This week’s topic is: Top Foods For Great Skin
We have been talking about skin for years. I think it stemmed from me having so many skin issues myself, having really bad acne and a lot of patchiness, rosacea. I was feeling like I was looking very haggard and aging very quickly back in my early twenties.
I started to learn on this path, that skin is our largest organ. It very much does reflect our inner health. Not only how we eat and take care of our body, but our emotional and mental health and well-being and our spirituality. All of which are part of our four Solluna Cornerstones, our connection to ourselves. It’s really interesting how we can really start to regenerate our skin in super-powerful ways.
I’m going to tell you some of my top secrets today that I’ve been using myself for years. I’m excited to share with you about this topic because we all want to have great skin, and it’s one of the first things people notice about us.
Have you been wondering about this very topic? If you want to know the answer to this question and 3 more sent in by Beauties just like you, listen now to find out!
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[Questions Answered]
Kathy- Oregon
Since being home a lot more, I am attempting to set up a better skincare routine since I am not going to the spa. Are there any foods that can help dark circles? I get 7-8 hours of rest but I still have these circles?
Alma – CA
I don’t wear makeup very often. Do you have any suggestions on how to encourage a natural glow so I don’t have to rely on products, like bronzers or powdered highlighters?
Mary – Hawaii
Do any foods help prevent skin damage from the sun? or do I have to wear SPF?
Carla – Alabama
Besides avocado’s can you share some other healthy fats to help keep skin youthful and hydrated? Can I use Avocado in a face mask?
Inspirational Thought Of The Week
“Stillness is where creativity and solutions to problems are found.” – Eckhart Tolle
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Want to know what to expect from other episodes of the “Feel Good Podcast with Kimberly Snyder”? My passion is to inspire and empower you to be your most authentic and beautiful self. We offer interviews with top experts, my personal philosophies and experiences, as well as answers to community-based questions around topics such as health, beauty, nutrition, yoga, spirituality and personal growth.
The intention of the Feel Good Podcast is to well…help you really Feel Good in your body, mind and spirit! Feeling Good means feeling peaceful, energized, whole, uniquely beautiful, confident and joyful, right in the midst of your perfectly imperfect life. This podcast is as informative and full of practical tips and take-aways as it is inspirational. I am here to support you in being your very best! I have so much love and gratitude for you. Thank you for tuning in and being part of the community :).
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- 5 Foods for Flawless Skin!
- 5 Beauty Detox Foods For Beautiful Healthy Skin!
- 6 Foods That Will Make Your Face, Skin Look Better
- Probiotics
- Detoxy
- Digestive Enzymes
- Feel Good Starter Kit
- FREE Gift: 7-Day Meditation Series (DIGITAL COURSE)
- Recipes For Your Perfectly Imperfect Life
- Be a part of the community Join the Feel Good Circle
- Kimberly Snyder’s Books
- Four Cornerstones FREE PDF: Text the word: feelgood (833) 744-0079
- Additional resources in transcript
Other Podcasts you may enjoy!:
- Achieving Better Skin from the Inside Out
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Note: The following is the output of transcribing from an audio recording. Although the transcription is largely accurate, in some cases it is incomplete or inaccurate. This is due to inaudible passages or transcription errors. It is posted as an aid, but should not be treated as an authoritative record.
Kimberly : Hey Beauties. Happy Thursday and welcome back to our Q&A Thursday segment, where our topic today is Top Foods for Great Skin. We have been talking about skin for years and years and years. I think it stemmed from me having so many skin issues myself, having really bad acne and a lot of just patchiness, rosacea, feeling like I was looking very haggard. I was aging very, very quickly back in my early twenties. So, as I started to learn on this path that skin is our largest organ. It very much does reflect our inner health, how we eat, back to our cornerstones, how we take care of our body, and also our emotional and mental health, our emotional well-being, mental health, which is our third cornerstone, and our spirituality, our connection to ourselves. It’s really interesting how we can really start to regenerate our skin in super-powerful ways.
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Kimberly : So I’m going to tell you some of my top secrets today that I have been using myself for years. I’m excited to share with you about this topic because we all want to have great skin, and it’s one of the first things people notice about us. But before we dive in, I want to give a quick request. If you haven’t yet left us a review on iTunes, please do. It is a great, great, great way to support the show. If you’ve been putting it off, now’s a great time just to take a moment, go on iTunes. It can be one sentence. I thank you so much in advance. It’s just, as I mentioned, a great way to support the show, to help other Beauties like you find it.
Kimberly : And you can also, while you’re over there, subscribe to the show. That way, you get this positivity and inspiration, new information coming in on a week-by-week basis, which is really great, a great form of self-care and keeping your spirits up, keeping your positivity up, and keeping that flow inward of upward energy, shall we say. We have our amazing community manager/general manager of Solluna, Katelyn. I’m so used to saying Hughes, but Kay just got married a couple of weeks ago or a couple of months ago now. So I’ll just say Katelyn, who has just moved to Virginia. She’s been through a lot of amazing life changes recently. Hey, Kay, how you doing over there now in Virginia? Not New York anymore.
Katelyn: I know. It feels kind of surreal, to be honest. And then leaving at such a turbulent time, I almost felt like a guilt of not being there hunkered down with my family that’s there. So I’ve been dealing with that. But it’s lovely here. I’m obviously going through all of the adjustments, but overall feeling pretty good, so that’s good. I was worried I’d be more homesick, but since we’re all quarantined I don’t feel, I guess, as homesick because we’re just all FaceTiming each other, so I wouldn’t really be out and about as much with my friends like I would have been in New York. So yeah, it’s great.
Katelyn: I thought today this would be a good topic because a lot of people are home, and they’re making their own food. And we had some discussion going on in our groups of just how can we improve our skin by not just what we put on our skin, but what we eat, especially since people are cooking more than ever.
Kimberly : Mm-hmm (affirmative), mm-hmm (affirmative). And I think, Kay, what’s important with what I want to get into here as well is food is a big part of skin health, but so are all of the cornerstones. Body care, topically yes, but also things like sleep and how we move our bodies, making sure that we are detoxifying properly, we’re moving our lymph, that has a huge impact on our skin as well, as does emotional well-being and mental health. We know that research that I found from my last book, Recipes for Your Perfectly Imperfect Life, correlate inflammation, which is one of the primary causes of aging in the body, including in the collagen of the skin, coming from stress-related in the mind. So if we really want to have great skin, we need to look at it holistically. Food, yes, but other parts, yes as well, which we’ll get into in the show.
Question 1: Since being home a lot more, I’m attempting to set up a better skin-care routine since I’m not going to the spa. Are there any good foods that could help my dark circles? I do get about seven to eight hours of rest, but I still have them.
Katelyn: Yeah, that’s super interesting. A lot of times, as it is even with weight loss, people go instantly to food, and there are so many deeper layers. Like, if you’re really stressed you might hold onto weight, or things like that. So this can apply. Just kind of wrapping our heads around that four-cornerstone mindset. So with that, we’ll see what you’re thinking. We can dive into Kathy’s question. Kathy’s living in Oregon. “Since being home a lot more, I’m attempting to set up a better skin-care routine since I’m not going to the spa. Are there any good foods that could help my dark circles? I do get about seven to eight hours of rest, but I still have them.”
Kimberly : Kathy, thank you so much for your question. Sending a big virtual hug out to beautiful Oregon. I think that skin-care routines are really important day to day. It’s the small things that we do on a daily basis that make a huge difference in our appearance and how we feel. Going to the spa is like the icing on the cake. It’s the bonus, but we can’t rely on the spa only to really create beautiful skin. So I think it’s great that you are sleeping well. That’s really, really important.
Kimberly : Let’s take the circle question, under-eye circles, to our cornerstone approach. When it comes to food, our under-eyes do show a lot. It’s very thin skin, so it can show, first of all, electrolyte imbalances. This is one of the primary places where stress shows, adrenal exhaustion, the over-stimulation of our sympathetic nervous system, for instance. I think a lot shows underneath the eyes.
Kimberly : So from a food perspective, let’s break it down there. Make sure you’re drinking the Glowing Green Smoothie®. Make sure that you are still adding in celery, organic celery, when you can. Switching up your greens, using chard. Make sure you’re just putting salt on right before you eat your food. This is a time where a lot of people are eating frozen foods and packaged foods, which has a lot of hidden sodium, and that can start to manifest in circles and puffiness underneath the eyes. So I would just say to… Simple cooking is best. Fresh is best. But one way you can cut back if you are using more convenience foods is when you do cook to just add the salt at the end, and you end up consuming a lot less.
Kimberly : I’ll also say that coconut water is a really wonderful food to help with dark circles because it’s so nourishing and balancing and has so many wonderful minerals and electrolytes as well. It’s a true beauty food, and there’s a lot of great brands out there. I like Harmless Harvest a lot and a million other ones. You want to look for coconut waters that are not from concentrate and have more of that full-bodied natural essence to them as well.
Kimberly : I think cilantro is another really great food. Just when there’s congestion in our bodies, I would say cilantro and turmeric are two foods that come up. We want to cleanse the blood. We want to cleanse the system. There’s tiny little capillaries that lead to your skin that show when there is stagnation and not a great flow of blood. And turmeric, we know, is a blood cleaner. It’s an anti-inflammatory. Cilantro also helps to pull heavy metals that can deposit throughout the body. So when we start to cleanse the system more, it tends to show up in more clear, radiant skin. So those are two foods I also recommend.
Kimberly : Body-wise, it sounds like you’re getting great rest. We also want to boost circulation, so a little bit of home yoga, and make sure you’re still walking in your neighborhood. Even though we’re not getting to gyms right now, these two activities are really great for natural circulation and just getting that overall flow going. So think of your body like a river. We want the whole thing to be flowing like a waterfall. We want everything to be moving, and when that happens, we tend to have less depositing and stagnation, i.e., the dark under-eye circles, one of the effects of that.
Kimberly : Emotionally, stress, how are we dealing with stress, Kathy? Right now, I suggest being off the news largely, batching when you’re on the news, not being on there all day, moderating your alerts, finding ways to connect more with community, as Kay said. I’m FaceTiming and connecting with so many people, I actually feel more connected than ever, in a strange way, because there is so much amazing technology available to us that allows us to connect with our community. So I would encourage you to do that, to stick to your morning routine, to stick to your evening routine, to feel grounded.
Kimberly : And then spiritually, our fourth cornerstone, to make sure that you’re meditating and breathing. It sounds so simple. Sometimes we don’t correlate those things with our skin, but I promise you guys that when you start to ground in, there is a hormonal effect to meditation as well as a psychological effect. When you feel relaxed, the cortisol isn’t pumped as much, these stress hormones. Your sympathetic and your parasympathetic nervous system start to balance. It’s like when you drop your shoulders, that starts to happen internally, and that affects every organ in our body, including our skin.
Kimberly : So this is where journaling, like I said, connecting with community, meditating, these have a very visible physical effect on us. Everything from organ health, just our endocrine system, immune system, nervous system, it just is so interconnected that those are some of the things that I think people don’t realize is intrinsic to skin health. But I promise you guys, it shows up on your face if you’re stressed, if you are worried, if you have a lot of fear right now, which is really natural. But it’s how we deal with it. We want to let it come out. We want to feel it, so it doesn’t get burrowed down deep into us at a cellular level. We want to journal.
Kimberly : We also have the online Solluna Circle program for you guys, which is a great place where I hold this space for you to journal, to go through the different cornerstones with recipes and practices. So that may be something you want to check out right now. We also have our daily Solluna Circle free on Instagram Live every day at noon Pacific time. So sometimes it’s not the obvious solution like just what we’re eating, but how we’re living our whole lives as well that, I think, makes a big difference.
Katelyn: What I really connected to what you were saying there, for me personally right now, is the grounding parts. Being a perfectionist, a recovering perfectionist, lately I’ve struggled with not having control of a lot of things and just being with myself and being like, “Okay, what can I control?” A lot of my girlfriends that I’m texting with and talking to are struggling with this as well.
Katelyn: So I’m sure this is something that can relate to the community of just finding… Or even just going through the four cornerstones in the way you just did it in a lot of areas of life, I feel like, can help bring that grounding feeling, because a lot can just… You can start to go on a tangent, and then it just feels like I have all this anxiety. I know for me I’ve had heightened anxiety, so I think that was great that you brought that up. I just wanted to bring up personally, if anybody’s feeling that way, you can apply that to other areas obviously. That could maybe help during these challenging times.
Kimberly : Exactly. I think this is a time… This is such an unprecedented time, where there is space to take a step back and to reevaluate and to look at things in a different way, and that is one of the gifts of this time. I think we get into our habits. We get into our schedules and our busy lives, and we keep pushing forward and not really having the space or the time to think about what we can shift. And we know if we keep doing things the same way, we get the same often so-so results. But if we want to disrupt the results, if we want to have exponentially, outrageously better results, we need to be open to different ideas and perspectives.
Kimberly : That’s one of my hopes with introducing this four cornerstone approach to you, is that there’s a lot that affects everything. It’s multifactorial. And when we start to open up to that, we will get better results. That’s what happened to me in my life. I was so focused on food for a long time, but once I got that under control, I was like, “Okay, what next?” And you realize that, oh, I was bloated because I was eating all these pretzels and crunchy foods and things like that. So I had to shift my diet. But why was I craving those crunchy foods? And then there’s the emotional part that was like another layer to peel away.
Kimberly : And when I got more comfortable with connecting with myself, it was like that internal sigh where your shoulders drop. I just felt like my gut health shifted and became even more balanced. Now I don’t have to do more… I’m pregnant, so I’m not doing any enemas and things now, but just like a lot less reliance on things that I was doing even when I shifted my diet because it goes deeper and it goes deeper. And then seeing, oh, I actually get stressed, I feel agitated when I do more cardio. For my body type and my personality, I need more yoga and walking, and that calms my system in a deeper way, and I feel really good, and I sleep better. My skin looks better. So anyways, I could go on and on about this, but just with every question here, with every topic here, it’s really taking that wider perspective, and I know it will only benefit you more, beauty.
Question 2: I don’t wear makeup very often. Do you have any suggestions on how to encourage a natural glow, so I don’t need to rely on products like bronzers or powdered highlighters?
Katelyn: Yes. Listening to yourself too, as you’ve mentioned, K, just tuning into ourselves more through the four cornerstones. And I think we can see how this will apply to Alma living in California, and she writes, “I don’t wear makeup very often. Do you have any suggestions on how to encourage a natural glow, so I don’t need to rely on products like bronzers or powdered highlighters?”
Kimberly : A wonderful question. I think that this is again back to our four cornerstone approach. The natural glow that people talk about is light coming through, and it is something that people never used to say about me, Kay, but now people say, “Oh, you have so much light around you.” Right? And if I can do it, you can do it. So I will say number-one food, there’s a reason we call it the Glowing Green Smoothie®. Going back to our foundation of fruits and vegetables, which is so basic, but it’s so true, Mother Nature. When you eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, you are ingesting the earth. You are ingesting the natural food that our bodies were designed to eat, because we have very long, winding GI tracks that were designed to pick up nutrients from the villi all along the way.
Kimberly : So as basic as it sounds, the more plant foods, especially green veggies, that you eat, the more your skin is going to glow. The fiber’s going to cleanse you. You’re going to get all the minerals. You’re going to get all the vitamins. It’s a great time to really load up on GGS as well. It’s great for your immunity. There’s tons of vitamin C. So that’s the number-one practice for glowing skin, I’d say, every day.
Kimberly : Secondly, I would say it’s also what we’re not eating. So as we start to move away from heavier foods like dairy and meat products, animal products are very slow-digesting, we will have more of a glow. So try to replace… If you are eating any animal products, try to have more plant-based dinners and incorporate things like lentils and quinoa and mushrooms with a million recipes over at My Solluna. But I think those are some of the top practices. And then also drinking lemon water every day. More vitamin C is going to really benefit your skin.
Kimberly : Second is body. So here I would say good gut health really reflects in glowing skin. When your gut is functioning properly, you’re going to have better skin. I mean, it’s as simple as that. So make sure you’re taking your SBO probiotics every day, and then also make sure you’re taking Detoxy. That is something I have always consistently taken. I do take it now while I’m pregnant, even though I have shed things like… Largely, colonics and enemas I don’t do any more, well, now when I’m pregnant, but even when I’m not, like very rarely, whereas in the beginning of my journey, I felt way more reliant on them, because the Detoxy is elevating the extraction of toxins from your body on a daily basis in a natural, non-laxative way. So those are important supplements.
Kimberly : And then I would say it’s important to sleep well. If we don’t sleep, it definitely shows up on our skin. So some of these basics that our grandmothers would tell us, but it’s important to sleep. So get into bed. Wear your blue-light-blocking glasses at night if you have some. There’s a great company called DefenderShield that makes them. There’s other brands too. That helps with blue-light stimulation. Have a warm elixir, and those are some great practices there.
Kimberly : And then emotionally, again, when we are holding onto things, we don’t feel as open. And having a glow, there’s something about light coming through, where we feel as open as the sun, and our energy feels open and unrestricted. So I would say processing emotions so we don’t feel stuck and bound up with things is going to also, in a wonderful way, increase the glow of your face and the natural joy that comes through when you have more peace in your life. And the greatest way to achieve that in a sustainable, ever-new way is through meditation.
Kimberly : So believe me when I say meditation makes you more glowing. It is that intangible energy, that peace, joy, love pouring through you. That is the source of light when we connect to source. So even if it’s a short meditation, one minute, three minutes, doing that consistently absolutely will increase your glow. And we have tons of free led meditations for you guys over on the site you can check out, be able to sit with yourself, connect with yourself. I always say, “I think the most beautiful people are the people that are natural and comfortable with themselves.” There’s that openness. There’s that light coming through. So just like what we were talking about online, it’s not just the food that’s important. It’s the body care. It’s this emotional, spiritual side. I think that’s what puts people over the top in being extraordinarily beautiful and glowy. Do you agree, Kay?
Katelyn: Oh, yes. I definitely agree. And what I was going to add to that was, for me, when I look at somebody and they have this radiating energy where you can tell they have good energy, they’re laughing, they’re smiling, like you really feel, versus if somebody’s maybe in a bad place and they’re not smiling a lot. It takes a lot more energy for us to frown than to smile, and just adding in those little effects, but energetically for sure. And it is challenging times right now, so we can’t always be smiling and happy. But meditation really can help you to ground yourself or just bring yourself back to center, to just a middle ground. We may not be over the moon or really depressed, but just at least have yourself be in a place of you can make good decisions or just feel like yourself.
Kimberly : You know what it is, Kay? It’s lightness. It’s having a lighter energy lets more light come through, which is glow, right?
Katelyn: Right.
Kimberly : So like what you’re saying with the meditation, so much of the fear and the heaviness and what’s going on with the economy and is my job safe and will I get sick, blah, blah, blah, that’s very future based, and that creates a lot of heaviness because we can’t deal with something until it’s here. So it just becomes this heavy-energy, fear cloud. So all we can do… The most powerful thing we can do is stay in the present moment, and we feel a lot lighter when we do that. So again, these mini-meditations throughout the day, grounding it in the morning, doing our best. I know it’s a challenging time, for sure, but when we can do our best to pull it back to right here right now, we can feel a lot lighter.
Katelyn: That is true. Just holding on to day by day, minute by minute and not… Like Eckhart and other great teachers tell us, just to be in the now.
Kimberly : That’s right, as much as we can.
Katelyn: If you haven’t read The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle, that was definitely one of the big books for me that changed for me. So you guys could check that out. We are going to take a short break, and then we’ll have Kimberly come back, and she’ll answer the last two questions.
Kimberly : All right, Beauties, we are back from our break, and we have two more questions for you guys on this topic of top practices for great skin, including foods, everything we can do. I’m excited to talk about this because in Solluna we talk about true beauty a lot. I think beauty is a word that we’ve used a lot, and everybody wants to be beautiful. I think it’s a natural desire inside of us, and it’s our birthright. I think everybody’s beautiful in their own unique way. But when we talk about beauty, it’s not just having the same features as everyone else. I start to get a little bit freaked out when I look around in magazines or things and people are starting to look the same, Kay. Like, they’re getting the same lip work, or they’re getting the same fillers and stuff, and they start to look the same. You know what I mean?
Katelyn: Yeah, the current beauty trends right now compared to 10 years ago or five years ago. People try to manipulate themselves.
Kimberly : Exactly. Exactly. That naturalness, that uniqueness is what makes you special. It’s when we connect inside. There’s such a spiritual quality to true beauty. It’s when you are yourself and you’re your authentic voice, and you come out in your strength. So to me, skin reflects that. It’s not just the makeup we use. It’s not just the skin care products we use, although we love good skin care, which is why we have our Feel Good skincare system. No one loves skin care more than me, Kay. I adore it. But it’s also saying, “Hey, it’s how we live, how we… the practices that we set up for our life and also what we eat.” There’s such a depth to beauty that it shows. This glow that Alma was talking about in the last question, it really does show. So I’m not just talking about hypothetically or like a mindset. I’m actually talking about when we apply this lifestyle, we actually physically look different as well as feel amazing.
Question 3: Do any foods help prevent skin damage from the sun, or do I always have to wear SPF?
Katelyn: Yes, for sure. We have a couple more questions here from the community to dig in. I thought Mary‘s question would be good as summer is approaching and we have nicer weather. And she’s living in Hawaii. “Do any foods help prevent skin damage from the sun, or do I always have to wear SPF?”
Kimberly : Mary, thank you so much for your question. I have read about certain foods like broccoli, certain foods that have a lot of high antioxidant, broccoli sprouts, high antioxidant content having a protective effect against sun damage. But I will say that I don’t know how much that translates to the amount of protection that we actually need to prevent sun damage. I say, for me, what I always do, I always wear a big hat and sunglasses. I protect my face and my neck always from the sun because I’m outside a lot. I’m okay having some sunlight on my limbs. And in fact, the research that Deepak and I found in Radical Beauty, which is my fourth book, talks about five to ten minutes on your limbs a couple times a week is really great for vitamin D production.
Kimberly : Now as far as SPF, I would say put it on your face and your neck and the areas you want to protect. Depending on your skin type, just a few minutes after that, you may also want to put it on your limbs. For any sort of prolonged sun exposure, you definitely want to wear an SPF, for sure. So I will say foods can… When we eat the Beauty Detox Solluna lifestyle, we’re getting a lot of vitamins and antioxidants. But on top of that, I think physical protection, hats, sunglasses, a non-chemical sunscreen on your face are still essential.
Kimberly : Now, there’s a brand I like a lot called Suntegrity. There’s another brand that I like and use on Bubby called Babo that is… I think it’s a non… What is it, Kay? Like, non-par whatever, non-particle titanium dioxide, non-chemical based. So there’s some great natural sunscreens out there now. Those are two brands that I like a lot. But I just think that we want to protect our facial skin especially from sun damage. And because you live in Hawaii, so you’re probably getting some pretty strong sun, I think it’s worth it.
Katelyn: Yeah. When I was growing up, I was a sun queen. I always wanted to be tan, and I was like, “I don’t need sunscreen.” In the past five years, I’ve really changed, and every time I’m out working out, I have a hat on or extra sunscreen just to protect because of that long-term effect. So it never hurts to take that extra precaution, for sure.
Kimberly : Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Katelyn: Okay.
Kimberly : Exactly. Get yourself a cute, little hat that you love.
Katelyn: Yeah, like a fun sun hat. I have all my sports hats.
Kimberly : Yeah, like a floppy, wide-brimmed hat. Yeah.
Katelyn: Yeah, whatever feels good for you so that you’ll wear it.
Kimberly : Exactly.
Question 4: Besides avocados, can you share some other healthy fats to help keep skin youthful and hydrated, and can I use avocado in a face mask?
Katelyn: Yeah, because I know for me, I’m like if I don’t like it, I won’t wear it. So find what fits for you taste-wise and go for it, Mary. Okay. So we have one more question from Carla, living in Alabama. “Besides avocados, can you share some other healthy fats to help keep skin youthful and hydrated, and can I use avocado in a face mask?”
Kimberly : Carla, thank you so much for your question. Healthy fat is an important part of great skin. We need to have enough fat for our bodies to be nourished, for our nervous system to function properly, and for healthy skin. When we have a fat-free diet, then we start to look shallow and withered. So avocados are great. Chia seeds are great. Flax seeds, walnuts, any sort of nut and seed. Right now, I’ve been eating a lot of pistachios. Just that felt really good to me. Almonds. I tend to eat whole nuts versus the nut butters because I think that nut butters can get heavy. Sometimes they’re good, but sometimes I feel like… They’re delicate. The oils in the nuts can get rancid quite quickly. So I tend to eat more soaked chia seeds and nuts, avocados. I think coconut oil is wonderful. I do cook with it quite a bit.
Kimberly : And avocado in a face mask, absolutely. There are some face-mask recipes in Radical Beauty. I like to combine avocado with things like raw honey, even some coconut yogurt, sometimes oatmeal. It’s great to put on topically. And I’ll also say topically argan oil, sea buckthorn oil. Really nourishing oils in a skin-care product are fantastic for your skin. We know that they are non-comedogenic. They do not clog your pores, but they go in and really nourish your skin in a deep way.
Kimberly : These are some of the oils, by the way, that we have in our Feel Good moisturizer. You guys have checked it out. It also has a botanical alternative to retinol and plant stem cells. There’s a lot of science, but it’s non-toxic. So you can check that out on our website if you’re interested.
Kimberly : I think using the right moisturizer is really important day to day, and you want to use the right oils. I don’t recommend putting straight coconut oil on your face, just because that sort of straight super-saturated fat can stretch out your pores. So you want to be careful with some of these home products. I would put coconut oil on my body, but again I wouldn’t put it on my face necessarily, right?
Kimberly : But back to this idea of masks, I think home masks are amazing. I think you could combine a fat like avocado with some sort of like mashed mango or pineapple or something that has really potent levels of vitamin C as well and enzymes. You just slice it open and mash it in. That would be really wonderful for your skin as well.
Katelyn: Radical Beauty has a bunch of awesome face masks.
Kimberly : Yeah.
Katelyn: If you guys are home and you’re looking to do a little DIY treatment, most of them have fewer than five ingredients. Most of them you probably have in your house if you follow the lifestyle, so they should be pretty simple. If you want to check those out, now is a nice time. I’ve been trying to do an evening bath routine and been doing some different face masks. So it can be a nice way to relax and unwind at the end of the day.
Kimberly : Mm-hmm (affirmative). Mm-hmm (affirmative). It’s true. Amazing.
Katelyn: Okay, K, so we’re about to end here, but we do love to always hear if you have a quote or inspirational thought on the top of your mind to wrap up the show.
Thought of the Week
Kimberly : I do. I feel like this is a great time to be still, to find some time in your daily schedule that you can allot to tuning inward. This is a time where a lot of people are on their phones all day and also on the internet and also on the news. So I just want to give this quote. Kay, you mentioned Eckhart Tolle, who you and I both love. So here’s a simple thought to end the day, which is, “Stillness is where creativity and solutions to problems are found.” I’ll say it again. “Stillness is where creativity and solutions to problems are found.”
Kimberly : So right now we are… It’s challenging. It’s unsettling. There’s a lot going on, but know that you have so much strength inside of you, so much inner wisdom and resourcefulness. So I encourage you to really connect to that right now. I have friends that have lost their jobs, that have to totally pivot in their careers, that are restructuring a lot, and just there’s a lot of challenges right now, but just remember we’re going to get through this. You’re going to be okay. Go to that inner place. Go to that inner voice and tap into that because there is an infinite reservoir of solutions and creativity inside of you.
Kimberly : So I hope you enjoyed our show today about great skin, and I hope you take some of these tips to heart. I hope you take some time to really improve your self-care practices and your skin practices right now. As always, we love, love, love to hear what you’re thinking and wondering. You can ask us questions all the time. Kay, where do we ask questions? Where do we insert… Where do we get the questions again?
Katelyn: Yes, so we have recently updated our navbar, so you can actually just go over to And at the top, there’s a podcast button, and there’s a dropdown now that says Ask Kimberly. But you can always just go to as well. But we’ve made it a little bit easier for you guys that aren’t tech savvy, that you can just go to the home page. But yeah, we’d love to see your questions and keep things relevant from season to season and month to month to make sure we are answering what you want to hear about.
Kimberly : Amazing. Thank you so much, Kay, for organizing the podcast. Thank you so much, Beauties, for tuning in. We are so grateful for you being part of our community. We are here for you always. Keep the questions coming. Remember, I’m also here for you daily on Instagram, which is @_kimberlysnyder. Noon Pacific standard time, I am live every day now. So I’ll see you here and there in cyberspace. Sending you a huge virtual hug. Take great care of yourself and see you Monday for our next interview podcast.