This week’s topic: How To Claim Your Self Worth, Confidence and Inner Connection in Life
Namaste loves and welcome back to our Thursday Q&A show. Today we’re gonna be talking about a very important topic because it directly affects our satisfaction in life, our fulfillment, our joy, our peace, and yes, our health. And it is how to claim your self worth, confidence and inner connection in life. And so sometimes we just go about things in a robotic way and we get into our schedules and keep plowing forward.
We don’t really take time to assess how connected we feel to ourselves and to others if we are actually enjoying our lives. Sometimes when we dig in a little deeper, we see that a lot of the action steps we’re taking,are coming from a place of…..
Topics Covered
In this conversation, Kimberly discusses the importance of claiming self-worth, confidence, and inner connection in life. She emphasizes the need to assess our level of connection to ourselves and others and to ensure that we are truly enjoying our lives. We explain why that many of our actions and thoughts come from a place of lack, and she encourages healing and tapping into our abundant wholeness. Kimberly highlights the impact of emotional well-being on overall health and the importance of spiritual well-being in feeling worthy and confident. Kimberly provides practical tips for claiming self-worth, including connecting to the heart, simplifying the diet, moving the body in nature, nurturing gut health, regulating emotions, and practicing meditation.
00:00 Introduction: Importance of Self-Worth, Confidence, and Inner Connection
06:48 The Impact of Emotional Well-Being on Overall Health
11:33 The Importance of Spiritual Well-Being in Feeling Worthy and Confident
29:16 Conclusion: Tapping into Wholeness and Spreading Heart and Love
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special discount code “KIMBERLYS” at checkout to get 15% off products.
Recipes For Your Perfectly Imperfect Life:
You Are More Than You Think You Are
Chilla Gorilla & Lanky Lemur Journey to the Heart
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A 2014 Study in the Journal of Psychological Science revealed that high self-esteem prospectively predicts success and well-being in life domains such as relationships, work, and health.
A 1998 Study in the Psychological Bullitan of This study discusses the role of positive illusions, including self-confidence, in promoting mental health and resilience in coping with stress and adversity.
A 2003 Study in the Annual Review of Psychology,discusses the psychological aspects of spirituality and religion, emphasizing how spiritual beliefs and practices contribute to inner connection, meaning-making, and well-being.
A 1995 study in the Journal of Environmental Psychology showed the restorative benefits of nature: Toward an integrative framework. Stephen Kaplan’s research on nature and psychological restoration suggests that exposure to natural environments promotes inner connection, relaxation, and well-being.
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Note: The following is the output of transcribing from an audio recording. Although the transcription is largely accurate, in some cases it is incomplete or inaccurate. This is due to inaudible passages or transcription errors. It is posted as an aid, but should not be treated as an authoritative record.
Kimberly Snyder (00:00.974)
Namaste loves and welcome back to our Thursday Q&A show. Today we’re gonna be talking about a very important topic because it directly affects our satisfaction in life, our fulfillment, our joy, our peace, and yes, our health. And it is how to claim your self worth, confidence and inner connection in life. And so sometimes we just go about things in a, I would say a robotic way, but we get into our schedule, we keep plowing forward.
And we don’t really take time to assess how connected we feel to ourselves and to others if we are actually enjoying our lives. And sometimes we can, when we dig in a little deeper, we see that a lot of the action steps we’re taking, whether that’s getting really obsessed about our diet or our bodies or always beating ourselves up, really comes from a place of lack. And we want to heal this. We want to tap into our absolute abundant.
wholeness, which is the truth of our nature. Because when we do that, we feel this incredible surge of energy. This is one of the most pure, direct sources of vitality. Doesn’t mean we fix everything overnight, but we’re not tapping in, focusing, hyper fixating on lack, not good enough, not thin enough, not pretty enough, not fit enough, not enough, not enough. And this is very draining to our vitality. This is very draining to our energy.
And as I go deeper into research around heart coherence and really how big, huge an impact our emotional wellbeing and our emotional intelligence has on our overall state of health, we realize how very important this is. This topic also ties very closely to our spiritual wellbeing cornerstone because when we are feeling whole and complete within ourselves,
We know that we are absolutely worthy and we need do nothing. We need not look a certain way to have this worth. Our worth is always intact. And so what happens is it shifts the ways in which we walk about the world. We have a different sense of magnetism. We have a different radiance. We become more attractive. It becomes far easier for us to actually manifest and create what we do want without so much efforting and trying because being confident and feeling whole is very attractive.
Kimberly Snyder (02:25.486)
So I’m very excited to get into our show today. A little reminder that you can watch me on YouTube. I’m waving to you here from my home office space, my couch here in my office, or you can continue to listen on Spotify, Apple, wherever you listen to our show. We have both options. And please, as always, head over to our show notes,, where you can download the show notes or check out the studies I’ll be talking about today, as well as other recipes and podcasts and meditations I think you would enjoy.
want to also call out that my new children’s book, which is called Chilla Gorilla and Lanky Lemur Journey to the Heart is now pre-selling on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. So check it out for yourself. This is a family-friendly, exciting, endearing, fun story about teaching your kids how to tap into the power of their hearts. And it teaches a kids-friendly version of our heart-aligned meditation, which we studied.
informal research and found a 29% in coherence, which means more clarity, focus, more lighter, peaceful thoughts, 29% increase in four weeks. So I can’t wait to share this children’s book with you and your family because the heart and the power of heart coherence has helped me and my family so much. All right. That being said, let’s get into our show today. And our question comes from
Kimberly Snyder (03:52.302)
important subject to our attention because I cannot tell you how many times I get asked or it gets opened up in a conversation as we may start talking about food or lifestyle, but then it goes down into having low self-esteem and just not feeling confident or not feeling good about ourselves. And what you write Shannon is, my work environment is dragging me down to the point of not feeling worthy and it’s crushing my confidence in all other areas of my life.
It’s time for a reboot, but I’m not sure where to even start. Can you share anything that may help me get started before I’m too damaged to care? My heart goes out to you, Shannon. I can feel the energy behind your question and that you really are aware that there’s an issue here and you’re really looking to repair this and heal this. And so I applaud you for that. And thank you so much for bringing this forward in the community. So.
You brought up a couple of things in here. Number one is our environment, and we cannot control all the different environments, but as we’ll get into after we talk about the research a little bit, it’s really important that we surround ourselves with uplifting people that are kind and compassionate. And if we’re really feeling down, it may warrant some professional support, there’s telehealth, there’s therapy, there’s lots of counselors now available. So…
We deserve to be in a supportive space that is respectful. So I just wanna say that from the top of the show, that if you find yourself in a really negative work environment, see if you can shift it, see if you can leave, see if you can talk to superior, because no one should be in that position. But there’s other parts of our life where we can control the environment much more, which will make an impact. So I’ll be talking about our takeaway tips in just a moment. First, I wanna get into some research.
The, um, this was a study in the journal of psychological science from 2014. And it revealed that high self-esteem prospectively predicts success and wellbeing in life in domains such as relationships, work and health. So it’s interesting that they’re starting to measure some of these factors, some of these things, you know, some of it’s, you know, the ancient herbs, they’re, they’re measuring Ashwagandha and, uh, curcumin and turmeric.
Kimberly Snyder (06:18.99)
And they’re measuring some of the things which feel a little bit intuitive to a lot of us. Yes, of course, if I have high self-esteem, I’m going to have more success at work. But sometimes the discerning mind likes to see that there’s actually research behind this. And so we don’t control everything in life. We don’t control everything at our job. But what we control is the inner connection, which is part of our title, our inner environment. How connected are we to our true self?
which we can access through meditation, which we can access through our hearts. And when we have a really strong connection to self, we will treat ourselves better. And other people tend to treat us much better as well, because we really wordlessly end through our words, create really healthy spaces and boundaries. And we let people know that they cannot abuse us or treat us in ways that are not okay with us.
And this was one of the things that I recently talked about on my podcast with Matthew Hussey. Please, you’ll see the link in the show notes where he’s talking about dating and love life and relationships in his new book, Love Life. And he says you teach people how they will treat you. And so sometimes it’s out of our hands, as I mentioned, if someone is a, you know, a chronically abusive person or angry person, but
we will experience more success in all these different areas and mentioned health as well, because when we are not giving our power away, there’s a real connection with our hormones, there’s a real connection with our resilience. And this is something I’ll talk about more. You’ll hear me talk about this more for many months as I gear up for these book launches and I’ll be sharing about this work around heart coherence, which I’m so passionate about sharing.
When we are connected to ourselves, there’s more of a syncing up between our hearts, our brains, our nervous systems. There’s more hormonal balance. It means that we are expending less energy on digestion, for instance. It means that our immunity grows because we are efficiently using our energy. So there’s such a connection in all of these things, which is what we talk about in the cornerstones. And that very much has to do with claiming your self-worth. A 1998 study in the Psychological Bulletin,
Kimberly Snyder (08:40.174)
found that the role of positive illusions, including self-confidence, promoted mental health and resilience in coping with stress and adversity. So positive illusions in this study has to do with, which is a funny term when we say, fake it till you make it, in a sense, meaning that we can visualize ourselves feeling healthy and confident. We can visualize really positive outcomes.
There was a book that we feature here on the podcast a couple of months ago called The Choice Point, and it was about visualizing the outcomes that you want and how that really, from a scientific research backed perspective, did change outcomes, right? So the mind is very powerful. So we can create a sense of confidence until we really feel it. We don’t wanna feel inauthentic, but we can visualize ourselves.
You know, you can breathe energy into the body. We can feel that wholeness. We can tap into it. What I like to do is I like to meditate. I like to get really still before I go into a meeting or before I speak to you here on the podcast, I get really still, which means I settle my thoughts. And all of these can be really powerful in helping us to combat stress. Because what it also is doing is it is highlighting a level of self-awareness where we’re saying, this is how I really wanna feel.
And there’s a choice here versus how I may be feeling today. So instead of getting sucked into this whole vacuum of negative, despairing, disparaging thoughts, I can shift into how I want to feel, how I want to show up. And that is true empowerment. So even if you’re not feeling like everything in your life is perfect, you can practice getting really centered before meeting, before you go to work, before you go to class.
before you go to that dinner, and you can visualize yourself as this vibrant, confident person that you want to be and start to bring that forward, start to become it. Dr. David Hawkins says that, he says, decide who you want to be and be it. Paramahansa Yogananda, the great yoga guru who brought yoga to the West says something similarly. He talks about cheerfulness and he said, if you don’t feel cheerful, push the quarter of your lips up into a smile, look in the mirror.
Kimberly Snyder (11:06.094)
Imagine yourself happy in that moment, no matter what your personal circumstances are, and you’ll start to see that you can start to bring in some of this energy. We don’t want to sit back and just be victims of circumstance. We want to take an empowered stance and say, hey, you know, feel a little down here. Here are some things I can do. I’m going to sit with this, but I also want to lift myself up. I want to feel more energized. I want to feel confident. And we start really…
embodying what that would be like in our bodies. We start to train ourselves in our nervous system to walk into a room feeling that sense so it doesn’t become so foreign. So we actually start to train ourselves into this different type of energy.
So a 2003 study in the annual review of psychology discussed the psychological aspects of spirituality, emphasizing how spiritual beliefs and practices contribute to interconnection, meaning-making, and well-being. So here at Saluna, one of our cornerstones is spiritual growth. Those of you that have been with me have heard me talk about the cornerstones many times. The other ones are food and body and emotional well-being, and they’re all critically important.
spirituality and I was speaking to a podcast guest about this recently who has a very large following. She’s created a lot of success in her career, but she was saying how she was longing for that spiritual connection because she still felt like something is missing. And I believe that’s how we are designed to be. If we are going into low self-esteem, and I know this very well, having low confidence myself for many years, it means that we are over identifying.
with the limited parts of ourselves. We are over identifying with the humanness and we are human and we have a human part of us. But we also have this incredible energy inside of us. You can call it higher self, the true self, the soul, whatever you wanna say. But when we connect through our spiritual practices, including meditation to this unlimitedness.
Kimberly Snyder (13:16.078)
that which cannot be named as the Tao Te Ching will state the ancient text from China, or again, the true self that I love to use, which was the subject of my latest book, You Are More Than You Think You Are. We realize that who we are really can’t be put into definitions and just can be described by characteristics. It is something that is so big and powerful and tapped in.
that once we nourish ourselves with that energy by connecting to it every day, ideally in meditation, we start to shift where we place our identity. Yes, we have this face and this body and this hair and things externally. And yes, we have our job titles and, you know, achievements and all this outside. But in a much, much greater sense, we are so much more than that. We are this energy on the inside.
And that energy is huge. And you don’t need to have a bunch of achievements or have a fancy job title or make a bunch of money or be in a perfect relationship or any relationship at all really, because no one has a perfect relationship to feel that deep sense of wholeness and confidence. And that is why for me, spirituality is a absolute essential part of wellness. We can be the perfect weight.
we can, so-called perfect weight, we can be really fit and work out and do all these fancy workouts and all of that. But if we’re not connected to ourselves, then we don’t have that joy, we don’t have that bliss, we don’t have that unity, that energy, that magnetism, that which, again, cannot be named je ne sais quoi, but this attractiveness, because we are meant to align with spirit. Spirit is inside of us. This energy, this intelligence that runs through all things is inside of us.
So that’s why it’s really important to take some of your day and spend time in stillness, in prayer, in breath work, in meditation, and things that connect you to the energy on the inside instead of hyper fixating on the outside.
Kimberly Snyder (15:28.846)
A 1995 study in the Journal of Environmental Psychology showed the restorative benefits of nature. And nature is something we talk about a lot here at Soluna because Soluna is really based on tapping into the power, harmonizing our lifestyle with nature. Because when we do that, we become more naturally healthy, more naturally beautiful, because nature is all powerful.
Right? Nature is beyond thinking. It’s beyond words. It’s beyond description. Talk about highest intelligence when you open up a grapefruit and you see the sectional, the little parts of the grapefruit, how beautiful the sacred geometry is. And then you see also the ways in which the trees, I’m looking out the window at some of our oak trees and we have a sequoia, how all the branches have their unique shapes without trying to compare or judge. They just are.
So immersing ourselves in nature is such a beneficial practice. In this study, again, from the Journal of Environmental Psychology, found that when we are exposed to natural elements, it promotes relaxation, well-being, and interconnection. There’s different aspects of connecting with nature. We’ve all heard about grounding. There’s also Japanese research out of Japan talking about the forest bathing impact. And just
allowing yourself to be out of thought, manmade thought. So if you live in a city, it is so worth it to take some weekend trips or to get to the park and just to get out of all the busyness and the hustle and the bustle and the buildings and everything, all the manmade entities and to go into this incredible spaciousness, right? And that is a big part of feeling the connection inside of us because there’s this aspect of awe.
And awe means, wow, I’m amazed. There’s all these things that are so much bigger than me, but at the same time, I feel deeply connected to them. So when I go on my walk every day and I’m very fortunate to live near a nature trail and I hear those birds singing and I see the snakes and I see the leaves and the flowers, I really feel so, there’s a relaxation, but there’s…
Kimberly Snyder (17:47.438)
There’s something else going on there. It’s peaceful, but it’s expansive, right? There’s this humbling that we’re part of something bigger, but there’s this empowerment because we are part of the whole, we are part of all of it. And so we can really derive a great amount of our self-worth from connecting to all of, you know, this energy that’s so much bigger than us. And it’s so much bigger, Shannon, than your work environment.
So sometimes it’s easy to get caught up in the small stuff like negativity at work, or if there’s drama, or if your boss is unkind or unconscious, or whatever it is. So that’s why it’s important to get into spaces that feel really expansive and to do that as much as we can. So those are some of the research points I wanted to hit first. And now I want to go into my talking points around this topic, which is so important.
claiming your confidence and your self-worth. So if you’re watching this right now, you’ll see that I often touch my heart. And I have come to see in the last few years in my research that the heart is really the central point in which we can connect to the true self. Yes, we connect in our third eye through our third eye meditation, both of these points, but the heart is so natural. The heart is right here. The heart is the center of our lives.
So the heart will give us messages around truth and calmness. These erratic emotions are not of the heart, they’re of the ego, right? The jealousy, the anger, the, you know, sometimes we think the sense, we think of the heart as being sentimental and over-emotional, but those are actually the mind and the ego. So when you connect to your heart, which you can do with me right now, just shift down into your heart and take some deep breaths, you start to rewire your nervous system. And this is research that I’m sharing with you.
I’m giving you a little preview for that’s in the children’s book, Chilla Gorilla, but it’s also my next adult book, which will be out in September. We create shifts in our nervous system and the communication between the heart, the brain, and the nervous system. So a lot of this smallness, feeling like I’m not enough, feeling like life is so hard, I’m so overwhelmed, it’s because the mind and the overthinking ego start to take a greater play and they start to take over and we start to buy into all this crap and all the stories and all the narratives.
Kimberly Snyder (20:08.59)
So what you wanna do in those moments is you wanna connect to your heart. You can physically place your hands over your heart. I’m talking about the physical heart and the energetic heart. And you can just start to take some deep breaths. Give yourself a break from the mind. Come down. And then you can start to bring in a heart-based emotion like appreciation, feeling what you’re grateful for, what’s amazing right now. And expand out. Go beyond the little me, right? Because low self-esteem is me, me, me. It’s very small, it’s very lack-based.
We start to be grateful for the birds and the greenery and your child’s amazing school or teacher or the healthy food that you’re able to stock in your fridge or how kind your neighbor is or your best friend or your aunt or whatever it is. We start to realize that we’ve been putting in hyper fixating so much on smallness that we’ve gotten caught up in it a bit and it’s time to go wider and deeper and farther. So the very first thing when I feel those insecure thoughts.
is that I stop and I recognize that my mind is playing tricks on me. I’m starting to go into that whirlwind of thoughts. So I exit the mind completely. I go to a different place. I go to my heart. And I take some deep breaths. And this alone starts to help me tap into that expansive place of wholeness that is the truth of all of our nature. This is the core of who we are. This is your true self. You are expansive and amazing and whole.
it full of lack, not this, you know, it’s the insecure thoughts that are the problem, not you. So you want to break all that first of all, by going into your heart. What I like to do is I like to start the day in my heart and I’m going to be putting up more tracks for our Chilla Gorilla book. There’s going to be meditation tracks that go with this for kids and family, but one of them is morning time, right? And there’s a bedtime one as well, but in the morning we can start connected to our heart.
And then we can walk around the day in practicing random acts of kindness, smiling at others, holding the door open, being extra kind to the barista, being thankful for our teacher, for you to teach us to your children, or for your coworkers, or whoever you come in contact with. And this also starts to build confidence inside of you, because now your confidence isn’t just derived from
Kimberly Snyder (22:35.47)
how many followers you have or how much attention you get from a TikTok post, but rather how kind and loving you are, your values. So when you’re resting your self-worth on this inner energy and also who you are as a person, your confidence is not up for grabs. Your confidence becomes more and more impenetrable. So it is very important that we start to live the ideals. We start to live our…
heart-based ideals and values of who we want to be day to day. And that is so empowering. And then that starts to grow in your life. So we’re still going to care about our parents and our jobs and things like that. But it starts to at least become more balanced, just like we’re balancing the cornerstones towards these deeper values inside of you.
The next thing that I want to talk about is really supporting yourself through the four cornerstones. When we feel this stability, which comes from the cornerstone, so again, the cornerstones are there to create a steady structure which supports the whole you. So the cornerstones are this, you know, you think of a rectangle or square, and when these are intact, they meld into, imagine a bigger circle around them, this wholeness, this really supportive energy that is always…
there to get you through the tough times, to get you through the insecure thoughts, to create more resilience. If you happen to gain a few pounds, you don’t put your whole self-worth in your thighs or in your little bit of belly fat. It’s okay. This isn’t the end of the world. So what we want to do is we really want to create that structure. We want to reinforce to ourselves, first of all, that we are worth eating healthy food, healthy and accessible, simple, delicious foods.
My two favorite categories are smoothies and soups. These are the basis of my diet. I have the Glowing Green Smoothie, I have the Power Protein Smoothie, and I make a lot of soup for dinner with my family because first of all, it’s practical. I love to throw things in a pot and cook. Number two, digest really well. Number three, it feels really nourishing and it’s just an easy way to get a lot of nutrients in and it’s accessible. I’m a huge fan of one pot meals.
Kimberly Snyder (24:56.718)
Same thing with a smoothie. You throw the amazing ingredients into the blender and it predigests the food so that it is able to be assimilated into your body. And don’t use too many ingredients at once. We are a fan of less ingredients, which equals more vitality. I’m not a big fan of smoothies that have like 15 different ingredients or greens powders that have dozens and dozens of ingredients. The body is meant to really…
function on a few ingredients and an efficacious amount of each one. So simplify your diet. And if you’re looking for support, we have thousands now, I think, at least hundreds of recipes over for you at So the next part is your body. We talked about going in nature, being in nature, move your body in nature, get the circulation going, get the sweat going, breathe deeply into the nature, whether that’s walking, hiking, biking,
Go hiking with a friend instead of being in the gym all the time. It’s a wonderful practice to get outside and just get your body moving. And also we want to really nourish our gut health, which has a direct impact on our moods, of course, the gut brain and, um, the vagus nerve, all of this is really important, so please continue to take your SBO saloon or probiotics every day. This amazing formula connects us back to nature and it’s clinically researched and it is highly.
Next thing is emotional wellbeing. So I mentioned that practice of coming into your heart. And I would do that when you start to feel big emotions arise. So this is one of the things that Chilla Gorilla, one of the main characters in our children’s book, who’s based on my husband, John, teaches Lanky Lemur, who’s based on her oldest son, Emerson. He says, come back to this anchor in the heart. Sensations will pass. Big emotions will pass.
So come into that place, as I mentioned, and just breathe into your heart. Let things calm down. Part of emotional wellness and intelligence means we don’t get swept up into identifying. We don’t want to go down the rabbit hole of thinking, believing the thoughts, especially when they’re really negative. Instead of saying, oh, these have been prompted by emotional memories and my amygdala, I’m really triggered right now, I’m reactive. Let me not take my thoughts so seriously. Let me…
Kimberly Snyder (27:21.39)
Find a way to calm myself, as I mentioned, with the heart-based practices, and so that my emotions can wash through me. They are just energy and motion. They are sensations. And then when I become regulated, then I can move forward and take clear, calm action steps. And then spiritually, we are going to be putting up the Heart Aligned Meditation, our evidence-based meditation here in a short while. We have the tracks going up that go along with the Chilla Gorilla book.
Um, and I’ll mention this as well. I would love to do this meditation with you and your family live. If you pre-order Chilla, you can upload your receipt and you’ll be invited into our free conference. This is all going live next week. So if you do pre-order the book, keep your receipt and I would love to walk you through this and see you and you can ask me questions live. It’s going to be very exciting. So the reason that meditation is so important, whichever type of meditation you practice is that it puts us into that.
place of wholeness and expansiveness, where we are able to go beyond the smallness and the limitedness and the thoughts. And this is where the magic is. This is where health is. This is where true confidence is. That I am that I am. I am this energy. I am not woman or man or non-binary or, you know, black, haired or short, tall.
blue-eyed, brown-eyed, you know, author, mother, with all these titles and characteristics, yes, on the surface, but underneath that, I am this, I am this energy. And you can’t read about it to get it. You can read about ways to help you tap into it, but ultimately it’s you that needs to make that choice to sit in practice, to sit in meditation, and to experience.
the truth of your nature. So my meditation is so emphasized in the traditional yoga practices from Yogananda, his teacher, Swami Sri Yukteswar, because there’s no other way unless we really experience that through living this lifestyle. And the meditations don’t have to be super long, but you wanna make space for that stillness where it’s not just.
Kimberly Snyder (29:41.518)
You know, the TV blaring all day and music playing and talking to people endlessly, but you wanna have that time to connect. If we don’t have that time to connect, then that’s when we start to feel very lost and confused. So it’s so important. So the Four Cornerstones lifestyle is key, connecting to your heart. And the next part is finding that supportive group around you, making sure that you pay attention to your environment. Shannon mentioned at work, it’s maybe not so supportive. So make sure that you’re surrounding yourself with supportive friends.
who’s ever coming into your online feeds, your online communities are supportive. And as I mentioned, you can reach out for telehealth or counseling and have professional help support if that also will help you. It is so key that we have supportive people around us because that can, especially if we’re going through a little bit of a tough time, that can either help to lift us up or drag us down. Everybody’s energy affects everyone else.
Everybody’s electromagnetic frequencies are interacting, and this has been measured in science. So we want very much to be aware and discerning and mindful of who is around us, who we are choosing to spend our time with.
So those are my main points here, and I want to really focus on these today. Talking about tapping into confidence, tapping into true self worth, inner connection, connect to your heart. This is who you are. This is a gateway to your true self. So calm yourself when big sensations come and insecure thoughts, feel this power inside of yourself. We all know how powerful and strong love feels.
That’s part of, that’s one of the heart-based emotions. When you feel deep care or compassion. So you can tap into something like appreciation more easily when you’re triggered. Just look around the room or calm yourself and think of some things you’re grateful for and appreciative for to move back into your wholeness. Take time to nurture yourself in all four cornerstones. Healthy food, lots of plants, fiber, and antioxidants and nutrition.
Kimberly Snyder (31:54.062)
and move your body, exercise, go out in nature. Nature is powerful and potent and has many messages for us, silent messages that we can absorb. Also make sure you’re taking care of your gut health. Gut health is huge, huge part of body, mind, spirit, wellbeing. So please continue to take your SBO probiotics and your detoxi, so on and so forth. We have lots of information about that on our Saluna page, Emotional wellbeing.
Calm yourself, regulate yourself, find your heart to be the anchor through big emotions so that you don’t go down the rabbit hole of buying into the narratives, buying into these BS thoughts like you’re not enough and you’re not good enough. The thoughts are the problem, the ego is the problem, not you. You are amazing, you are whole, you are a unique, true self being. So we need to feel that energy in order to permanently.
sustained confidence, which is not reliant on what other people think. And it’s not reliant on what we look like, which will shift and change. It’s not reliant on the ups and downs and the challenges in life. We need to find a deeper anchor and that deeper anchor is in the heart. And spiritually to find space for stillness and meditation, because that will help to really bring you into that experience of tapping into your wholeness. So I hope
that this benefits you. Please join our newsletter if you haven’t already because I will be announcing when we put our evidence-based guided meditation tracks up for the Heart Aligned Meditation, which are gonna be less than eight minutes. So this is very accessible. And also to pre-order Chilla Gorilla, Lanky Leigh Moore, Journey to the Heart, adult, child, family. I think this book is amazing for everyone. And I will also have another adult book coming out in September.
Please check out the show notes as always on We’ll link to some of this research if you are interested in reading about it more, plus some of the other resources I mentioned and other shows. Thank you so much for being part of our community. I’m here for you always. Please ask questions. Please share the show with anyone else that you think would benefit. Our sincere intention with the show is to spread heart and love and empowerment and health. So please help be part of the movement. I send you all my heart and all my love.
Kimberly Snyder (34:18.606)
And we’ll be back here Monday as usual for our next interview show. Till then take great care and much love.