Click above to watch my VLOG – Which Food For Weight Loss? Or, feel free to read the transcript below instead!
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Hi Beauties,
Today the topic of our VLOG is, Which Food For Weight Loss? Understanding what are the best foods that are going to help you lose weight may be top of mind for you. It’s certainly beach season right now. :)
I’m excited to say it’s the beginning of summer. It’s a wonderful time to be outside. And we naturally want to feel lighter. We want to feel fit and confident as we go outside.
Do Weight Loss Supplements Work Better Than Food?
There are countless fad diets and so-called magic pills for losing weight. This is one of the biggest questions I’ve been asked in over a decade of being a nutritionist. It’s very common to wonder what the best foods are.
In fact, a study published by the Journal of American Dietetic Association found that over 15% of all adults used or are currently using some sort of supplement to lose weight. I’ve covered this before in different blogs about raspberry ketones and other topics that have come up over the years.
First of all, I want to say that weight loss supplements, these so-called magic pills, are not a substitute for a healthy diet. We want to lose weight in a healthy, sustainable way. This is because we want to have energy and great skin, and we don’t want to age in an accelerated rate.
Unfortunately, relying on supplements, pills, and diets really acidify our body. They don’t nourish our body in a deep way. We’re not really getting the fullest beauty and potential of being fit, having that glow, and healthiness. We don’t want to just be skinny and look haggard–having dry, withered skin.
Best Foods For Weight Loss
When it comes to weight loss foods, we want to choose foods that are high in fiber, which is a natural form of portion control. It will create bulk in the stomach without heaviness. The fiber will help us to maintain stable blood sugar levels.
Also, there is research showing that protein is a food that is a macronutrient that will help increase our feelings of fullness. If you’re looking for weight loss, those are the two criteria that we can choose foods based on right now.
Another study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that one serving a day of beans, peas, chickpeas or lentils led to a weight loss of over half a pound over the course of six weeks. So we know that protein is really important for building muscle mass and revving up our metabolism.
Avoid Animal Protein For Weight Loss
What we don’t want to do though is to mistakenly believe that we need to get our protein from animal products. These can be very heavy and introduce a whole host of environmental toxins, which bio-accumulate, and we go up the food chain.
It’s also not a great choice for the environment. And it can cause more toxicity in our body, which over time can be quite aging.
Choosing Plant Foods With Fiber For Weight Loss
When we’re choosing foods, we want to choose plant foods that have fiber and a great amino acid profile to build protein in the body. These would be foods such as kale, lentils, pulses, soaked beans, and sprouted seeds and nuts.
What’s really wonderful is having a Power Protein Smoothie or a Glowing Green Smoothie® in the afternoon. Or, make the Dharma’s Kale Salad topped with some hemp seeds and nutritional yeast, which is great for your hair.
These are amazing protein-rich foods which are filling because of the fiber. They digest easily and feed your muscle tone. They give you tons of micronutrients, minerals, and lots of healthy fats.
When we’re looking to lose weight, we don’t want to eat low-fat products. We want healthy fats, which are going to create that balance in our system and not weigh us down. We don’t want to have processed foods with vegetable oils. Things like that can be very inflammatory.
Plant Based Recipes For Weight Loss
Check out some of our recipes. We’ll link to them here, such as the Dharma’s Kale Salad, or our kitcheree, which I think is such a wonderful one-pot meal for dinner. Kitcheree has lentils and loads of cooked veggies.
Again, our Glowing Green Smoothie® and our Power Protein Smoothie are excellent choices. Also, incorporating the combination of raw and cooked. The raw foods are going to have the enzymes along with the fiber and the amino acids to build protein.
Supplementing For Healthy Weight Loss
I think if you’re looking to lose weight, it’s essential that you also check out our Feel Good Digestive Enzymes. These enzymes will help to create more flow in your body and an easier time processing the food so it gets through more efficiently.
Definitely check out Detoxy 2.0, which is an oxygen-based product with ASC2P. This is a form of vitamin C, which is a very healthy way to increase ongoing cleansing. Without having to use laxatives or things that really disrupt the natural functioning, natural rhythms, and the natural peristalsis of our body.
It’s just oxygen and ASC2P vitamin C, which is cleansing without being habit-forming. That little bit of extra cleansing is wonderful for healthy, sustainable weight loss and also giving you that bright, beautiful, clear skin.
In Closing
Check out some of these recipes above and avoid fad diets and fad supplements. You’re going to look great for summer. More importantly, you’re going to feel amazing, have great skin, and have fantastic energy!
I’ve tried so many protein powders over the past 5 years and my digestion is terrible after I’ve consumed them. I tried Whey, pea, brown rice, hemp and I get terribly stomach pains, bloating and wind! I’ve bought the best quality powders in all types and nothing works for me. Is there another way you suggest getting this amount of protein into my smoothie please? I love adding protein powders, but my stomach doesn’t!! Ive purchased many of your books and would really appreciate your opinion on this. Many thanks, Sarah
Hi Sarah and thanks for reaching out to me. While I would love to suggest brands that I trust, it would be best if you scheduled an appointment with a health care practitioner to ensure your body is evaluated and getting the right plant proteins that’s best for you. If you’re having stomach pains, it’s important you are careful with what you choose to incorporate. Be sure to let us know how you do and stay connected with the community for support. Sounds like you have a head start on taking care of your health and just need a little extra something to help with the bloating. Lots of love to you and look forward to hearing your results! xo
Hi Kimberly,
Thank you for everything.
I’ve tried to eat plant based for the past two years and I’ve had tremendous digestive and bloating problems. I just started working with a micro nutritionist and am eating egg whites and veg in the morning and fish and veg for lunch and dinner. I’m doing much better-do you feel some people need fish and can’t digest well a solely plant based diet? Thank you xxxx
Would love to hear your thoughts xxx
Hi! I wanted to know a good plant base vegan protein powder with out Stevia
Hi Diana…I would look around at your health food market and ask which products are void of stevia. There are products out there without stevia (you can google them) but you will have to test them out to see if you like them. I personally don’t mind stevia and the two protein powders I use are Garden of Life and Sun Warrior (both with stevia). Let us know how you do and sending you lots of love! ;)