Click above to watch my VLOG – How to Overcome Skin Issues. Or, feel free to read the transcript below instead!
Note: The following is the output of transcribing from an audio recording. Although the transcription is largely accurate, in some cases it is incomplete or inaccurate. This is due to inaudible passages or transcription errors. It is posted as an aid, but should not be treated as an authoritative record.
Hi Beauties,
Welcome back to our vlog today on Overcoming Specific Skin Issues. This is part two of our vlog series on skin. We had so many questions about skin and it’s super important. Skin is our largest organ. It reflects what’s going on with us, it reflects how we feel. It shows our overall health, our lifestyle.
We all want to have good skin, as well. It’s as simple as that. When we show up, when we’re out with our friends, out in public, home, when we look in the mirror, we want to have good skin. This topic is close to my heart because I’m someone who has had a lot of skin issues over time.
I have had a lot of acne and acne scars to show for it, which I’m okay with. I’ve also had a lot of inflammation and rosacea back in my partying days. My skin would get super red all the time. If I can grow back and rebalance my skin, you can as well.
Skin Conditions and Tips On How to Improve Your Largest Organ
Skin Discoloration
The first issue I want to dive right into and talk about is skin discoloration. This along with all the other issues are multi-factorial. There can be many different reasons that our skin gets discolored.
If you’re finding a lot of discoloration, excessive dryness and flakiness, one thing you may want to check out is your thyroid. When our thyroids are weak and not performing up to optimal levels, it affects everything from our adrenals, to our hormones. We may feel less energized and it can reflect in our skin.
What to Avoid and Add Into Your Rituals for Healthier Skin
Our adrenals and our thyroid is related to our colons and our GI tract really functioning efficiently so waste doesn’t build up in our system. We can also cut back on caffeine. Caffeine has a destabilizing effect on our thyroids, putting us up and down. It’s taxing to our nervous system.
We want to avoid all processed soy, which is largely in junk food and a lot of processed foods. Overexposure to processed soy, which may be GMO, can be imbalancing to our thyroid as well.
Meditation, Mindfulness, and Slowing Down
To promote balance, overall, try meditation, mindfulness, slowing down. Anything we can do to promote better digestion and more removal of waste, like taking Detoxy. Also, taking our SBO Probiotics, which is fundamental and a building block for your wellness. This includes our beautiful skin and proper organ functioning all around.
The next skin issue I want to talk about is wrinkles. Unfortunately, we know that our skin will change over time and that’s the way it is. But if you are finding what you would deem excessive (premature lines, wrinkles or accelerated aging), then you want to see what is going on.
Healthy Skin and Your Makeup Routine
Healthy skin does regenerate. It does revive every 25 to 29 days or so. That’s a normal skin cycle. We can start to make shifts, to correct lines, so that wrinkles can start to lessen as we clean up our skincare. We want to make sure that we aren’t congesting our skin externally with makeup that doesn’t fully come off.
Some high coverage, high def makeup is super thick. It doesn’t allow our skin to breathe. We really want to make sure that we’re cleansing properly, using warm water, circular motions, and really cleaning our face for at least a minute or two to remove the pollution and the inflammation.
Keeping Your Insides Clean for Glowing Skin
We also want to make sure that that sort of congestion isn’t happening on the inside of our body. We want oxygen and nutrients to get to our skin. This will allow our skin to fully get those nutrients, brighten and get the benefits.
It’s really important to have lots of fiber, a Glowing Green Smoothie®, making sure that you have a lot of enzyme rich foods. Besides the smoothie, salads are really wonderful this time of year. Cucumber salad is something I’ve been eating a lot as well, with the skin on for organic cucumber. It’s crunchy, it’s delicious, it’s hydrating, it’s wonderful for your skin.
Clearer Skin with Detoxy
Again, I can’t help but mention Detoxy for clearing out congestion. I’ve talked about this for years, but the cleaner our bodies, the better our skin is going to look. You really want to clean up any congestion in your body and your skin will age less quickly.
Now let’s talk about puffiness, which could happen beneath your eyes, your jawline so you look puffy on the sides of your face, all over. Here we want to talk about how do we balance our electrolytes, making sure you’re not having too much table salt.
Avoid Processed and Salty Foods
You will want to avoid processed foods, which has all this really crappy salt in it and it makes us retain water. It makes us look really puffy and unfortunately the skin is really going to show it.
Nourishing Your Liver for Skin Health
We also really want to nurture our liver for this and all around balance, all around skin health. There is a relationship between our liver and good skin. Our liver and so much proper organ functioning all around, including your colon and our GI tract.
Make sure that you drink hot water with lemon every morning. It’s such a simple practice, but research has shown that the enzymes in lemon help to support liver tissue and liver regeneration. All you do is heat up water and squeeze half of a lemon in every morning. Make it part of your daily practice, and that will start to really help with puffiness and brightness and just more beautiful skin overall.
In Closing
Those are my tips for today. Be sure to tune in next week. We have part three of our vlog series on skin. Remember if you are interested, we also have our amazing high powered Solluna Skincare line. It’s clean, nontoxic, super powerful, and packed with amazing ingredients in the right ratios. These combinations really nourish your skin.
Sending you so much love, Beauty. I will see you back here soon. Remember, we’re on Instagram, @_KimberlySnyder, for daily tips to keep you in line, to keep you motivated. On the podcast, you can ask me questions every week. Go to and you can submit your questions. Until then, take care and so much love.
This is so interesting. I have had eczema on and off for 15 years and when I did an elimination diet coffee and soy where the two things I found that really effected me when I reintroduced them. Great read. Thank you!
Thanks so much Christine! Happy to hear you’re on this journey towards better health. Keep up the great work and sending you lots of love! ;)
Thank you for the tips. I would like to know what else can help me with keeping my skin looking young besides the glowing green smoothie
Hi Mavis and thanks for checking out my vlog! My website has many articles on skin topics. You can find them under Blog, then type in skin in the search box. Let me know what tips work for you and stay connected here with the Solluna Community. Lots of love to you! ;)