This week’s topic is: Natural Remedies for Your Mind and Body
Here on our podcast, we take a holistic approach to self care and lifestyle. And our Four Cornerstones are food, body, emotional wellbeing and spiritual growth. We really want to look at practices, remedies, foods, all of it, through the lens of supporting our holistic lifestyle, because we’re not just physical bodies. And we’re also not just a mind. We have our physical layer to our being, our emotional and mental and spiritual layers as well.
In order to really feel good and reach our highest potential, we want to make sure that we’re choosing all these remedies and practices that are supportive across the different layers of ourselves.
This is what we’ll be talking about on our show today. Taking this really beautiful holistic approach, which is the most powerful way to feel your very best and to feel connected to yourself.
Have you been wondering about this very topic? If you want to know the answer to this question and 3 more sent in by Beauties just like you, listen now to find out!
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[Questions Answered]
Trina – Green Bay
How do I prioritize my to do lists at home and work? I’ve heard it’s best to just accomplish 2-3 key things on my list each day, but I feel everything is a priority! Any advice on how to decide what to do first other than deadlines?
Chiara – Melbourne
What do you think about ingesting essential oils for your health? Considering a high grade. Much love Chiara xo
Savannah – Oregon
I started university and also work full-time. I barely take holidays because I have so much to do. I feel stuck in a circle. I can’t get out and feel like it’s now affecting my mental health. Is there a way I can slowly start getting my healthy routine back?
Tricia – Brisbane
Can you share how you started your spiritual journey and easy tips to transition gently and naturally into this practice?
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The intention of the Feel Good Podcast is to well…help you really Feel Good in your body, mind and spirit! Feeling Good means feeling peaceful, energized, whole, uniquely beautiful, confident and joyful, right in the midst of your perfectly imperfect life. This podcast is as informative and full of practical tips and take-aways as it is inspirational. I am here to support you in being your very best! I have so much love and gratitude for you. Thank you for tuning in and being part of the community :).
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Inspirational Thought of the Week
“Be as simple as you can be; you will be astonished to see how uncomplicated and happy your life can become.” – Paramahansa Yogananda
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Kimberly: 00:01 Hi Beauties and welcome back to our Thursday, Q&A community podcast where all these questions come right from our amazing community, including maybe your question today and our topic for our show today is Natural Remedies for Your Mind and Body. And this of course fits right into our conversation here on our podcast, where we take a holistic approach to self care and lifestyle. And our four cornerstones are food body, emotional wellbeing and spiritual growth. So we really want to look at practices, remedies, foods, all of it, through the lens of supporting our holistic them, because we’re not just physical body. And we’re also not just a mind. We have our physical layer to our being our emotional and mental and spiritual layers as well. Yes. So in order to really feel good then of our podcast in order to reach our highest potential, we want to make sure that we’re choosing all these remedies and all these practices that are supportive across the different layers of ourselves.
Kimberly: 01:17 And that’s, we’re gonna talk about on our show today. We don’t want to just do something like pound our bodies with the kind of exercise that feels awful to, to have a certain body shape, but then we’re so stressed mentally and that we have no time. And then we work out late. So we have insomnia. That’s not what we’re talking about here. We, we understand that taking a fragmented approach, just looking at one part of our lives, never really works. And I can say that from personal experience as someone that was so hyper fixated on their weight for so many years, and when I got to that weight, it wasn’t a happy place to be. It was more fear came up about maintaining that way. And you know, it was all because I wasn’t really in touch with my true self yet. And I wasn’t managing my emotional wellbeing.
Kimberly: 02:10 And emotional projection is often the very root of food cravings. It’s the root of, um, you know, a lot of issues in relationships and confidence issues and so many different aspects. So, um, I wasn’t balanced and that’s why I really love about our community. And what we get to talk about here is really taking this really beautiful holistic approach, which is the most powerful way to feel your very best and to feel connected to yourself.
Please leave a review on iTunes
Kimberly: So before we get right into the questions today, I want to give you a reminder to please leave us a review on iTunes, which is so easy. You guys, I mean, honestly it takes a minute or two. I’m going to remind you again because it’s a wonderful way to support the show. It just takes a moment or two. And if you take a screenshot of your review and email it to, we will email you back our seven self-love affirmation series, which is a wonderful mini course.
Kimberly: 03:21 I’ve created for you with some lecture and then some practice, and really being able to start to tap into limiting beliefs and change them. It’s been a really powerful, uh, process for me personally. And it’s, um, it’s something I work with every day. So I’m excited to share it with you again, just screenshot your review and email it to And while you’re over there, please be sure to subscribe to our show. And that way you don’t miss out on any of these Q&A podcasts or any of our Monday interviews or solocasts.
Question #1 around the topic of: Natural Remedies for Your Mind and Body: How do I prioritize my to do lists at home and work? I’ve heard it’s best to just accomplish 2-3 key things on my list each day, but I feel everything is a priority! Any advice on how to decide what to do first other than deadlines?
Kimberly: Okay. All that being said, let’s get right into our show today. Natural remedies for your mind and body. Our first question comes from Trina, who lives in Green Bay and she writes, how do I prioritize my to-do lists at home and work? I’ve heard it’s best to just accomplish two to three key things on my list each day, but I feel everything is a priority.
Kimberly: 04:22 Any advice on how to decide what to do first, other than deadlines. Shana, thank you so much. My love for your question out there in green bay, sending you so much love. I’m so grateful that you’re part of our community. So to do lists, they can be long and they can be never ending. And if we let them control us, then we can start to feel guilt, shame around not getting enough done. We can start to get confused used. So I have, um, I have an interesting way of, of, of working with to-do lists. Now I, um, as you mentioned, it’s true. I do think that prioritizing is a really important thing. So when I look at my to-do list, you know, it’s it’s for the day. So here, I’ll start with this. I’ll say that every day we, um, are in a little bit of a different energy.
Kimberly: 05:22 So this could be influenced by our moon cycle. If you are a woman, your menstrual cycle, and just where we are hormonally and emotionally and physically at different times of the month, there could be, you know, other hormonal factors, things going on with your digestion, with your sleep patterns, um, astrology, I mean, there’s just so many different things. So what I like to do is I don’t try to box myself in meaning sure. There’s days where, you know, next Saturday we’re shooting the full pregnancy course. I’m excited. We’re finally getting it locked in, but I know, okay, that’s like a crew and all, you know, people are coming like, no matter what I’m going to shoot, I want to shoot that course. But if I’m not feeling out, you know, outward and extrovert, it not feeling like, you know, um, doing more of the, the video content I do or even podcasts.
Kimberly: 06:22 Then I allow myself to look at my to-do list and say, you know, my energy aligns more to writing this article today. So earlier today I wrote an article for, um, LA yoga. And that felt really good to just sit at my desk and to be alone and to create something on my computer. And that really matched my energy. And I’m really proud of the article. It felt really good to me. Um, and I think if I, you know, I was pushing myself to do something that wasn’t, you know, aligned on the to-do list and it just wouldn’t have felt that same flow. So I think it’s important that we allow our natural energy and our intuition to lead us and to guide us as to the best things that we can accomplish going right down the list is very masculine. It’s very rigid. It’s saying I was going to do this, this and this and this, and listen, that masculine sort of rising up and focus is an important energy to cultivate as well.
Kimberly: 07:19 But we want to also balance that with a divine feminine, which is nonlinear and creative and more circular and in flow. And so if you’re feeling that you want to, you know, go in a little bit of a different direction, or you’re really called to this one thing on the list, again, I think we have to go with the energy. And I know for me, that’s how I usually create my best stuff. And if I force myself to do the list in a certain way, or I have to go down it, sometimes I have to redo those things. Or sometimes I listen or I watch, or I go back and read what I did. And I say, you know, this isn’t really feeling that inspired. It’s feeling a little bit forced. So it’s true. What you said, Terrina, everything may feel like a priority. Of course, there’s so many different things going on, but, you know, and there was the reality of deadlines and things that may be more pressing than others, but I would encourage you to start your day with meditation, which is the, you know, really this chance to tune inward and to connect with the true self.
Kimberly: 08:22 And then in the space after meditation to journal, reflect, think about your intentions for the day or, you know, whatever, however you want to use that really potent time. And then after that would be really powerful time to look at your to-do list in that space, in that more open space, more connected space, and then let your intuition guide you to the few items that you want to tackle first. And then I’ll say that it’s, it’s a good practice to, at end of the day, instead of dragging it out and pushing more, just to really have a clean break from work, close your computer for me, I keep it at my office. I try not to bring it into our bedroom and I just let my, let it go. Whereas in the past, sometimes I would like bring the work back out late at night, um, and still happen.
Kimberly: 09:20 Sometimes I’ll be honest, but I try to really do that my best and then have that, that down period and let myself reset. And so that’s what I would say to you, Trina is, you know, this is a non-linear approach and I think it’s important because we’re not, you know, we’re not just linear, rigid people. We have energies, like I mentioned in hormones and so much going on with us day to day, that the most effective way to accomplish things, whether it’s towards your dream goal or towards your, you know, the practicalities of life is to match it with your energy and to go with that flow. And that’s how you start to feel that flow state. So even if I’m a little tired and I don’t want to do one thing, but I feel like, okay, I can do this. That can still flow with that.
Kimberly: 10:08 And it feels really good. So give it a try, train out, let me know how you, how you think, you know, how it, how you go, how it works out for you, how you start to evolve your to-do list. And please keep in touch. Really my love. I am so excited to hear about how things unfold and I’m sending you a big virtual hug out there to Green Bay.
Question #2 around the topic of:Natural Remedies for Your Mind and Body: What do you think about ingesting essential oils for your health? Considering a high grade. Much love Chiara xo
All right, let’s get into our next question. Who comes from Chiara and she lives in Melbourne Australia. Hello, my love big hug to you out there and Oz a country that I have spent a lot of time, not for a while now, but sending you so much love out there down under, what do you think about ingesting essential oils for your health considering a high grade, much love Chiara, Chiara. My love. Thank you so much again for your question and participating in the community.
Kimberly: 11:09 I love hearing what you are thinking and what all our sisters and brothers are writing in and what we can support each other on. This is one of the questions that has a very clear answer. The answer is I do not think ingesting essential oils are ever a good idea. We had a really great practitioner come on this podcast and they’re over a year ago, it’s been a while. His name is David Crow. He is an acupuncturist. He is an herbalist. He studied Ayurveda and Chinese traditional Chinese traditional Chinese medicine for many, many years. He’s an author. I’ve heard him lecture. After I heard one of his lectures. I pulled him aside and I said, you have to come on my podcast. I just love the wisdom coming out of you. And he actually has a company. And part of what they sell is essential oils.
Kimberly: 12:09 And he is so knowledgeable about essential oils as a really potent form of plant medicine, meaning that no, the plant medicine term doesn’t just mean psychedelics. It’s really meaning the medicinal qualities of plants that can be utilized by each and every one of us to derive benefits. So in this case with essential oils, we’re taking the essence of the leaf or the flower or the root or the stem or whatever it is, and really distilling it down and concentrating it very, very deeply. And, um, this is something that is not meant to be digested. So David talks about this quite a bit and also our amazing Charlynn Avery, who’s a natural, I’m sorry. Excuse me. Essential oil educator, a Nash, uh, national essential oil, uh, educator has also cited this as well. Oils are not meant to be ingested. You are not meant to sit down and eat a hundred lemons at once.
Kimberly: 13:17 It’s very, very concentrated. And as David points out, these essential oils have compounds that can actually create permanent damage in your esophagus and the esophageal lining, um, in some of the villas there, I mean, listen to the podcast, he goes in great detail and he also is not shy about pointing out that essential oils are very concentrated. So in order to sell more, some companies will say, oh, it’s okay to put, you know, I’m just using this as an example, it’s okay to put some drops of essential lemon oil in water and drink that and dilute it, um, in all these different practices, because it gets people to use more oils which sells more product. Again, I will say whether it’s lemon or any other essential oil should not ingest essential oils. It is not safe. And even if you say, well, I’m not sensitive, that’s what I’ve heard people say as well.
Kimberly: 14:18 I’m not sensitive to oils. We don’t know the kind of damage that’s going on internally by taking something, even in small amounts, that’s not meant to be ingested. And again, according to David, there’s great, um, esophageal damage that can happen from that practice that may not show up for years later and it can be permanent. So with this question, I’ll say, Chiara, please do not ingest any of your oils. There are infinite other ways to use them. You can check out again, those PA those podcasts with Charlynn, or she goes into so many different ideas and practices. And some of the ones that I’ve taken away from her advice is to simply put some essential oils on a cotton pad and put the pad inside my pillow case. I’ve done that. And it’s worked really well. Another great idea. She gave me was to put a pot on the stove and turn it up and then just drop your oils in there.
Kimberly: 15:25 And it makes the whole home smell really nice. And yeah, there’s just like infinite ideas to get that, that plant medicine, that concentrated quality of the plant into ingest and to ingest it in that way through smell, because what happens then is the little tiny particles that’s coming in to give that smell, go down into your lungs. And, um, we’re just smelling it. We’re not ingesting it, but it creates changes in the, um, the limbic part of our brain and emotionally we see shifts. And, um, there’s so many different ways that essential oils, this form of plant medicine can benefit us. But of course we want to do it in a really safe way, in a really mindful way. So I am in love with essential oils, but we want to use them judiciously and we do not want to ingest them. So thank you so much, I hope that anyone that’s been ingesting oils right now will think about stopping and use them in the, um, in the safe ways, but I send you so much love Chiara. And if you have other questions, please write into me. I’d love to keep supporting you. And again, sending you so much love down there to Australia.
Kimberly: 16:45 All right, we are going to take a quick break here. And when we come back, we have two more questions for you guys on this question on this topic, natural remedies for your mind and body.
Question #3 around the topic of: Natural Remedies for Your Mind and Body: I started university and also work full-time. I barely take holidays because I have so much to do. I feel stuck in a circle. I can’t get out and feel like it’s now affecting my mental health. Is there a way I can slowly start getting my healthy routine back?
Kimberly: All right. My loves we’re back from our break. And we have two more questions on this topic, natural remedies for mind and body. The first question comes from Savannah and she lives in Oregon and she writes, I started university and I also work full time. I barely take holidays because I have so much to do. I feel stuck in a circle. I can’t get out. And I feel like it’s now affecting my mental health.
Kimberly: 17:31 Is there any way I can slowly start getting my routine back? My healthy routine back? Yes. So Savannah, there’s so much in this question. I love you. And I I’m so grateful that you’re part of our community, my love, and thank you for really writing from your heart. It is non-healthy, I’ll say right off the bat to barely take holidays. My love. Um, you need to have that balance of rest and productivity. I know what it’s like to keep piling things on, but as [inaudible] says in his weld titled book, the body says no. And over time, the stress, the inflammation, the lack of rest, the taxing, you know, just overworking overstressing is it’s not good for you. My love. And what is the point? I’ll ask you that point blank. Like where, what are we trying? Like, what are we trying to get to? Where are we going?
Kimberly: 18:43 And I, I get it. It’s like, oh, you know, then I’ll get to the next thing and then I’ll get no this, and then I’ll have this ready and then I’ll do this. But really life is happening right here right now. And we need to take care of ourselves right here, right now and see the big picture of course, and our, and our dreams and our goals, but not sacrificing ourselves along the way, because what happens is then we get to our so-called destination or no, where, where the end deadline or the goal was. And then we get there frazzled and frustrated and exhausted. And we think, you know, what was the point of this whole thing? And then there’s another goal. And then the next thing, and then we’re trying to maintain what we have. And next thing you know, his five years have gone by and we’re more stressed and then life keeps going.
Kimberly: 19:32 And it’s, you know, I hate to paint this unhappy picture, but I say this Savannah, because I don’t want that to happen to you. And you feel that because you’re saying it’s affecting your mental health. So back to our cornerstones, emotional wellbeing and mental health are absolutely critical to, to feeling good and to feeling our best health and wellness is not just about what food we eat and how we exercise and how much we weigh and all these numbers. It’s a it’s, we are a total package. And so mental health and emotional wellbeing is absolutely critical. If our mental health goes, we can feel despondent. We can start to feel frustrated and unmotivated, and we start to contract and we start to get smaller and our energy goes down and we get to pleaded, and then we’re not as productive and we’re not creating our best stuff anyways.
Kimberly: 20:30 So again, we’re just like running ourselves into the ground. And I say, what is the point of this? Right. So I think it’s important for you. My love to take a breath. And the fact that you’re writing this into me means you’re starting to really create this awareness that there is imbalance and something needs to be done about it. So I am very happy that we’re here and we’re having this conversation right now because it is very much time to make a shift. And what I would suggest is first of all, um, taking some time with your journal and sitting back, oh my gosh, and I just, sorry, not to jump around, but this reminds me because I just created all the Solluna Circle content and our theme this month is thriving and avoiding burnout. And, oh my gosh, Savannah, if there was ever a month that I encourage you to join the Solluna Circle for $14.99 a month, this isn’t because we’re going into all the practices and the recipes and the meditations and the emotional wellbeing tools to avoid the burnout that I feel is coming through in your questions.
Kimberly: 21:45 So that aside, please check it out. I really feel that you would benefit from joining our community. And you put circle in your question anyways, though, I will say that I think it’s a good time to take a step back and just take some inventory of what’s going on and to see what you can start to let go of. So even though you’re really busy, there’s usually a few things that, you know, whether it’s, um, cutting back a little bit in your work, if that’s possible, or maybe taking less of a full class load at university, or, you know, um, batching your batch, cooking food more so you’re spending less time in food prep or, um, you know, just, there’s so many different ways. I, you know, none of us can do this for each other. We really have to look at our life and see where we’re actually giving away our power and giving away our time and take it back.
Kimberly: 22:48 So for me, um, over the years, it’s been the way I’ve taken my time and power back has ranged from, he goes spending less time in certain friendships, not nourishing them as much because, you know, while I love that person we’re going in different directions, also delegating more and hiring people and handing off stuff, you know, now I’m in that position to do it but years ago it wasn’t. So I know all the aspects of it. Um, you know, and all the little ways that I may, uh, waste time or not be as efficient in time. So it was just a good practice to sit down and see what can I, you know, stave off right off the top and consolidate and say no to things and let go of things and surrender, and then come into alignment. And then to really refocus on your, um, on your goals and your current, where, where is Savannah now and what is her greatest goals and looking at the list and seeing, you know, some of these things actually detract from my goals.
Kimberly: 23:54 They take away, they, they dilute my efforts. And so if you look at the list and you’re like, okay, I’m still really full here. At least we’ve cut back on some stuff. So that’s an important starting point. And as we go forward, I would encourage you to keep going back into that list because it’s amazing how much stuff can shift in a relatively short time. And you can hand things off or let things go or make different decisions and choices. And the next thing I would say, as far as getting your healthy routine back is to really put some energy into spaciousness in the morning, a little bit more spaciousness. And you know, a lot of people may think, oh, but it’s so much easier for me to start that spaciousness in the evening. And if we can do both, that’s amazing because we have some downtime in the evening.
Kimberly: 24:47 But the reason I always say to start in the morning is because we want to learn from nature and we want to go with a rising energy. So in the morning when the sun is rising and we are starting to get up, we are setting the energetic tone, the pattern for the day. And so when we’re struggling with self care and mental health and feeling overwhelmed and overworked, it’s very important that we get into a positive pattern, at least at the very beginning of the day, because even if we fall off or we start to get overworked or stressed, we still, we still have. Um, we still have that time in the morning where we’ve put effort into stillness and connecting with the true self and breathing and sitting and being. So it’s always going to get us a better head, start to the day.
Kimberly: 25:43 Again, even if we fall off, even if we, you know, quote, mess up and go off and freak out and get overwhelmed, it’s the practice of setting the pattern. It’s not going to happen overnight, but we sit in the morning and then it starts to get a little bit, a little bit different over time. So even this may involve even in a busy schedule, Savannah, you may, you know, feel that you need to get up a little bit earlier to do your practice, which we’ll talk about here in just a moment. And this reminds me of something I read from Martin Luther king, um, and I’m paraphrasing here, but he said something like, you know, when I’m really busy and there’s so much going on in my life, I pray for an hour a day. And I do that every day, except for the times where I’m really just so busy and so crazy.
Kimberly: 26:32 And then he says on those really busy times, that’s when I pray for two hours. So this is the stuff that we don’t want to let go of. We don’t want to push away. We don’t want to push down on the priority list because we’re so busy running around and doing stuff. This is sacred time, Savannah to connect with Savannah, the true Savannah, not Savannah on the surface, thrashing around life, combing her hair and running to class and doing this and this, but the essence that’s with you, the change less form, less essence inside of you, which is called the true self. And we need to connect more to her. And that’s when you start to feel grounded mentally and emotionally. And from that very stable, earthy place, then we get more into a flow. We start to see discern more where we put energy, what we need to focus on in that moment, what we can let go of, but we need to start with that deep connection, which builds over time through meditation.
Kimberly: 27:38 So what I would encourage you to do Savannah, even if you set aside 15 minutes in the morning, that’s going to be a sacred 15 minutes for you. And it can be that 15 minutes can include meditation. We have our free guided practical enlightenment meditations now in the Solluna app coming out every week, or, um, on the, website and our meditations are usually seven minutes or any sort of, uh, effective meditation practice that you resonate with. So let’s say you do that for seven minutes and then the next, you know, seven, eight minutes you can journal, um, just get out your journal. And you can think about the day we have weekly journal prompts in the soul and the Selena circle. I’ll bring it up one more time that can help guide you along around our theme. Or you can just sit and think about your intentions for the day or how you want to feel or what you want to let go of.
Kimberly: 28:36 Or you can kind of just, you know, a lot of times in my journal, I just see what flows out and like, you know, sometimes I need to process things. And as a writer, I like to write things down. So the journaling time for me is really important. And it’s also a really clear space after meditation. So you’re not as pulled in a million different directions. You’re not as frazzled. So you can use that clear space time to really organize yourself internally and to center yourself. And this Savannah will keep you more centered, poised, calm as you go into the day and you start your tasks. So I really encourage you my love to, I know it’s, it’s hard to let go of everything at once. And I know that feeling of work and school and hustle, and, you know, reminds me of me now.
Kimberly: 29:35 Um, you know, when I got back and back and backpacking years ago, trying to do it all, but it is also during that period, when I started to get really into my meditations and everything just started to change. So I, I tell you when my full heart, honey, don’t give up that really deep, sacred self connection time, start in the morning, start with 15 minutes and let it build naturally and let it unfold and see how it goes and see how your life starts to change, but really be consistent meditation journaling in the morning. That’s it, 15 minutes and notice what happens to your mental health and your emotional wellbeing. It’s going to be the start of something really beautiful. And then hopefully the next step we take is going to all start to evolve and eventually we’ll have a nice evening practice. And eventually your schedule will hopefully start to adjust to have those much needed vacations and much needed. Rest times. We are not meant to be on, on, on all the time. We need to rejuvenate. We need to balance, and we need to give ourselves that really sacred rest time. So sending you so much love sister, please keep in touch with me, keep in touch with me on how you’re doing and how you’re resting and sending you so much love and so much support.
Question #4 around the topic of:Natural Remedies for Your Mind and Body: Can you share how you started your spiritual journey and easy tips to transition gently and naturally into this practice?
Kimberly: 31:02 Okay. My love. So we have one more question from, for you. And this one comes from Tricia who lives in Brisbane and Brisbane is another city I’ve been to Tricia. So I know well enough not to say Brisbane, Melbourne, Brisbane, Melbourne. I love all these pronunciations. I lived in Sydney for a while and it was, um, it was, uh, there’s another funny one. Uh, it was called like in the Harbor. There was, um, the key, the Harbor is, I can’t think of it right now, but there was some funny way that American say it like quake, but it was really like key anyways, after living there for a while while, and having a couple Australian friends laugh at my pronunciation, I wised up. So I know to say Brisbane and your question. My love is can you share how you started your spiritual full journey and easy tips to transition gently and natural Lee into this practice?
Kimberly: 32:03 Oh, Tricia, my love, I, I love this question and I’m so grateful for you. And I want to share with you guys that I’m very, very, very excited for the next book to come out, which is coming out in January and it feels in a way like I’m starting, like I’m starting again. And what I mean by that was 10 years ago. Exactly. I wrote the beauty detox solution and it felt like my playbook for eating and starting to get on the healthy path. And it was everything that was lighting me up at the time. And I wanted to share it with the world. And now this next book, which is called you are more than you think you are, is my very practical guide for living your best life. And in this book. So similarly to the Beauty Detox Solution, I share my journey about, you know, health at the time, energy and bloating and acne and a low self-esteem and just a lot going on.
Kimberly: 33:15 And in this book I share about my spiritual journey. And what’s funny about this whole thing. It’s like bookmark because here I am, 10 years later, what I share in this book is really, it is my playbook. You guys, it’s everything it’s creating abundance, the life you want finding that confidence, finding the soulmate. I mean, it’s very practical. It’s very detailed. And I share about that transition from backpacking to coming back to America. And it was my practice that got me out of that. Um, you know, just, I was completely broke and got me into creating the life that I wanted. And so I’m going back to that and really sharing how I got into this, which kind of came from my backpacking journey. I was in India for months and I won’t give it away too much because it’s all in the buck, but I did, I was called to, um, sure, just a little bit.
Kimberly: 34:21 I was called into this bookstore and I felt like, like, you know, there’s, I was pulled into this destruction of this book. It was almost like fire in my body as I started picking it up and reading it. And it was from then I got into yoga and meditation and really was directly from India. And I started applying it when I came home and all these things started happening, like finding a literary agent and then getting published and, you know, without trying to, I was starting to work with all these celebrities and all this stuff was happening. And, um, again, I always love to share what has worked for me and helped me. And that’s, you know, the spiritual part of it was, was what did it, um, essentially, but of course, action steps then trickled into very practical things that you do with that energy.
Kimberly: 35:15 Once you understand to work with energy in a deeper way, right? Just like in the beauty detox solution, I was talking about beauty energy and looking at digestion underneath the numbers of calories and grams of sugar and fat and things like that. There is an underlying energy structure in our lives, similarly to food. And that is part of what I will teach you about in the new book for now, I will say. Um, and we, we actually did a survey recently on social and one of the co the question was, what is it, the cornerstone that you feel that you need the most work on? And it was interesting, 75% of people said emotional wellbeing. And so only 6% of people said spiritual growth. But what I don’t think a lot of us realize yet is that the spiritual growth, which is about awareness, not religion, it’s about awareness and connection to the deepest part of you.
Kimberly: 36:15 That’s where your emotional resiliency comes from. That’s where you start to become a very stable, but also joyful peaceful person. And so the emotional cornerstone and the spiritual cornerstone, or very connected, and then that of course has a profound impact on the body and our relationship with food. So some of the tips to transition gently into the practice of the spiritual journey is similar to what, um, I mentioned earlier to Savannah about starting in the morning, just like always said, or the morning GGS, hot water with lemon, SBO probiotics. And now the part that I emphasize the most meditation, and even five minutes, eight minutes of sitting with yourself after meditation, you can use that space to journal, as I said to Savannah, or to introspect, or to organize yourself for the day to think about how you want to feel your intentions for the day, whatever it is that regularity of sitting in meditation is sounds so simple.
Kimberly: 37:32 And I’ve said it many times, but it is the number one practice Tricia. It is, you know, it’s one of those things I’ve found myself where you don’t realize how you keep going deeper and deeper into it. And one day you’re like, oh my gosh, I actually feel more peaceful. I’m noticing benefits. And so it keeps building over time. So I encourage you to keep sitting and to keep doing it and to let it unfold from there. And again, we have free guided meditations from yours, truly over on the Solluna app. There’s a free guided meditation section called practical enlightenment meditations, which is my process, my three step meditation process and also on the website. So I encourage you to check those out or any other form of meditation that really resonates with you and build from there. My love, thank you so much for your question and sending you so much love out there in Brisbane.
Thought of the Week
Kimberly: 38:35 And before we close out, I would like to leave you with a quote. And this one comes from Paramahansa Yogananda, the great yoga guru, and he writes, “Be as simple as you can be; you will be astonished to see how uncomplicated and happy your life can become.” Listen to your intuition, simplify the noise around you, all the sensory stuff, turn the TV off, except for when you really want to watch clean up the clutter. Don’t schedule it so much. Keep your recipes simple for food. Don’t think you need to buy a million different wellness products. You really only need a few key supplements and things. So simplify your life and allow more space for the things that really matter. Connection, meditation, stillness. So I’ll leave you guys with this, sending you so much love and so much gratitude.
Kimberly: 39:52 Thank you for walking this journey with me. It really means the world. I’m a hundred percent here for you. So if anything pops up for you that you’re wondering about, please send us your questions over and also on Instagram, we’re collecting them as well. And that way we’ll be able to support you. And I guarantee that your question is going to be one that many other beauties have as well. So thank you so much. And I will be back here Monday for our next interview cast till then take great care and sending you so much love.