Welcome to the Feel Good Podcast with Kimberly Snyder. Our goal is to help you be your most healthy, confident, beautiful and happy! Our topics focus on health (physical, emotional/mental and spiritual), wellness, holistic nutrition, beauty, meditation, spirituality and personal empowerment.
Feeling Good means we tune in to our bodies and our intuition, including making food and lifestyle choices to feel energized and beautiful, what serves us and what doesn’t, and being in flow along our unique journeys. Feeling good naturally leads to also looking good, in a much more powerful way from glowing skin created from within, a beautifully strong body, radiant energy, and a level of peace and confidence in our perfectly imperfect lives.
Thursday is our community show, where I cover a themed topic and answer four questions that come right from members of our community, just like you! We are here to support you in living your most beautiful, inspired and joyful life.
I’m your host, Kimberly Snyder, founder of Solluna, New York Times best-selling author and nutritionist. I’m so grateful and honored we found each other!
This week’s theme is: Feeling Good For Spring
Have you been wondering about this very topic? If you want to know the answer to this question and 3 more sent in by Beauties just like you, listen now to find out!
Remember you can submit your questions at https://mysolluna.com/askkimberly/
[Questions Answered]
Susie – Portland, Oregon
I’m having such a hard time adjusting to the time change. When I ask my friends how they’re coping, they don’t seem to be as affected. Any suggestions on how to prepare my body for these shifts?
Karen – Atlanta, GA
I’m feeling really self-conscious about having gained weight over the winter season. How can I jump start into losing weight before it’s time to face my swimsuit?
Beth – Lamar, Colorado
Can you share some tips on how to make spring a time for change in our lives?
Kristin – Salome, Arizona
What are some of the best spring foods to incorporate into our daily meal planning, that provide the most energy?
Inspirational Thought Of The Week
Trust the Light that shines within us.
There are lots of ways to share your responses or questions about the podcast:
- Comment below
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- Follow the conversation on my Instagram
- Comment on my Facebook Page
- Ask a question: mysolluna.com/askkimberly
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Want to know what to expect from other episodes of the “Feel Good Podcast with Kimberly Snyder”? My passion is to inspire and empower you to be your most authentic and beautiful self. We offer interviews with top experts, my personal philosophies and experiences, as well as answers to community-based questions, around topics such as health, beauty, nutrition, yoga, spirituality and personal growth. The intention of the Feel Good Podcast is to well…help you really Feel Good in your body, mind and spirit! Feeling Good means feeling peaceful, energized, whole, uniquely beautiful, confident and joyful, right in the midst of your perfectly imperfect life. This podcast is as informative and full of practical tips and take-aways as it is inspirational. I am here to support you in being your very best! Thank you for tuning in :). Love and gratitude. xx
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- Ayurvedic Practices to Help You Feel Your Best with Dr. Jay & Tips to Improve Hair Health!
- The Magic of Morning Rituals
- 11 Beauty Detox Weight Loss Tips!
- 5 Easy and Sustainable Weight Loss Tips
- 4 Great Practices To Incorporate Into Your Spring Cleansing Routine
- Goals and Intent with Mallika Chopra & Best Practices For Spring
- 5 Beauty Boosting Spring Veggies!
- The Best Spring Cleaning for Your Body: NOW is the Time!
- Kimberly Snyder’s 30 Day Roadmap to Healthy Weight Loss (DIGITAL COURSE)
- Probiotics
- Detoxy
- Digestive Enzymes
- Feel Good Starter Kit
- The Beauty Detox Solution
- Beauty Detox Foods
- Detox Power
- Radical Beauty
- Recipes For Your Perfectly Imperfect Life
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