I hope you’re having a lovely week and a lovely period around the holidays and as we come into the New Year, there’s a real window right now. I feel like this portal of time as we step into the new year to really deeply consider shifts we wanna make and to deepen our understanding of the powerful aspects of our lifestyle. Solluna is all about our four cornerstones and we’re going to be talking about the gut heart connection and the role of probiotics. So I’ve been talking about gut health for many years. Those of you that have been with me since The Beauty Detox Solution, which was published back in 2011, will recall I was talking about digestion before a lot of people were. And this was from a really organic way of trying to figure out how to deal with my bloating and my acne and my extreme anxiety and insomnia. And what I really came to understand was how important the gut is. And to this day, I still focus on digestion and gut health as we have expanded to include the heart as a brain center.
Episode Summary:
In this episode of the Feel Good Podcast, Kimberly Snyder shares her personal experience of navigating stress and trauma during a recent evacuation due to wildfires in Los Angeles. She discusses the importance of self-care practices during intense times and provides nine actionable tips to support emotional and physical well-being. The conversation emphasizes the significance of community support and the need to appreciate loved ones during challenging moments.
Episode Sponsors
OFFER: Get 10% OFF on your first Leela Qunatum Tech order with code: KIMBERLY at
OFFER: Get 45% off the Magic Mind bundle with with my link:
Episode Chapters
00:00 Introduction to Heart-Led Living and Wellness
00:57 Navigating Stress and Trauma: Personal Experience
07:00 Understanding the Impact of Stress on Health
11:48 Nine Self-Care Practices for Stressful Times
32:02 Summary of Self-Care Practices and Community Support
- Glowing Greens Powder™
- Feel Good SBO Probiotics
- Feel Good Detoxy
- Feel Good Digestive Enzymes
- Feel Good Starter Kit
- Feel Good Skincare
- Chilla Gorilla & Lanky Lemur Journey to the Heart
- The Beauty Detox Solution
- Beauty Detox Foods
- Beauty Detox Power
- Radical Beauty
- Recipes For Your Perfectly Imperfect Life
- You Are More Than You Think You Are
- How to Believe in Your Self Worth with Jamie Kern Lima [Episode 907]
- How to Raise Your Standards In Your Love Life with Matthew Hussey [Episode 883]
- How to Eat to Beat Your Diet with New York Times best selling author Dr. William Li [Epsiode 913]
- The issues with consuming vegetable and seed oils with Dr. Catherine Shanahan [Episode #899]
- How the Power Foods Diet helps with Weight Loss with Dr. Neal Barnard [Episode #877]
- How Not to Age with New York Times best-selling author Dr. Michael Greger [Episode #873]
- How to eat to reduce anxiety with Harvard nutritional psychiatrist Dr. Uma Naidoo [Episode #867]
- How to Optimize Your Metabolic Health with Dr. Casey Means [Episode 889]
A 2016 in the Journal of Current Opinion in Pharmacology indicated that individuals with PTSD exhibit elevated inflammatory markers, such as C-reactive protein (CRP), suggesting a link between inflammation and the development of PTSD. This inflammation may predispose individuals to PTSD and contribute to stress sensitization following trauma exposure.
A 2004 meta-analysis study in the Journal of Psychological Bulletin examined how different types of stressors affect immune function and found that chronic stressors are associated with suppression of both cellular and humoral immunity, potentially increasing vulnerability to various health issues.
A 2011 study in the Journal of Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, found gender differences in immune responses among individuals with PTSD. Women with PTSD showed increased immune activation compared to those without PTSD, whereas no significant differences were observed in men. This suggests that gender may play a role in how PTSD affects immune function.
A 2016 Study in the journal of Psychoneuroendocrinology indicated that PTSD is linked with accelerated aging of the immune system, which may contribute to increased health risks commonly associated with aging, such as cardiovascular diseases and infections.
A 2013 study in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology showed that probiotic supplementation with Lactobacillus rhamnosus reduced stress-induced corticosterone levels and anxiety-like behaviors.
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Solluna By Kimberly Snyder (00:00.238)
Welcome to the Feel Good Podcast, which is all about heart led living and wellness. When we awaken the power of our hearts and let that guide us through our daily choices and decisions, through our four cornerstones, food, body, emotional well being and spiritual growth, we will experience the most incredible results and create more vitality, health, strength, peace.
abundance and love in our lives. I am your host, Kimberly Snyder, New York Times bestselling author, founder of Saluna, creator of the research-based Heart Aligned Meditation, wellness expert, nutritionist and international speaker. I am passionate about supporting you on your unique heart and wellness journey. Let’s get started.
Solluna By Kimberly Snyder (00:57.497)
Hi everyone, I’m so grateful to be here with you today. My first show since the fire started and in real time I want to talk about our topic today, which is nine self-care practices for times of intense stress and trauma. So as I speak to you here today, I am still in evacuation with my family from the fires that hit Los Angeles on January 8th.
And I couldn’t have done this podcast a few days ago, to be honest. I was intense and still am an intense prayer, taking care of my kids, really not able to do much else. We are very grateful and blessed by the grace of God. We did not lose our home, although many in our direct community of friends and school members did, unfortunately, and heartbreakingly lose their home. My children lost
our beloved school. There was a call from the school and the emails came in that there was a fire nearby. I ran into my husband’s office and he ran down to grab the kids in the smoke and shortly after their school burned. So there’s just been a lot to process. There’s a collective trauma happening at the moment. And it has been such an insanely intense week that I wanted to share
this show with you while I’m in it, while my body and my nervous system are quite heightened right now, but coming down and how I’ve been able to really take care of myself. Because the truth is life is fragile, life is beautiful, but we cannot take it for granted. And these are the moments we realize that we need to appreciate our loved ones, appreciate what we have. And at the same time, it’s so important that we have tools to deal with stressful times in life.
which pretty much none of us are immune to, right? It could be a serious diagnosis of a loved one or yourself. It could be, you these health scares can come in or natural disasters like this fire, hurricanes, tornadoes. I mean, pretty much you name it, you know, a major change at work. There’s just so many things that can come in. And this reminds me of, in a way,
Solluna By Kimberly Snyder (03:21.794)
the time that my mother passed away really suddenly. This is a bit of a very different experience, but there was some moments that reminded me of that terror and the sheer fear and helplessness that I felt in those moments. So I’m really excited to dive into our show today.
And as a reminder for everyone in our community to first of all, please pass the show on to anyone that you think would benefit in the LA area or in general, because again, we all have these moments in our life. And also a reminder on our website,, we have really amazing support systems for you, including the Heart Aligned Meditation in tracks that you can listen to with music, which really was such a huge, huge
huge help to me during this whole experience of the fires and evacuation. So that being said, let’s get right into our show today. And I’ll share a little bit more about the story as we go through, because these are moments, again, that we can’t really prepare for, but we need to know how to take care of ourselves.
and that we can take better care of our loved ones and we can make clear decisions. I’ll say that we were sitting at the kitchen table and there was that smoke plume. had rescued the children from school, but at the time we didn’t realize how quickly the fire was moving. It was in the next canyon over and usually they can contain these fires, but it was this horrible, perfect storm of really high winds and…
My little one said, no, mama, fire. We looked up and you could see the fire coming down over the ridge. And at the same time, we got the evacuation warnings in our area to leave. And so it was a very fast, get a bag together, put some things in it. I share this on my Instagram post. me, valuables were irreplaceable pictures, of my parents, some handmade items for my children. And it was really just this
Solluna By Kimberly Snyder (05:37.688)
blur. I wasn’t thinking about practical terms like, yeah, maybe make sure I have enough pants or anything like that. It was sort of like, what is really valuable? And you know, the priority of course was just getting out. And thankfully we did get out and I’m very grateful for that because we live in a place where
There’s several roads out and there was enough of a warning, but there was always that worry that the roads would get clogged and congested, God forbid. So everything happened really quickly. anyways, I want to share about these tips and tools which have been helping me so much this week as I record this for you in real time. It is one week and a day since that night where we saw the fire, which swept the well.
swept through Western LA. So our question today comes from Janie and this is happening in real time. I’m Los Angeles, a fellow Angeleno. Kimberly, I live in Los Angeles and has been one of the most challenging weeks of my life. I feel so much stress and emotional trauma and has really hit me hard. What can I do to cope with this life changing event and help me get through it?
So Janie, my heart goes out to you. And again, those really directly affected. It’s just so much prayer, so much love. There are no words to cope or explain this devastating loss. And just to know that as community, we’re here for each other.
I do pray, know, fires bring loss and death, but then there’s a rebirth that follows. And this was, you know, what I hope and pray for in my school community, that the rebirth can bring more love and connection and even stronger community together. So I will share that it is important to take care of yourself in these moments. Again, you might be part of the fire now. You may just be feeling the stress of the unpredictability in the world.
Solluna By Kimberly Snyder (07:53.838)
in many ways or maybe you go through some of these times in the future. But one of the things that’s really important to recognize, I’ll do a little bit of research and then I’ll get into my personal tips, is that these times of stress and trauma really affect your immune system. And there was a research study in 2016 in the Journal of, this pharmacology journal, again, these are all going to be linked to on They found that C-reactive protein, which is an inflammatory marker,
really elevated during PTSD, right, post-traumatic stress syndrome. So there was inflammation and immune system was stressed. I mean, this seems quite obvious, right, at an intuitive level, but it has been studied and researched. When we go through stress, our body really takes a hit and we’re spending so much energy in our nervous system dysregulation that we’re not able to protect ourselves.
And I’ll get into this in the tips, but this is one of the reasons I really went into my heart coherence techniques, my heart align. The one personal care item I grabbed was my SBO, saloon up probiotics, because I knew that my system was going to be hit hard and I knew that I would have to really be there for my kids and shield them from this and go through this and not really know if it was going to be okay or what was really going to happen. And so we can only really
do our best when we are strong and so really understanding that immunity in times of stress is something we really need to protect. Another study that reinforces this is a 2004 meta-analysis study in the Journal of Psychological Bullets and found that stressors are correlated with the suppression of both cellular and humeral immunity, potentially increasing vulnerability to various health issues.
It stresses and ages the immune system. It suppresses T cells and leaves the body more vulnerable to infections and diseases. There’s also autoimmune risk. The more our stress responses and our nervous system is dysregulated, right? There’s a lot of imbalance that happens in the body. You can imagine if the ocean is usually quite calm in a certain area and then these big waves come, the sort of…
Solluna By Kimberly Snyder (10:20.878)
turbulence that’s caused on a systemic level throughout the body. And everything that I learned about heart research and heart coherence and heart brain, nervous system regulation through the Hidden Power, the Five Hearts, and the book campaign that I just went through, I felt like so attuned to what was happening in my body. And so thank God I have these tools that I just want to reinforce to you plus other ones that really got me through.
And quickly, I’m just going to go through a little bit more research because this podcast is really meant to be more shared from my heart to yours. But I’ll also say, interestingly, a 2011 study in the Journal of Brain Behavior and Immunity found that women with PTSD should increase immune activation as compared to men. So as women, those of us listening to this that identify as women, we are
sensitive, perhaps more attuned to everything that’s going on. so all of these self-care tools and practices are even more important for us. They’re important for everyone, but it’s important to recognize that our immune system can often take an even greater hit. And as I mentioned, there’s even more research if you’re interested. There’s a journal called
Psycho-neuroendocrinology from 2016 found that accelerated aging of the immune system coming from PTSD can contribute to increased health risks. Also, a 2013 study in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology shows that in times of stress and trauma, the microbiome is greatly affected, which influences anxiety and depression, the cord
Cardiac, testosterone levels, anxiety-like behaviors. Okay, so that’s a lot of the science there to reinforce what we know, which is that stress and trauma creates almost a shutdown in the body from a health perspective, emotionally, mentally, so challenging to deal with. And this is where, from a cornerstone perspective, we lean in. We lean in spiritually to faith, to hope.
Solluna By Kimberly Snyder (12:47.342)
to knowing that there is something that we are so much bigger than and part of that can sustain all these turbulences, these incredible, sometimes horrifying, terror-inducing ups and downs. going back to the nine self-care items, which really helped me in the last week, and these aren’t exactly in order, but…
I wrote down, I was journaling about the nine that I really wanted to share with you today. So the first one is to find your center. Where is your center? Right here, inside, deep underneath the emotions, deep underneath what’s happening on the surface, away from the external world, here in your heart. So when things start to get really bananas.
You breathe, you get out of your head, you get really present, you come into your body, you come into your heart, and you find your center. So this was what I was doing when I saw that fire with my own eyes, and my kids were pointing to it, and it was terrifying. You could see it was like Armageddon in the distance. You could see this angry fire just swallowing trees and brush and moving down the mountain.
at an alarming rate. And I had to be there calm with two young children and keep my head about me. And it was that moment where I just really came into my heart. And these are things, these are basic practices that you can do.
whether you’re having a meeting, you’re talking to a doctor and you get a bad diagnosis or you have to have a really difficult conversation or you see something on the news that freaks you out or something directly affects you, right? You come to center first. Call it in because otherwise when we’re out, this fragmentation is literally the fragmentation of your nervous system. This is literally fight.
Solluna By Kimberly Snyder (15:06.688)
or flight where we don’t get a hold of our body and that’s when things get out of alignment. The heart keeps things in entrainment, right? It keeps things, this coherence is pulling everything back in so that you start to find a way to get through the moment, to breathe into the next moment, to regulate yourself enough so that you can stay centered. We find our center so we stay centered and more calm.
Okay, so whatever’s going on out there, there’s always, always the center that we can access in here. And the Heart Aligned Study in Life Practice, which is in the third heart stage of the Hidden Power of the Five Hearts, outlines more steps you can take in terms of feeling into the heart as these big waves come through. Now sometimes,
You know, for me personally this past week, it was not just waves. It was kind of a continual cycle of terror, watching the fire maps, seeing this fire travel so quickly up to the edge of our area, praying. These heroic firefighters came in with Fostrack and flame retardant and water. There was hot spots. I mean, it was just this, you know, a real prolonged period of stress and adrenaline.
And so it was finding center over and over again, which leads me to point number two, which is really see what you need. Ask your heart. So sometimes when I tuned into what I needed, I would take breaks and leave the room, leave the kids with my hubby and be by myself and just be really quiet to meditate. Sometimes I would take the kids around and walk. I felt like my body needed to walk.
Sometimes I needed a hug. Sometimes I needed to drink a tea, whatever it was. But you don’t want to ignore or push your needs down. Even though there’s people you need to take care of, there’s children, there’s elderly ones, whatever it is, you need to really see what it is that you need. Because your body and your own intuition will give you incredible information that isn’t going to be given by anyone else. And so this is the way that you can
Solluna By Kimberly Snyder (17:31.766)
Really protect yourself, guide yourself through from your own wisdom. What is it that I really need in this moment? Number three, support your digestion and immunity with hot drinks and probiotics. So as I mentioned, one of the things that the research shows, one of the systems that takes the hardest hit is your immunity. And this is so linked to your gut health because your gut is where a lot of your immunity is stored.
Solluna By Kimberly Snyder (18:06.392)
Quantum energy is all around us. It basically connects us in one giant energetic field. And certain things can affect the energy fields around us, such as EMFs, electromagnetic frequencies, and so on. So we need to take care of ourselves on all levels, eating healthy food, of course, taking our SBO probiotics, but being aware of protecting the energy around us. And this is why I highly recommend this incredible company called Leela Quantum.
They have developed these products to protect on a quantum energetic level. They have all these third party, single and double blind studies to show that their products can help to mitigate harmful EMF effects, activate the body’s self healing powers, strengthen our biofield. Some of their products include this block, BLOC, which you can put food, water in, you can even put your hands in it. I keep one in my kitchen. They also have this heel.
You can wear it on a chain or put it in your pocket like a necklace. And I love it because it’s right near my heart. And I feel like it’s such a great thing to have day to day. I feel grounded. I feel great when I wear it. One of their latest research studies showed a 20 to 29 % increase in ATP or body cellular production from their products. So I highly recommend it. It’s one of the best things I think we could do to work on an energetic level. You can get 10 % off your first Lila Quantum Tech order with code Kimberly.
at slash kimberly. That’s L-E-E-L-A-Q dot com slash kimberly. Last summer, I was writing The Hidden Power of the Five Hearts and I was getting up at three to write before my kids got up and I was really looking for a way to be more productive and focused.
But I realized quickly I couldn’t just drink coffee because I was getting chitters and energy crashes. I wasn’t able to write really well. And it was about that time that I started drinking Magic Mind, which are these amazing little shots that include medicinal mushrooms that are grown organically in California. All these wonderful ingredients. have this focus shot which you can use during the day.
Solluna By Kimberly Snyder (20:18.87)
and they also have a sleep product to help you fall asleep faster. These products have been in development for 10 years and there’s over 200 different research studies on every ingredient. They also use nano-encapsulation technology, making them more bio-absorbable. What I can say from personal experience is it really helped me get through the book writing process and the book launch, and I use them to this day because I feel great, I feel focused, I feel clear, and I feel
more energized. So right now you can get a bundle with the sleep and the focus products at slash feelgoodpodjan for 45 % off. It’s a really amazing deal and I highly recommend you check that out especially if you don’t want to jack your body up with caffeine and overly acidic coffee. Please check it out once again 45 % off at slash
Feel good, Pod Jan.
Solluna By Kimberly Snyder (21:26.744)
I’m so grateful to have come across this amazing information around the Heart Aligned Meditation. You can check it out in the new book, also the tracks on our website, I was also doing Kriya Yoga and the incredible teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda really got me through. I’ll also say amazingly, the meditation center in Pacific Palisades known as Lake Shrine, which is Yogananda’s meditation center.
pretty much the only thing still standing in Palisades. So you can imagine it’s like a war zone all around and the love, I believe in the spiritual blessings of this incredible center, which has temples, some of Gandhi’s ashes, museum housing Yogananda’s robe. Many things were protected from this fire. Now, those of you that are interested,
Also, in learning about these incredible spiritual teachings, again, I believe it definitely corresponds and complements, rather, the heart-aligned meditation. Kriya Yoga is about going in your spine. It’s really ancient yoga techniques. And then you can end or start with your heart-aligned meditation and really come into your heart. When you learn these sacred teachings, one of the things, I have them here to show you, that they send to you are these blessed rosette petals.
And I was holding them pretty much the whole time I was going through this evacuation and this process and praying so hard. And then having these moments of feeling center and stillness and praying and praying and praying and calling out to God and the great ones and the angels, the gurus, the blessed ones, Jesus, you Yogananda, all these great beings, whoever you correspond or you resonate with spiritually, right?
And then the next point is I have here is soothing sounds. So music can really hold the space. And I’ll always remember the story reading. I read about the Titanic when it was going down, how the band continued to play until the very end. Up until the end, this band was keeping people more calm and they were playing music. These incredible humans were able to do that while they were on the sinking ship.
Solluna By Kimberly Snyder (23:46.806)
And so I’ve been playing whatever, you know, coherence music. and there’s actually research from HeartMath where they study classical music and they actually studied heavy metal. I believe the band they actually studied was Pearl Jam, some of their heavier tracks about how music can be very, can create incoherence. So it can actually start to.
create disarray in your nervous system versus some music is very soothing. So for me, that’s music with no words, a lot of these beautiful instruments, sort of yogic music. So I was playing that the whole time and that really just helped create an atmosphere of more calmness. And one thing I’ll say is that I didn’t go on the news one time because the news for me is very stressful.
And we have to know our limits. You know, know the sadness on our personal community to know about the burning homes. I didn’t need to see all the sad stories also on the news. would just create more breakdown. So the real time news that was useful, like I said, the emergency coalitions posting their reports, where they were battling the fires, when the choppers were going out, where the phosphate was being dropped.
I could find that online, but without all the imagery that would definitely have created more trauma and stress for me personally. People have different tolerances and different limits for the news. For me, I don’t watch any news in general, but I definitely didn’t watch it during this fire and it wasn’t useful and it wasn’t as up to date. And just, I definitely wouldn’t have wanted that type of imagery, sounds, or sights around my children. So.
The environment we create when we’re going through stress and trauma is very important to pay attention to in all its forms. So it could even be more natural light versus fluorescent light, in this case, just playing soothing music, keeping abrasive news off, and even really incoherence, contributing music. You can just find some really soothing tones, nature tones.
Solluna By Kimberly Snyder (26:01.528)
classical, whatever you resonate with, but things that are soothing to your nervous system. So use your intuition here. Okay, so the next thing is to keep your body warm. Number seven, when we are cold, we tend to clam up. There’s a coldness that comes in. So this is an Ayurvedic principle to keep our body warm, which is great for digestion. It’s great for immunity.
We talked about warming teas, warming soups, warming food, but also warming showers, warming baths, keeping your body warm. We went to Target a few times because we had no supplies basically. And one of the things I got was some warm, comfy slippers. And I can’t tell you how much comfort that gave me just to really keep, you know, we’re staying at unfamiliar places with cold floors, just to keep my feet really warm.
felt really comforting. These little things can make such a difference when your body is already hijacked to an extent, when you’re already going through much stress. So comfy blankets, I put some extra blankets on the bed so we could all snuggle up and feel really nice and warm. Cold on top of everything else is a stressor. And I know there’s a lot of research out there around certain types of,
talked about it here on the show, cold, we’ve had Wim Hof, cold baths, cold plunges. When your nervous system is already activated, it is not time to do, in my opinion, a cold plunge or a cold shower. That’s another trauma, stressor. Warmth, warmth, warmth, right? Even going on walks, I would button my coat all the way to my neck and just keep myself so warm and it felt so comforting and important in those moments. Number eight.
Move your body, stretch, walk, do whatever you need to do so you don’t build up energy in stagnation. So when I was at the height of watching the fires creep closer and closer towards our surrounding communities, there were times I just had to move. I was just walking a little bit. The air quality was really bad outside. So I was just sort of circling around certain rooms. I got one of the few items that I got at Target when we went was a yoga mat.
Solluna By Kimberly Snyder (28:20.652)
Besides my slippers, if you want to see a picture of those few things I had, check out my Instagram post from a few days ago. Yoga mat was so comforting. It’s right here next to me actually, just in these little pockets. Just stretch, right? My neck feels so tight right now and my shoulders and moving the body because the body holds a lot of the stress, a lot of the cortisol, a lot of the adrenaline that goes through in these stressful times. Take care of yourself. You roll out on your mat.
You don’t even do some neck rolls in a warm shower. Really feel into what your body might need. Even child’s pose may feel really comforting. It doesn’t have to be this big practice. It doesn’t have to be this big workout. I certainly wasn’t doing anything like that. Although my husband, that was important for him. He got some weights at Target and he was free lifting weights near our bed. That wasn’t my go-to, but everyone has a different way of dealing with stress and moving the body.
And so finally, number nine, and one of the most important ones is lean into loved ones, lean into community. I can’t stress how incredible the community has been. We’ve been on WhatsApp groups, we’ve been on text chains with friends and members of the school. We’ve been supporting each other. My long-term business partner and best friend, John Passani.
was with us every step of the way, with the fire, tracking everything, comforting, soothing, being there for the kids and me and all of us. And these are the times again, this is where tragedy and these moments, you can just bring so much clarity to what’s really important in our lives. Love, loved ones, connection, heart.
I feel a renewed sense of appreciation and gratitude for the community, just being alive, for safety, looking out at a blue sky, just life, right? And sometimes in the busyness of life, we can get caught up in the little things, which ultimately don’t matter at all.
Solluna By Kimberly Snyder (30:39.704)
So it’s a wonderful time to reframe, to rebirth, to transform into something that’s even more real and stable and centered. And your life, when you go through these stressful times, or just being part of the collective because we’re all connected, so witnessing these things that can happen maybe for you across the country or across the world and feeling that we can all contribute with our own sturdy, steady hearts.
more hearts become steady and more devoted and more loving and more clear, we’re contributing to greater coherence on the planet. There’s been such an outpouring of support for me and the community. So I thank you all for being there and reaching out, the ones that did and just in your thoughts that counts too. And I continue to pray for these loved ones, community members, incredible.
firefighters down on my knees grateful for these firefighters, which I truly believe are the best in the world. So to summarize the nine self-care practices for times of intense stress and trauma, number one, find your center. It is always there. You just have to look. You just have to remember it is always there. Number two, see what you need, feel into your needs. It could be walking around. It could be needing a hug. It could be reaching out to a friend.
Number three, support your digestion and immunity with hot drinks and SBO probiotics. Number four, do your heart aligned meditation. Number five, it will save you being in your heart and finding coherence through your body, mind, emotions and spirit.