In today’s VLOG I am excited to share with you Pesticides In Your Produce and how to best utilize your budget!
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Hey Beauties,
Today I want to talk about pesticides in produce and how you can best utilize your budget for the best good for you and your family. We know that we want to avoid pesticides.
The cumulative long-term effects of pesticides can affect everything from our endocrine system to creating inflammation in our body. They affect our health and wellness and beauty overall.
I love working with the EWG, which is the Environmental Working Group, and every year they put out a list of the Dirty Dozen and the Clean 15. The Dirty Dozen is the list of produce that we definitely want to purchase organic.
Even if we have a limited budget, we really want to either buy these foods organic or choose an alternative to these foods because they have so many pesticides entrenched in them.
The Environmental Working Group does their tests after the fruit has been washed and peeled, which I think is really important to know. And then the Clean 15 are the items that if we have a limited budget, we can get these non-organic and put more of the budget towards the Dirty Dozen. It’s really a helpful list to know.
These are the new findings from 2018. In descending order, the Dirty Dozen are; strawberries, spinach, nectarines, apples, grapes, peaches, cherries, pears, tomato, celery, potatoes and sweet bell peppers.
You will see that we have apple, pears and celery, which are a couple of things from our GGS recipe on the Dirty Dozen list.
Again, if you can get these items organic, that is very beneficial. If you can’t get organic strawberries at the market, for instance, I recommend you just don’t get them. You can get blueberries instead or raspberries.
If I’m at a restaurant and I know that the spinach salad isn’t organic, I’m probably going to choose a romaine salad or something different. You can take this information and make it work for you in your life. It’s just good information to know.
Now I’m going to read to you the Clean 15, so here it is; avocados, sweet corn, pineapples, cabbages, onions, frozen sweet peas, papayas, asparagus, mangoes, eggplants, honeydews, kiwis, cantaloupes, cauliflower and broccoli.
This is really great to know because sometimes when you go in the grocery store, you’ll see that the organic avocados are sometimes a dollar more than regular avocados, and they’re number one on the Clean 15 list.
This plant doesn’t require a lot of pesticides for some reason, and what that means is you could take that extra dollar and get conventional avocados.
Again, if budget is an issue, ideally, we would get all organic, but you could take that extra dollar and put it towards getting the organic spinach or the organic strawberry. If you guys want to check out more, you can go to
Another thing to note is that if you consume hot peppers regularly, they also recommend having organic. Even though it didn’t make the top Clean 15 or the top Dirty Dozen list, it was super important.
I hope this has been helpful to you. We want to use our budget and our energy as wisely as possible to protect our health and our family’s health.
I will see you soon Beauties. Take care. Till then, shop wisely and lots of love.