Following a long list of flashy buzzword predecessors- low-fat, antioxidant-rich, whole grain, sugar-free, to name a few- protein (yes plain ‘ol protein!) has been thrust into the media as the uncontested, current “it” word in the wild world of food marketing.
Yahoo! Finance says that by simply tacking up the word on packaging alone is helping to sell bars, drinks, and cereals for General Mills Inc, and countless other companies.
Brands are throwing the word “protein” on labels like it’s glitter, a shiny attractive label that so many are falling for, thinking that by seeing that included on the label is basis alone they are making a healthier choice.
Food Navigator USA uses Greek yogurt as an example of protein’s growing popularity. Greek yogurt has more protein than regular yogurt and it’s successfully marketed toward women, men, and even children (though the fact that it’s Greek yogurt–not just yogurt with “2X the protein”–isn’t obvious at first glance), but if you’re familiar with the Beauty Detox philosophy, you know exactly why using Greek yogurt—or any dairy product—as a source of protein is a bad idea. Talk about draining your Beauty Energy in an attempt to build a better, more toned body.
Doing so will have adverse affects for your digestion (like cause inflammation of your body) and imbalance your whole body, which is an interconnected system. In the end you won’t get the lasting, excellent results of what you were going for.
According to Mintel, “introductions of foods and drinks making a high protein claim are almost three times higher in the US than anywhere else in the world, accounting for 19% of global new product launches in 2012.” We can thank the low-carb, high-protein diet craze for that.
More Isn’t Better
There is currently a super scary “more is better” mentality associated with the macronutrient or protein. Processed, protein-laden snacks, meal replacements, and sometimes even meals themselves, like certain breakfast cereals, are viewed as healthy choices.
In reality, they’re far from it. Besides, girls and women ages 14-70+ only need about 46 grams of protein per day and men need 52 to 56 grams, according to the Institute of Medicine.
By embracing the protein trend and picking up bars, cereals, shakes, and other products that contain extra protein, there’s a good chance you’ll get too much protein in your diet.
They’re seeking these out for help losing weight, gaining muscle, and feeling fuller for longer periods of time. They don’t understand that maintaining a healthy diet full of Beauty Foods (and stepping away from the packaged, processed foods altogether!), ensures that they’re already consuming enough protein.
If you’re following the Beauty Detox lifestyle and have a variety of fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, and whole grains, you don’t really need the extra grams of protein to have a lean body or to feel full, and you definitely don’t need the types they’re usually offering.
According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, “eating a good variety of plant-based protein throughout the day will provide all of the essential amino acids your body needs.”
The added protein in these could actually have negative effects on your health- including leave acidic residue that ages and weighs down your body and digestion.
So What’s Really in Those Products Touting Extra Protein?
There are better ways to add protein to your diet than consuming soy!
Unless you’re looking to Greek yogurt for extra protein, something I would never recommend, (mainly because the high levels of casein, a protein found in dairy products and present in Greek yogurt, has been repeatedly linked to the promotion of cancer), there’s a good chance those packaged foods that advertise extra protein on the front have added whey protein (more dairy) or soy protein isolate powder.
Whey is out because it’s dairy, but processed soy products are also a terrible option.
Soy protein is plant-based, yes, but it’s still far from a Beauty Food. Soy is one of the top allergenic foods in the country and tends to be heavily sprayed with pesticides.
Not only that, but most soy in the United States is genetically modified, which devastates any level of nutrients the soy may have had in the first place.
Soy contains trypsin inhibitors which make it harder for you to digest protein and reduce amino acid uptake.
The phytic acid found in soy prevents your body from absorbing minerals, and the phytoestrogens can cause hormonal problems. Soy protein isolate products are highly processed, and I consider them a disaster.
Sorry to be harsh, but I simply am with this stuff. I care too much. By consuming packaged products that contain it, you’re wreaking havoc on your body, not increasing your Beauty Energy. I want you to feel and be your best.
This is why I forbid my clients to eat commercial protein bars. You won’t stay youthful and beautiful for long if you keep gobbling up those things! So next time you’re tempted to throw some “easy” Think Thin bars in your grocery cart….just don’t. Make a Power Protein shake instead (more coming up).
Post-Workout Proteins
If you want to add extra protein and get the most out of your day, try making the Power Protein Smoothie in a Vitamix blender, is hemp. Hemp seeds are a top Beauty Food and can even be added to salads if you choose not to go the hemp powder and smoothie route.
In addition to averaging 11 grams of protein per three tablespoons, you’ll get an omega-6 called gamma-linoleic acid (GLA), which promotes a healthy metabolism, burns fat, and helps you get that toned, beautiful body most people are after when they consume products that advertise extra protein.
Hemp seeds also balance the hormones, promote healthy skin, hair and nails, and act as an anti-inflammatory. This smoothie is perfect after a tough workout.
Other great choices include protein powders or products made from sprouts, a very alkaline food, or brown rice.
The Dangers of Consuming Too Much Protein
When you stock up on those pre-packaged products with extra protein added, you can quickly surpass your daily protein needs by quite a bit. That puts you at risk for reduced kidney function if you have pre-existing kidney problems.
According to Medline Plus, too much protein can also contribute to severe liver problems, like hepatic encephalopathy, which reduces the liver’s ability to transform the ammonia released as a byproduct of protein digestion into a harmless substance.
When the kidneys and liver can’t function smoothly, that contributes to even more toxicity in the body, and ultimately more sickness.
Too much protein, especially when that amount includes animal and dairy protein, is also extremely acidic and has an aging effect on the body. This is what I see people time and time again not really understanding…you don’t have to overeat any one macronutrient to look good! In fact, it has quite a detrimental effect.
I see lots of people that look older than their chronological age, and I know it doesn’t have to be that way. Balance is the key. And it can be reversed, in many cases, when you change your diet. I’ve seen people’s skin and bodies become soft and healthy.
Metabolizing animal products creates acidity, and in an effort to neutralize itself, the body begins taking calcium compounds from the bones. There’s nothing sexy or strong about osteoporosis.
Other possible complications with a high-protein diet include: constipation, bad breath, headaches, heart arrhythmias and more.
When you eat a balanced, whole-food diet, there’s no need to succumb to the marketing hype regarding high-protein foods, especially not when the protein comes from processed, highly refined soy or dairy and is delivered via processed foods. Stop eating that crap.
All of those things go against everything the Beauty Detox plan teaches and will leave you looking less vibrant and feeling worse than ever. To have a strong, toned, beautiful body that ages well, you do not need to consume packaged products with added protein. Quite the opposite.
Some of the best Beauty Foods that contain substantial amounts of protein include:
- Raw nuts and seeds, including almonds, Brazil nuts, chia seeds, walnuts, sunflower seeds, and sesame seeds
- Chlorella and spirulina (good for athletes!)
- Legumes and beans
- Broccoli (11.2 grams per 100 calories)
- Romaine lettuce (11.6 grams per 100 calories)
Some of my favorite Beauty Detox dishes that contain plenty of plant-based protein include:
- Warm Mushroom and Brown Rice Arugula Salad
- Millet “Couscous” Salad
- Raw Chickpea-free Hummus (Pair this with veggies for a great post-workout snack!)
Don’t fall for the hype. Leave those chalky and acid-forming products on the shelf and enjoy a delicious diet of real food, filled with just the right amount of protein that nature intended.
What about edamame? seems like a perfect plant based way to get protein.
Kimberly, I read your first beauty detox food, and I have to say I was blown away from all the amazing information! I was shocked to see how little I knew and how much there is to understand when putting foods in our body. Here’s the thing I wanted to ask you…. a lot of the foods on there are very hard to find. When one works, has kids in sports and is constantly on the go, how and where do you find these foods? I have a trader joe’s nearby which did not have even 50% of the items and sprouts, same thing. The only one that came close was whole foods, but still, there were quite a few items that I couldn’t find…. What is your suggestion on this? Is your new book a little more shopping friendly? I’d love to buy it! <3 Thanks Kimberly.
I love all the info that you have on this site and I am an email subscriber AND I bought the beauty detox book and am loving incorporating the changes into my lifestyle…. So thank you for all you do Kimberly!! HOWEVER, and this note would probably go to your webmaster, every time I click the link in my email to read your latest blog I get bombarded with pop up windows asking me to sign up, join this program, watch this video. Its extremely annoying and ultimately distracts me from what I wanted to read about in the first place. And I’m already a subscriber!! It should know from the email link! I think you have a lot of wonderful things to share, but no one wants to feel blasted by marketing at every turn. I hope you are able to diminish these so the site experience is more enjoyable! Thank you. Jennifer
Hey! Thanks for the great post! I am a competitive bodybuilder in the bikini category, and am trying to figure out a way to incorporate your teachings into my training/diet. Any suggestions? My trainer requires me to eat so much protein and no fruits, sugars, or breads while training. Would love to hear any of your suggestions!!
Thanks Kim :)
Hi! Not sure if you will receive this reply but I am doing a lot of research on this subject as well. Have you designed a good meal plan for your goals that follows beauty detox? I too am having that same problem at the gym with my trainer as well!!!! There must be a way to design a meal plan that is high protein but completely plant based. Let me know if we can connect and share ideas:)
Thank you very much for sharing this important article, Kimberly.
Any suggestions for an 8 month old baby? How much protein should they be getting? and just from fruits and veggies?
Hi Kimberly!
Over the past 6-8 months I have been experiencing symptoms such as shakiness, nervousness, trouble concentrating, and exhaustion. I eat very little meat and dairy and have been this way for about 2 years. I saw a chiropractor who said I wasn’t getting enough protein – but protein in various forms, so that it was able to build the protein block. She said I would need animal protein. I’ve noticed that as soon as I start getting shaky, peanut butter is magical. I know you avoid peanut butter, so I’m just confused. How do you form complete protein without eating meat?
Your advice means the world!! Thank you!!
Hi Jaymee,
I starting following a vegan lifestyle and about 8 months into it noticed some of the same issues that you describe. I do not think you must have animal protein. I do believe that physical symptoms can be a part of the detox process.
I was recommended to take sub lingual (under the tongue) vitamin B complex as there are certain amino acid chains that are found in animal products that are not found in plant foods. Are you getting a well-rounded diet? Juicing, making organic plant smoothies? Be sure you get a well-rounded plant-based diet and also consider magnesium supplements or eat more foods rich in magnesium. This can be responsible for poor muscle and nerve function which are related to your physical symptoms. I hope I’ve helped you some and I too, would love to hear Kimberly’s response to this.
Some great insight here on protein! There are many great ways in spinach quinoa lentils and beans that are great sources if protein. However that being said, What about whole foods and trader joes organic non gmo tofu?
I recently had two knee surgeries and lost a ton of weight in my left leg and all over because I couldn’t walk on my own for about 10 months. I’ve been trying to get back to a healthy weight, I read your first book during my recovery and I’m juicing, eating healthy and in the gym about 6 days a week. My metabolism works really fast. I’m 30 years old, 5’6 and weigh 115lbs.
I recently bought the Trader Joe’s Whey Protein Power with Vitamins because I thought it would be better for me because it doesn’t have an extrememly high protein count and it has 21 vitamins and minerals. I drink the chocolate flavor with Chocolate Almond Milk…Is this a poor choice? Both of my parents have been diagnosed with Cancer and I am living a very disciplined life right now to break the curse and be healthy. Would the organic hemp protein powder be a better alternative?
I just wanted to see if you would have the time to help me out. My parents are now cancer free and always ask me for health advise and I would hate to advise them to drink this protein if it can harm them. I live in in Los Angles, but they live in the midwest and unfortunately, healthy food is not easily accessible as it is here, so I want to help them as best I can.
Hopefully you will have the time to respond.
Thank you.
Also Kimberly the issue with Protein is found in the book ” The China Study” by Colin Campbell. In this book ithe Campbells talk at length about experience as doctors and seeing patients as well as an on-going study in China and Taiwan and the affects of protein… mostly they discuss dairy, but protein nevertheless. Casein and other things in protein, and how this makes cancers and other diseases flourish. Read it for yourself, or even see what other people have said about the book. A must read.
Thank you for all the good information! I have a question about the large amount of protein recommended for pregnancy (brewers diet). Can we still follow your beauty plan when pregnant and get the right protein?
First, I want to tell you that I love your website and advice. Except when it comes to soy. Although some people may have allergies to soy, not all do. I love my tofu, edemame, tempeh, soynuts (roasted without oil), soymilk and soy yogurt. It is not hard to find non-gmo (non genetically modified) and organic soy products, and soy beans, if someone wants to eat them or make their own soymilk and products. Organic and non-gmo costs just a little more, but well worth it. It is stated on the side of the cartons of soymilk and cartons of tofu. I am a female in my 50s, but I do workout with weights and also am very active, and I find for myself that I need the little extra protein that I get from my soy products, while still allowing me to eat a clean diet of fruits, veggies, legumes, grains and very small amounts of organic meat a couple times a week. I just wish you did not blast all soy as being “bad”, making it sound like it is all sprayed with pesticide and gmo, which really is not the case. As you state, most of it is, but by reading labels and only purchasing organic and non-gmo products we can keep the poisons out of our bodies. Other than that, you do have a terrific website with wonderful and encouraging information. Keep up the good work. Thank you.
Need a substitute for nutritional yeast..allergic!
Can I use the greens from my kolrobi in my garden in place of kale in my GGS?
Do you have any suggested recipes for kolrobi?
Good information. Thank you and I will pass this on to my children.
Thanks, for the information because I want to look healthy,and have lots of energy to keep up with my son,and my job.
What are your thoughts on Pea protein powders? Are they healthy to use or just sound healthy?
Fantastic blog. Thank you so much. I never really eat protein bars or shakes, but definitely enjoy eating meat. This has been so helpful! I always love your blogs.
Hi Kim,
The smoothie with Chia seeds looks great, I am confused about whether I have to soak the Chia seeds first or not. Any advice?
Hi! I saw your post and i think I can help. You can soak them before, but i like to make the smoothie with them in first and let it sit in the fridge for 15-20 minutes for the seeds to swell.
Hope this Helps
I absolutely agree with your philosophy. I think you can get everything you need from a plant based diet. Though I do eat animal protein from time to time, I think I could actually live without it. Wish I could convince my husband of that! Anyway, I feel truly blessed to have found your book. It has saved my life! You and Suzanne Somers, that is! :)
Thank you Dr. Snyder.
I eat 3 eggs a day, is it too much?
Honey she’s definitely not a doctor!
Interesting article. I purchased your book, I have read some of it. I recently switch to a diet resembling the paleo diet. I only have one serving if fruit per day. If I its lusted in your book and just haven’t come across it yet forgive me; but I have not seen any information stating how too much fruit can be bad for you. I’ve read another book (cure tooth decay) and a couple various blogs that state this. Do you know if there is any truth to this statement?
Hi Kimberly! Does this also include plant protein like Plant Fusion that is non allergenic vegan plant protein combination (without soy)? I’ve been working out and for my 5’2″ 115lb frame most websites claim I need 80g of protein a day, 20g each meal or I’ll lose muscle.
My daughter sent me this article. she follows your blog. This is very eye opening. I am the Greek yogurt queen. I am post menopausal and have had such a hard time with middle weight gain. I thought I was doing good. It seems all the foods I thought were fat fighting are contributing to my weight battle. Consider me a follower of your blog as well.
Thank you for the helpful insight :)
Thankyou Kimmy you have improved my life ten fold. I am helping my friends by buying them youre books, Much live from Bondi!
What is your take on the brand “RAW” Protein ans meal replacement powders for bodybuilders
How much protein is recommended for athletes or people who excersize 2 hours per day? I normally eat a fair amount of organic chicken and wild canned salmon and am very trim and fit. I don’t want to be eating too much animal protein but need to make sure I am getting enough food to sustain me throughout the day. I am also gluten and dairy free…
i was told by my trainer to consume 122 grams of protein.. is this incorrect?
I guess it depends on the amount of work out you do. I run a minimum of 6 miles a day during the week. So when you calculate a 50% carbs, 25% fats and 25% proteins I need roughly 87g of proteins. This is achievable on a plant based diet. My GGS gave me 10g of proteins (recipe as it is) and my chia smoothie with hemp powder and almond gave me 15g of protein. I will eat some brown rice tonight and have a kale salad following Kimberly’s recipes and I should get 29g of protein. My lunch salad contained 24g of protein. So this thing called protein is so doable with plant based sources. I feel very full all the time and not so bloated or sleepy anymore :)
perhaps. depends how much you weigh. i’m 75kg and try to hit about 150-180g per day. that means 2g per kg of bodyweight. i may actually change it to 1.5/kg and see what happens. i train cardio and weights 5-6 times a week so might be too little. and i eat paleo style/low carbs higher fats.
also not mentioned anywhere is the connection between excess protein and the issues with the hormone aldosterone which can cause water retention.
i used to WAY over eat protein on top of excess carbs and i gained fat easily and was very soft and watery looking. did this for years and could not figure out what was going on and why.
since adjusting my protein levels, carb intake and increasing my intake of healthy fats made a dramatic difference. i have some seroius osteoarthritic problems now at the age of 33 which i think can be put down to having such a stupidly high excess protein intake, heavy training with bad posture and form, chicken, tuna and rice orientated diets and smashing my body so hard in the gym for years. (had been bodybuilding since i was 21.) now i’m in a battle to save my joints and tendons which have seriously degraded.
I am curious to find out what blog platform you are
utilizing? I’m experiencing some small security problems with my latest site and I would like to find something more risk-free. Do you have any suggestions?
Hi. I am a 19 year old guy who has recently joined body building. Kimberley’s principles are very enlightening. To have a healthy body from inside , macros are not the only thing that should be taken care of. However, what do I do if i want to take my body building and inner health and clarity of skin hand in hand?
I have cut the dairy out of the way, and minimized the animal protein, but due to this, I have lost lot of muscle gains. Please help me! Since whey protein is a by product of dairy , is it a bad idea too?
Lets have some detox solutions for men who wanna stay reasonably ripped at the same time.!!
I hope anyone who reads above looks into this themselves and if you are working out you don’t just use so little protein, you need a good protein and not cheap protein but the idea you only need 50 grams for men is crazy at best. You need 1.5 Grams times your Good Body Weight and you are not going to get 50 grams of protein because you would have to be less than 50 pounds, if you allow yourself that little amount you could lose lot of muscle. If anything you are lacking so much Protien that you are wasting away and not even know it.
Wow! At last I got a webpage from where I know how to in fact take valuable information regarding my study and knowledge.
Hi Kimberly,
I recently have been incorporating the vegan lifestyle into my diet and recently starting drinking smoothies using the vegan protein powder from Arbonne which derives it’s protein from peas, cranberries and other plant based foods. How does this fit into the Beauty Detox plan? All the ingredients are plant based and. Egan so would you still recommend against using this protein powder? Thanks for all the great info on your blog, I love it! You have really been helping me through my transition into a vegan diet.
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Continue blending until the mixture becomes smooth. It is also less expensive than some other meat types,
which saves you money on your family food budget.
Place the dried beans in a large pot or bowl and cover completely
with cold water.
Link about protein vegan sources:
men need 52 to 56 grams, according to the Institute of Medicine.
Would that be for the Auschwitz Prisoner physique I’ve been hearing about lately? Please clarify…
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