This week’s topic is: 4 Out of the Box Ways to Create Abundance in Your Daily Life
This is something that I’m very passionate about sharing. I know very well what it’s like to feel restriction in our health, our vitality. I’ve had issues with bloating, with energy to have restriction, financially. I’ve struggled to pay my rent month to month in the past when I was starting out to feel a lack of love, both in self-love and in partnership love and in general.
I believe there is a way to bridge over to what is the birthright of all of us, which is prosperity, fullness, and abundance. And when I talk about 4 out of the box ways on this show, I mean there are ways in which lack programming could be running underneath your actions, the ways in which you eat, the ways in which you live that you may not even realize that create more of that lack energy instead of shifting into prosperity. I’m very excited to talk about this today.
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[Question Answered]
Sherri – Las Vegas
Hi Kimberly, I have tried to improve my life situation but it’s not working. I live in the same crappy apartment with roommates and can’t get out of credit car debt. I hate my body. Help!
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The intention of the Feel Good Podcast is to well…help you really Feel Good in your body, mind and spirit! Feeling Good means feeling peaceful, energized, whole, uniquely beautiful, confident and joyful, right in the midst of your perfectly imperfect life. This podcast is as informative and full of practical tips and take-aways as it is inspirational. I am here to support you in being your very best! I have so much love and gratitude for you. Thank you for tuning in and being part of the community :).
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Kimberly: 00:06 Namaste. Welcome back to our Thursday q and a show where our topic today is 4 Out of the Box Ways to Create Abundance in Your Daily Life and let go of lack limited ideas, old programming so that you can unleash whole life prosperity. This is something that I’m very passionate about sharing about. I know very well what it’s like to feel restriction in our health vitality. I’ve had issues with bloating, with energy to have restriction financially. I’ve struggled to pay my rent month to month in the past when I was starting out to feel a lack of love, both in self-love and in partnership love and in general. So I know that there is a way to bridge over to what I believe is the birthright of all of us, which is prosperity, fullness, and abundance. And when I talk about four out of the box ways on this show, I mean there are ways in which lack programming could be running underneath your actions, the ways in which you eat, the ways in which you live that you may not even realize that create more of that lack energy instead of shifting into prosperity.
01:26 So I’m very excited to talk about this today. Before we get in, wanted to give you a quick reminder that over on our website, my so, S-O-L-L-U-N, we will have the show notes for today so you can review any points you would like to as well as links to other shows I think you would enjoy and more. A million recipes, food recipes, articles, meditations, and more our amazing digestion based products, our supplements, our skincare, everything lives over on our website. So you can check it out after our show. I highly recommend that you do for all of our resources.
Question around the topic of: 4 Out of the Box Ways to Create Abundance in Your Daily Life: Hi Kimberly, I have tried to improve my life situation but it’s not working. I live in the same crappy apartment with roommates and can’t get out of credit car debt. I hate my body. Help!
Let’s dive right in. I really want to get into these out of the box ways because when I started highlighting and identifying these programs and shifting over, I noticed a really big difference in my life. Our question today comes from Sherri, who lives in Las Vegas.
02:31 Sherry, thank you so much for being in our community. Thank you for your participation, sending you much love out there to the desert where my hubby actually is right now on a business trip not too far from where we are in California. And you write, hi Kimberly. I have tried to improve my life situation, but it is not working. I live in the same crappy apartment with roommates and I can’t get out of credit card debt. I hate my body help. So Sherry, thank you so much for sending this over. Thank you for bearing your heart to us. This is unedited or response or question rather coming into me so I can feel your energy and I can also feel that this spans your life, which is perfectly brings forward. What I want to talk about today, which is abundance versus lack, an abundance versus a lack mindset, which isn’t just relegated to one area of our life.
1. 4 Out of the Box Ways to Create Abundance in Your Daily Life: Not thinking things have to go a certain way
03:44 It’s sort of like a sugar cube that dissolves into a cup of tea. It permeates everything. So when we’re seeing a lack struggle financially, we’re often seeing that sort of struggle maybe played out in a different way energetically or feeling lack about our body shape or feeling a lack of good feelings about our diet or our workplace situation or our life or family situation or whatever it is. So let’s pause for a minute, pack up for a minute and just feel into what abundance is. Abundance is where we feel the fullness of the wholeness that’s inside of us. So sort of how sauna means the sun and the moon. It doesn’t mean that the moon or nighttime is a lack of light. It means that it is a fullness in and of itself. There’s a fullness to all the phases, all the parts of us.
04:47 And even if we aren’t exactly where we want to be on the surface, if we connect underneath, there is a wholeness that we can always tap into. This is the wholeness of the true self that Yogananda speaks about, which has been such a huge inspiration in my personal life and philosophy. And his teachings are highlighted in my latest book. You are more than you think you are, which is out in paperback should you want to pick up a copy this new year, which is a great read, especially at the top of the year. Lack means I’m focusing on something that’s missing. And on the surface, factually we can say, oh, I’m missing more money to pay all my bills so my credit card debt is racking up. Or on the surface we could say yes, this number on the scale isn’t actually where I want myself to be or my BMI is off or whatever we want to say.
05:49 But if we’re focusing always on the surface, the lack based mindset will always find something wrong. It will always find something missing. So what we don’t want to do is go to the same place where the problem is and try to fix the problem from that place. We want to look at things in a deeper way. We want to connect to a sense of fullness that is always there, that is always inside of us, a sense of peace and acceptance for what is. Now this might sound a bit contradictory, like why if I accept my circumstances then I won’t be able to change them. But the truth is when we find that peaceful place of acceptance, we tap into this different energy, this different way of showing up this different perspective, this more solution oriented perspective which is wider and isn’t fixated or based on control or rigidity.
06:52 And that actually helps us to move forward. So first we need to be at peace with what is and then we can move forward. So now I want to dive right into our four out of the box ways to create more abundance. And I’m going to be answering your question, Sherry, along the way because I hear you. It’s frustrating when we say I’ve tried and I don’t like my apartment, or I want more out of life. I don’t want to feel this way in my body. I don’t want to be in debt. So the first out of the box way of creating that starting today is not fixating on things going a certain way, having expectations that as little as this is what I was supposed to eat at the restaurant, or this is how the meeting’s supposed to go today, that’s lack based. That means only this one way or it has the power to throw me off, to take away my peace, to rob me of equanimity and calmness.
08:01 So there’s a lot of lack in that perspective. So think about how that program may run across your whole life. I expect to weigh this much. I expect to be married by the time I’m 32 or whatever it is. I expect people to treat me the certain way at work. When we let go of all of that, what it means is we start to cultivate this in perturbable power, meaning the outside world doesn’t have the power to make me feel lack. And that means we become the more powerful force in any given situation to bring what we want to us. So let’s break that down a little bit more. I want this specific thing to go a certain way. Can you see how that’s like having blinders on a horse, meaning this one way? So let’s just say you planned a rafting trip with your family and it rains, right?
09:06 The lack based thinking is, this sucks. This ruins the day. This is what I wanted. It’s not happening. We get in a bad mood, we mope our energy tanks. The moodiness takes over. That lack energy permeates your whole vibration, right? It would permeate how you would digest your food, how you would eat your outlook on life, any thoughts, projects, goals, ideas that pass your mind would be filtered through that very negative way of looking at things. The abundant way is to say, well, that’s okay because we’re together. I’m here in myself, my family’s here. Let’s go to the arcade, or let’s build a fort together in the living room, or let’s play chess big game my son is in into right now. Or let’s make, let’s bake something together, right? We pivot and we shift. That’s abundance, that’s wider solutions becoming available, that’s staying buoyant in life instead of getting dragged down and reactive with every little thing.
10:24 I promise you this, the more buoyant we become in the little everyday ways, the more this energy builds to create more abundance in the bigger things. So if we’re abundant in, oh, my toothpaste ran out, instead of saying, this sucks. Ugh, I’m so bad, I always forget to order things. We say no big deal. Let me just get some later or let me come up with a homeopathic or homemade solution or whatever it is. We pivot, we shift. We don’t let the surface things take us down. That is a very important way how one thing affects everything else. So it’s an important way to shift our overall life is to see how are we living day to day, moment to moment? How are we being affected by everyday life? Are we responding? Are we reacting? Are we able to keep our inner peace? Because at the end of the day, that’s what really matters.
11:30 And the most highest of yogic qualities is calmness and equanimity. It means that the outside world no longer has the power to shift us. So if we stay peaceful, if we say this is going to turn out how it’s meant and I’m going to be okay, that is a powerful abundance energy to permeate through your life and it will start to create great change starting with the everyday moments. The next out of the box way to create abundance is to let go of the idea that people have to like you or agree with you or validate you or favor you or anything to this degree of the outside world getting to tell you your worth. So easier said than done, but once we start to clarify this, it becomes easier to let it go. So I’ll give you an example. We live in a world with of course a lot of social media on a micro scale, a macro scale.
12:38 It could be just a group of your friends or you could be a more public figure or whatever it is. But if we are feeling good, if a lot of people like our posts were getting that dopamine hit natural, cool, I put something out there. But if we feel badly about ourselves because people didn’t validate us, they didn’t like our posts that much, it means that lack is running underneath. Where we want to get to, where we can grow into is connecting to the truth inside of us, connecting to what we really want to express in the world. And if we put that out, it will feel good, it will feel authentic and then we release it. And however it’s received by others doesn’t really affect us and affects us less and less to be realistic because we are abundant, we are connected to who we are, and that’s a place of great confidence.
13:45 So when you meet someone and they’re just, we can all name people that are confident and you could say, oh, that person doesn’t care what other people think or they’re just really themselves. There’s a truth in that. There’s an abundance to that because that person has let go of letting their worth be dinged around like a ball, like a leaf blowing in the wind based on other people’s flimsy ever-changing opinions, right? So there’s a lot of lack when we give our power away in other people’s opinions of us, we’re human. So it’s not the easiest thing to let go of. But how we start to become more secure within ourselves as I mentioned, is we start to feel more of that connection to that incredible energy inside of us. This means spending time with ourselves. This means meditating means stillness, it means listening to our intuition, really being comfortable with what feels right and true to us.
2. 4 Out of the Box Ways to Create Abundance in Your Daily Life: Not feeling
14:51 And that way we can take in other people’s opinions, we can listen, we don’t have to be swayed by them. We don’t have to let our self-worth go up and down. We can really feel more firm and secure in ourselves. So remember that we have a library of the practical enlightenment meditations for you. We’re working to upload a new form of meditation called the Heart Aligned Meditations, which we ran a study on a couple months ago, which was really exciting. And so it’s really important that we start to let go more and more of other people controlling our sense of worth. We can be abundant and feel really good about what we put out as long as we are doing it from a connected place. Also making sure we’re trying our best, we’re putting our best foot forward. So that’s important, which connects to the next part, which I’ll talk about now, which is not feeling, the first one was not thinking things have to go a certain way.
3. 4 Out of the Box Ways to Create Abundance in Your Daily Life: Accepting the form and the state in which our body currently is
16:00 And the third part is really accepting the form and the state in which our body currently is. So no matter what our body is like at this moment, whether we have really poor digestion, whether we’re 20 pounds overweight, whether we are suffering from a lack of energy or a bit of rosacea or acne or whatever it is, we are that energy underneath the body. Even the body is not who we are. The body is an important temple though for us to take care of, to care for. Well, it contains our energy in this life, but we want to connect to that place of fullness that is underneath. It does not age, it does not decay, it does not wither away. It is not changing. So there’s this abundance in that connecting to that deeper sense of vitality. And once we do that, because the body runs so much on our mental programs, if we’re living in a lack based programming, our body often will reflect that.
17:17 So it’s a funny thing where it’ll start to show up almost to reinforce our beliefs. See, I am so fat or see my skin is aging so quickly or see my joints are breaking down or my autoimmune is flaring up again or whatever it is. So the way to create abundance in the body is to connect again to this inner energy and let that be the place from which we drink every day energetically. And let that start to dissolve these ideas on the surface that all we are is this aging bag of skin and bones. So let that energy come up to create more cellular rejuvenation and healing. Let that fullness be the place from which we choose how to nourish our bodies. When we come from a place of fullness and we stand in front of the refrigerator, we have a different intuition rising up about how we can nourish this beautiful energy.
18:19 And maybe it’s the choosing of the spirulina, which I’ve been indulging in a lot recently. It feels so good to have that vitamin, a iron rich, protein rich, deep green in my body and I know it’s fueling me and I’m noticing a difference as a happy byproduct, the state of my skin and the state of my energy, right? But it’s not coming from a place of lack like I need to repair this mess. It’s coming from this deeper place of I want to fuel this energy. I want to give my container even more strength to hold this amazing energy which is inside of me that I want to place out into the world that I want to share in the world. So the next time you start to feel about your body, start to notice if you’re coming from that lack, if these programs are running the way that you exercise as well, are you coming from this place of almost desperation?
19:27 Like I have to do these classes. I have to do two fitness classes back to back because I’m so out of shape because I don’t like the way that my body looks, whatever it is, versus I am powerful the way that I am inside of me and I’m going to show up and work out or move my body in a way that feels like it’s in alignment today, which may mean resting some days. Sometimes I need to work like a workhorse and get some of this energy out and move this and move my muscles and build some strength in my bones and do some weightbearing exercise. But we want to come from this abundance place. And in the meantime until we’re really connecting to that energy and letting it manifest externally, I do recommend staying off the scale, staying away from staring at yourself in the mirror, so much in the closeup mirror, staring at your pores, staring at pictures, fixating on Instagram and other images because that’s part of the limited programming, what your programming will cause you to see what you are looking for.
20:34 So if you are looking to compare, if you’re looking for lack, you will find people that reinforce that you don’t look as good or people that look better or that the scale doesn’t measure up to what you want or whatever it is. So in the meantime, it’s very powerful to really use your discernment about what’s coming in. Hide your scale or like me, throw it out. I don’t have a scale anymore. I’d never weigh myself. It’s worked out a lot better for me for the past 12 years or so, not owning a scale. It was a reinforcing limited belief tool at the time. Look, I gained a pound. Look, I can’t eat the way I want to eat without gaining weight. See? See, when I just let it all go and started connecting to a deeper place inside of me, things really did start working out better and my body started to look the way it wanted to look, but it had to come from a place of abundance.
21:37 And abundance isn’t based on numbers, which can give important cues and clues. Some of us like to see some of the numbers, but if you’re like me, I went all the way and just let it go. Sometimes I’ve had clients that they’ll check in once a week versus every day, or there’s certain tracking devices that help them. And no, again, it’s not all or nothing, but no matter what, this energy inside of you cannot be measured. The true self, the real wholeness inside of you cannot be contained by any sort of manmade device app, quantitative measurement. So make sure even if you are using measurements like your weight or whatever with your body, that you are also connecting inside, that you are also taking time before you get out of bed to breathe, to take some deep breaths into your body. Our meditations are about eight to 10 minutes.
22:43 You take some time to sit with yourself out of thinking mode, out of performance mode, out of doing mode. And that is the way that you will start to create that abundance from the inside out. No one’s going to give you an abundance mindset. You can’t just paint it on. You can’t just take a class or do a manifesting course and think that it’s going to be given to you. It’s an energy that you have to connect to. And there’s a lot more I say about that in the latest book. There’s some practices in there and teachings from Yogananda, which really helped me. There is a chapter actually about abundance. So please check it out if you are interested because we want to embody that energy. So the fourth one is noticing lack thoughts. So it’s easy to say a mantra, I am abundant and then forget about it, right?
4. 4 Out of the Box Ways to Create Abundance in Your Daily Life: Noticing lack thoughts
23:47 Or to create a goal and then go about your day. But we want to introspect. Yogananda did say introspection is one of the greatest tools of progress. And in my own life I can wholeheartedly say that that is correct. If we start to notice a lack based thought, which could mean could show up as judging yourself, judging others, if we’re very secure and abundant, we don’t feel the need to judge. We are okay with what is. So judgment already is a cue that clue or cue that something is amiss. There is some kind of lack based programming going on because otherwise why are we fixating on something being different than it is? Whether that’s in someone living their life differently or somebody doing something wrong, or we should have done something differently. Let it be. Let in the wise words of John Lennon. Let it be. So judgment is a sign of lack programming that we want to be aware of. And then we call it back in and we say to ourselves, what am I feeling? What’s the programming here? What feels threatened? Where’s the lack? And then we can guide ourselves back, oh, I was feeling bad about my own body. That’s why I was judging her shape. I am wonderful as I am. I am abundant. I okay. And we take some deep breaths into our body and we connect to our hearts and we can feel that fullness coming forward.
25:30 Another sign of lack based thinking is comparison. That’s one of the most ultimate ways that lack is showing up. Why must I be like someone else? Why must I do things in the same way as someone else? We call it back in when it shows up and we remind ourselves that our life’s path and our journey of unfolding this incredible energy, the journey of self-realization is completely unique to us. So maybe our life turned out the way we expected when we were little and we had seven kids by the time we’re 35 and maybe we’re in our late thirties and we’re still looking for a partner or open to a partner, or maybe we’re starting to go a different path and we’re starting to travel and we don’t ever need to compare our life journey. We don’t need to compare our bodies. We don’t need to compare how much we’re eating to other people. I remember thinking, well, I’m really hungry and I eat such large portion sizes compared to other people, but my body fuels up in a different way. So if I’m
Kimberly: 26:42 Eating enormous plate of food instead of feeling bad or that I’m a pig, I just connect to this is intuitively what my body needs right now. And I start labeling myself as a pig, right? That was a program that I would do. I’m taking too much, I’m this, I’m that. So comparison and judgment, notice where it’s running through. And then we start to retrain ourselves little by little, but we can’t retrain ourselves unless we identify where the lack thoughts. So lack thoughts are not just, oh, I am you spelled out here directly, Sherry, I hate my body, I don’t like this, I don’t like that. Yes, those are ones to be aware of as well. But we also want to look to where am I judging? Where am I comparing? Where am I just feeling not good enough? And those two, if you start to focus on comparison and judgment and you start to identify them as lack based thinking instead of negative thinking, or I shouldn’t do this, but literally lack, that will create lack in your energy field, lack in your energy, lack in your finances, lack in your work, lacking your family life, lacking your enjoyment, lacking your bliss, lacking your joy, then we can start to be more serious about overcoming them.
28:07 And again, there’s a lot more I write about this in that book. That’s why I needed a whole book to write about it, because I know these programs well. They were programs that were very strong in my life. And I’m not going to say that they’ve completely, completely gone away. Sometimes the thoughts will still crop up. But I have to say honestly from my heart, they’re 95% better. At least over the past a few years, they just kept dissolving and dissolving away. And I know that’s possible for you as well. So when we get rid of all these lack programs, what is left the truth of who we are? This energy, this energy that’s unique, that can start to be okay with what is that starts to attract more situations and helpful people. That starts to see the world in abundant eyes and the ways in which we show up start to really weave a different day-to-day experience.
29:10 We start to see more collaboration at work. We can then get more raises and promotions and job opportunities. People want to work with us. So there you go. With being able to change our work situation, Sherry, if you really do want to change your living situation, you start to walk around in the world more abundant things will open up. I ran into someone we know from town yesterday and where I live, there’s a real shortage of housing. And he said him and his wife Hillary, I know his wife Hillary, she does alga actually, she does postnatal alga. So she did, when I gave birth to Moses, she did some massages for me, which were wonderful. And I said, oh, walking around here, did you move around here? And he said, yeah, we just found this great house up the road we’re renting. And I said, wow, that’s awesome.
30:06 You guys found a house. I’ve known so many people who said they couldn’t find anything. And he said, yeah, we were just in town and chatting away. And it turns out Hillary’s old friend had this guest house and she just let us have it. It’s awesome. So this isn’t magic. These serendipities are part of this unified energy. This more, and this is some of the research I’ll be talking about my next book. There’s literally fields around us, around our hearts, around our brains, around our bodies, electromagnetic fields. So when we’re more in alignment with peacefulness and appreciation for life, we don’t have chaotic energy, we don’t have chaotic heart rate, HRV patterns as much, and we don’t have chaotic brainwaves. Our breath is more steady. We feel safer. We register as safer and more magnetic to others. So things tend to work out better, right?
31:06 It’s not woo woo, it’s not magic. It’s just that when we are in a more secure place, which again cannot ever be dependent on the outside world, things will become more abundant. So the great news, Sherry, and all of my loves listening to this you right now, is that abundant starts from within. It doesn’t need to depend on the market getting better, the economics shifting, things happening outside of you. It starts inside of you. So start being open to how things work out. Starting to let go of rigidity and things being a certain way in everyday experiences. And that will build an abundance energy through your life, which says, I am open. I open to the best things coming up, and I don’t always know the best way. So I’m not going to lock in and get rigid. Number two, let go of people liking you or agreeing with you or validating you or giving you your worth.
32:01 Abundance means I connect to the truth inside of me, and I’m good no matter what. Number three, accept and be at peace with your body at this moment. Connect to the inside. Meditate, sit with yourself. Let that abundance fuel your inspired action in your dietary choices, in your recipes, you choose how you shop for yourself, how you eat, how you work out, how you move, how you live. And then you will see a difference in your body from a much more abundant and grateful place that will be more sustainable and long-term. And number four, notice lack based thoughts and programming running through your life, particularly judgment and comparison. And then pull it back into yourself and notice how you can shift it and how this starts to create more shifting patterns and more abundant energy. You will become more abundant across your life. So again, check out the show notes for these points and more related podcasts.
33:06 I’ve done other podcasts on abundance and purpose. Please do check out the latest book. You are more than you think you are where I do write more in depth. That is my speaking. I, I also love writing so I can express a lot through my books in a different way from this show. So it’s a great enrichment tool. They work really well together. And of course, all the free meditations and recipes and everything that you can receive there. So sending you so much love I pray and want the best for you this year for more abundance. Sherry, thank you for your question. Thank you for bringing this forward. I wish you the most beautiful, abundant year ahead. For all of you listening, please keep your questions coming. You can submit them on the website as well. And I’ll be back here Monday for our next interview show. Till then, take care and sending you so much love. Namaste. Okay.