Click above to watch my VLOG – Soothing Digestive Distress in Your Body. Or, feel free to read the transcript below instead!
Note: The following is the output of transcribing from an audio recording. Although the transcription is largely accurate, in some cases it is incomplete or inaccurate. This is due to inaudible passages or transcription errors. It is posted as an aid, but should not be treated as an authoritative record.
Hi Beauties,
Today in our VLOG we’re going to talk about Soothing Digestive Distress in Your Body. This is a really important topic because digestion is the core that’s focused on the uptake of key nutrients in your system and the release.
This includes the ongoing detoxification, the ongoing cleansing of waste and toxins.
This two-part aspect of digestion is absolutely critical to our health, beauty, and energy. It’s also important to our optimal organ functioning, clarity of mind, and our ability to create the life that we want.
It affects all parts of ourselves, including the lightness that we can feel in meditation, our emotional health, our emotional wellbeing, and our spiritual growth. Everything is so interconnected.
Why Yogis Talked About Digestion
There is a reason that all the great yogis talked about diet and digestion, because they understood this so incredibly well. That it’s very difficult to progress in other areas of your life if your body is weighed down and heavy.
It’s an important discussion that we talk about how to really optimize your digestion and soothe any digestive distress, which I find is quite common. A lot of us don’t want to talk about having bloating issues, constipation, IBS, or diarrhea.
If you are going through any sort of digestive distress it’s very important that we pay attention to it and then we work to alleviate it, because it’s so central to your health.
#1. Tip: Boosting Your Digestive Health
One of the easiest ways to start eliminating digestive distress is to make sure that you are working on a deep level to actually boost your digestive health. What I mean by that is down in the microflora, making sure that you are taking your SBO probiotics.
You probably have heard me say this before, but I say it again because I love you and it’s so important. I have a bottle in my desk, one in my bathroom, my kitchen, and one next to my bedside table.
It’s just really important that you are nourishing your microflora every day. This is because it gets off whack from stress to sugar, to not eating perfectly, which none of us do, by the way.
It’s just really important that you are taking your SBO probiotics day in and day out.
#2. Tip: Remove Disruptive Foods From Your Diet
It’s very important that you look at certain foods that may be disruptive to your system, specifically gluten and dairy. I’ve gotten pretty comfortable in my diet.
I’ll share with you the last few years. I felt really good, and then the other night we went out to dinner at this Mediterranean restaurant, and they didn’t have that many plant-based options.
I was pretty hungry, so I ended up eating three huge pieces of this lavash bread, which is vegan and plant-based, but super high in gluten. This was last week, and, if you guys can see, I’m still breaking out from it.
Recognize Your Individuality and Constitution
It may be gluten for you, it may be other foods. All our bodies are different. I think it’s important that we recognize the individuality of our constitution and our genetic makeup.
What works for you may not work for everyone else, but it’s important that we tune into our bodies and we start to notice.
Maybe you’ve never gone two weeks without dairy, but I would urge you, because dairy in particular can be a very potentially disruptive food to your digestion.
Best Time To Remove Dairy and Gluten
This is the best time of year. We’re in the best times of year, spring going into summer, where you can just try experimenting. Two weeks, switch to almond milk in your coffee or tea. Get plant-based cheeses–Miyoko’s brand is amazing!
She has this smoked farmhouse cheddar that I am obsessed with. I cut it up and roll it in kale leaves and eat that as a snack. It’s so rich and delicious. You can use nutritional yeast as a cheesy substitute.
There’s lots of amazing ways to get past dairy. I would urge you to try cutting out difficult to digest foods and see how that affects your digestion. Now is the time to do it.
Eat Lots of Fiber
You’ll also want to make sure that you’re eating lots of fiber to create regularity in your system. There’s a lot of ways to eat and sometimes we can end up foregoing the fiber that’s so critical to gut health.
For instance, having lots of drinks, even healthy ones like green juice and kombucha. If we have all these fiberless choices (energy drinks, lots of coffee, etc.), then we are not constantly nourishing the flow.
Drinking Your GGS
Get back in the habit of your Glowing Green Smoothie®, if you fell off track. This is a great season for berries, which happen to be low in sugar, great source of fiber.
Including a Variety of Berries
I’ve been eating blackberries a lot myself and raspberries, which are particularly wonderful for women’s health. Blueberries, one of my favorites.
Check out berries, check out all the amazing plant foods that you see at your farmer’s market, and eat them whole so you’re getting all that amazing fiber.
#3. Tip: Being Aware of Physiological Distress
Another aspect of gut health and soothing our digestive distress is physiological distress. There’s so much research in connecting our brains and our bodies, and specifically our gut health. I talk about this a lot in my newest book, Recipes for Your Perfectly Imperfect Life.
It’s a very practical guide to becoming happier, lighter and more joyful. There are specific food recipes that work on healing and supporting your body, your mind, and your emotions.
One Study Regarding Stress
For instance, there is published research out of the Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology that found that stress alters gut-brain interaction and leads to digestive distress.
This is no surprise to any of us that have gotten stressed and felt that flurry in our stomach. We may get gassy, constipated or have diarrhea. It’s important that we deal with stress on an ongoing basis.
I’m a big believer in mini meditation. Just close your eyes for a minute through the day. Going in the bathroom, going in the closet, and just taking a moment to calm down and become present. Get centered within yourself.
Letting Go and Stumbling Block Techniques
There’s also the Letting Go technique and Stumbling Block technique, which I discuss in Recipes for Your Perfectly Imperfect Life.
If you haven’t checked out the book yet, please do so, because I’m so passionate about talking about mental and emotional wellbeing, as well as physical wellbeing. I’ve seen it for years, Beauties.
I’ve seen people that eat so well and so on point, and they’re still bloated and they still have belly fat and they still don’t feel good. We really want to nourish our whole self, that’s a core element of our Solluna philosophy.
Supporting Local with THIS Initiative
I want to remind you, Beauty, if you haven’t yet gotten your copy of Recipes for Your Perfectly Imperfect Life, now is a perfect time to do so!!
We have extended the deadline due to high demand and are reintroducing for summer, five of our bonuses. They are all about overcoming body shame and feeling good in your perfectly imperfect body now, including 22 short videos.
These bonuses are all about how to support feeling good right now in your perfectly imperfect body including 22 short videos which are very direct and very practical.
How To Get Your Bonus Videos!
All you have to do is purchase your copy of the new book at Barnes & Noble or your favorite local retailer. Again, we have extended this offer up until June 28th! Take advantage while you can. We are all about supporting local with this initiative.
Click on the link below. You can upload your receipt and you’ll get your bonuses right away!

In Closing
Take your SBO probiotics, experiment with cutting out different sorts of foods, and you will start to elevate your digestive health.
In turn, this will improve your overall wellness, vitality, beauty, energy, and how you show up in the world.
Thank you so much for tuning in. I’m so grateful for our connection and that you’re in our community. I look forward to connecting more. I’m always here for you.
Sending you lots of life, I’ll see you back here soon.