On this week’s Thursday episode of “Beauty Inside Out,” I answer four questions from listeners, readers and fans of the Beauty Detox Community. This week’s most popular question was, “Is drinking lemon water safe for your tooth enamel?” Are you curious to find out the answer? Tune in now to find out! Also remember, you can submit your questions for the show here!
– I think I have a big Ayurvedic imbalance (Vata). How do you suggest balancing it? What are your thoughts on Ayurvedic medicine? Are raw vegetables and The Glowing Green Smoothie® still advised?
– What does Kimberly think about putting a spoon full of dulse and nutritional yeast into the Glowing Green Smoothie ® (GGS)? Is that a smart thing to do? Is it Beauty Detox-friendly?
– I’ve been wondering if it’s safe for tooth enamel to drink a lot of lemon water or hot water with lemon. I know it is alkaline in the system, but I’ve heard of people losing their enamel on teeth from eating too much citrus fruits or drinking a lot of lemon. Could that really happen?
– Is it okay to take Probiotics for extended periods of times? Months? Years? Or is it more of an off and on situation? What are the benefits?
Inspirational Thought Of The Week:
Do Something Today That Your Future Self Will Thank You For
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Want to know what to expect from other episodes of the podcast, when you listen to “Beauty Inside out with Kimberly Snyder”? I talk about my knowledge, philosophies and personal experiences on a variety of topics, including on health, beauty, nutrition, yoga, spirituality and fitness. Lively discussions and interviews are infused with helpful tips and takeaways. From interviews with today’s top health, wellness and spirituality pioneers, authors, Ayurvedic and western doctors, artists and entrepreneurs to yoginis, spiritualists, and world-class vegan athletes, Beauty Inside Out is as informative as it is inspirational. My passion is to educate, inspire and empower YOU to become your most beautiful self from the inside out.
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- If you’d like to know more about The Glowing Green Smoothie® mentioned in this episode, this post shares the recipe and the major benefits of this staple Beauty Detox beverage!
- Are you curious about Probiotics? If you’d like to know more about Kimberly’s Soil Based Probiotics, this post explains in detail what SBO’s are and why they are so amazing for you.
- Besides hot water with lemon, here are a few drinks you can add into your daily routine that have major beauty benefits!
Sending all my love,