starts to feel your passions. It does start to attract different opportunities and people to come to you so long as you’re also putting in the work and doing the work; so doing the research, talking to people, planning, all the steps that you need to take. So you can create it. You can create whatever you want; you, Mary Beth, anybody listening to you.
Kimberly: I am living proof of that when I where I came from, which was a backpacker and broke, but I had passions and I knew I was excited about nutrition and food and wellness and yoga and meditation, and all the things that I’m still interested in very much that make up my life. So again, I look back. I was planning every day. So that’s the thing. If you want to turn it from a pipe dream into reality, that hard work and that focus and that concentration has to be part of your daily life. Otherwise, we start to let it slip away. It starts to feel unrealistic. We start to let go of it unknowingly. We start to lose our motivation. So what we want to do is keep that fire going, even if it’s commit to a certain amount of time every day that you work on your dream.
Kimberly: It could be 20 minutes. It could be an hour, and that’s the time to write things down, to create some plan to do the research, to reach out to people, to do your emails, to investigate, and to just really focus and think about what you wanted to create. If you do that consistently, it’s amazing how things start to keep moving forward and you move past stagnancy. You start to move past self doubt because you’re taking action. That action becomes like a snowball that’s rolling down the hill and it starts to gather its own energy. And it starts to just build and build and build. So try that, Mary Beth, and get real clear about what you want to create and then work backwards to do the steps, but hold fast to that excitement.
Kimberly: After you meditate in that clear space, it’s a great idea to bring up your feelings, self-generate those feelings, think about your goal and breathe it, and live in it, and imagine it, and let that passion and that energy start to bring things to you. At the same time, you’re doing your really hard work. Can’t get past that part as much as we like to sometimes. So thank you so much, my love. And keep us updated. Let us know how you do.
Question #2 around the topic of: How to Align Your Career and Spiritual Practice: I keep having dreams about a spiritual calling and beginning to wonder if I should investigate this more. I’m in the health field, however, nothing relates to spirituality. Do you think this is a sign?
Kimberly: All right. Our next question comes from Bailey and she lives in Arizona. And she writes, “I keep having dreams about a spiritual calling and beginning to wonder if I should investigate this more. I’m in the health field, however, nothing relates to spirituality. Do you think this is a sign?” So Bailey, thank you so much, my love, first of all, for your question, for being in our community. I send you so much love out there to Arizona. So I think that our dreams, our feelings, our emotions are our messages. I definitely think that whether it’s that exact thing that we’re dreaming about, or it’s a representation of something underneath, I definitely think that things come up for a reason and we need to listen and we need to let those things be heard.
Kimberly: So if you feel… First of all, how do I put this? You’re in the health field, it’s not related to spirituality. This is my perspective. Everything is spiritual, in a sense, because everything is part of spirit, right? We believe in this big bang theory, if you believe in God, whatever it is, there is the interrelatedness of all things. So I believe in spirit personally, and I believe in source energy. I believe in the divine. So it is about the energy and the approach that we bring to our work that makes it as such. It can go that way. You don’t have to change your job at all, you, Bailey, or anybody else, but you can change the energy that you bring to it. If you bring love and compassion, and always wanting to find a win-win, and a peaceful solution to everything, you could be a criminal attorney, you could be a jail guard, you could be a librarian, an accountant. It doesn’t matter exactly what you do, but it’s what you bring to it.
Kimberly: You can bring love to any situation and connection and encouragement and gentleness, and all of these qualities. So spirituality can run through, and that is a powerful way to align anything that you’re doing. You could be doing the dishes. You could be changing your kid’s poopy diaper, and you’re doing it with that alignment of your values. For me the values of my spiritual practice are love and connection and oneness and peace and joy. So if you bring that to anything you’re doing, then you’re bringing that spirituality. You’re aligning. Another thing is, and I believe in this, is offering up the fruits of your labor, offering up your efforts, if this resonates with you, to the higher power, to source, to the divine. So it means that everything becomes an offering, everything becomes spiritual. You’re not just working for yourself, but you’re working for the collective and for God and the divine, and that creates a different energy as well.
Kimberly: Now, so that’s one way of looking at it is no matter what I’m doing, whether I’m folding the laundry or whether I’m doing the taxes this year, I bring my spirituality. I bring my energy to it. So it becomes spiritual. It transforms everything. The second is what you’re saying here, Bailey, I believe is that you’re having dreams about making a shift. That’s another thing that can happen sometimes along the journey as we feel like, “Okay, I’m working in this or I’m talking about this, but I really want to bring more spirituality to it.” So that’s really the journey I’ve been on as well when those of you that have been with me for the longer haul know that my first two books were very food focused. Then my third book, which is called “The Beauty Detox Power,” is when I started to come out and really want to speak about energies in a deeper way, and the mind body connection, and chakras and energy centers, and just really expand beyond food. That felt like a very natural progression of my career and my journey.
Kimberly: I started to feel a little bit constricted just talking about food, which was still something I had to do on certain television shows and so on and so forth, but more and more, this part of me was pouring out. So it was something I couldn’t really hold back anyway, but it was pouring out in my work with my clients and in my work with the community. So for me, it was this natural expansion that I couldn’t ignore. So I think if you’re feeling it inside of you, Bailey and anybody listening to this, about making that shift, I would listen to that and I would see everything we talked about in our first question with Mary Beth, how can I make this shift? What is it that I really would like to create? And getting very, very clear with that first. So I would definitely consider spending some time in stillness and silence, going into nature, doing a meditation practice and then afterwards, no contemplation over the next, let’s say 20, 30 days and listen to your heart because your heart will always lead you right.
Kimberly: Listen to your heart, listen to what’s in there, listen to your deepest desires, listen to your passions, which are science from the divine about which way to go. I believe that as well. Sometimes, like I said, it can just be bringing your values, bringing your love to your current situation. Sometimes you may discover in this contemplative time that you do need to make a shift, and know that you will be supported because it comes from a deeper place, comes from a universal source energy place. So it means as you muster the courage and you work past your fear and you start to take steps in that direction, it will be supported.
Kimberly: That was the journey. That was my journey. I did work through fear and I did have a lot of fear and setbacks, but just I trusted and I kept meditating and tuning in and things continued to unfold. So there’s no right or wrong answer here. You know what’s best and what’s right for you. So it has to come from that deep, deep place inside of us. No one else can give you the answer, but I do encourage listening, paying attention and making the space, the stillness and the meditation for those answers to come through.
Kimberly: I love these questions so far. Thank you so much, my loves. We’re going to take a quick break. When I come back in just a moment, I’m going to answer the next two questions.
Question #3 around the topic of: How to Align Your Career and Spiritual Practice: Do I need a spiritually aligned career in order to live a highly spiritual rewarding life?
Kimberly: All right, my loves. We have two more questions for you guys on the subject, which is how to align your career and your spiritual practice. The first question here comes from Tess who lives in Australia and she writes, “Do I need a spiritually aligned career in order to live a highly spiritual rewarding life?” So Tess, first of all, thank you so much. I can feel this question come from your heart. So send you love right from my heart to your heart. I’m so grateful for you and for our connection across the world. The world doesn’t feel so big to me anymore. I’ve lived in Australia for awhile and traveled to so many places. The more you travel, the more you go around, the more you realize that really we are truly connected, and time and space isn’t so big after all.
Kimberly: So this question is about aligning your career. I feel that what I said earlier in the last question to Bailey was you don’t have to live your spiritual path; which for me, runs through everything now. There’s no separation. [inaudible 00:17:34] … there’s no separation between the mind and the body. There is no separation between my spiritual life and the rest of my life. My spirituality, which comes through my practice, my meditation practice and being in nature and stillness and deep and deep self work, it affects the way that I am a wife and I’m a mother. It affects my day-to-day decisions and my interactions and the content I consume and the books that I read and the way that I eat. All of this, you guys, sprang from… The whole food philosophy that I started my career with, started from my spiritual practice. It started from when I was in India on that trip, and I learned about how all yogis across the board, pretty much all great yoga masters recommend eating a vegetarian diet for energetic reasons, for the reasons of elevating your meditation and creating more lightness versus density.
Kimberly: So if you want to… Again, I use myself as an example. That’s how this food philosophy started out. If you go back and you skim or you read again, “The Beauty Detox Solution,” you’ll see that there is a spiritual undercurrent. I talk about ingesting animals that may have suffered or angry or in pain and what that does to your energy. I talk about the term beauty energy, freeing up energy from digestion because right from the start, I was able to see things in an energetic way. That came from my yogic learnings and teachings, and also, specifically from my guru, [inaudible 00:19:10]. So I feel that living a highly spiritual rewarding life comes from your practice. It comes from living your truth and the practices.
Kimberly: So whether your practice is going into nature, running marathons so you clear your mind, prayer, whether you go to a church or a temple or a mosque or whatever you go to, to me, the consistency is really important, living the life. Again, just as I said earlier, it doesn’t mean that you need to necessarily change your outward work in the world. You can bring all that to being a school teacher or being a construction worker or a police officer, or a flight attendant or a clothing designer. Whatever it is, you can offer it to the divine. You can offer it up for service to others. You can bring all your love to it, and that is aligned.
Kimberly: Or Tess, if you feel like, “I just have this calling to do something else,” as we’ve been speaking about some of the earlier questions, after deep contemplation, I encourage you to sit with yourself and to ask that question to yourself. Go into meditation and then afterwards, see if any messages came up or can journal afterwards. Sometimes it doesn’t come up right away. A lot of times, I get messages later on when I’m not fixated on it; when I’m taking a shower or brushing my teeth or doing something like that. So I think always just being open and receptive to messages, and what I call downloads, which just feels like something was dropped into your brain, that comes from a deeper place is really, really powerful.
Kimberly: Again, I keep saying this, but I really want to get this message across. Just because you’re not a meditation teacher, or a Reiki master, or whatever you would call, “spiritual,” doesn’t mean you’re not living a spiritual life. You and I both know… I’m sure you know, if you think about it, people that are deeply aligned, deeply embodied, deeply grounded in their values, and maybe they’re not a priest or nun or a monk or a spiritual teacher per se, but they are living it. So their lives are also spiritual and rewarding and fulfilling. So it goes either way, and there’s no right or wrong. Maybe you stay where you are and you just embody and vibrate and vibrate and vibrate. There are certain environments that may really need you.
Kimberly: Maybe there isn’t a lot of consciousness or mindfulness in your company or in the work environment where you currently are, and you can bring a transformative, energetic state to that environment. Or perhaps, you do feel called to go in a different direction and that aligns to what you’re feeling inside and what you want to teach or bring out into the world. So it’s up to you. But to answer your question, it’s not necessary to change, but it may feel the right path for you. So thank you so much, Tess. I love this question. Sending you so much love and light out there in Australia, in Aus, and hope to get there again one day for an event or something, hope we get to meet in person. We’re already energetically connected, and I’m grateful for that.
Question #4 around the topic of: How to Align Your Career and Spiritual Practice: How can I spiritually grow when I feel like my career isn’t supporting me in that way, but I am unable to quit at this time due to finances and the job market?
Kimberly: All right, my loves. The last question here comes from Francesca in Colorado, and she writes, “How can I spiritually grow when I feel like my career isn’t supporting me in that way, but I am unable to quit at this time due to finances and the job market?” So this is a wonderful question. What can you do to grow? Let’s say you feel like you’re in a stagnant position and right now for whatever reason may not be the right time to shift, or maybe for whatever reason, doesn’t feel like the timing is lining up or whatever. So here’s where you can nurture yourself spiritually in a very, very deep way through the four cornerstones. No matter what’s going on at work, you build that in, you bring it into your life. Gandhi talked a lot about this. You can be having the most humble jobs. You can be cleaning the latrines in India.
Kimberly: I read his book and he was talking about this woman and she was English. I believe her name was Elizabeth. She had come from a very well to do family, but she had heard of the struggle in India against the oppression and she wanted to come and she wanted to help. To be frank, she came from a very rich family and she came and what was needed of her was to teach sanitation. So she was cleaning the latrines and she was teaching these Indian people in very rural areas how to clean themselves and how to take care of their space in a way. She was literally cleaning the toilets all day. The joy and the peace that came from her, she was just so happy to be part of the movement and to be helping.
Kimberly: Gandhi talked about her. He called her out and he said she was such a shining spiritual star because it didn’t matter what she was doing. She was bringing her own energy to it. So I loved that story. And again, I believe that our practices are what sustain us and make us feel aligned no matter what we’re doing out in the world. So from a four cornerstone perspective, first of all, food wise; to bless your food, to be grateful for your food, to take that sacred pause and to know that we are sustained from the divine and the food comes from that, and to really take the time to honor it and to bring the intention of strengthening your body to help and to serve others. And of course, to choose whole foods mostly, or all plant-based foods that are deeply nourishing and deeply nutrient dense and nutrient rich with a wide range of nutrients, including fiber, which is only found in plant foods.
Kimberly: And to me, that’s a big part of the spiritual practice because we want our bodies to be conducive to lightness and love. When there’s heaviness, if we have constipation or there’s toxicity buildup, it brings a density to our bodies that makes it harder to meditate. Literally, this is what the yogis taught. This is how I started out everything. I’m just being really, really open with you guys now. So the way that we eat is going to have a profound impact on our spiritual practice.
Kimberly: My Asana teacher, [inaudible 00:26:29] said, “You’re not a real yoga teacher, unless you teach people how to eat.” So the food component is very important. So eating in this helpful way, but nutrient dense way is definitely going to support you, Francesca. Body wise, we can do a lot with our body to create a more spacious existence. Again, more lightness and more spaces conducive to our spiritual practice. So twists, self massage, dry brushing, movement, walking, going outside in nature; all these things are going to help you feel spiritually aligned, especially in nature. Especially for me, my daily walks, there’s a part of the walk where I’m on this dirt path for a while and it just elevates my day so much. I’m walking in silence. There’s some sunlight on my skin. I can hear the birds and I just feel really tuned in and really still, and really connected. So if your career is feeling like it’s not completely aligned, but you can still take walks, you can still take care of your body, that will bring a lot of energy into your life in all the ways, in all situations.
Kimberly: Our third cornerstone is emotional wellbeing. So I think that all the challenges that come to us do help us grow. So sitting with your feelings, journaling, processing, and witnessing. Witnessing is a really powerful practice because you start to separate your identity from your feelings and from your emotions. You can sit and watch the turbulence come up inside of you. You can watch frustration, and watch it like you’re watching a movie as separate from it. So the challenges that may come in your career right now can actually help foster more spiritual growth. You can watch and then you can start to breathe and to notice that you can, be, Francesca, and equanimity. You can stay in peacefulness no matter what’s going on in your job. That becomes a very powerful training.
Kimberly: There’s a reason you are where you are right now. Eckhart Tolle talks about the gift of this pandemic is the uncomfortableness and the tension that people were feeling, especially in the beginning of having to be in their houses and their apartments all the time and not wanting to be here, but having to be there. It brought up a lot of spiritual growth in a lot of people. Even though it was very uncomfortable at first, it’s these times of challenge that we actually go deeper and we actually have the opportunity to examine and re-examine ourselves and to work through things. So I would sit with yourself emotionally and witness what’s coming up without judgment, without necessarily wanting to change anything, but just to really notice and to take stock.
Kimberly: Then spiritually, of course, I definitely encourage you to meditate twice a day, Francesca, even if they’re not quite as long, but maybe over time, you build up the actual time. Meditate before go to work in the morning. Really anchor into that breath, anchor into your body, anchor into the light. We have free meditations on our website, which is We also have tons of free meditations on our new Solluna app, which you can find in the app store. It’s nice to have a steadiness. It’s nice to have guidance in the beginning. So if those resources call to you, check it out. Otherwise, there’s lots of other meditations out there, including from my coauthor on, “Radical Beauty,” Deepak Chopra, Eckhart Tolle. There’s just great resources now.
Kimberly: I would also meditate at the end of the day. This is the way to reset, to slough off the stress intention that may have accrued from feeling frustration at work or maybe wanting it to be a bit different. So you can meditate at the end of the day and just reconnect to that light that’s always there just waiting for you to connect with it and to breathe. And in that way, your life can be amazing. No matter if you can’t quit right now, you can’t shift, you can create tremendous spiritual growth right here, right now, even if your external circumstances may not seem as ideal. It’s the inner state, it’s the inner world that really creates your reality. We focus so much on the external and wanting to change the external, so we feel better on the inside, but it really is the opposite.
Kimberly: The inner creates the outer eventually. It starts to catch up. So by doing this work, Francesca, and working on your own self and your own vibration, your own energy, I would not be surprised if it becomes easier, the universe will bring you some kind of shift or job change, or something will shift because you’re not sitting back in unhappiness and victim mode and saying, “Oh, this sucks. I’m stuck,” but you’re actually raising your vibration. So eventually, that vibration does not match the outer circumstances. The outer circumstances must change to match, and that’s really the law of energy in the world. Yogananda talks about this quite a bit, and I’ve noticed it in my own life. So it’s really powerful when we start to shift that. This is actually related to our quote of the week. So first of all, Francesca, thank you so much, my love. Sending you lots of love and Colorado. Keep in touch with me, keep in touch with us.
Kimberly: And remember that overall to all of you Beauties, a wonderful way to raise your vibration and to affect all of your outside world is to join our Solluna circle, which is the membership portion of our app. I can’t stress enough how much I believe in investing in yourself. It’s not an overly expensive program. It’s $14.99 a month, but there is tremendous value in really focusing on these things regularly. Every day, we have daily prompts. We have audios and meditations. We do a live circle every month together where we see each other on Zoom. I believe that when we take steps to invest in ourselves… So even when I was broke, I was buying these books and I was trying to do as many online courses as I could. This was 10 years ago now, so there weren’t as many. I was also doing these little lectures in classes that I had to pay for in New York City. And it was a stretch for me.
Kimberly: But honestly, I got so much from that investment and the continued learning for myself that I don’t think I would be here where I am today had I not taken that time. So I know some times we’re like, “Another thing to pay for, another investment,” but this is different. This is investing in yourself and your energy. I promise you that in my whole heart I’m really sharing as much as I can every month to really help share the most magical recipes and the resources I have in the circle community because I have the space to do that there, and it’s very different from other places that I get to share, like this podcast, which I absolutely love and adore. But in the circle, we can do so much with those Zooms and with the membership portal on the app. So I encourage you to check it out, especially if you’re going through this topic and wanting to align yourself spiritually with your work.
Thought of the Week
Kimberly: So my quote of the week is that your internal reality creates your external reality, not the other way around. I want you to sit with that because it’s a big concept to wrap your head around. Instead of focusing, for example, on trying to make your hair look better or have the perfect makeup because you’re trying to attract that perfect boyfriend or that perfect husband, again, focusing on the external, if you focus on the internal and breathing and elevating your energy and dropping heaviness and letting the love pour through, that inner reality will attract the soulmate, instead of… Of course, we all want to look our best, but instead of just putting most of your focus on the external, putting it on the internal shapes your world. So if you’re working on the internal in this way, you’re working on your practices, you’re working on the four cornerstones; it will start to shape your external reality and your job may either line up or may shift or may drop away, and another career opportunity will come as you work on it and it becomes clear what you really want and you put your focus on.
Kimberly: So change starts from the inside. The more you work on the inside, the more powerful it becomes. So I love you very much. Thank you so much for tuning into our show today. Thank you so much for being part of our community. Sending you so much, so much, so much love and just pure bliss. I will see you back here on Monday for our next interview podcast. Until then, connect with me. I’m always here. The best ways are on Instagram for these podcast questions and also, our app. Well, actually, the app is the number one way. I’m in there every day. I admit sometimes, I prefer to be in the app with our close-knit community than sometimes on social media, but I am on there as well. So check it out. Take great care of yourself. I send you so much love, and I will see you back here very soon.