Topic: Creating Youthful Vitality with the Hormone DHEA
Hi everyone and welcome back to our Thursday Q &A show. I hope you’re having a lovely day. Thank you so much for tuning in to be with us here today. Our topic is around the hormone DHEA and how to create youthful vitality. I’ll talk about some, shall we say, non-mainstream ways to elevate your DHEA and to feel more of this youthful vitality, which I believe is our birthright, and that we can start to really foster and elevate no matter what our biological age is. So this is a show about elevating your life force, feeling great in your life and some really practical tips and tools and strategies to do so such as…..
Episode Summary:
In this episode, Kimberly Snyder explores the hormone DHA and its connection to youthful vitality. She discusses the importance of understanding vitality as a life force rather than just energy, and how DHEA plays a crucial role in overall health. Kimberly shares practical lifestyle practices, including meditation, nutrition, and stress management, that can help elevate DHA levels and enhance vitality. She emphasizes the significance of variety in diet and the benefits of physical movement, particularly walking in nature, for maintaining hormonal balance and overall well-being. The conversation concludes with personal reflections on the journey towards achieving a vibrant and fulfilling life.
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Episode Chapters
00:00 Introduction to DHEA and Vitality
02:20 Understanding Vitality vs. Energy
06:03 The Role of DHEA in Health
10:45 Lifestyle Practices for Elevating DHEA
12:54 The Importance of Nutrition and Variety
22:42 Managing Stress and Cortisol Levels
26:27 Physical Movement and Stretching for Vitality
30:14 Conclusion and Personal Reflections
- Glowing Greens Powder™
- Feel Good SBO Probiotics
- Feel Good Detoxy
- Feel Good Digestive Enzymes
- Feel Good Starter Kit
- Feel Good Skincare
- Chilla Gorilla & Lanky Lemur Journey to the Heart
- The Beauty Detox Solution
- Beauty Detox Foods
- Beauty Detox Power
- Radical Beauty
- Recipes For Your Perfectly Imperfect Life
- You Are More Than You Think You Are
- How to Believe in Your Self Worth with Jamie Kern Lima [Episode 907]
- How to Raise Your Standards In Your Love Life with Matthew Hussey [Episode 883]
- How to Eat to Beat Your Diet with New York Times best selling author Dr. William Li [Epsiode 913]
- The issues with consuming vegetable and seed oils with Dr. Catherine Shanahan [Episode #899]
- How the Power Foods Diet helps with Weight Loss with Dr. Neal Barnard [Episode #877]
- How Not to Age with New York Times best-selling author Dr. Michael Greger [Episode #873]
- How to eat to reduce anxiety with Harvard nutritional psychiatrist Dr. Uma Naidoo [Episode #867]
- How to Optimize Your Metabolic Health with Dr. Casey Means [Episode 889]
A comprehensive review in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology found that modifiable lifestyle factors—such as diet, stress management, and sleep quality play a critical role in modulating the onset and progression of skin disease.
A 15-year study in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology in 2021 examined the relationship between dietary antioxidant intake and skin aging caused by sun exposure. The findings indicated that a diet rich in antioxidants may mitigate photoaging, highlighting the protective role of these compounds against UV-induced skin damage.
A 2024 study in the Journal of Foods found that traditional fermented foods are abundant in antioxidants like polyphenols and isoflavones. These compounds combat oxidative stress, a major factor in aging, and enhance the bioavailability of essential nutrients, contributing to improved skin health and vitality
A 2024 multi-center trial study in the The Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology evaluated a serum containing plant-based adaptogens and found improvements in dullness, texture, pore size, uneven pigmentation, skin quality and photodamage. The study suggests that adaptogens can bolster the skin’s ability to adapt to internal and external stressors, promoting homeostasis and resilience.
A 2018 study in the Journal of Microbiology highlighted the gut microbiome’s contribution to host homeostasis, allostasis, and the pathogenesis of disease. The study also found that with intentional modulation of the microbiome, probiotics, prebiotics, and synbiotics proved to be beneficial in the prevention and/or treatment of inflammatory skin diseases including acne vulgaris, AD, and psoriasis.
A 2023 Study in the Journal of Nutrients investigated how probiotic interventions have been proposed to improve skin health by modulating the gut microbiome. The study indicated that certain probiotics can positively affect skin conditions, potentially by reducing inflammation and supporting skin barrier function.
A 2024 Study in the Journal of Microbiology linked gut health and imbalances in gut microbiota with the exacerbation of rosacea symptoms. Addressing gut health through dietary changes and probiotics provided therapeutic benefits for such conditions.
A 2022 Study in the Journal of Acta Biomaterialia suggested that especially sericin, have a unique film-forming ability that helps retain skin moisture. By creating a thin, breathable layer on the skin’s surface, sericin reduces transepidermal water loss, leading to improved hydration and a smoother complexion.
A 2001 Study in the Journal of Cosmetology found that psychological stress can disrupt the epidermal barrier (the top layer of the skin) that locks in moisture and protects us from harmful microbes and prolong its repair, according to clinical studies in healthy people.
A 2023 study in the journal of british dermatologists involving 60 healthy women categorized as poor-quality sleepers (averaging 5 hours of sleep per night) and good-quality sleepers (averaging 8 hours) utilized the SCINEXA (SCore for INtrinsic and EXtrinsic skin Aging) metric. Results indicated that insufficient sleep correlates with increased signs of skin aging, including fine lines, uneven pigmentation, and reduced elasticity.
A 2020 comprehensive review published in Current Environmental Health Reports highlights the association between traffic-related air pollution and premature skin aging. The study emphasizes that pollutants such as particulate matter (PM) and nitrogen dioxide (NO₂) contribute to the formation of wrinkles and age spots. Additionally, interactions between air pollution and ultraviolet (UV) radiation may exacerbate these effects.
Kimberly Snyder (00:00.578)
Hi everyone and welcome back to our Thursday Q &A show. I hope you’re having a lovely day. Thank you so much for tuning in to be with us here today. Our topic is around the hormone DHEA and how to create youthful vitality. I am very interested in this very topic myself because I recently got my blood work done, which I’ll share with you some of the wonderful and interesting findings which very much do show that our lifestyle is on point and works. And also I’ll talk about some, shall we say, non-mainstream ways to elevate your DHEA and to feel more of this youthful vitality, which I believe is our birthright, and that we can start to really foster and elevate no matter what our biological age is. So this is a show about elevating your life force, feeling great in your life and some really practical tips and tools and strategies to do so. Before we dive in even further, I wanted to please ask you to leave a review for our show wherever you listen to our podcast. It’s a wonderful way to support. So thank you so much in advance. Please be sure to share this show as well with anyone that you think would benefit. Could be this episode, it could be another one. Again, it’s just a wonderful way to support and to share the love.
Our show notes for today are going to be at where we will link to the research, other articles I think you would enjoy, as well as our amazing digestion-focused supplements, which are a really great way to elevate your vitality and cleanse aging waste from your system and make sure your microbiome is on point. And also please be sure to sign up for our newsletter at that same place,
because we just had an amazing free offering for the community, a gathering on Zoom. We have lots of information we put out every week. We have recipes. And that way you can keep in touch with all the amazing happenings that we have as a community. And I look forward to connecting with you more. So sign up for the newsletter, please, once again, at All right, let’s get into our show today, which is really twofold. It’s exploring.
Kimberly Snyder (02:20.918)
more about DHEA and also about vitality as a general concept. And I love that this was brought forward by Sandra, who wrote our question in today from Berlin, Germany. Thank you so much, Sandra, for being in our community, sending you much love there overseas. And you write, Kimberly, I hear you talk a lot about vitality. How do we know to feel if we have a lot of vitality? Is it the same thing as energy? So Sandra,
Again, thank you so much. I think that maybe some of you have been wondering about this topic because I love this word. And now I think to pair it more in the context of Saluna with youthful vitality. And what this feels like is aliveness. So it’s very different than trying to be young necessarily or anti-aging and trying to…
sort of resist that we’re all growing and evolving into more wisdom and the gardening continues to flourish and mature. Paramahansa Yogananda, the great yoga guru who brought yoga to the West, who I love so much, and he was the subject of my book two books ago or three books ago, You Are More Than You Think You Are, talked a lot about youthfulness. And he talked about this ability to stay creative and alive and present and to keep our bodies healthy.
And he has these energization exercises, which are part of Kriya Yoga, part of this spine-based but energetic way to elevate your overall energy, which I practice, by the way, besides our heart-aligned meditation. And so it’s really inspiring to hear that no matter what our chronological ages, we can maintain this youthfulness, this youthful energy. And he also talks about, as you continue to age,
to not really tell people your age so much because it becomes a construct of your ego, your identity. You start to feel like, oh, what it would be, what you should look like or how your body should move when you’re 36 or 38 or 58, right? So it’s a bit different than energy. For me, vitality is this life force, this vigor, this…
Kimberly Snyder (04:42.118)
youthfulness, which keeps us curious and excited and sensual and exploratory and excited about life and able to move with just this feeling of looseness in our bodies without rigidity. And this means also avoiding rigidity mentally, getting so wrapped up in concepts, right or wrong. Right, when we drop into our hearts, we start to create more of that broader perspective that there’s room for everyone.
and that we can just follow our own path and not dig into my way’s right, your way is wrong, I’m better, you know, this equality that exists. And at the same time, this incredible enjoyment of what feels right for us with our intuitive guidance. So I do talk about vitality because sometimes even health, the word health can get sort of…
confusing, what do you mean by health? How do we measure it numerically speaking? Is it our BMI? Is it our triglyceride levels? Is it our fitness levels? Like, what is it, right? So there are certain measurables for health and there are certain measurables for…
you know, different mineral levels and vitamin levels. And if there was one of the things, one of the aspects of blood work that the reason I want to focus on this today that correlates and there’s other ones that correlate, but for me, DHEA, which is a precursor hormone is what I want to focus on today. And it can be a way of looking at your overall vitality. So it’s a very long term. when you spell out what DHEA is, it’s
dehydroepiandrotest… tendrotesteroin. Okay, it’s one of those really long words, which is why I would like to just say the shorter version, DHEA. So it’s produced by our adrenal glands and it’s a precursor to other hormones such as testosterone and estrogen. So it plays a role in the development of sex organs, also in our libido, our sexuality, also our metabolism and our immunity.
Kimberly Snyder (07:00.982)
It has a protective effect on a bone health and cognitive function as well. So based on statistics, we are said to peak in our DHEA and early adulthood, and it’s said to decline with age and low levels can be associated with certain health conditions such as osteoporosis and heart disease. And on the other end,
If we have very elevated levels of DHEA, it can correlate to other issues such as hair loss, depression, fatigue, irregular or missing periods, weight gain, even PCOS. So there are basic guidelines for levels based on your age group, but I wanna stress that everybody’s makeup and constitution is very different.
So if you are going to be doing a comprehensive blood work panel, you want to look at the other hormones and the other parts of that part of the panel. So for example, I’m looking at my blood work right now and I published some of this on my Instagram handle. If you want to check it out at underscore Kimberly Snyder, because I was very happy to see that my calcium levels, my iron, my B12, my vitamin D were really ideal.
Sometimes we hear as vegans, as plant-based people, it’s really hard to get those levels up. And that’s another conversation. I believe it’s about absorbability, making sure to take my SBO probiotics and my saloon and digestive enzymes all the time. For example, cleansing out waste through my detox, through our detoxi. And another thing was my inflammation was very low. It was 0.3 measured by CRP, C-reactive protein. So my DHEA level…
was great. It was 376. And the normal levels for, you know, normal, but sort of the average levels from 18 and 19 year olds vary from 145 to 395, 20 to 29 year olds, to 29 years old, 65 to 380. So that was about the range I was in.
Kimberly Snyder (09:21.396)
And this was in context with looking again at the rest of my hormone profile, where my cortisol was low, my testosterone was in the ideal amount, as well as prolactin and pregnalone and all these other hormones. So if you’re interested in checking out your levels, it’s not just the one thing you’re testing for, it’s looking and going over with a professional, with a doctor.
And I went over this with a performance doctor and we really dug into everything that it meant. And he also said, by the way, that my blood, my blood work is some of the best blood work he had ever seen. And I don’t think that’s because I’m special per se. I think it’s because I follow these practices. And I’m gonna share with you what I think really does elevate and keep your healthy DHEA levels, which is your healthy levels of vitality long-term.
And if you follow these protocols too, I you’re gonna be in a really great position to stay in this youthful vitality long-term and to put yourself in the best position with health possible. Of course, everybody’s body’s different, but I do believe in certain practices which are really, really positive and helpful, and we’ll talk about those in just a moment. One thing I wanna say is that there’s mixed…
results and as we as I dug into the research a lot of mixed feedback about just taking a DHEA supplement. For example, the Mayo Clinic says, quote, research on the effects of DHEA on muscle strength and physical performance has mixed results, but most studies indicate that DHEA supplementation has no effect on muscle strength in younger or older adults.
The National Collegiate Athletic Association has actually banned DHEA in use amongst athletes. there’s some places, there’s a bit of research on how DHEA can help, taking DHEA can help with fertility. Some people are prescribed supplementation when they’re going through IVF.
Kimberly Snyder (11:36.096)
or they’re having fertility challenges. And so that may be something you want to discuss with your doctor as well. So it’s not all or nothing, although I’ll say again, just going back to the research for a moment, that there’s a lot of, you know, mixed things out there about just taking the supplementation, which is where for me, as always, it goes back to lifestyle and things that we can do.
amongst our four cornerstones, food, body, emotional well-being, and spiritual growth to really nurture this youthful vitality for the long term. Again, I’m not talking about anti-aging. I’m not talking about trying to be exactly as you were when you were 22 years old, but youthfulness at any age, whether you happen to be 80 or 25 or 50 listening to this, it is the energy in which you walk across the room.
The energy in which you walk through your life that I’m talking about to feel alive and awake and present and excited and again, curious and sensual and full of joy and really centered within yourself. So.
So, there’s a lot of research as well. And again, we’ll link to some of this, some of the research on There was some research around lifestyle habits and particularly how certain things like stress and having a, know, an inflammatory diet, smoking are really bad for your DHEA, which probably isn’t a surprise to anyone here in our community.
but I want to focus now on how do we really maintain vitality and, good DHE, DHEA levels, which for me was exciting to see in my blood work, and to go through that with my doctor and, just to reinforce, because I’m not a fully numbers based person, as you guys know, I don’t weigh myself, very much unless I have to go in for physical or whatever, but it’s that, wow, we have so much.
Kimberly Snyder (13:49.998)
power to live a lifestyle, to put ourselves in the best possible potential, right, for our full life force to come forward. So speaking of DHEA, the first lifestyle practice that does work and there’s research around this is, dun dun dun dun, the heart align meditation. So I’m reading here. If you’re watching this on YouTube, you’ll see me reading directly from the book. If you’re listening to this on Spotify or Apple,
I will read it out to you, The Hidden Power of the Five Hearts, page 76. This is in stage number two, the propelled heart. The hormone DHEA can reduce cortisol and help prevent depression, anxiety, and cardiovascular disease. It has been shown to help increase energy and vitality. DHEA also plays a role in optimal fertility. Research shows that by applying your own heart intelligence,
you can positively shift your hormonal balance by changing your perceptions and emotions. Now here’s where it gets really exciting. The Heart Math Institute, who we did our Heart Aligned Meditation study with, by the way, this wonderful institute, decided to test the heart’s effect on hormones by running a study featuring a technique decided to create heart coherence when you start to feel distress. In just one month of practicing the heart coherence tool,
which included shifting to the heart and self-generating positive heart emotions like appreciation, which is exactly what we do in our heart aligned meditation, subjects increased an average of 100 % in their DHEA levels and dropped an average of 23 % in their cortisol levels. This research is exciting because it shows that when we learn to empower ourselves,
to create hormonal balance within, we can do this without external aids such as drugs. So let me summarize that again. Using a heart coherence tool, which if you’re interested, includes the Heart Aligned Meditation. We have these tracks on our website, free and available for everyone. It is an eight minute meditation, incorporating this research. Practicing this, I would recommend at least four to five times a week.
Kimberly Snyder (16:15.446)
was found in this research from HeartMath to increase DHEA 100 % in a month. So this is very exciting. This is within our grasp. And again, just to go back to what low levels of DHEA can feel like in your body, back to Sandra’s question, whether you decide to take a test, an actual blood test or not, it means that you can feel
fatigued. It means that you can feel, again, depressed. You can start to feel just like you don’t have much energy. You don’t feel very sexual. Your libido can be low. You can experience a vaginal dryness. You can experience, you’ll feel a lot of chronic fatigue symptoms even. Autoimmune conditions can start to rise up.
It’s also correlated with diabetes, dementia, as I mentioned, osteoporosis and lupus. So for me, there’s the blood test that reinforces what I feel inside, but I can say what it feels like to me, again, back to that aliveness. It’s when it just feels lighter, it’s easier for me to laugh, I sort of bounce around the room, it doesn’t feel so stagnant. And I know what it feels like to be stagnant.
I know what it’s like to feel heavy with thoughts. I know what it feels like to be very anxious. I used to be very anxious myself. So everything works together, right? And so I wanna start with this spiritual practice, which is also a body practice that fits into that cornerstone. Because when we do the heart aligned meditation and we practice heart coherence, we’re really aligning our hearts, our brains and our nervous system. There’s a physicality to this entrainment, which is balancing the hormones, including elevating DHEA to healthy.
levels and it really feels grounding and it allows our true self, which is this youthful vitality, to come forth and to burst out of that heaviness or that stagnation or feeling like life is so hard that we’re in the dark heart phase, lots of fear or nothing’s working. We start to feel that energy start to pulse again and it’s very exciting and we’ll feel it intuitively inside of us.
Kimberly Snyder (18:37.358)
So the next thing I wanna talk about from a cornerstone perspective is having really wonderful nutrients all the time, really, because when we feed our system, when we feed ourselves from the inside, the energy starts to course through, which really is these key building blocks of our vitality and our energy. So when I say all the time,
What I mean by that is you don’t have to eat perfectly. may go out to restaurants. Sometimes you order the French fries. My kids love French fries. Sometimes we get them. Sometimes I eat them. Right? I’m certainly not perfect myself. But there’s these daily aids that really help. And the one for me that I’ve been leaning into a lot now more than ever is our glowing greens powder. And there’s a lot of ancient wisdom crafted into this formula, as well as science and nature.
And the plant that I’m speaking about specifically is Amalaki, which is we use an organic, really high quality crafted version. And it’s known to be the ultimate resiana or say this, Dr. Vaidya Jai does say anti-aging. I’ll say youthful vitality herb in all of our uvata. More than Ashwagandha, more than the other herbs that are in this class of category of bringing that energy in, Amalaki.
I understand as a busy mom, not cooking perfectly all the time, sometimes we run out of groceries, sometimes we’re too tired at the end of the day. But what I’ve been doing is sometimes, you know, I put in my Glow-in-Green smoothie or sometimes just mixing it with water. And that way you’re getting these vitality enhancing plants. And it’s really what we do consistently over the long time that really makes a difference. So,
Also, besides having the Glow-N-Greens powder, which I’m such a huge fan of, of course, and I created it with so much love and passion and research behind it, is making sure you’re getting a variety of plants to enhance this youthful vitality. Your body, your gut functions really well on a variety, again, to strengthen your microbiome. So try varying up the veggies you get at the market or the farmer’s market every week.
Kimberly Snyder (20:47.992)
try to experiment with different veggies and some of your favorite recipes just to keep things really fresh. Remember, there’s this aliveness that’s part of youthful vitality. And so we wanna not get stagnant and bogged down with just having lettuce and only oranges and bananas, three things every week, but keeping it in rotation, which also keeps the energy flowing for your GI tract. This is one of the things that we talked about in our podcast with Dr. Tim Spector.
a weeks ago, we’ll link to that in the show notes as well. He’s a big variety in his research as a scientist and getting, and he’s a very plant-forward, largely vegan person, of getting a variety of plants, not just saying, hey, I’m vegan or plant-based, but really putting some effort into variety. For me, I think about what I ate today, just to add that variety, I put a bunch of broccoli, microgreens, and my wrap.
And my mid-morning, I was hungry, so I had a warm bowl of oatmeal, which I like to do in the winter, and I added some sliced banana. And at lunch, I also had some red cabbage and quinoa. And tonight we’re going to be having some kind of bean dish. I’m really excited about it. So there’s just, we start to just think about, as you meal plan through the day and the week, variety, variety is youthful vigor and vitality and have fun with it, right? And so…
You know be attracted to different colors and try different things and get excited about you know for me I have to be honest I don’t really grocery shop anymore because I just have no time for it But you can still look through the instacard and look through the produce section and get excited and inspired by new offerings so another thing here We talked to this particular research study was putting cortisol and DHEA side-by-side
and talking about how we can elevate DHEA through the heart align meditation, through heart coherence. And at the same time, I think it’s important to, from a lifestyle perspective, to not jam ourselves into more cortisol, which drains this vitality that we’re talking about. So for me in my life, whew, so much around slowing down, not overscheduling.
Kimberly Snyder (23:12.088)
having more time for stillness. I really do go to bed very early most nights because it feels really good to me not to have a rushed morning and to have time to meditate and to do my heart aligned meditation. And I feel like these are some of the ways that I keep my cortisol levels low. For me, I try not to, to be honest, I try not to drive a lot and cut back on things that are really far away.
Sometimes we have to drive to chess tournaments for my son and some of the roads are closed around here now from the fire slides and the mud that came after. So there is extra driving, but when I can, when I can choose to, for example, rest at home and have friends come to me and my friends, women’s circles usually are held at home, where you can intelligently and lovingly make space in your schedule.
Just being aware of what things sort of create more cortisol, adrenaline, it could be certain people, maybe you want to cut back spending time with, or just looking at your schedule and seeing what you can come back on, just to create a more gentle pace of life, right? Where our nervous system can become more re-regulated between fight or flight and always going, and hey, maybe I don’t have to do this this week, maybe I’m going to space it out.
Maybe I don’t have to squeeze this so much and get everything done so quickly. So for me, another aspect of this youthful vitality is to walk. It is not so jarring on the bones and the joints. I think it’s really wonderful to walk outside in nature. And then you’re also balancing getting some more vitamin D hormone by being in some sunlight.
And there’s something about really getting off screens. And we did a podcast a while back that talked about walking in nature and there was research around Japanese forest bathing and how the parts of your eye, like the different components of your eye, I’ll see if we can link to this podcast, sort of re-regulate from an optical standpoint, the cones, that’s what I was thinking, the cones and the rods.
Kimberly Snyder (25:32.566)
start to see the natural patterns and the sacred geometry in nature and there’s a soothing effect to that. So coherence comes from also being in nature, this harmony, this settling into our true self and this is also really wonderful for reducing cortisol and bringing up these levels of DHEA if they happen to be low. We’re experiencing a little bit more of that lethargy and that slothfulness. So lifestyle, right?
How do we start to create more of these moments where we can be present? Instead of trying to squeeze in the next thing or that final, final work email Friday night, maybe we can just enjoy. Lately I’ve been doing a lot of puzzles with my kids and it feels like the times I’m working, I’m extra productive, but then I also had a lot of beautiful downtime as well.
So another way to, believe, and this isn’t research-based, this is from my personal experience though, is to bring up your vitality, is to work out tightness in your body. And so for me, stretching is a really big protocol. I’m doing it a little bit right now, stretching my neck, stretching at the end of the day. I don’t really follow a series. I just roll out my yoga mat. Sometimes I use a foam roller and I just sort of organically move.
Right, Year of the Snake, thinking about rolling your spine really organically. You can do some baby cobras. You can do a little bit of rocking, which is really great for releasing any trauma in your system. And also, this is a Peter Levine strategy, who’s a trauma expert. And there’s more of this type of practice, if you’re interested in it, in our Two-Day Heart-Led Reset program, which you can do any time of year. We launched it around New Year’s this year.
the Western New Year calendar, and then Lunar New Year came about January 29th, which I felt really attuned to post-fire. anyways, stretching and moving, because remember, youthful vitality is about flow. So it’s about removing all this rigidity, which can build up in our mind, can build up in our emotions. We still have these emotional patterns that keep us…
Kimberly Snyder (27:52.328)
locked in over and over again. This annoys me. This has to be a certain way. And so we can release that more and more into our hearts, practicing the heart aligned meditation. There’s other practices as well in the Hidden Power, the five hearts that I share to create more of that coherence. So we’re not so jarred and intercortisol, which drains us more and more as we flow through life and creates hormonal imbalance. Right? So we want to be heart led.
We want to practice really wonderful intuitive eating across a variety of plants, whole foods as much as possible, lots of freshness, both cooked and raw foods. And try that glowing greens powder if you haven’t yet already. It’s brimming with seven key vitality enhancing plants. So there’s only seven so that you get enough of each amount. Imagine if we were to jam 70 or 80 plants in there, you’d be getting dust of each plant.
So there’s seven so that when you have a serving size, you really are getting that efficacious amount that can create real benefit in your body. And then walking, slowing down, not over scheduling yourself, seeing where you can intelligently reduce stress and overthinking. Some of our core practices like having an evening routine to, which could be a hot shower, warm shower, a self massage, soothing yourself at the end of the day.
So you’re not just going all the time, which is a sure way, I believe, to imbalance hormones and to get your cortisol out of control. So if you’re interested, there are these full panel blood tests that you can get. So you can test your DHEA, but again, in the context of looking at your other hormones and your other levels to determine if your levels are ideal or if there’s something that you need to look into more deeply with a doctor.
And if you’re interested in looking at it from a quantifiable perspective, for me it was just interesting to do because I did feel so great in my body already. It was just positive reinforcement. And I know some of us like to have that actual data. Some of us don’t. I don’t really wear any trackers anymore. I don’t track my steps. But I know for some people it can be really great.
Kimberly Snyder (30:14.85)
I wanna highlight this today as well as refocusing on Sandra, thank you for bringing this top of mind, what vitality really feels like. And again, one measurable way is DHEA, but really just tuning in and feeling this level of aliveness in your daily life. And if you’re struggling right now, and if you are feeling low in energy, remember there’s many things you can do to shift.
And I come as a living testimony to how much life can shift and change and evolve so bloated, so in my head, struggling so much, such low self-esteem, such a perfectionist, so much anxiety. And I’m really grateful that I’ve been able to birth into this new iteration that has so much more peace and so much more natural energy.
And I’m just, it really is my great honor to share more and more of this with you. That evolves, right? Through the four cornerstones with the golden thread running through, as I say, with our heart led living approach. So lots of resources I mentioned. You can check out the new book, The Glowing Greens Powder, the Heart Aligned Meditation on our website, the show notes on our website as well, And I’ll be back here Monday as always for our next show.
Remember that you can ask me questions. There’s a podcast tab on our website. I look forward to connecting with you more, sending you so much love. Namaste.