Happy Thanksgiving Dear Beauty!
I am so excited because it’s time for this week’s Q&A segment on “Beauty Inside Out” with Kimberly Snyder. This week, I answer four trending questions from our Beauty Detox Community.
This week’s most popular question was: What are some suggestions to stay on track for the holidays?
Have you been asking yourself this very same question? If you want to know the answer to this question and 3 more sent in by Beauties just like you, listen now to find out!
Remember you can submit your questions at www.mysolluna.com/askkimberly
[Questions Answered]
Samantha – Freeport, Maine
What are some suggestions to stay on track for the holidays, I always cave and end up eating non approved foods on special occasions!
Megan – Dallas, Texas
I often find I feel very stressed from October through the New Year. Do you have any tips on how I can stay grounded?
Lisa – Chicago, Illinois
I am a chronic belcher. I burp all the time! I have been plant-based now for 2 months now. Any suggestions?
Pam – Boise, Idaho
This may sound silly but I have a tough time being able to tell when I’m actually hungry…Do you have any advice on how to stop doing this?
Inspirational Thought Of The Week
Creativity comes from stillness. Meditate to tap into your infinite creativity!
There are lots of ways to share your responses or questions about the podcast:
- Comment below
- Connect on Twitter: @_kimberlysnyder
- Follow the conversation on my Instagram
- Comment on my Facebook Page
- Ask a question: mysolluna.com/askkimberly
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Want to know what to expect from other episodes of the podcast, when you listen to “Beauty Inside out with Kimberly Snyder”? My passion is to inspire and empower you to be your most authentic and beautiful self. I discuss my philosophies and personal experiences on a variety of topics, including on health, beauty, nutrition, yoga, spirituality and fitness. Exciting conversations and interviews are infused with helpful tips and takeaways. From interviews with today’s top health, wellness and spirituality pioneers, authors, Ayurvedic and Western doctors, artists and entrepreneurs to yogis, spiritualists, and world-class vegan athletes, Beauty Inside Out is as informative as it is inspirational. I am here to support you in being your very best!! Thank you for tuning in :).
Listeners really respect the views of other listeners, so your response helps people find good material they are interested in! If you enjoyed the podcast, please tell your friends and give us a rating or review. Many thanks in advance.
- 12 Inspiring Quotes To Stay Positive Through This Holiday Season!
- The Surprising Fact About Holiday Weight Gain
- The Invisible Benefits of Grounding
- 6 Steps To Walk Your Way to Calmness
- Quick and Easy Tips to Prevent Acid Reflux and Heart Burn
- Are You Eating Right But Not Feeling Full? READ THIS!
- The Hunger-Killer Combo
- 10 Ways to Fight Cravings, Maintain Your Waistline and Your Sanity!
- The Glowing Green Smoothie
- My Glow Bio Cleanses
- The One Day Cleanse
- Detoxy+
- Beauty Detox Probiotics
- Radical Beauty
- The Beauty Detox Solution
- Beauty Detox Foods
Other Podcasts you may enjoy!:
- Getting Through The Holidays with Drew Canole & The Truth About Holiday Weight Gain [BIO Podcast: Ep 117]
- Workout Smoothies, Cleanse Prep, Saunas, and Staying Grounded Q&A [BIO Podcast: Ep. 8]
- Being Strong, Focused and Happy with Tara Stiles & Digestive Health Tips for the Holidays [BIO Podcast: Ep 121]
- Women’s Health and Fertility with Bridget Danner & Mindful Eating Lessons [BIO Podcast: Ep 41]
With love and gratitude,
I’ve started taking Bubby to petting zoos and centers for recovering injured animals- to foster his growing love and compassion for animals! Sending you love too. xo
Right questions! Thank you! Going to listen again and take notes!