Welcome to the Feel Good Podcast with Kimberly Snyder. Our goal is to help you develop a lifestyle that promotes health, wholeness and healing.
Feeling Good means we tune in to our bodies and our intuition, including when we are actually hungry, eating and making lifestyle choices to feel energized and beautiful, what serves us and what doesn’t, and being in flow along our unique journeys. Feeling good, by following our daily practices, naturally leads to also looking good, in a much more powerful way from glowing skin created from within, clear eyes, a beautifully strong body, radiant energy and a level of peace from simply being comfortable with our perfectly imperfect selves.
Thursday is our community show, where I cover a themed topic and answer four questions that come right from members of our community, just like you! We are here to support you in living your most beautiful, inspired and joyful life, with a focus on physical health, wellness, meditation and spirituality and personal empowerment.
I’m your host, Kimberly Snyder, founder of Solluna, New York Times best-selling author and nutritionist. :)
This week’s theme is: Wellness Trends- True or False
Have you been wondering about this very topic? If you want to know the answer to this question and 3 more sent in by Beauties just like you, listen now to find out!
Remember you can submit your questions at https://mysolluna.com/askkimberly/
[Questions Answered]
Melanie, Santa Clarita, CA
What is your opinion on drinking apple cider vinegar? For wellness and/or weight loss?
Randy- Austin, TX
Oat Milk is taking over all my favorite coffee and tea shops but I’m not sure how it compares to the usual nut milks.
Shirley- Pittsburgh, PA
I’ve been adding MCT oil to my smoothies and I’m feeling so full for hours. Is this all in my head or are there satiating benefits of MCT oil? Is it a good source of fat in my diet?
Rebecca- Tampa, FL
A bunch of my friends have started taking collagen supplements and protein powders with collagen and I’ve tried researching on my own but I still am not sure if I need to be taking it? What is the proper usage?
Inspirational Thought Of The Week
See the core of love in each person, where we are all connected.
There are lots of ways to share your responses or questions about the podcast:
- Comment below
- Connect on Twitter: @_kimberlysnyder
- Follow the conversation on my Instagram
- Comment on my Facebook Page
- Ask a question: mysolluna.com/askkimberly
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Want to know what to expect from other episodes of the “Feel Good Podcast with Kimberly Snyder”? My passion is to inspire and empower you to be your most authentic and beautiful self. We offer interviews with top experts, my personal philosophies and experiences, as well as answers to community-based questions, around topics such as health, beauty, nutrition, yoga, spirituality and personal growth. The intention of the Feel Good Podcast is to well…help you really Feel Good in your body, mind and spirit! Feeling Good means feeling peaceful, energized, whole, uniquely beautiful, confident and joyful, right in the midst of your perfectly imperfect life. This podcast is as informative and full of practical tips and take-aways as it is inspirational. I am here to support you in being your very best! Thank you for tuning in :). Love and gratitude. xx
Listeners really respect the views of other listeners, so your response helps people find good material they are interested in! If you enjoyed the podcast, please tell your friends and give us a rating or review. Many thanks in advance.
- Spring Cleanse Avocado Mache ACV Salad Recipe
- ACV Veggie Quinoa Salad Recipe
- Homemade Almond or Hazelnut Milk Recipe
- How to Make Fresh Almond Milk
- MCT Oil: Worth It…or Just Another Health Fad?
- Why Bulletproof Coffee Might Not Be for Everyone
- BIO Podcast: Ep. 166 Should We Be Taking Collagen Supplements?
- VLOG #27 5 Essential Vitamins For Overall Wellness!
- Feel Good Probiotics
- Feel Good Detoxy
- Feel Good Digestive Enzymes
- Feel Good Starter Kit
- The Beauty Detox Solution
- The Beauty Detox Foods
- The Beauty Detox Power
- Radical Beauty
Other Podcasts you may enjoy!:
- BIO Podcast: Ep. 80 Is Apple Cider Vinegar A Cure All?
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- BIO Podcast: Ep. 174 Can We Get Omega 3 Nutrients From Certain Vegetables?
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